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On the solvability of a general class of a coupled system of stochastic functional integral equations

Pages 142-148 | Received 05 Apr 2019, Accepted 10 Mar 2020, Published online: 01 Apr 2020


The main objective in this work is to find some weaker conditions that guarantee the existence of continuous solutions of some stochastic coupled systems of the Urysohn–Volterra–Itô–Doob type. The uniqueness of the solution for these systems is investigated as well. It is worth mentioning that the results in this work include many previously published results as special cases.

1. Introduction

Integral equations are considered significant tools in the analysis, and formulation of many phenomena arising in most applied sciences. In other words, integral equations can successfully describe the evolution of many real-world systems, such as systems in quantum mechanics, Newtonian mechanics, electrical engineering, electromagnetic theory, and many other fields, (see e.g. Poljak et al., Citation2018). Also, in ordinary and partial differential equations we can convert several initial and boundary value problems to an equivalent integral equations. At the same time examining coupled systems associated with integral equations is important as well, because such systems model many physical problems, (see e.g. El-Sayed & Al-Fadel, Citation2018; Hashem & El-Sayed, Citation2017; Zhang, Citation2018). Recently, A.M.A. El-Sayed et al. (El-Sayed & Kenawy, Citation2014b) used the fixed point principle, under sufficient conditions, to prove the existence of continuous solutions, (x, y), of the coupled system (1.1) {x(t)=a1(t)+0tf1(t,s,y(ϕ1(s)))ds,t[0,a].y(t)=a2(t)+0tf2(t,s,x(ϕ2(s)))ds,t[0,a].(1.1) where x, and y are real-valued continuous functions defined on [0,a], a<, and endowed with the Chebyshev’s norm. The functions ϕj, j=1,2, are continuous selfmaps on [0,a]. Also, A.M.A. El-Sayed et al. utilized in (El-Sayed & Kenawy, Citation2014a) the same previous technique to study the existence of solution of the coupled system defined by (1.2) {x(t)=a1(t)+01f1(t,s,Jβ1y(s))ds,t[0,1].y(t)=a2(t)+01f2(t,s,Jβ2x(s))ds,t[0,1].(1.2) where 0<βj<1, j=1,2, and Jβj is the Riemann-Liouville fractional order integral operator. The uniqueness of the solution is investigated for EquationEquations (1.1), and Equation(1.2) as well. But due to some unexpected disturbance which may effect the accuracy of the system, we believe that stochastic models give more accurate results than the proposed models in (El-Sayed & Kenawy, Citation2014a, Citation2014b), see for more details (Elborai, Abdou, & Youssef, Citation2013a, Citation2013b; Elborai & Youssef, Citation2019; Klyatskin, Citation2015; Umamaheswari, Balachandran, & Annapoorani, Citation2017, Citation2018). Therefore, our aim in this article is to generalize the deterministic models 1.1, and 1.2 to the stochastic form in a suitable sense. So, we shall study the existence of solutions of the coupled system of stochastic functional integral equations of the Urysohn–Volterra–Itô–Doob type defined by (1.3) {x(t)=h1(t)+0tf1(t,s,y(s),B(s)y(s))ds+0tg1(t,s,y(s),A(s)y(s))dW(s).y(t)=h2(t)+0tf2(t,s,x(s),B(s)x(s))ds+0tg2(t,s,x(s),A(s)x(s))dW(s).(1.3) where tI:=[0,a],a<. The coupled system Equation1.3 will be studied in the space C(I,L2(Ω,F,P))×C(I,L2(Ω,F,P)), which contains all ordered pairs, (x, y), of continuous stochastic processes in the mean square sense which are defined from I into L2(Ω,F,P) and adapted to the proposed filtration {Ft}tI, see the next section for more explanations. The stochastic process W(t) is assumed to be Ft-adapted real continuous martingale. The set {B(t):tI} represents a collection of bounded linear operators defined on C(I,L2(Ω,F,P)) into C(I,L2(Ω,F,P)), while the set {A(t):tI} constitutes a family of closed linear operators defined on C(I,L2(Ω,F,P)) taking values in C(I,L2(Ω,F,P)), see (Elborai & Youssef, Citation2019). The functions hj(t),fj(t), and gj(t), j = 1, 2, are Ft-measurable scalar functions satisfying some proposed conditions will be mentioned in the next section. It is clear that EquationEquations (1.3) are more general than EquationEquations (1.1), and Equation(1.2), see Lemma 2.8 in (Kilbas, Srivastava, & Trujillo, Citation2006). The following sections are organized as follows. Section 2 provides the necessary definitions, and auxiliary theorems. New results are introduced in Section 3. Eventually, a conclusion and suggested future work are presented in Section 4.

