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Pure Mathematics

A new approach to soft groups based on soft binary operations

, , & | (Reviewing editor:)
Article: 2289733 | Received 30 Oct 2023, Accepted 28 Nov 2023, Published online: 12 Dec 2023


In this paper, we propose a new definition for soft groups based on soft binary operations. The idea is to bring the archetype of “softness” into the spectrum of algebraic structures using soft binary operations parametrized by a given set of suitable parameters. One of our achievement is that we obtain an ordinary group model representing our soft group. The existing classical group serves as a model to describe and characterize the overall internal properties of our soft groups. In this vein, we further investigate the soft subgroups (respectively, normal soft subgroups) and proved some structural theorems.


1. Introduction

Soft set theory was initiated by Molodtsov in 1999 as a general mathematical tool for dealing with uncertainty (Molodtsov, Citation1999). In recent years, the concept of ”softness” has gained significant attention in various fields, including mathematics and computer science. Soft computing techniques have been successfully applied to solve complex problems that involve uncertainty and imprecision. Several researchers have been extensively working on the development of the theory of soft sets. For instance, Maji & Biswas (Citation2003) and Maji et al. (Citation2002) introduced several operations on soft sets and applied it to decision-making problems by defining some fundamental operations such as equality of two soft sets, subset and super set of a soft set, etc. As continuation of these ideas, many hybrid structures involving soft sets were proposed. Some of them are the following: fuzzy N-soft sets by (Akram et al., Citation2018), intuitionistic fuzzy soft set by Xu et al. (Xu et al., Citation2010), hesitant fuzzy soft sets by (Wang et al., Citation2014), rough soft sets by (Roy & Bera, Citation2015) and so on.

Traditional algebraic structures, such as groups, rings, and fields, have been extensively studied and utilized to model and analyze various mathematical phenomena. However, these structures often assume precise and deterministic values, which may not adequately capture the inherent uncertainty and imprecision present in real-world scenarios. Soft computing, on the other hand, provides a framework to handle such uncertainties by incorporating fuzzy logic, probability theory, and other mathematical tools. With the idea of integrating soft computing techniques to the algebraic structures (Rosenfeld, Citation1971) have introduced the concept of fuzzy subgroups of a group, Biswas (Citation1994) applied the idea of roughness in group theory and (Aktaş & Çağman, Citation2007). initiated the study of soft groups. According to Aktaş & Çağman (Citation2007) soft groups over a given ordinary group G are defined as a soft set <F,A> over G for which the values F(e) are subgroups of G for all eA. After a decade, in 2016, GHOSH & SAMANTA (Citation2016) came up with a new idea of soft groups using the concept of soft elements as defined by (Wardowski, Citation2013). Given a group <G,> as an initial set of universe and a group <E,> as a set of parameters, they define a soft group to be the collection of nonempty soft elements of a soft set <F,A> over G together with the binary operation induced by the binary operations and of G and E respectively, and satisfying all the classical group axioms. Some years later, Gozde Yaylalı & Tanay (Citation2019) et al. extended this notion in some extent and define soft groups as the collection of nonempty soft elements of a soft set <F,A> over G together with a binary operation satisfying all the defining properties of a classical group, where in this case G and E are not assumed neither to be a group nor to have binary operations.

One can easily observe that all the above discussed soft groups are defined based on classical binary operation which is the central unit determining all the algebraic properties of the structure. Taking this into consideration, in this paper, we propose a new approach to define soft groups based on soft binary operations. A soft group is defined as a triple <G,,A> consisting of a nonempty set G equipped with a soft binary operation <,A> respecting all the group axioms in a soft setting. These soft binary operations are parameterized by a given set of suitable parameters, allowing us to model and analyze the inherent imprecision and uncertainty in group operations. By doing so, we bridge the gap between traditional algebraic structures and the realm of soft computing.

One of the key achievements of our research is we develop an ordinary group model that represents our soft group. This model serves as a foundation for describing and characterizing the internal properties of our soft groups. By leveraging the existing classical group theory, we can establish a solid theoretical framework for our soft groups, enabling us to study their properties and behavior in a rigorous manner. Furthermore, we delve into the study of soft subgroups and normal soft subgroups within our proposed framework. Soft subgroups are soft subsets of a soft group that retain the essential properties of a group. Soft normal subgroups, on the other hand, possess additional properties that make them particularly interesting for applications in various areas, such as cryptography and data analysis. We present several structural theorems that shed light on the properties and relationships between soft subgroups and normal soft subgroups, providing valuable insights into the structure and behavior of our soft groups.

