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Pure Mathematics

Structure of an Autometrized Algebra

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Article: 2192856 | Received 25 Jan 2023, Accepted 15 Mar 2023, Published online: 04 May 2023


This paper introduces the concept of subalgebra and discusses some properties of subalgebra. We also examine different types of ideals and how they behave. We also describe some properties of a homomorphism. Finally, we present quotient algebra and discuss isomorphism theorems.

1. Introduction

Swamy (Citation1964b) introduced the notion of an autometrized algebra to obtain a unified theory of the then-known autometrized algebras: Boolean algebras (Blumenthal, Citation1952; Ellis, Citation1951), Brouwerian algebras (Nordhaus & Lapidus, Citation1954), Newman algebras (Roy, Citation1960), autometrized lattices (Nordhaus & Lapidus, Citation1954) and commutative lattice ordered groups or l-groups (Swamy, Citation1964a). Swamy &and Rao (Citation1977), Rachŭnek (Citation1987, Citation1989, Citation1990, Citation1998), Hansen (Citation1994), Kovář (Citation2000), and Chajda & Rachunek (Citation2001) developed the theory of autometrized algebra.

In addition, Subba Rao and Yedlapalli (Citation2018) and Rao et al. (Citation2019, Citation2021) studied the concept of representable autometrized algebra.

In Section 1.1., we recall some definitions and terms (Swamy & Rao, Citation1977; Swamy, Citation1964b). Section 2. introduces the concept of subalgebra and discusses the characteristics of subalgebra. Section 3. discusses different types of ideals and how they behave. We also discuss some properties of a homomorphism. In Section 4., we introduce quotient algebra and discuss isomorphism theorems.

1.1. Preliminaries

In this section, we look at some essential concepts, definitions, and terms that are important in other sections.

Definition 1.1 ([1])

A system A= (A,+,0,,) is called an autometrized algebra if

  1. (A,+,0) is a commutative monoid.

  2. (A,) is a partial ordered set, and is translation invariant, that is, ∀a,b,cA;ab+cb+c.

  3. :A×AA is autometric on A, that is, satisfies metric operation axioms:

(M1) ∀a,bA;ab0 and, ab=0a=b,


(M3) ∀a,b,cA; acab+bc.

Definition 1.2 ([7])

An autometrized algebraA = (A,+,0,,) is called normal if and only if

(i)  aa0∀aA.

(ii)  (a+c)(b+d)(ab)+(cd)∀a,b,c,\breakdA.

(iii)  (ac)(bd)(ab)+(cd)∀a,b,c,\breakdA.

(iv) For any a and b in A, ab∃x0 such that a+x=b.

Definition 1.3 (Citation[7]) Let A=(A,+,0,,) be a system. Then, A is said to be a lattice ordered autometrized algebra (or) autometrized l-algebra if

  1. (A,+,0) is a commutative semigroup with 0.

  2. (A,) is a lattice, and is translation invariant, that is, ∀a,b,cA;


(iii) :A×AA is autometric on A, that is, satisfies metric operation axioms: M1, M2 and M3.

Definition 1.4 ([McKenzie, Citation2018) Let C be a closure operator on the set A. C is said to be algebraic if and only if C(X)={C(Z)|ZXandZisfinite}, for all XA.

Theorem 1.5 ([18])

Let A be a set. Let C:P(A)P(A) be an algebraic closure operator on a set A. Then, the lattice of all C-closed elements (LC) is an algebraic lattice, and the compact elements of LC are exactly the finitely generated closed sets C(X), where X is a finite subset of A. Conversely, every algebraic lattice is isomorphic to the lattice of closed sets for some algebraic closure operator.

Definition 1.6 ([7])

A nonempty subset I of a normal autometrized algebra A = (A,+,0,,) is called an ideal if and only if

  1. a,bI imply a+bI.

  2. aI,bAandb0a0 imply bI.

Definition 1.7 (Citation[10])Let A be an autometrized algebra. Let \MathI(A) be the set of all ideals of A. Let I\MathI(A). Then, I is called a regular ideal in A if I=αΓJα, where Jα\MathI(A) for each αΓ implies I=Jβ for some βΓ. Further regular ideal if and only if prime ideal.

Definition 1.8 (Citation[7]) Let A = (A,+,0,,) and B = (B,+,0,,) be normal autometrized algebras. Let f:AB be a map. Then, f is said to be a homomorphism from A to B if and only if

  1. f(a+b)=f(a)+f(b)∀a,bA,

  2. f(ab)=f(a)f(b)∀a,bA and

  3. abf(a)f(b)∀a,bA.

Definition 1.9 ([7])

Let A = (A,+,0,,) and B = (B,+,0,,) be normal autometrized algebras. Let f:AB be a homomorphism. Then, kerf={xA|f(x)=0} where 0 is the zero element of B.

Definition 1.10 ([7])

Let A be an autometrized algebra. Then, A is said to be semiregular if for any aA, a0a0=a.

2. Subalgebras

This section introduces the definition of subalgebra and discusses some properties of subalgebra.