2. Definitions and auxiliary results

This section includes some preliminaries which will be utilized to prove our main results. For more explanations, we refer to (Klyatskin, Citation2015; Pavliotis, Citation2014). Let (Ω,F,{Ft}tI,P), where F:=Fa, be a filtered probability space satisfying the usual conditions, where Ω is known as the sample space and contains a collection abstract points ω, F is a sigma-algebra on Ω and includes all possible events which take place through the time interval I, P is a probability measure defined on F. Let L2:=L2(Ω,F,P) be the space of all real stochastic processes {x(t):tI} which have finite second moments (i.e. E{|x(t)|2}<), for all tI. Let the norm on the space L2 be defined as x(t)L2={E(|x(t)|2)}12={Ω|x(t)|2dP}12 for each tI, where the expectation, E, is taken over x(t). Let C:=C(I,L2(Ω,F,P)) be the space of all stochastic processes defined on I, continuous in the mean square sense and adapted to the filtration {Ft}tI. The norm on C is defined as xC=suptI{x(t)L2}. Let X:=C(I,L2(Ω,F,P))×C(I,L2(Ω,F,P))={(x,y):xC, yC}. That is, the space X is the Banach space of all ordered pairs (x, y) of stochastic processes which are defined on I, continuous in the mean square sense, and adapted to the filtration {Ft}tI. Let the space X be equipped with the norm (x,y)X:=xC+yC, (x,y)X.

Definition 2.1

(Pavliotis, Citation2014). Suppose (Ω,F,{Ft}tI,P) is a filtered probability space. Let {x(t)}tI be a continuous real stochastic process adapted to the filtration {Ft}tI. Then {x(t)}tI is called a continuous martingale with respect to the filtration {Ft}tI if

  1. E(|x(t)|)<,  tI.

  2. E(x(t)|Fs)=x(s) almost surely,  st.

Remark 2.1.

In the above definition 2.1 if E(x(t)|Fs)=x(s) is replaced by E(x(t)|Fs)x(s) (E(x(t)|Fs)x(s)) we obtain the definition of submartingale (supermartingale), respectively.

Definition 2.2.

A stochastic process (x, y) is said to be a solution of the stochastic coupled system 1.3 if the process (x,y)C(I,L2(Ω,F,P))×C(I,L2(Ω,F,P)), and satisfies EquationEquations (1.3) almost surely.

Theorem 2.1

(Kreyszig, Citation1978). Let X and Y be two normed spaces. Let T be a linear operator from D(T)X into Y. Then, the operator T is continuous if and only if it is bounded.

Theorem 2.2

(Kreyszig, Citation1978). A linear operator defined from a Banach space X into a Banach space Y is continuous if and only if it is closed.

Theorem 2.3

(Hochstadt, Citation1988). A completely continuous operator T defined on a closed bounded convex subset S in a Banach space X, such that TSS has at least one fixed point in the set S.

3. Main results

Suppose the following coupled system of stochastic functional integral equations. {x(t)=h1(t)+0tf1(t,s,y(s),B(s)y(s))ds+0tg1(t,s,y(s),A(s)y(s))dW(s).y(t)=h2(t)+0tf2(t,s,x(s),B(s)x(s))ds+0tg2(t,s,x(s),A(s)x(s))dW(s). where, the first integral in each equation is the Riemann integral in the mean square sense while the second integral will be studied in the Itô-Doob sense. The stochastic process W(t) is assumed to be Ft-adapted real martingale. The real random functions fj, and gj, j = 1, 2, are defined on I×I×C×C into the space L2 and will be specified in the conditions below. The given random forcing functions hj, j = 1, 2, are defined from I into the space C and called the stochastic perturbing terms. Now, let us propose some sufficient conditions.