The significance of our research lies in its potential applications in various domains. Soft groups can serve as a powerful tool for modeling and analyzing complex systems that involve uncertainty and imprecision. By incorporating soft binary operations, we can capture and manipulate imprecise data, allowing us to make informed decisions in real-world scenarios. Moreover, the study of soft subgroups and normal soft subgroups opens up new avenues for exploring the interplay between classical group theory and soft computing techniques.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we give some basic definitions which will be used in this paper, mainly following (Addis et al., Citation2022). Throughout this section, X and Y are assumed to be nonempty sets considered as an initial universe set and A is the set of all convenient parameters.

Definition 2.1.

(Molodtsov, Citation1999) A soft set over X is a pair <F,A> where F:AP(X) is a mapping from A into power set of X. In other words, it is a parameterized family of subsets of X.

Definition 2.2.

(Maji et al., Citation2002) Given two soft sets <F,A> and <E,A> over X: we say that


<F,A> is included in <E,A>, written as <F,A><E,A>, provided that (x)[xF(α)xE(α)] for all αA;


<F,A> and <E,A> are equal provided that (x)[xF(α)xE(α)] for all αA. We write (F,A)=(E,A) to say that <F,A> and <E,A> are equal.

Definition 2.3.

(Maji et al., Citation2002) Given that <F,A> and <E,A> are soft sets over X.


their union denoted by <F,A><E,A>, is a soft set <H,A> over X defined as follows: for all αA and xX: xH(α) if and only if either xF(α) or xE(α);


their intersection denoted by <F,A><E,A>, is a soft set <H,A> over X defined as follows: for all αA and xX: xH(α) if and only if xF(α) and xE(α).

Definition 2.4.

(Maji et al., Citation2002) A null soft set over X is a soft set denoted by <0X,A> such that for each αA, 0X(α)=. Moreover, the absolute soft set over X is a soft set denoted by <1X,A> such that 1X(α)=X for all αA.

By a soft relation from X to Y we mean a soft set <R,A> over X × Y; i.e. R:AP(X×Y) such that R(α)X×Y for all αA. For αA and x,yX×Y we write <α,x,y>R to say that <x,y>R(α) (Zhang & Yuan, Citation2013).

Definition 2.5.

(Addis et al., Citation2022) A soft mapping from X to Y is a soft relation <f,A> from X to Y such that:


for each αA and each xX there exists some yY such that <α,x,y>f;


for each αA, xX and y1,y2Y, <α,x,y1>f and <α,x,y2>f implies y1=y2.

Definition 2.6.

(Addis et al., Citation2022) A soft mapping <f,A> from X to Y is said to be :


injective if for each αA, x1,x2X and yY; <α,x1,y>f and <α,x2,y>f together imply x1=x2.


surjective if for each αA and each yY there exists xX such that <α,x,y>f.


bijective if it is both injective and surjective.

Definition 2.7.

A soft equivalence relation on X is a soft set <θ,A> over X × X such that


<α,x,x>θ   αA and xX;


for any αA and x,yX; <α,x,y>θ<α,y,x>θ;


for any αA and x,y,zX; <α,x,y>θ,<α,y,z>θ<α,x,z>θ.

3. Soft groups

Definition 3.1.

Let G be a nonempty set. By a soft binary operation on G, we mean a soft mapping <,A> from G × G to G, where A is a set of parameters.

Definition 3.2.

A soft group is a triple <G,,A> where G is nonempty set and <,A> is a soft binary operation on G satisfying the following conditions:


For any αA and a,b,c,x,y,u,vG it holds that <α,a,b,x>, <α,x,c,y> and <α,b,c,u>, <α,a,u,v> implies y=v. That is <,A> is associative


Existence of identity for each αA,eαG such that <α,a,eα,a>∈ and <α,eα,a,a>∈ for all aG.


Existence of inverse for each αA and all aG, there is an element of G denoted by aα such that <α,a,aα,eα> and <α,aα,a,eα>.

Example 3.3.

Let R be the set of all real numbers and Z the set of all integers.

Define Z×R×R×R by <α,a,b,c>\breakc=a+b+α, αZ, a,b,cR then <R,,Z> is a soft group.

Example 3.4.

Let X be a nonempty set. Put G=P(X) the power set of X and A = X be our set of parameters. Define a soft binary operation <,A> on G by A×G×G×G such that <x,B,C,D> if and only if


where is the symmetric difference of sets. Then <G,,A> is a soft group.

