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On the existence of solutions of some non-linear functional integral equations in Banach algebra with applications

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Pages 279-286 | Received 13 Mar 2020, Accepted 05 Jul 2020, Published online: 22 Jul 2020


In this article, we establish some results for the existence of solution of nonlinear functional integral equations by using Darbo’s fixed point theorem in Banach algebra. As an application, we discuss some examples of nonlinear functional integral equations and existence of solutions.

MSC 2020:

1. Introduction

Integral equations are an important branch of mathematical analysis, science and equations of such types are applicable in many physical problems such as in the vehicular traffic, the biology, control theory and mathematical physics(see Abdou, Citation2003; Argyros, Citation1985; Corduneanu, Citation1990; Deimling, Citation1985). Recently the theory of FIE and various kind of functional differential equations are developed effectively and emerged in the field of analysis, engineering, applied mathematics, and nonlinear functional analysis (see Aghajani et al., Citation2014; Arab, Citation2016; Cabada et al., Citation2018; Deepmala, Citation2013a; Roshan, Citation2017; Tunç, Citation2010a;Tunç Citation2010b; Tunç, Citation2016; Tunç, Citation2020; Tunç and Golmankhaneh, Citation2020; Tunç and Tunç, Citation2018a; Tunç and Tunç, Citation2018b; Tunç and Tunç, Citation2018c; Tunç and Tunç, Citation2019; Tunç, Citation2020 and references therein). In this article, we prove the existence of solution of the following generalized FIE: (1) y(ζ)=(f(ζ,y(ζ),y(θ(ζ))+F(ζ,0ζr(ζ,s,y(ϕ(s))ds,0ζu(ζ,s,y(a(s))ds,y(d(ζ))))×L(ζ,0bp(ζ,s,y(c(s))ds,0bq(ζ,s,y(ξ(s))ds,y(η(ζ))),(1) for ζ[0,b].

The FIE (Equation1) consists of many special types of FIEs, those are very useful in real-world problems of physics, biology, differential equations, etc. Here, our aim to examine the difficulty of the existence of the solutions of FIE (Equation1) using the techniques of MNC and Darbo’s fixed point theorem in [0, b]. Many authors have taken out some successful attempts to solve many FIE by utilizing Darbo’s condition which is an important tool to study these equations (Aghajani et al., Citation2014; Banaś and Sadarangani, Citation2003; Deepmala, Citation2013a; Deepmala, Citation2013b; Maleknejad et al., Citation2008; Maleknejad et al., Citation2009a).

Recently, there are some developments in the field of the travelling wave solutions as well as its applications, so it will enhance the readability and comprehension of the manuscript (for details, see (Chen et al., Citation2019; Dai et al., Citation2019; Dai et al., Citation2020; Wang et al., Citation2018) and references therein).

2. Preliminaries

Throughout this entire paper, we use the following assumptions:

  • M: Real Banach space;

  • ||.||: norm on a Banach space;

  • B(y0,σ): closed ball having y0 as a center with radius σ;

  • coZ: convex hull of a set Z;

  • coZ¯: closed convex hull of a set Z;

  • EM: set of all bounded subsets of a space M;

  • NM: set of all relatively compact subsets of a space M;

Definition 2.1

(Banas and Goebel, Citation1980). Assume YEM and μ(Y)=inf{ϵ>0:Y=j=1nYj with diamYjϵ,j=1,2,,n}, where diam Y=sup{||αβ||:α,βY}.

Hence, 0μ(Y)<, where μ(Y) is called the Kuratowski MNC.

Theorem 2.1.

Assume Y,ZEM and λR. Then,

  1. μ(Y)=0 if and only if YNM;

  2. YZ μ(Y)μ(Z);

  3. μ(Y¯)=μ(ConvY)=μ(Y);

  4. μ(YZ)=max{μ(Y),μ(Z)};

  5. μ(λY)=|λ|μ(Y), where λY={λy:yY};

  6. μ(Y+Z)μ(Y)+μ(Z), where Y+Z={y+z:yY,zZ};

  7. |μ(Y)μ(Z)|2d(Y,Z), where d(Y,Z) denotes the Hausdorff metric of Y and Z, i.e. d(Y,Z)=max{supzZd(z,Y),supyYd(y,Z)},

here d(.) is the distance from an element M to a set of M.