H1: Suppose there exists a non-decreasing continuous real function F:IR satisfying E{|W(t2)W(t1)|2}=E{|W(t2)W(t1)|2Ft1}=F(t2)F(t1)  a.s.  t1<t2.

H2: The random functions fj(t,s,x,y), and gj(t,s,x,y), j = 1, 2, are measurable in sI for each (t,x,y)I×C×C, continuous in the mean square with respect to (t, x, y) for each sI.

H3: There exist two real random functions mj, j=1,2, defined on I × I, and four positive constants bj,bj*, j=1,2, such that |fj(t,s,x,y)|2|mj(t,s)|2+bj|x|2+bj*|y|2,   j=1,2.0aE(|mj(t,s)|2)ds<Mj,   0sta, Mj>0, j=1,2. where the symbol E represents the expectation with respect to mj, j=1,2.

H4: There exist two positive constants βj, j = 1, 2, such that |gj(t,s,x,y)|2βj(1+|x|2+|y|2),   0sta.

Now, we define, for each tI, the integral operator T by (3.1) T(x,y)(t):=(T1y(t),T2x(t)).(3.1)

Where, for each tI, the integral operators T1, and T2 are defined by (3.2) T1y(t):=h1(t)+0tf1(t,s,y(s),B(s)y(s))ds+0tg1(t,s,y(s),A(s)y(s))dW(s).T2x(t):=h2(t)+0tf2(t,s,x(s),B(s)x(s))ds+0tg2(t,s,x(s),A(s)x(s))dW(s).(3.2)

Lemma 3.1.

The operator, T, defined by EquationEquation (3.1) has the following properties.

  1.  (x,y)X, we have T(x,y)X (i.e. T maps X into itself).

  2. T is a mean square continuous operator on X.


Clearly, the conditions H1, H3, and H4 guarantee that the functions T1y,T2x are Ft-adapted for each tI, and their second moments are finite, see (Elborai & Youssef, Citation2019), and hence the operator T makes sense. Now, to complete the proof of part (i) in Lemma 3.1, it remains to prove that T(x, y) is continuous in mean square (x,y)X. That is, we need to prove T1yC, and T2xC, tI. Let t1I,t2I, and assume, without loss of generality, that t2>t1. |T1y(t2)T1y(t1)|25|h1(t2)h1(t1)|2+5|0t1[f1(t2,s,y(s),B(s)y(s))f1(t1,s,y(s),B(s)y(s))]ds|2+5|0t1[g1(t2,s,y(s),A(s)y(s))g1(t1,s,y(s),A(s)y(s))]dW(s)|2+5|t1t2f1(t2,s,y(s),B(s)y(s))ds|2+5|t1t2g1(t2,s,y(s),A(s)y(s))dW(s)|2.

From the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, and condition H1 we have E{|T1y(t2)T1y(t1)|2}5E{|h1(t2)h1(t1)|2}+5a0t1E{|f1(t2,s,y(s),B(s)y(s))f1(t1,s,y(s),B(s)y(s))|2}ds+50t1E{|g1(t2,s,y(s),A(s)y(s))g1(t1,s,y(s),A(s)y(s))|2}dF(s)+5(t2t1)t1t2E{|f1(t2,s,y(s),B(s)y(s))|2}ds+5t1t2E{|g1(t2,s,y(s),A(s)y(s))|2}dF(s).

Since hC, so, h1(t2)h1(t1)C0  as  t2t1. Also, from condition H2 the functions f, and g are mean square continuous in t. So, t2t1 implies E{|f1(t2,s,y(s),B(s)y(s))f1(t1,s,y(s),B(s)y(s))|2}0, andE{|g1(t2,s,y(s),A(s)y(s))g1(t1,s,y(s),A(s)y(s))|2}0.

The operators A(t) are bounded on C tI from applying the closed graph theorem. So, there exists a non-negative real constant, γ1, such that A(t)yCγ(t)yCγ1yC, where γ1:=maxtI{γ(t)}. Also, the operators B(t) are bounded on C. Therefore, there exists a non-negative real constant, ξ1, such that B(t)yCξ(t)yCξ1yC, where ξ1:=maxtI{ξ(t)}. Let ζ:=max{ξ1,γ1}. Applying condition H3 yields 5(t2t1)t1t2E{|f1(t2,s,y(s),B(s)y(s))|2}ds5(t2t1)[M1+(b1+b1*ζ2)(t2t1)yC2]0  as t2t1.