Example 3.5.

Let M2(R) be given by:


Put A=R{0} and define a soft binary operation <,A> on M2(R) as follows: for αA and matrices B=[1b10b2], C=[1c10c2] and D=[1d10d2] in M2(R);


Therefore <M2(R),,A> is a soft group.

Example 3.6.

Let X be any set with at least two distinct elements and B(X) be the set of all bijective functions from X onto X. Put


and define a soft binary operation <,A> on B(X) as follows. For any pair <x,y>A and f,g,hB(X):

<,<x,y>f,g,h>if and only if \;h(z)={g(f(z))if z{x,y}g(f(y))if z=xg(f(x))if z=yzX.

Then <B(X),,A> is a soft group.

Lemma 3.7.

Let <G,,A> be a soft group. Then, the following conditions hold for all αA, and a,b,cG:


<α,a,b,eα> b=aα and a=bα;


<α,a,b,c> <α,aα,c,b>;


<α,a,b,c> <α,c,bα,a>;


<α,a,b,c> <α,bα,aα,cα>.



Suppose <α,a,b,eα>. As <α,aα,eα,aα\break>, <α,aα,a,eα>, and <α,eα,b,b>\break it follows then from the associativity of <,A> that b=aα. Similarly we get a=bα. The converse directly follows from the definition.


Suppose that <α,a,b,c>. Let dG such that <α,aα,c,d>. Then, we have <α,a,b,c>, <α,aα,c,d>, <α,aα,a,eα>, and <α,eα,b,b>. By associativity it holds that b=d. Therefore <α,aα,c,b>. Conversely, suppose that <α,aα,c,b>. Then we have <α,aα,c,b>,<α,a,b,d>, <α,a,aα,eα>, and <α,eα,c,c>. So by associativity of <,A> we get d=c. Therefore <α,a,b,c>.


The proof is similar to (2).


Suppose that <α,a,b,c>. We need to prove that <α,bα,aα,cα>. Let dG such that <α,bα,aα,d>. Then, it can be shown that <α,c,d,eα>. Using the fact <α,c,cα,eα>, we get d=cα. Therefore <α,bα,aα,cα>. Conversely suppose that <α,bα,aα,cα> and let xG such that <α,a,b,x>. Then <α,cα,x,eα>. Also, as <α,cα,c,eα>, it holds that x=c. Thus, <α,a,b,c>.

Theorem 3.8.

Cancellation laws Let <G,,A> be a soft group, αA, and a,b,cG. Then,


if <α,a,b,x> and <α,a,c,x> then b=c and


if <α,b,a,x> and <α,c,a,x> then b=c.



Suppose <α,a,b,x> and <α,a,c,x>. Let yG such that <α,aα,x,y>. Then, by applying <SG1> it can be shown that y = b. Now we have <α,a,c,x>, <α,aα,x,b> and <α,aα,a,eα>, <α,eα,c,c>. Again by applying <SG1> we have get b = c.


The proof is similar to (1).

Definition 3.9.

Let G be a nonempty set and <,A> a soft binary operation on G. Then, a triple <G,,A> satisfying <SG1> only is called a soft semi-group.

Example 3.10.

Let G=R{0} and A=Z. Where R is the set of all real numbers and Z is the set of all integers. Define Z×R×R×R by <α,a,b,c>c=αab5, αZ and a,b,cR then <G,,A> is a soft semi-group.

In the following two theorems, we obtain equivalent conditions for a soft semi-group to be a soft group.

Theorem 3.11.

Let <G,,A> be a soft semi-group. Then, <G,,A> is a soft group if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:


For each αA, aG, there exists eαG such that <α,a,eα,a>;


For each αA, aG, there exists aαG such that <α,a,aα,eα>.


By assumption, <G,,A> is a soft group then clearly (1) and (2) are satisfied. Conversely, suppose (1) and (2) are satisfied. By (1), there exists eαG such that <α,a,eα,a> aG. Let a be an arbitrary element in G. By (2), there exists aα in G such that <α,a,aα,eα>. Let yG such that <α,aα,a,y>. Then by (2) again there is xG be such that <α,y,x,eα>. Using the associative property of <,A> one can easily verify that <α,y,y,y>. Moreover, since <α,y,x,eα>, <α,y,x,eα>, and <α,y,eα,y>, it follows from the associativity of <,A> that y=eα. This implies that <α,aα,a,eα>. Let zG such that <α,eα,a,z>. Since <α,,a,aα,eα>, <α,aα,a,eα>, and <α,a,eα,a>, it holds that z = a; i.e. <α,eα,a,a>. Therefore <G,,A> is a soft group.