Theorem 2.2

(Banas and Goebel, Citation1980). Let G be a nonempty, bounded, closed and convex subset of M and let D:GG be continuous mapping such that there exists a constant k˜(0,1), with μ(DY)k˜μ(Y) for any subset of Y of G. Then D has a fixed point in G.

Now, we discuss on C[0,b], which contains set of all real continuous functions defined on the interval [0,b] with the standard norm ||y||=sup{|y(ζ)|:ζ[0,b]}.

Clearly, C[0,b] has also the structure of Banach algebra. Now, we will focus on a regular MNC defined in Banas and Lecko (Citation2002). We fix a set YMC[0,b]. For yY and given ϵ>0 denote by ω(y,ϵ) the modulus of continuity of y, i.e., ω(y,ϵ)=sup{|y(ζ)y(ζ1)|:ζ,ζ1[0,b],|ζζ1|ϵ}.

Further, ω(Y,ϵ)=sup{ω(y,ϵ):yY}, ω0(Y)=limϵ0ω(Y,ϵ).

Thus ω0(Y) is a regular MNC in C[0,b].

Theorem 2.3

(Banas and Lecko, Citation2002). Suppose that G is a bounded, convex and closed subset of C[0,b] and Q, H be the operators which transform continuously the set G into C[0,b] such that Q(G) and H(G) are bounded. Again, the operator D=Q.H transforms G into itself. If the operators Q and H satisfy the Darbo’s condition on the set G with the constants D1 and D2, respectively, then the operator D satisfies the Darbo’s condition on G with the constant ||Q(G)||D2+||H(G)||D1.

If ||Q(G)||D2+||H(G)||D1<1, then D will be called contraction with respect to the measure ω0 and has a fixed point in the set G.

3. Main result

Now, we will analyze the solvability of the FIE (Equation1) under the following assumptions:

(B1) f:[0,b]×R×RR and F,L:[0,b]×R×R×RR are continuous functions and the constants φ and ψ0 such that |f(ζ,0,0)|φ, |F(ζ,0,0,0)|ψ, |L(ζ,0,0,0)|ψ.

(B2) There exists the continuous functions di(i=1,2,..,8):[0,b][0,b] such that |f(ζ,y1,y2)f(ζ,z1,z2)|d1(ζ)|y1z1|+d2(ζ)|y2z2|, |F(ζ,y1,z1,y2)F(ζ,y3,z2,y4)|d3(ζ)|y1y3|+d4(ζ)|z1z2|+d5(ζ)|y2y4|, |L(ζ,y1,z1,y2)L(ζ,y3,z2,y4)|d6(ζ)|y1y3|+d7(ζ)|z1z2|+d8(ζ)|y2y4|, for all ζ[0,b] and y1,y2,y3,y4,z1,z2R.

(B3) r=r(ζ,s,y(ϕ(s)),u=u(ζ,s,y(a(s)),p=p(ζ,s,y(c(s)),q=q(ζ,s,y(ξ(s)):[0,b]×[0,b]×RR. Moreover, the functions ϕ,a,c,ξ,d and η convert continuously the interval [0,b] into itself.

(B4) There is a non-negative constant K such that max{di(ξ)}K,forξ[0,b], for i=1,28.

(B5) There are non-negative constants l and m such that |p(ζ,s,y(c(s))|l+m|y|,|q(ζ,s,y(ξ(s))|l+m|y|,|r(ζ,s,y(ϕ(s))|l+m|y|,|s(ζ,s,y(a(s))|l+m|y|, for all ζ, s[0,b] and yR.

(B6) 4γρ<1 for γ=3K+2Kbm and ρ=φ+2Kbl+ψ.

Theorem 3.1.

Under the assumptions (B1)(B6) FIE(1) has at least one solution in M=C[0,b].


Let the operators Q and H be defined on M by the formula: (Qy)(ζ)=f(ζ,y(ζ),y(θ(ζ))+F(ζ,0ζr(ζ,s,y(ϕ(s))ds,0ζs(ζ,s,y(a(s))ds,y(d(ζ))),(Hy)(ζ)=L(ζ,0bp(ζ,s,y(c(s))ds,0bq(ζ,s,y(ξ(s))ds,y(η(ζ))),

for ζ[0,b].