Definition 2.1

Let A = (A,+,0,,) be autometrized algebra. Let BA. Then, B is said to be a subalgebra of A if;

  1. (B,+,0) is a commutative monoid.

  2. (B,) is a subposet, and is translation invariant, that is, aba+cb+c for any a,b,cB.

  3. |B:B×BB is metric.

Remark 2.2 Any subalgebra of an autometrized algebra is an autometrized algebra.

Definition 2.3

Let A be an autometrized algebra. Then, the set of all subalgebras of A is denoted by Sub(A).

Definition 2.4

Let A be an autometrized algebra. Then, {0} is a subalgebra of A called trivial subalgebra of A and A is itself a subalgebra of A called improper subalgebra. Any other subalgebras of A are called non-trivial proper subalgebras.

Lemma 2.5

In an autometrized algebra A, the intersection of any collection of subalgebras in A is again a subalgebra.



Definition 2.6

Let A be an autometrized algebra. Let XA. Then, smallest subalgebra of A containing X is called the subalgebra generated by X and is denoted by Sg(X). That is; Sg(X)={BSub(A)XB}.

If {Si}iI be a collection of subalgebra of A, then iISi is not a subalgebra of A.The subalgebra iISi generated by the set collection of subalgebra iISi is called the subalgebra generated by the collection of subalgebra {Si}iI. It is easy to show that Sub(A) is a lattice. Since if S1,S2Sub(A), then S1S2, S1S2Sub(A). Generally, if {Si}iI be a family of subalgebra in Sub(A), then


Hence, (Sub(A),,) is a complete lattice.

Example 2.7

Let A={0,a,b,c} with 0a,bc and elements a,b are incomparable. Define and + by the following tables.

So A is an autometrized algebra. Let the set S1={0,a} and S2={0,b}. Clearly S1,S2 are subalgebras of A. Since a+b=c and cS1S2; and hence, S1S2={0,a,b} is not a subalgebra of A. But S1S2={0,a,b,c} is a subalgebra of A.

Definition 2.8

Let A be an autometrized algebra. Let \MathS={Si}iI be a family of subalgebras of A. Then, {Si}iI is said to be a directed family of subalgebras, if for any Si,Sj\MathS there exists Sk\MathS such that Si,Sj are subalgebras of Sk.

Theorem 2.9

Let A be an autometrized algebra. The union of any directed family of subalgebras of A is again a subalgebra of A.


Let \MathS={Si}iI be a directed family of subalgebras of A. Let S=iISi.

To show that S is a subalgebra of A.
  1. To show that (S,+,0) is a commutative monoid. Since 0Si∀iI; imply that 0S.

Let a,bS. Suppose aSi and bSj for some i,jI. Since \MathS is directed; there exists Sk\MathS such that Si,Sj are subalgebras of Sk. Then, a,bSk. Since each Sk are subalgebra; a+bSk. Since SkS; therefore, a+bS.

  • (ii) Since SA; implies (S,) is a subposet and is translation invariant.

  • (iii) Let a,bS. Suppose aSi and bSj for some i,jI. Since \MathS is directed; there exists Sk\MathS such that Si,Sj are subalgebras of Sk. Then, a,bSk. Since each Sk are subalgebra; abSk. Since SkS; therefore, abS. Hence, S is a subalgebra.

Remark 2.10 Let A be an autometrized algebra. Let {Si}iI be a chain of subalgebras. Then, iISi is a subalgebra in A.

Remark 2.11 Let A be an autometrized algebra. Then, Sub(A) is closed under directed unions.

Theorem 2.12

Let A be an autometrized algebra. Suppose A=Sg(X) for XA. For any finite subset Y of X, define Sg(Y) = subalgebra of A generated by Y. Then, \MathS={Sg(Y)YisfinitesubsetofX} is a directed family of subalgebras of A and A={Sg(Y)YisfinitesubsetofX}.


To show that \MathS={Sg(Y)Yisfinite\breaksubsetofX} is a directed family of subalgebras of A.

Let Sg(Y1),Sg(Y2)\MathS where Y1,Y2 are finite subsets of X. Let Y3=Y1Y2. This implies that Y3 is a finite subset of X. Therefore, Sg(Y3)\MathS.

Since Y1,Y2Y3; Sg(Y1),Sg(Y2) are subalgebras of Sg(Y3). Hence, \MathS is a directed family of subalgebras of A. By Theorem 2.9; {Sg(Y)YisfinitesubsetofX} is a subalgebra of A.

To show that A={Sg(Y)YisfinitesubsetofX}.

Since each Sg(Y)A; therefore,

(1) {Sg(Y)YisfinitesubsetofX}A.(1)

Let aX. Let Y={a}. Then, Y is a finite subset of X. This implies that; aSg(Y) and Sg(Y)\MathS. Therefore, a{Sg(Y)|YisfinitesubsetofX}. Thus, X{Sg\break(Y)|YisfinitesubsetofX}. So, Sg(X){Sg(Y)|Yis\breakfinitesubsetofX}. Then,

(2) A{Sg(Y)|YisfinitesubsetofX}.(2)

By Equationequations (1) and (Equation2); A={Sg(Y)|Yisfinite\breaksubsetofX}.