Also, applying condition H4, and the continuity of F(t) give 5t1t2E{|g1(t2,s,y(s),A(s)y(s))|2}dF(s)5β1[1+(1+ζ2)yC2](F(t2)F(t1))0  as t2t1.

Consequently, T1y(t2)T1y(t1)C0 as  t2t1, and hence the function T1y is continuous in the mean square sense on I. Using an arguments similar to the one used above, we can prove that T2x(t2)T2x(t1)C0 as  t2t1, that is T2x is also mean square continuous on I. Now we have T(x,y)(t2)T(x,y)(t1)X=(T1y(t2),T2x(t2))(T1y(t1),T2x(t1))X.=(T1y(t2)T1y(t1),T2x(t2)T2x(t1))X.=T1y(t2)T1y(t1)C+T2x(t2)T2x(t1)C.0  as t2t1.

So, T(x, y) is continuous in the mean square sense and thereby T(x,y)X (x,y)X. Therefore, the integral operator T maps the space X into itself. Let (xn,yn)(x,y) in X almost surely, as n, with {(xn,yn)}n=1X. we need to prove T(xn,yn)T(x,y)X, as n, tI, where T(xn,yn)(t)=(T1yn(t),T2xn(t)). That is, we will prove that T1ynT1y in C, and T2xnT2x in C tI. Using an arguments similar to the one used above yields E{|T1yn(t)T1y(t)|2}2a0tE{|f1(t,s,yn(s),B(s)yn(s))f1(t,s,y(s),B(s)y(s))|2}ds+20tE{|g1(t,s,yn(s),A(s)yn(s))g1(t,s,y(s),A(s)y(s))|2}dF(s).

From the continuity of the operators B(t), and A(t) it follows that yny in C implies B(t)ynB(t)y, and A(t)ynA(t)y in C tI. Using conditions H2, H3, H4, the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem and let n yield 0tE{|f1(t,s,yn(s),B(s)yn(s))f1(t,s,y(s),B(s)y(s))|2}ds0.0tE{|g1(t,s,yn(s),A(s)yn(s))g1(t,s,y(s),A(s)y(s))|2}dF(s)0.

Therefore, T1ynT1yC0 as ynyC0 (that is, the operator T1 is continuous on C). By the same way, we can prove that T2xnT2xC0 as xnxC0, and thereby tI we have T(xn,yn)T(x,y)X=(T1yn,T2xn)(T1y,T2x)X.=(T1ynT1y,T2xnT2x)X.=T1ynT1yC+T2xnT2xC.0, as n.

That is, the operator T is continuous on X tI.

Remark 3.1.

In the sequel, let σj:=3βj[F(a)F(0)], and ηj:=3a2[bj+bj*ζ2], j=1, 2.

Now, Let the sets Sr1,Sr2, and Sr be defined as follows Sr1={yC:yCr1, r1:=3h1C2+3aM1+σ11[η1+σ1(1+ζ2)], η1+σ1(1+ζ2)<1}.Sr2={xC:xCr2, r2:=3h2C2+3aM2+σ21[η2+σ2(1+ζ2)], η2+σ2(1+ζ2)<1}.Sr={u=(x,y)X:uXr, r:=r1+r2}.

Theorem 3.1.

Suppose conditions H1H4 are satisfied. Let the operator T:SrX. Then the stochastic coupled system Equation1.3 has at least one solution in Sr.


it is clear that the set Sr is a closed bounded convex nonempty set contained in X. From Lemma 3.1, we deduce that T:SrX is a continuous operator. We suppose the sequence {T(xn,yn)}n=1 whose elements are continuous functions in the set TSr. Let t1I,t2I, and assume, without loss of generality, that t2>t1. Applying similar argument to those used in Lemma 3.1 yields E{|T1yn(t2)T1yn(t1)|2}5E{|h1(t2)h1(t1)|2}+5a0t1E{|f1(t2,s,yn(s),B(s)yn(s))f1(t1,s,yn(s),B(s)yn(s))|2}ds+50t1E{|g1(t2,s,yn(s),A(s)yn(s))g1(t1,s,yn(s),A(s)yn(s))|2}dF(s)+5(t2t1)t1t2E{|f1(t2,s,yn(s),B(s)yn(s))|2}ds+5t1t2E{|g1(t2,s,yn(s),A(s)yn(s))|2}dF(s).0 as t2t1  nN.