From (B1) and (B3), we see that Q and H transform on M into itself. Now, we put Dy=(Qy)(Hy).

Clearly, D transforms M into itself. Now, fix yM. Then, |(Dy)(ζ)|=|(Qy)(ζ)|.|(Hy)(ζ)|=(|f(ζ,y(ζ),y(θ(ζ)))+F(ζ,0ζr(ζ,s,y(ϕ(s)))ds,0ζu(ζ,s,y(a(s)))ds,y(d(ζ)))|)×|L(ζ,0bp(ζ,s,y(c(s)))ds,0bq(ζ,s,y(ξ(s)))ds,y(η(ζ)))|(|f(ζ,y(ζ),y(θ(ζ)))f(ζ,0,0)|+|f(ζ,0,0)|+|F(ζ,0,0,0)|+|F(ζ,0ζr(ζ,s,y(ϕ(s)))ds,0ζu(ζ,s,y(a(s)))ds,y(d(ζ)))F(ζ,0,0,0)|)×(|L(ζ,0bp(ζ,s,y(c(s)))ds,0bq(ζ,s,y(ξ(s)))ds,y(η(ζ)))L(ζ,0,0,0)|+|L(ζ,0,0,0)|)(d1(ζ)|y(ζ)|+d2(ζ)|y(θ(ζ))|+φ+d3(ζ)0ζ|r(ζ,s,y(ϕ(s)))|dsd4(ζ)0ζ|u(ζ,s,y(a(s)))|ds+d5|(y(d(ζ))|+ψ)×(d6(ζ)0b|p(ζ,s,y(c(s)))|ds+d7(ζ)0b|q(ζ,s,y(ξ(s)))|ds+b8(ζ)|y(η(ζ))|+ψ)(3K||y||+φ+2Kb(l+m||y||)+ψ)×(K||y||+2Kb(l+m||y||)+ψ)((3K+2Kbm)||y||+φ+2Kbl+ψ)2.

Taking γ=3K+2Kbm and ρ=φ+2Kbl+ψ, then we have (2) ||Qy||γ||y||+ρ,(2) (3) ||Hy||γ||y||+ρ,(3) (4) ||Dy||(γ||y||+ρ)2,(4) for yM.

From (Equation4), we reduce the operator D maps the ball BσM into itself for σ1σσ2, where σ1=(12γρ)14γρ2γ2, σ2=(12γρ)+14γρ2γ2.

Also, from the estimates (Equation2) and (Equation3), it follows that (5) ||QBσ||γ σ+ρ,(5) (6) ||HBσ||γ σ+ρ.(6)

Next, we show that Q is continuous on the ball Bσ. To do this, fix ϵ>0 and arbitrary y,zBσ such that ||yz||ϵ. Then, for ζ[0,b], we get

|(Qy)(ζ)(Qz)(ζ)|=|f(ζ,y(ζ),y(θ(ζ)))+F(ζ,0ζr(ζ,s,y(ϕ(s))ds,0ζu(ζ,s,y(a(s))ds,y(d(ζ)))f(ζ,z(ζ),z(θ(ζ))F(ζ,0ζr(ζ,s,z(ϕ(s))ds,0ζu(ζ,s,z(a(s))ds,z(d(ζ)))|d1(ζ)|y(ζ)z(ζ)|+d2(ζ)|y(θ(ζ))z(θ(ζ))|+|F(ζ,0ζr(ζ,s,y(ϕ(s))ds,0ζu(ζ,s,y(a(s))ds,y(d(ζ)))F(ζ,0ζr(ζ,s,y(ϕ(s))ds,0ζu(ζ,s,z(a(s))ds,z(d(ζ)))+F(ζ,0ζr(ζ,s,y(ϕ(s))ds,0ζu(ζ,s,z(a(s))ds,z(d(ζ)))F(ζ,0ζr(ζ,s,z(ϕ(s))ds,0ζu(ζ,s,z(a(s))ds,z(d(ζ)))|d1(ζ)|y(ζ)z(ζ)|+d2(ζ)|y(θ(ζ)z(θ(ζ)|+d4(ζ)0ζ|u(ζ,s,y(a(s))u(ζ,s,z(a(s))|ds+d5(ζ)|y(d(ζ))z(d(ζ))|+d3(ζ)|0ζr(ζ,s,y(ϕ(s))ds0ζr(ζ,s,z(ϕ(s))ds|3K||yz||+Kbω(u,ϵ)+Kbω(r,ϵ)3Kϵ+Kb(ω(u,ϵ)+ω(r,ϵ)), whereω(u,ϵ)=sup{|u(ζ,s,y)u(ζ,s,z)|:ζ,s[0,b];y,z[σ,σ];||yz||ϵ},ω(r,ϵ)=sup{|r(ζ,s,y)r(ζ,s,z)|:ζ,s[0,b];y,z[σ,σ];||yz||ϵ}.