Corollary 2.13

Every autometrized algebra can be written as a union of its directed family of subalgebras.


From the above theorem; take X=A to conclude that every autometrized algebra is the directed union of its finitely generated subalgebras.

Theorem 2.14

Let A be an autometrized algebra. For any X,YA, the following properties hold:

  1. If XY, then Sg(X)Sg(Y).

  2. XSg(X).

  3. Sg2(X)=Sg(X).

  4. SgX={SY|Yisfinite∖breaksubsetofX}


  1. Suppose XY. Since YSg(Y) and XSg(Y); implies that Sg(X)Sg(Y).

  2. Clearly XSg(X).

  3. Sg2(X)=Sg(Sg(X))=Sg(X).

  4. By Theorem 2.12, Sg(X)={S(Y)|Yisfinite\breaksubsetofX}.

Theorem 2.15

Let A be an autometrized algebra. Let P(A) = Power set of A and XA. Define Sg:P(A)P(A) by Sg(X) = subalgebra generated by X. Then, Sg is an algebraic closure operator on A.


By (i), (ii) and (iii) of Theorem 2.14, Sg is a closure operator on A. And again by (iv) of Theorem 2.14; Sg is a closure operator on A.

Remark 2.16 The set of all Sg-closed elements is given by


Theorem 2.17

Let A be an autometrized algebra. Let P(A) = Power set of A and XA. Define Sg:P(A)P(A) by Sg(X) = subalgebra generated by X is a closure operator on A. Then, LSg=Sub(A) is an algebraic lattice.


Clearly, Sg is an algebraic closure operator on A. And Sg(Y) where Y is a finite subset of A is a compact element. By Theorem 2.14, Sg(X)={S(Y)Yisfinite\breaksubsetofX} implies that A is compactly generated. Therefore, LSg=Sub(A) is an algebraic lattice.

Definition 2.18

Let A be an autometrized algebra. Then, A is an algebraically closed set system if and only if A is closed under arbitrary intersections and unions of chains.

Theorem 2.19

Let A be an autometrized algebra. Then, Sub(A) is an algebraically closed set system.


Since Sub(A) is closed under arbitrary intersection by lemma (2.5) and unions of chains by remark (2.11). Hence, Sub(A) is an algebraically closed set system.

3. Ideals and Homomorphism Theorems

In this section, we will discuss the different types of ideals and their behavior. We also discuss some properties of a homomorphism.

Definition 3.1

A nonempty subset I of an autometrized algebra A is called an ideal if and only if

  1. a,bI imply a+bI.

  2. aI,bAandb0a0 imply bI.

Definition 3.2

Let A be an autometrized algebra. Let M be an ideal of A. M is called maximal if and only if whenever J is an ideal such that MJA, then either M=J or J=A.

Theorem 3.3

Let A be an autometrized algebra. Let M be an ideal of A. If M is a maximal ideal, then M is a prime ideal.


To show that M is a prime ideal. Suppose M is a maximal ideal. We know that regular ideal if and only if prime ideal.

To show that M is regular ideal.

Suppose M=αΓJα. Therefore, MJααΓ. Since M is maximal ideal; M=JααΓ. Thus, M is regular. Hence, M is prime.

Example 3.4

Let A={0,a,b,c} with 0abc. Define and + by the following tables.

It is clear to show that A is an autometrized algebra. Here {0,a} and {0,a,b} are ideals of A. Clearly {0,a,b} is a maximal ideal of A. But {0,a} is prime but not maximal.

Definition 3.5

Let A be an autometrized algebra. Then, radical of A is the set Rad(A)={M|MisaidealofA}.

Theorem 3.6

Let A be an autometrized algebra. Let P be a prime ideal of A. Let M1,,Mk are maximal ideals. Assume that i=1kMi={0}. Then, P=Mi for some i.


We know that i=1kMi={0}P. So, M1P or i=2kMi={0}P. Therefore, MiP for some i by induction on k. Since Mi is maximal; and hence, P=Mi for some i.

Definition 3.7

Let A be an autometrized algebra. An ideal I of A is called a strong ideal if

  1. aIaI=I and

  2. aI=bIabI for a,bA.

Remark 3.8 Here aIaI=I and aI=bIabI are not true for any ideal of A. Consider the following examples.

Example 3.9

Let A={0,a,b,c,d,e} with 0abcde. Define + and by the following tables.

Clearly, A is an autometrized algebra and I={0,a,b} is an ideal of A. So, 0I=I; aI={a,0} and bI=I. We see that aI but aII. Thus, I is not a strong ideal.

Example 3.10

Let A={0,a,b,c} with 0a,bc and elements a,b are incomparable. Define and + by the following tables.

Clearly, A is an autometrized algebra. Here {0,a} is an ideal of A, which is a strong ideal.