Theorem 3.12.

A soft semi-group <G,,A> is a soft group if and only if for any elements a and b in G and all αA, the equations <α,a,x,b> and <α,y,a,b> are solvable in G.


Suppose <G,,A> is a soft group. Let a,b,xG such that <α,a,x,b>. As G is a soft group, there exists aαG such that <α,a,aα,eα>. Let cG such that <α,aα,b,c>. Then by Lemma 3.7 it can be shown that <α,a,c,b> and hence c is a solution for the equation <α,a,x,b>. Similarly, it can be verified that <α,y,a,b> has a solution in G. Conversely suppose that the equations <α,a,x,b> and <α,y,a,b> are solvable in G for all a,bG and all αA. Let aG. Then there exists eαG such that <α,a,eα,a>. Let b be any arbitrary element in G. We show that <α,a,eα,a>. Since the equation <α,y,a,b> are solvable in G we can choose an element s in G such that <α,s,a,b>. So we have <α,s,a,b>, <α,b,eα,m>, <α,a,eα,a>, and <α,s,a,b>. By associativity of <,A> we get m = b. This implies that <α,b,eα,b>. Moreover, as <α,a,x,eα> is solvable in G, we get that for any aG there exists aαG such that <α,a,aα,eα>. Thus, by Theorem 3.11 <G,,A> is a soft group.

Definition 3.13.

By a soft element in G, we mean a soft set <F,A> over G such that Card(F(α))=1 αA. That is, F(α) is a single element set for each αA.

We denote soft elements using lower case letters like <a,A> ,<b,A> etc. We say that a soft element a belongs to a soft set <F,A> provided that aαF(α) αA, where aα is the unique element of a(α)={aα}. Let us denote by SEA(G) the collection of all soft elements of G with a set of parameter A.

Note : Every element aG can be identified as a soft element denoted by <a,A> over G in the following way a(α)={a} αA.

Definition 3.14.

Given a soft binary operation <,A> on G, define a binary operation ¯ on SEA(G) by


Theorem 3.15.

Let <,A> be a soft binary operation on G. Then <G,,A> is a soft group if and only if <SEA(G),¯> is a group.


Suppose that <G,,A> is a soft group. We first show that ¯ is well-defined. Let a,b,c,x,y,z be soft elements over G such that a¯b=c, x¯y=z and a=x,b=y. We need to show that c=z. From a=x and b=y we have a(α)=x(α)αA, and b(α)=y(α)αA which implies that aα=xα and bα=yααA. Also since a¯b=c and x¯y=z we have <α,aα,bα,cα> and <α,xα,yα,zα> for all αA. Moreover, as is well-defined it follows that cα=zααA. This implies that c=z. Now a¯b=x and x¯c=y. Which implies that <α,aα,bα,xα> and <α,xα,cα,yα>αA. Again if we put b¯c=u and a¯u=v. Then <α,bα,cα,uα> and <α,aα,uα,vα>αA. Then, since <,A> is associative we get that yα=vααA. This implies that y=v That is ¯ is associative. Next consider the soft element e in G defined by e(α)={eα} for all αA where each eα is an identity element of <G,,A> with respect to α. Then one can easily show that e is an identity element in SEA(G). Also for every soft element a over G, consider the soft element a1 of G defined by a1(α)={aαα}αA. Then a1 is the inverse of a in SEA(G). Thus, <SEA(G),¯> is a group. Conversely suppose that <SEA(G),¯> is a group. We need to show that <G,,A> is a soft group. We first to show that <,A> is associative. Let αA and a,b,c,x,y,u,vG such that <α,a,b,x>, <α,x,c,y> and <α,b,c,u>, <α,a,u,v>. Our aim is to show that y=v. Consider the soft elements a,b,c,x,y,u,v<SEA(G)> defined as follows a(λ)={a}, b(λ)={b} , c(λ)={c} λA.


where xλG with <λ,a,b,xλ>, and


where yλG with <λ,xλ,c,yλ>. Similarly, define


where uλG with <λ,b,c,uλ>, and


where vλG such that <λ,a,uλ,vλ>λα.