The function r=r(ζ,s,y) and u=u(ζ,s,y) are uniform continuous on the bounded subset [0,b]×[0,b]×[σ,σ], then ω(r,ϵ) and ω(u,ϵ)0 as ϵ0. Thus, Q is continuous on Bσ. Similarly, H is also continuous on Bσ. Hence, D is a continuous operator on Bσ.

Now, we will show that the Q and H satisfy the Darbo’s condition in the ball Bσ. Assume that a non empty subset Z of Bσ and yZ. Let ϵ>0 be fixed and ζ1,ζ2[0,b] such that ζ1ζ2 and ζ1ζ2ϵ. Then, we obtain |(Qy)(ζ2)(Qy)(ζ1)|=|f(ζ2,y(ζ2),y(θ(ζ2))+F(ζ2,0ζ2r(ζ2,s,y(ϕ(s))ds,0ζ2u(ζ2,s,y(a(s))ds,y(d(ζ2)))f(ζ1,y(ζ1),y(θ(ζ1))F(ζ1,0ζ1r(ζ1,s,y(ϕ(s))ds,0ζ1u(ζ1,s,y(a(s))ds,y(d(ζ1)))||f(ζ2,y(ζ2),y(θ(ζ2))f(ζ2,y(ζ1),y(θ(ζ1))|+|f(ζ2,y(ζ1),y(θ(ζ1))f(ζ1,y(ζ1),y(θ(ζ1))|+|F(ξ2,0ξ2r(ξ2,s,y(ϕ(s))ds,0ζ2u(ζ2,s,y(a(s))ds,y(d(ζ2)))F(ζ2,0ζ1r(ζ1,s,y(ϕ(s))ds0ζ1u(ζ1,s,y(a(s))ds,y(d(ζ1)))| +|F(ζ2,0ζ1r(ζ1,s,y(ϕ(s))ds,0ζ1u(ζ1,s,y(a(s))ds,y(d(ζ1)))F(ζ1,0ζ1r(ζ1,s,y(ϕ(s))ds,0ζ1u(ζ1,s,y(a(s))ds,y(d(ζ1)))|d1(ζ)|y(ζ2)y(ζ1)|+d2(ζ)|y(θ(ζ2))y(θ(ζ1))|+ω(f,ϵ)+d3(ζ)|0ζ2r(ζ2,s,y(ϕ(s))dsr(ζ1,s,y(ϕ(s))ds|+d4(ζ)|0ζ2u(ζ2,s,y(a(s))ds0ζ1u(ζ1,s,y(a(s))ds|d5(ζ)|y(d(ζ2)y(d(ζ1))|+ωF(ϵ)Kω(y,ϵ)+Kω(y,ω(θ,ϵ))+ωf(ϵ)+Kω(y,ω(d,ϵ))+ωF(ϵ)+K{0ζ2|r(ζ2,s,y(ϕ(s))r(ζ1,s,y(ϕ(s))|ds+ζ1ζ2|r(ζ2,s,y(ϕ(s))|ds}+K{0ζ2|u(ζ2,s,y(a(s))u(ζ1,s,y(a(s))|ds+ζ1ζ2|u(ζ2,s,y(a(s))|ds}

