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Note from the Editor

Note from the Editor

Dear Readers,

Welcome to the latest issue of JSDSE, which is the last one for which I am serving as Editor-in-Chief. I am happy to be handing the reins to Nick Horton, who started to receive new submissions in September (so he has had his hands on the reins for a while now).

This issue includes four general (statistics) articles, two articles on data science education, an article on K-12 statistics education, two Datasets and Stories articles, and one Brief Communication.

I remind you that you can submit a paper under one of the following four categories: General (which includes the health sciences and data science sections), Research in K-12 Statistics Education, Data Sets and Stories, and Brief Communications. All submissions to JSDSE are made through the Scholar One system at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ujse.

You can find past issues, our Aims and Scope document, guidelines for authors, and information about the journal and editorial board at http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ujse20.

As I sign off from editing duties there are many people I must thank: the dedicated, hard-working, and supportive associate editors and section editors who have done most of the JSDSE work during these years; the good people at Taylor & Francis who produce each issue of the journal, particularly Rebecca Corpier; Eric Sampson, who supports JSDSE, and many other journals, as Journals Manager for the American Statistical Association; and most of all Jean Scott, our Editorial Coordinator, who brings good cheer to all that she does in keeping the journal going and who has been a great support for me.

As always, I hope you enjoy reading this issue and I welcome your feedback.

Jeff Witmer