Definition 3.11

Let A be an autometrized algebra. Let \MathI(A) be the set of all ideals of A. Let I,J∖MathIA. Then,

(i) the sum of I and J, denoted I+J, is the set


(ii) the distance of I and J, denoted IJ, is the set


Theorem 3.12

Let A be an autometrized algebra and I,J\MathI(A).

  1. If I+J is an ideal, then I+J=(IJ).

  2. If A is semiregular and IJ is an ideal, then IJ=(IJ).


  1. Suppose that I+J is an ideal. We know that I,JI+J. So, IJI+J. Therefore, (IJ)I+J. Conversely, we know that I,J(IJ). Therefore, I+J(IJ). Hence, I+J=(IJ)

  2. Suppose that IJ is an ideal. Let aI. Then, a0IJ. Since A is semiregular aIJ. This implies that IIJ. Similarly, JIJ. Therefore, I,JIJ. So, IJIJ. Therefore, (IJ)IJ. Conversely, we know that I,J(IJ). Therefore, IJ(IJ). Hence, IJ=(IJ).

Remark 3.13 Let A be a semiregular autometrized algebra. By Theorem 3.12; if I+J and IJ are ideals, then I+J=IJ.

Definition 3.14

An autometrized algebra(A,+,0,,) is called monoid if and only if

  1. a(bc)=(ab)c∀a,b,cA.[Associative]

  2. a0=a∀aA.[Identity]

Then, we say that A is a monoid autometrized algebra.

Example 3.15

In Example 2.7, it is easily to show that is associative and 0 is identity with respect to . Therefore, A is a monoid autometrized algebra.

Theorem 3.16

Let A be a monoid autometrized algebra. Then, every ideal of A is strong.

Proof.(i) Let I is an ideal of A. To show that aIaI=I

Suppose aI. To show that aI=I. Let axaI where xI. Since a,xI and A is monoid; we get ax=(ax)0(a0+x0)=(a0+x0)0. Therefore, axI. Thus, aII.

Conversely, let xI. So, axI. We know that a,axI. Clearly, a(ax)aI. Since A is associative; a(ax)=(aa)x=0x. Again A is monod; implies a(ax)=x. As a result, xaI. Therefore, IaI. Hence, aI=I.

Now to show aI=IaI. Suppose aI=I. To show that aI. Let xI. This implies that x=ay for some yI. Therefore, y,ayI. Clearly, (ay)yI. Since A is monoid; (ay)y=(yy)a=0a=a. Hence, aI.

(ii) To show that aI=bIabI.

Let abI. Clearly, (ab)I=I by (i). So, (ab)x=y for some x,yI. Therefore,


Hence, aI=bI.

Conversely, suppose aI=bI. Therefore, ax=by for some x,yI. Therefore,


Therefore, (ab)I=I. Hence, abI by (i).

Definition 3.17

Let A be an autometrized algebra. A strong ideal I of A is called a distant ideal if there exists a strong ideal J of A such that IJ=A and IJ={0}. The set of all distant ideals of A is denoted by Dis(A).

If A is a monoid autometrized algebra, then {0},\breakADis(A).

Theorem 3.18

Let A be an autometrized l-algebra. Let P,I∖MathIA and PI. If P is prime, then I is prime.


Let a,bA. Suppose ab=0. To show that either aI or bI. Since 0P;abP. Since P is prime; either aP or bP. Since PI; either aI or bI.

Definition 3.19

Let A and B be autometrized algebras. Let f:AB be a map. Then, f is said to be a homomorphism from A to B if and only if

(i) f(a+b)=f(a)+f(b)∀a,bA,

(ii) f(ab)=f(a)f(b)∀a,bAand

(iii) abf(a)f(b)∀a,bA.

A homomorphism f:AB is called

  1. an epimorphism if and only if f is onto.

  2. a monomorphism (embedding) if and only if f is one-to-one.

  3. an isomorphism if and only if f is a bijection.

Definition 3.20

Let A and B be autometrized algebras. Let f:AB be a map. If abf(a)f(b),bA, then f is said to be an order-embedding of A into B. That is; f is both order-preserving and order-reversing.

Remark 3.21 If f is an order-embedding of A into B, then f is necessary injective. Since f(a)=f(b) implies ab and ba and in turn a=b according to antisymmetry of .

Definition 3.22

Let A and B be autometrized algebras. Let f:AB be a homomorphism. Then, kerf={xA|f(x)=0ˉ} where 0ˉ is the zero element of B.

Clearly, f is one-to-one if and only if kerf={0}.

Theorem 3.23

Let A,B be autometrized algebras. Let f:AB be a homomorphism. Let J be an ideal of B. Then, N=f1(J)={aA|f(a)J} is an ideal of A.


To show that N=f1(J)={aA|f(a)J} is an ideal of A.

Let a,bN=f1(J). Therefore, f(a),f(b)J. Since J is an ideal; f(a)+f(b)J. Then f(a+b)J. And thus, a+bN=f1(J).