and (7) ω(Qy,ϵ)Kω(y,ϵ)+Kω(y,ω(θ,ϵ))+ωf(ϵ)+Kω(y,ω(d,ϵ))+ωF(ϵ)+K{ωr(ϵ)b+K1ϵ}+K{ωu(ϵ)b+K1ϵ},(7) where ωf(ϵ,..)=sup{|f(ζ,y1,y2)f(ζ1,y1,y2)|:ζ,ζ1[0,b];|ζζ1|ϵ:y1,y2[σ,σ]},ωr(ϵ,..)=sup{|r(ζ,s,y)r(ζ1,s,y)|:ζ,ζ1[0,b];|ζζ1|ϵ:y[σ,σ]},ωu(ϵ,..)=sup{|u(ζ,s,y)u(ζ1,s,y)|:ζ,ζ1[0,b];|ζζ1|ϵ:y[σ,σ]},ωF(ϵ,..)=sup{|F(ζ,y1,z1,y2)F(ζ1,y1,z1,y2)|:ζ,ζ1[0,b],|ζζ1|ϵ:y1,y2[σ,σ];z1[K1b,K1b]},K1=sup{|r(ζ,s,y)|,|u(ζ,s,y)|:ζ,s[0,b];[σ,σ]}.

In view of our assumptions we deduce that the functions f=f(ζ,y1,y2) and F=F(ζ,y1,z1,y2) are uniform continuous on [0,b]×R×R and [0,b]×R×R×R, respectively and the functions r=r(ζ,s,y) and u=u(ζ,s,y) are uniform continuous on [0,b]×[0,b]×R. Hence, we infer that ωf(ϵ)0,ωr(ϵ)0,ωu(ϵ)0 and ωF(ϵ)0 as ϵ0. Thus, we get (8) ω0(QY)3Kω0(Y).(8)

Similarly, it is obtained that (9) ω0(HY)Kω0(H).(9)

Finally, it follows that D satisfies the Darbo’s condition on Bσ with respect to the measure ω0 with constant (γσ+ρ)3K+(γσ+ρ)K. Now, we have (γσ+ρ)3K+(γσ+ρ)K=4K(γσ+ρ)=4K(γσ1+ρ)=4K(γ((12γρ)14γρ2γ2)+ρ)=4K(114γρ2γ)<1.

Hence, D is a contraction on Bσ with respect to ω0. Consequently, we conclude that the nonlinear FIE (Equation1) has at least one solution in ball Bσ.

4. Applications

Our proposed functional integral equation contains several integral equations, considered by several authors as a special case.

  • If f(ζ,y1,y2)=f(ζ,y1),F(ζ,y1,z,y2)=F(ζ,z,y2) and L(ζ,y1,z,y2)=L(ζ,z,y2), then equation reduces to the following FIE, which was studied in Deepmala and Pathak (2013a). y(ζ)=(f(ζ,y(ζ))+F(ζ,0ζu(ζ,s,y(a(s))ds,y(d(ζ))))×L(ζ,0bq(ζ,ϑ,y(ξ(ϑ)),y(η(ζ))).

  • Taking f(ζ,y1,y2)=f(ζ,y1),F(ζ,y1,z,y2)=F(ζ,z,y2) and L(ζ,y1,z,y2)=1, then FIE(Equation1) is converted into the following form which has been studied in Maleknejad et al. (Citation2009a). y(ζ)=f(ζ,y(ζ))+F(ζ,0ζu(ζ,s,y(s))ds,y(d(ζ))).

  • On putting f(ζ,y1,y2)=0,F(ζ,y1,z,y2)=F(ζ,z,y2) and L(ζ,y1,z,y2)=L(ζ,z,y2), we obtain the following FIE studied in Banaś and Sadarangani (Citation2003) and Maleknejad et al. (Citation2008). y(ζ)=F(ζ,0ζu(ζ,s,y(s))ds,y(d(ζ)))×L(ζ,0bq(ζ,s,y(s))ds,y(η(ζ))).

  • If f(ζ,y1,y2)=f(ζ,y1),F(ζ,y1,z,y2)=z and L(ζ,y1,z,y2)=1, then we get the following FIE studied in Banaś and Rzepka (Citation2003). y(ζ)=f(ζ,y(ζ))+0ζu(ζ,s,y(s))ds.

  • Taking f(ζ,y1,y2)=0,L(ζ,y1,z,y2)=1 and F(ζ,y1,z,y2)=f(ζ,y)z, then FIE (Equation1) has the following form studied in Maleknejad et al. (Citation2009b)). y(ζ)=f(ζ,y(ζ))0ζu(ζ,s,y(s))ds.