Therefore, the sequence {T1yn}n=1 is a mean square equicontinuous. Applying similar arguments we can show that {T2xn}n=1 is, also, a mean square equicontinuous, and thereby we have E{|T(xn,yn)(t2)T(xn,yn)(t1)|2}=E{|(T1yn(t2),T2xn(t2))(T1yn(t1),T2xn(t1))|2}.=E{|(T1yn(t2)T1yn(t1),T2xn(t2)T2xn(t1))|2}.=E{|T1yn(t2)T1yn(t1)|2}+E{|T2xn(t2)T2xn(t1)|2}.0  as t2t1  nN.

So, the sequence {T(xn,yn)}n=1 is a mean square equicontinuous in the set TSr. It is easy to prove that the sequences {T1yn}n=1, and {T2xn}n=1 are uniformly bounded in the mean-square sense, see (Elborai & Youssef, Citation2019). So, the sequence {T(xn,yn)}n=1 is also uniformly bounded in the mean-square sense. From the Arzela Ascoli theorem, we can find a convergent subsequence {T(xnk,ynk)}k=1 in {T(xn,yn)}n=1 whose convergence is uniformly in TSr and thereby the set TSr is compact. The previous discussion shows that the operator T is completely continuous. It is easy to show TSrSr because for every ySr1, we have T1yC23h1C2+3aM1+σ1+[η1+σ1(1+ζ2)]r12.

Substituting r1:=3h1C2+3aM1+σ11[η1+σ1(1+ζ2)] and simplifying yields T1yCr1 for each ySr1. Also, using similar arguments gives T2xCr2 for each xSr2. Now for every (x,y)Sr, we have T(x,y)X=(T1y,T2x)X=T1yC+T2xCr1+r2=r.

So, for each (x,y)Sr, we have T(x,y)Sr, and therefore TSrSr. From the fixed point theorem due to Schauder there exists at least one fixed point for the operator T in the set Sr and hence the coupled system Equation1.3 has at least one solution in Sr. □

Corollary 3.1.1.

Suppose conditions H1H4 are satisfied. Consider the operator T1:Sr1C. Then the stochastic functional integral equation y(t)=h1(t)+0tf1(t,s,y(s),B(s)y(s))ds+0tg1(t,s,y(s),A(s)y(s))dW(s). has at least one solution in Sr1.


The proof follows directly from theorem 3.1 when Sr=Sr1, X = C, T = T1, h1 = h2, f1 = f2, and g1 = g2. □

Corollary 3.1.2.

Suppose conditions H1H3 are satisfied. Let the operator T:SrX. Then the following stochastic coupled system x(t)=h1(t)+0tf1(t,s,y(s),B(s)y(s))ds.y(t)=h2(t)+0tf2(t,s,x(s),B(s)x(s))ds. has at least one solution in Sr.


The proof comes directly from theorem 3.1 when gj = 0, and j = 1, 2. □

Corollary 3.1.3.

Suppose conditions H1, H2, and H4 are satisfied. Let the operator T:SrX. Then the following stochastic coupled system x(t)=h1(t)+0tg1(t,s,y(s),A(s)y(s))dW(s).y(t)=h2(t)+0tg2(t,s,x(s),A(s)x(s))dW(s). has at least one solution in Sr.


The proof comes directly from theorem 3.1 when fj = 0, and j = 1, 2. □

Theorem 3.2.

Suppose conditions H1, H3 and H4 are satisfied. let the operator T:SrX. Let the functions fj and gj, j=1,2, satisfy the following conditions:

H5: There exists two real deterministic functions μj defined on I × I, such that  0sta, xjC,yjC, j=1,2, we have |fj(t,s,x2,y2)fj(t,s,x1,y1)|μj(t,s)(|x2x1|2+|y2y1|2).0a|μj(t,s)|2dsNj,  Nj>0, j=1,2.