Let aN and xA. Therefore, f(a)J. Suppose x0a0. Since f is a homomorphism; f(x0)(a0) and implies f(x)f(0)f(a)f(0). Clearly, f(x)0f(a)0. Since J is ideal; implies that f(x)J. Therefore, xN. Hence, N=f1(J)=\break{aA|f(a)J} is an ideal of A.

Theorem 3.24

Let A,B be autometrized algebras. Let f:AB be an epimorphism and order-reversing. Let I be an ideal of A. Then, L=f(I)={f(a)B|aI} is an ideal of B.


To show that L=f(I)={f(a)B|aI} is an ideal of A.

Let x,yL. Therefore, there exists a,bA such that x=f(a),y=f(b). Clearly, a,bI. Since I is ideal; a+bI. Now consider x+y=f(a)+f(b)=(a+b). Then, f(a+b)L. And thus, x+yL.

Let xL and zB. Since f is an onto; there exists a,cA such that x=f(a),z=f(c). Clearly, aI. Suppose z0x0. Therefore, f(c)0f(a)0. Since f is homomorphism; f(c0)f(a0). Since f is an order-reversing; c0a0. Since I is ideal; implies that cI. Therefore, f(c)=zL. Hence, L=f(I)={f(a)B|aI} is an ideal of A.

Theorem 3.25

Let A and B be autometrized algebras. Let XA and A=Sg(X). If f:AB and g:AB are homomorphisms and f(x)=g(x)∀xX. Then, f=g.


Let C={xAf(x)=g(x)}. Clearly, XCA.

To show that C is a subalgebra of A.

Let a,bC. Therefore, f(a)=g(a) and f(b)=g(b). Consider


Therefore, a+bC.

Since CA; clearly (C,) is a subposet and is translation invariant.

Let a,bC. Therefore, f(a)=g(a) and f(b)=g(b). Consider


Therefore, abC.

Therefore, C is a subalgebra of A. Since XC; Sg(X)C. So, AC. Therefore, A=C. As result, f(x)=g(x)∀xA. Hence, f=g.

Theorem 3.26

Let A, B and C be autometrized algebras. Let f : A → B and g : B → C be homomorphisms. Then, g ◦ f : A → C is also a homomorphism.


Let , a,bA.

(i) Consider

g f (a + b) = g(f (a + b)).

= g(f (a) + f (b)).[Since f is a homomorphism]

= g(f (a)) + g(f (b)).[Since g is a homomorphism]

= g f (a) + g f (b).

(ii) Consider

g f (a b) = g(f (a b)).

= g(f (a) f (b)). [Since f is a homomorphism]; = g(f (a)) g(f (b)). [Since g is a homomorphism]; =gof(a)gof(b).

(iii) Suppose ab. Then,




Hence, abgf(a)gf(b).Therefore, g f is a homomorphism.

Theorem 3.27

Let A and B be autometrized algebras and f:AB be a homomorphism. Then, S is a subalgebra of Af(S) is a subalgebra of B.


Suppose S is a subalgebra of A. To show that f(S) is a subalgebra of B. Let a,bf(S). Therefore, a=f(s) and b=f(t) for s,tS.

(i) Since f is a homomorphism; a + b = f (s) + f (t) = f (s + t). Since S is a subalgebra; s,tSs+tS. Thus, a+bf(S).(ii) Since f(S)B; implies (f(S),) is a subposet and is translation invariant.

(iii) Since f is a homomorphism; ab=fsft\break=fst. Since S is a subalgebra; s,tSstS. Thus, abfS.

Hence, f(S) is a subalgebra of B.

Theorem 3.28

Let A and B be autometrized algebras and f:AB be a homomorphism. Then, S is a subalgebra of Bf1(S) is a subalgebra of A.


Suppose S is a subalgebra of B. To show that f1(S) is a subalgebra of A. Let a,bf1(S). Therefore, f(a),f(b)S.

  1. Since S is a subalgebra of B; f(a)+f(b)\break=f(a+b)S. Therefore, a+bf1(S).

  2. Since (f1(S)A; implies (f1(S),)isa subposet and is translation invariant.

  3. Since S is a subalgebra of B; f(a)f(b)\break=f(ab)S. Therefore, abf1(S).

Hence, f1(S) is a subalgebra of A.

Theorem 3.29 Let A and B be autometrized algebras. Let f:AB be a homomorphism. Then, f(Sg(X))=\breakSg(f(X)) for any XA.


Since XSg(X); implies that f(X)f(Sg(X)). Again since Sg(X) is a subalgebra of A and by Theorem 3.27 f(Sg(X)) is a subalgebra; implies Sg(f(X))f(Sg(X)).

Conversely, let aX. This implies that f(a)f(X). Clearly, aSg(X) and f(a)Sg(f(X)). Therefore, f(a)f(Sg(X)) implies that f(a)Sg(f(X)). Hence, f(Sg(X))Sg(f(X)). Thus, f(Sg(X))=Sg(f(X)).