  • On putting f(ζ,y1,y2)=0,L(ζ,y1,z,y2)=1 and F(ζ,y1,z,y2)=b(ζ)+z, then, we get following non-linear Volterra integral equation (Corduneanu, Citation1990). y(ζ)=b(ζ)+0ζu(ζ,s,y(s))ds.

  • Taking f(ζ,y1,y2)=0,F(ζ,y1,z,y2)=1 and L(ζ,y1,z,y2)=v(ζ)+z, then we obtain Urysohn integral equation (Corduneanu, Citation1990). y(ζ)=v(ζ)+0bq(ζ,s,y(s))ds.

  • If f(ζ,y1,y2)=0,F(ζ,y1,z,y2)=1,L(ζ,y1,z,y2)=1+yz and q(ζ,y)=ζζ+sϕ(ζ)y,β(ζ)=ζ, then FIE(Equation1) has the following form y(ζ)=1+y(ζ)0bζζ+sϕ(s)y(s)ds.

The above integral equation is the famous quadratic integral equation of Chandrasekhar type (Chandrasekhar, Citation1950).

Example 4.1.

Consider the following non-linear FIE: (10) y(ξ)=[ζ8(1+ζ2)ln(1+|y(1ζ2)|)+ζ17+ζ2arctan(|y(ζ)|)+1130ζ(ζ3+ζsin(1+y(s))+(1+ζ)arctan|y(s)|2+|y(s)|ds)+1150ζ(ζ2(1+ζ2)sinys121+ys12+3ln(1+|ys12|))ds]×[11801(12(1+ζ3siny2(t)1+y2(s)+3ξ arctany2(s))ds+11701(2ζ1+ζ2sin(|1+y(s2)|)+(2+ζ)arctans2(y(s2)1+y(s2))ds],(10) where ξ[0,1].

The FIE (Equation10) is a special case of Equationequation (1). Here f(ζ,y1,y2)=ζ8(1+ζ2)ln(1+|y(1ζ2)|)+ζ17+ζ2arctan(|y(ζ)|),F(ζ,y1,z,1,y2)=113y1+115z1,L(t,y1,z1,y2)=118y1+117z1,r(ζ,s,y)=ζ3+ζsin(1+y(s))+(1+s)arctan|y(s)|2+|y(s)|,u(ζ,s,y)=ζ2(1+ζ2)sinyt121+ys12+3ln(1+|ys12|),p(ζ,s,y)=12(1+ζ3siny2(s)1+y2(s)+3ζ arctany2(s),q(ζ,s,y)=2ζ1+ζ2sin(|1+y(s2)|)+(2+ζ)arctans2(y(s2)1+y(s2).

Now, we show that all the assumptions of Theorem 3.1 are satisfied. It is obvious that d1=116,d2=118,d3=113,d4=115d6=118,d7=117,d5=d8=0. In this case, K=max{116,118,113,115,117,0}=113.

Moreover, it is obvious that |f(ζ,0,0)|=0,|F(ζ,0,0,0)|=0,|L(ζ,0,0,0)|=0,|r(ζ,s,y)|=14+3|y|,|u(ζ,s,y)|=14+3|y|, |p(ζ,s,y)|=14+3|y|,|q(ζ,s,y)|=14+3|y|.

We also have s=ψ=0, l=14,m=3 and b = 1.

Finally, we see that 4ργ=4(3K+2Kbm)(φ+2Kbl+ψ)<1.

Hence, all assumptions (B1) to (B6) are satisfied. The FIE (Equation10) has at least one solution in C[0,1].

5. Conclusion

Integral equations represent an important field in the area of applied mathematics and a powerful tool for modeling diverse problems arising in all areas of scientific research. Our result contains outcome of several research papers as a particular case. These result may be further extended for the developments in the field of the traveling wave solutions as well as its applications (Dhage, Citation1994; Hu et al., Citation1989; Kelly, Citation1982).

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

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The research work of the first author is thankful to the CSIR JRF Fellowship under the Government of India, Program No. 09/1174(0003)/2017-EMR-1, CSIR New Delhi.


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