Then we get that a¯b=x , x¯c=y and b¯c=u, a¯u=v. Since ¯ is associative we get y=v. That is y(λ)=v(λ)λA. In particular y(α)=v(α). This implies that y=v. Thus, <,A> is associative. Secondly, as <SEA(G),¯> is a group it has an identity element let say e. Now let aG and αA. Then consider a soft element a given by a(λ)={a}λA. Then a¯e=a. This implies that <λ,a(λ),e(λ),a(λ)>λA. In particular, for αA <α,a(α),e(α),a(α)>. Which implies that <α,a,eα,a>. Similarly it can be shown that <α,eα,a,a>. Finally, as <SEA(G),¯> is a group every element a in SEA(G) has an inverse let say a1. Now let aG and αA. Then consider a soft element a given by a(λ)={a}λA. Then a¯a1=e. This implies that <λ,a(λ),a1(λ),e(λ)>λA. In particular, for αA <α,a(α),a1(α),e(α)>. Which implies that <α,a,a1,eα>. Similarly it can be shown that <α,a1,a,eα>. Therefore <G,,A> is a soft group.

Note: The group SEA(G) obtained in the above theorem is a model representing the soft group <G,,A>, and is useful to transfer most of the important properties of classical groups to soft groups.

4. Soft subgroups

Definition 4.1.

Let <G,,A> be a soft group. A soft set <H,A> over G is said to be a soft subgroup of G if for each αA, and a,b,xG:


eα H(α);


<α,a,b,x>xH(α) for all a,bH(α);


aH(α) aαH(α).

Notation. We denote by SSA(G) the collection of all soft subgroups of <G,,A>.

Example 4.2.


Given a soft group <G,,A>, the absolute soft set <1G,A> over G and the soft element <e,A> of G are both soft subgroups of G.


Let G=Z= the set of integers and A=N= the set of natural numbers.

Let A×G×G×G be given by ={<α,a,b,c>:c=a+b6α}. Define H:Ap(G) by H(α)={(2k)α:kZ} then <H,A> is a soft subgroup of G.

Theorem 4.3.

Let <G,,A> be a soft group. A soft set <H,A> over G is a soft subgroup of G if and only if the following two conditions hold for each αA and all a,b,xG:


eα H(α);


if a,bH(α) and <α,a,bα,x>, then xH(α).


Suppose <H,A> is a soft subgroup of <G,,A>. Let αA and a,b,H(α). Then bαH(α). If xG such that <α,a,bα,x>, then it is immediate that xH(α). Conversely suppose that (1) and (2) hold. We show that <H,A> is a soft subgroup of G. Let αA. By (1), eα H(α). Let a,b,H(α). Since <α,eα,bα,bα> it follows that bαH(α). Let xG such that <α,a,b,x>. Then, as b=(bα)α we get that xH(α). Therefore <H,A> is a soft subgroup of G.

Definition 4.4.

For a soft subset <H,A> over G, define a subset H^ of SEA(G) by:

H^={aSEA(G):a(α)H(α)for all αA}

Theorem 4.5.

A soft set <H,A> over G is a soft subgroup of G if and only if H^ is a subgroup of SEA(G).


Suppose that <H,A> is a soft subgroup of G. Then for each αA, eαH(α), so that the soft identity element e belongs to H^. Let a,b be any soft elements in G belonging to H^. Then a(α)H(α) and b(α)H(α) for all αA. Now let c be a soft element of G with a¯b1=c. Then <α,a(α),b1(α),c(α)> for all αA.

Lemma 4.6.

Arbitrary intersection of soft subgroups is a soft subgroup.



Let <G,,A> be a soft group and αA. Let {<Hi,A>:iI} be a family of soft subgroup of G. Since eαHi(α) for all iI. This implies that eαiIHi(α).


Let a,biIHi(α) and <α,a,bα,x>. This implies that a,bHi(α) iI and <α,a,bα,x>. So xHi(α)iI. Therefore xiIHi(α). Thus <iIHi,A> is a soft subgroup of G.

Remark 4.7.

The union of two soft subgroups may not be a soft subgroup. This is verified in the following example.

Example 4.8.

Let G=Z= the set of integers and A=N= the set of natural numbers.

Let A×G×G×G be given by ={<α,a,b,c>:c=a+b6α}. Define H:Ap(G) by H(α)={(2k)α:kZ} and K:Ap(G) by K(α)={(3k)α:kZ} then <HK,A> is not a soft subgroup of G.

Theorem 4.9.