Definition 3.30

Let A,B,C be autometrized algebras. Let f:BA and g:CA be homomorphisms. Then, f is said to be an extension homomorphism of g(denoted by f/C=g) if

  1. C is subalgebra of B.

  2. f(x)=g(x)∀xC.

Definition 3.31

Let A,{Bi}iI be autometrized algebras. Let fi:BiA be homomorphisms. Then, {fi}iI is said to be a directed family of homomorphism if for any fi,fj there exists fk which is a common extension of fi,fj. That is, fk/Bi=fi and fk/Bj=fj.

Theorem 3.32

Let A be an autometrized algebra. Any directed family of homomorphisms that maps into A (A- valued homomorphisms) has a common extension.


Let fi:BiA be homomorphism. Suppose {fi}iI is a directed family.

To show that \MathB={Bi}iI is a directed family of autometrized algebras.

Let Bi,Bj\MathB. We have fi:BiA, fj:BjA are homomorphisms. Therefore, there exists fk:BkA such that fk/Bi=fi and fk/Bj=fj. So, Bi,Bj are subalgebras of Bk and Bk\MathB. Whence, \MathB is a directed family. By Theorem 2.9; B=iI{Bi} is an autometrized algebra.

Define a map f:BA by f/Bi=fi∀iI. Clearly, f is well defined.

To show that f is a homomorphism.

Let a,bB=iI{Bi}. Say aBi and bBj. Then, there exists Bk such that Bi,BjBk. Therefore, a,bBk.

(i) Consider


(ii) Consider


(iii) Suppose ab. Since fk is a homomorphism; fk(a)fk(b). Since a,bBk; implies that f(a)\breakf(b).

Hence, f is a homomorphism. Since f/Bi=fi∀iI; f is a common extension homomorphism of {fi}iI.

Definition 3.33

Let A and B be autometrized l-algebras. Let f:AB be a map. Then, f is said to be a homomorphism from A to B if and only if

  1. f(a+b)=f(a)+f(b)∀a,bA,

  2. f(ab)=f(a)f(b)∀a,bA,

  3. f(ab)=f(a)f(b)∀a,bA, and

  4. f(ab)=f(a)f(b)∀a,bA.

Theorem 3.34

Let A,B be autometrized l-algebras. Let f:AB be a homomorphism. Let J be a prime ideal of B. Then, N=f1(J)={aA|f(a)J} is a prime ideal of A.


By Theorem 3.23; N is an ideal. To show that N is prime. Let a,bA. Suppose ab=0.

To show that either aN or bN.

Since ab=0 and f is a homomorphism; f(ab)=0 and implies that f(a)f(b)=0. Since J is an ideal; f(a)f(b)=0J. Also J is a prime ideal; either f(a)J or f(b)J. Therefore, either aN or bN. Hence, N=f1(J)={aA|f(a)J} is a prime ideal of A.

Theorem 3.35

Let A,B be autometrized l-algebras. Let f:AB be an epimorphism and order-reversing. Let I be a prime ideal of A. Then, L=f(I)={f(a)B|aI} is a prime ideal of B.


By Theorem 3.24; L is an ideal. To show that L is prime.

Let x,yB. Since f is an onto; there exists a,bA such that x=f(a),y=f(b). Suppose xy=0. Therefore, f(a)f(b)=0.

To show that either f(a)L or f(b)L.

Since f(a)f(b)=0 and f is a homomorphism; f(ab)=0. Since L is an ideal; implies that f(ab)=0L. Therefore, abI. Since I is prime; implies that either aI or bI. Thus, either f(a)L or f(b)L. Hence, L=f(I)={f(a)B|aI} is a prime ideal of A.

4. Quotient Algebra

In this section, we introduce quotient algebra and discuss isomorphism theorems.

Theorem 4.1

Let A be an autometrized algebra. Let M be an ideal of A. Let A/M={aM|aA}. For any aM,bMA/M, define the operations:


Then, (A/M,+,,) is an autometrized algebra is called the quotient algebra of A by ideal M.


To claim that (A/M,+,,) is an autometrized algebra.

(a) To show that (A/M,+) is a commutative semigroup with additive identity 0M.

Let aM,bM,cMA/M. Therefore, a,b,\breakcA.

Closure: (aM)+(bM)=(a+b)M. Since a+bA; implies that (a+b)MA/M.

Associative: [(aM)+(bM)]+(cM)=[(a+b)M]+(cM).



Identity: (aM)+(0M)=(a+0)M=aM.

Therefore, 0M is identity for +.

(b) To show that (A/M,) is a poset and translation invariant.

Reflexive: Let aMA/M. Clearly aA. Since aa; implies aMaM.

Antisymmetric: Let aM,bMA/M. Therefore, a,bA. Suppose aMbM and bMaM. Therefore, ab and ba. Since A is an autometrized algebra; a=b. Hence, aM=bM.

Transitive: Let aM,bM,cMA/M. There-fore, a,b,cA.