H6: There exist two constants ρj>0, j=1,2 such that: |gj(t,s,x2,y2)gj(t,s,x1,y1)|ρj(|x2x1|2+|y2y1|2).  0sta, xjC,yjC, j=1,2.

Then the stochastic system 1.3 has a unique solution in Sr, provided that 0[2aN+2ρ2(F(a)F(0))](1+ζ2)<1.where, ρ:=max{ρ1,ρ2}, N:=max{N1,N2}.


It is obvious the set Sr is a closed subspace of the Banach space X. So, it is also a Banach space. Using an argument similar to those in theorem 3.1 it is easy to show that, TSrSr. Therefore, it remains to show the contraction property of the operator T. Let (x, y) and (x*,y*) belong to the set Sr. Using the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, conditions H5, H6, and taking the supremum over tI gives (3.3) T1y*T1yC[2aN+2ρ2(F(a)F(0))](1+ζ2) y*yC.(3.3) (3.4) T2x*T2xC[2aN+2ρ2(F(a)F(0))](1+ζ2) x*xC.(3.4)

Adding inequalities Equation3.3, Equation3.4 and using the definition of the norm in X gives (T1y*T1y,T2x*T2x)X[2aN+2ρ2(F(a)F(0))](1+ζ2) (x*x,y*y)X. T(x*,y*)T(x,y)X[2aN+2ρ2(F(a)F(0))](1+ζ2) (x*,y*)(x,y)X.

So, T is a contraction operator, and hence has a unique fixed point in Sr from applying the Banach fixed point theorem. Therefore, the stochastic coupled system Equation1.3 has a unique solution in Sr. □

Corollary 3.2.1.

Suppose conditions H1, and H3H6 are satisfied. Define an operator T1:Sr1C. Then the stochastic functional integral equation y(t)=h1(t)+0tf1(t,s,y(s),B(s)y(s))ds+0tg1(t,s,y(s),A(s)y(s))dW(s). has a unique solution in Sr1. provided that 0[2aN1+2ρ12(F(a)F(0))](1+ζ2)<1.


The proof follows directly from theorem 3.2 when Sr=Sr1, X = C, T = T1, h1 = h2, f1 = f2, and g1 = g2. □

Corollary 3.2.2.

Suppose conditions H1, H3, and H5 are satisfied. Assume the operator T:SrX. Then the following stochastic coupled system x(t)=h1(t)+0tf1(t,s,y(s),B(s)y(s))ds.y(t)=h2(t)+0tf2(t,s,x(s),B(s)x(s))ds. has a unique solution in Sr. Provided that 02aN(1+ζ2)<1,   where, N:=max{N1,N2}.


The proof comes directly from theorem 3.2 when gj=0, j=1,2.

Corollary 3.2.3.

Suppose conditions H1, H4, and H6 are satisfied. Let the operator T:SrX. Then the following stochastic coupled system x(t)=h1(t)+0tg1(t,s,y(s),A(s)y(s))dW(s).y(t)=h2(t)+0tg2(t,s,x(s),A(s)x(s))dW(s). has a unique solution in Sr. Provided that 02ρ2(F(a)F(0))(1+ζ2)<1,   where, ρ:=max{ρ1,ρ2}.


The proof comes directly from theorem 3.2 when fj=0, j=1,2.

4. Conclusion

We have derived some new results on the existence, and uniqueness of continuous solution of a general class of stochastic coupled systems of the Urysohn–Volterra–Itô–Doob type. The main techniques which we used are the fixed point principle, the Carathèodory conditions, and the stochastic analysis due to Itô and Doob. We believe that our results are important in their own right. Our results offer a generalization to the results developed by A.M.A. El-Sayed et al. in (El-Sayed & Kenawy, Citation2014a, Citation2014b). In the future, many models can be investigated, such as fractal integral systems (Volterra or Fredholm) with more concentration on the singular types (He, Citation2020).

Author’s contributions

M. I. Youssef conceived this research, wrote the paper, and revised it.


twitter: @MIYoussef283

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We would like to thank the anonymous referees for their valuable comments which improved the current work so much.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in the article.


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