Suppose aMbM and bMcM. Therefore, ab and bc. Since A is an autometrized algebra; ac. It follows that aMcM. Therefore, (A/M,) is a poset.

Suppose aMbM. Then,


Therefore, (A/M,) is translation invariant.

Hence, (A/M,) is a partially ordered set such that the semigroup translations are invariant under inclusion.

(c) To show that :A/M×A/MA/M is a metric.

(M1) Let aM,bMA/M. Therefore, a,bA. Consider (aM)(bM)=(ab)M. We know that; 0ab. Therefore, 0MabM=aMbM.Hence,(aM)(bM)=(ab)M0M.

Suppose aM=bM. So, (aM)(bM)\break=(aM)(aM)=(aa)M=0M. Therefore, (aM)(bM)=0M.

Conversely, suppose


We proved that (aM)(bM)0M and (aM)(bM)=0MaM=bM.


(M3) Let aM,bM,cMA/M. Therefore, a,b,cA. Consider


Therefore, is metric on A/M. And thus (A/M,+,,) is an autometrized algebra.

Example 4.2

We saw in Example 2.7 that A is an autometrized algebra. Now consider an ideal M={0,a} in A. Clearly, M=0M=aM={0,a} and bM=cM={b,c}. We can easily verify that A/M={0M,aM,bM,cM} satisfies (a),(b),(c) of Theorem 4.1. Hence, A/M is an autometrized algebra.

Theorem 4.3

Let A be an autometrized algebra. Let M be a strong ideal of A. Define a map ϕ:AA/M by ϕ(a)=aM. Then, ϕ is an epimorphism and kerϕ=M.


Clearly, ϕ is an onto map.

To show that ϕ is a homomorphism.

Let a,bA. Consider





(iii) Suppose ab. Therefore, aMbM. Hence, ϕ(a)ϕ(b).

Thus, ϕ is a homomorphism.

Now, we shall prove that kerϕ=M.


Therefore, ϕ is an epimorphism and kerϕ=M.

Theorem 4.4 (First Isomorphism Theorem)

Let A be a monoid autometrized algebra. Let B be an autometrized algebra. Let f:AB be a homomorphism. Then, A/kerfImf.

In particular, if f is onto; then, A/kerfB.


Let M=kerf. By a known theorem, M is a strong ideal of A. Therefore, A/M is an autometrized algebra.

Define a map ϕ:A/MImf by ϕ(aM)=f(a).

Now we need to show if ϕ is well-defined. Let aM,bMA/M. Suppose aM=bM.


Therefore, ϕ is well defined.

Let bImf. Clearly, there exists aA such that f(a)=b. Now aA implies that aMA/M. Therefore, ϕ(aM)=f(a)=b. Hence, ϕ is an onto map.

To show that ϕ is a homomorphism.

Let aM,bMA/M. Consider





(iii) Suppose ab. Since f is homomorphism; f(a)f(b). Therefore, ϕ(aM)ϕ(bM).

Thus, ϕ is a homomorphism.

Now, we shall prove that kerϕ=M.


Therefore, ϕ is one-to-one. Hence, A/MImf. If f is onto; then A/MB.

Theorem 4.5

Let A be a semiregular autometrized algebra. Let N be an ideal of A. Let B be a subalgebra of A. Define BN={aA|a=bn for bB and nN} such that for any aN,bNBN; (aN)+(bN)=(a+b)N and (aN)(bN)\break=(ab)N. Then, BN is a subalgebra of A.


To show that BN is a subalgebra of A.

(i) To show that (BN,+,0) is a commutative monoid. Since 0B and 0N; imply that 0BN.

Let am,bnBN where a,bB and m,nN. Therefore, a+bB and mnN. Then, (am)+(bn)=(a+b)(mn)BN by definition.

  • (ii) Clearly (BN,) is a subposet, and is translation invariant.

  • (iii) Let am,bnBN where a,bB and m,nN. Therefore, (am)(bn)=(ab)\break(mn)BN by definition. Since abB and mnN. Hence, BN is a subalgebra of A.

Theorem 4.6

Let A be autometrized algebra. Let N be an ideal of A. Let B be a subalgebra of A. Then, BN is ideal of B.


To show that BN is an ideal of B.

  1. Let a,bBN. Therefore, a,bB and a,bN. Clearly, a+bB and a+bN. Hence, a+bBN.

  2. Let aBN and bB. Suppose b0a0. So, aB and aN. Since N is an ideal; implies that bN. Therefore, bBN. Hence, BN is an ideal.

Remark 4.7 Let A be a semiregular autometrized algebra. Let N be an ideal of A. Let B be a subalgebra of A. Clearly, N is an ideal of BN.

Theorem 4.8 (Second Isomorphism Theorem)

Let A be a monoid autometrized algebra. Let N be an ideal of A. Let B be a subalgebra of A. Then, BNNBBN.


Clearly, N and BN are strong ideals.

Define a map ψ:BBN/N by ψ(a)=aN. It is obvious that; ψ is well defined and onto map.

To show that ψ is a homomorphism. Let a,bB. Consider





(iii) Suppose ab.


Thus, ψ is a homomorphism.

Now, we shall prove that kerψ=BN.


Therefore, by first isomorphism theorem: BkerψImψ. Hence, BBNBNN.

Theorem 4.9

Let A be autometrized algebra. Let M,N be ideas of A. Suppose MN. Then, N/M is ideal.


To show that N/M is ideal.

  1. Let aM,bMN/M. Therefore, a,bN. Therefore, a+bN. Hence, (a+b)M\breakNM.

  2. Let aMN/M and xMA/M. Therefore, aN.

Suppose that (xM)(0M)(aM)(0M). Therefore, (x0)M(a0)M. This implies that x0a0. Since N is an ideal and aN; imply that xN. Hence, xMN/M. Thus, N/M is ideal.

Theorem 4.10 (Third Isomorphism Theorem)

Let A be a monoid autometrized algebra. Let M,N be ideas of A. Suppose MN. Then, A/NA/MN/M.


Clearly, M,N and N/M are strong ideals. Define a map ψ:A/MA/N by ψ(aM)=aN.

ψ is well defined because ∀a,bA;


Therefore, ψ is well defined.

To show that ψ is onto. It is clear that aNA/N for any aA. This implies that aMAM such that ψ(aM)=aN. Hence, ψ is onto map.

To show that ψ is a homomorphism.

Let aM,bMA/M. Therefore, a,bA. Consider





(iii) Suppose ab. Therefore, aNbN. As a result ψ(aM)ψ(bM). Thus, ψ is a homomorphism.

Now, we shall prove that kerψ=N/M.


Therefore, by first isomorphism theorem: A/MkerψImψ. Hence, A/MN/MA/N.

Theorem 4.11 (Correspondence Theorem)

Let A be autometrized algebra. Let M be an idea of A.

Let \MathIM(A) = set of all ideals of A containing M.

Let \MathI(A/M) = set of all ideals of A/M.

Define ψ:\MathIM(A)\MathI(A/M) by ψ(N)=N/M. Then, ψ is one-to-one and onto. That is; \MathIM(A) and \MathI(A/M) are in one-to-one correspondence.


To show that ψ is well defined.

Let N1,N2\MathIM(A). That is; N1,N2 are ideals of A and MN1,N2.

Suppose N1=N2. Therefore, N1/M=N2/M. Thus, ψ(N1)=ψ(N2). Hence, ψ is well defined.

To show that ψ is one-to-one.

Let N1,N2\MathIM(A). Suppose ψ(N1)=ψ(N2). Therefore, N1/M=N2/M. Let aN1. Therefore, aMN1/M=N2/M. This implies that aM=bM for some bN2. Since ab and ba; imply that a=b. Since bN2; aN2. Therefore, N1N2. Similarly, N2N1. Therefore, N1=N2. Hence, ψ is one-to-one.

To show that ψ is onto.

Let J\MathI(A/M). Therefore, J is an ideal of A/M. Consider the natural homomorphism: f:AA/M defined by f(p)=pM. Therefore, by Theorem 3.23, N=f1(J)={aA|f(a)J} is an ideal of A containing M. Thus, N\MathIM(A) and ψ(N)=N/M.

Let aMN/M. This implies that aN. So, f(a)J. Therefore, aMJ. Hence, N/MJ. Conversely, let aMJ. So, f(a)J. This implies that aN. Therefore, aMN/M. Thus, JN/M. Therefore, ψ(N)=N/M=J. This shows that ψ is onto.

Hence, \MathIM(A) and \MathI(A/M) are in one-to-one correspondence.

Example 4.12

We saw in Example 3.4 that A is an autometrized algebra. Also, M={0,a} and N={0,a,b} are ideals of A. Clearly, M is contained in the ideals N and A. Therefore, \MathIM(A)={M,N,A} and \MathI(A/M)={{0M,aM},{0M,aM,bM},A/M}. We also see that ψM=M/M=0M,aM, ψN=N/M=0M,aM,bM and ψA=A/M. Thus, ∖MathIMA and ∖MathIA/M are in one-to-one correspondence.

Remark 4.13 Let A be an autometrized l-algebra. Let M be an ideal of A. Let A/M=aMaA. For any aM,bMA/M, define the operations:


Then, A/M,+,,, is an autometrized l-algebra is called the quotient algebra of A by ideal M.

5. Conclusion

This paper introduced the concept of subalgebra and discussed some properties of subalgebra. We also examined different types of ideals and how they behaved. We also described some properties of a homomorphism. Finally, we presented quotient algebra and discussed isomorphism theorems.


The authors are very grateful to the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions that helped for improving the paper’s quality.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

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The authors received no direct funding from public or non-public organizations for this research work.

Notes on contributors

Gebrie Yeshiwas Tilahun

Gebrie Yeshiwas Tilahun is a PhD scholar at the Department of Mathematics, College of Natural Sciences, Arba Minch University, Ethiopia. His research interest includes the development of an autometrized algebra.


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