Let <G,,A> be a soft group and <H,A> and <K,A> are soft subgroups of G. If <H,A><K,A> or <K,A><H,A> then <HK,A> is a soft subgroup of G. But the converse is not true.

Example 4.10.

Let G=Z= the set of integers and A=N= the set of natural numbers.

Let A×G×G×G be given by ={<α,a,b,c>:\breakc=a+b6α}.Define H,K:Ap(G) by




for all αA. Then<HK,A> is a soft subgroup of G but <H,A><K,A> and <K,A><H,A>.

Definition 4.11.

Let <H,A> and <K,A> be soft subgroups of <G,,A>. Define soft sets <HK,A> and <H1,A> over G respectively as follows:

HK(α)={xG:aH(α)and bK(α)such that <α,a,b,x>∈}H1(α)={xG:xαH(α)}

Theorem 4.12.

The product <HK,A> is a soft subgroup of <G,,A> if and only if <HK,A>=<KH,A>


Suppose that <HK,A> is a soft subgroup of <G,,A>. We show that HK(α)=KH(α) for all αA. Let αA and aHK(α) then aαHK(α). This implies that there exist hH(α), kK(α) such that <α,h,k,aα>, and so kαk(α), hαH(α) and <α,kα,hα,a>. Thus aKH(α) and hence HK(α)KH(α). Similarly, it can be shown that KH(α)HK(α) and hence the equality holds. Conversely suppose that HK(α)=KH(α) for all αA. Let αA be fixed. It is clear that eαHK(α). Let a,bHK(α) and xG such that <α,a,bα,x>. Then there exist h1,h2H(α) and k1,k2K(α) such that <α,h1,k1,a> and <α,h2,k2,b>. It implies that <α,k2α,h2α,bα>. Now let x1,x2 and x3 G such that <α,k1,k2α,x1>, <α,x1,h2α,x2> and <α,h1,x2,x3>. Since k1,k2k(α), x1K(α) and as h2H(α), x2KH(α)=HK(α). Which implies that x2HK(α). Then there exists y1H(α) and y2k(α) such that <α,y1,y2,x2>. If zG and that <α,h1,y1,z> then , zH(α) such that <α,z,y2,x3>. Also by associative property of , we have x=x3. That is <α,z,y2,x>, where zH(α) and y2K(α). Thus, xHK(α). Therefore, <HK,A> is a soft subgroup of G.

In the following theorem, we characterize soft subgroups using the product and inverse operations defined on the class of soft sets over G.

Theorem 4.13.

A soft set <H,A> over a soft group G is a soft subgroup of G if and only if


eαH(α) αA;






Suppose that <H,A> is a soft subgroup of G. Clearly eαH(α). Let xHH(α) then there exist h1,h2H(α) such that <α,h1,h2,x>. It follows that xH(α). Thus <HH,A><H,A>. Let xH1(α) then xαH(α). Which implies that xH(α). Therefore <H1,A><H,A>. Conversely we show that <H,A> is a soft subgroup of G. By (1), eαH(α). Let xH(α). Which implies that xαH1(α). By (3), we get xαH(α). Let a,bH(α) and <α,a,b,x>. Which implies that xHH(α), so by (2), xH(α). Therefore <H,A> is a soft subgroup of G.

Definition 4.14.

We say that a soft group <G,,A> is abelian if for each αA and any a,b,xG, <α,a,b,x> if and only if <α,b,a,x>.

Example 4.15.

Soft groups given in Example 3.3 and 3.4 are abelian, whereas soft groups given in Example 3.5 and 3.6 are non-abelian.

Lemma 4.16.

A soft group <G,,A> is abelian if and only if for each αA and all a,b,x,yG it holds that: <α,a,b,x> and <α,b,a,y> together imply x = y.

Lemma 4.17.

A soft group <G,,A> is abelian if and only if the classical group SEA(G) is an abelian group.

Theorem 4.18.

Let <H,A> and <K,A> be soft subgroups of a soft group <G,,A>. If G is abelian, then <HK,A> is the least soft subgroup of G containing both <H,A> and <K,A>.


Since G is abelian soft group, then <HK,A>=<KH,A>. So <HK,A> is a soft subgroup of G. Let <M,A> be a soft subgroup of G containing both <H,A> and <K,A>. We show that <HK,A><M,A>. Let xHK(α), hH(α) and kK(α) such that <α,h,k,x>. This implies that xM(α). Therefore, <HK,A> is the least soft subgroup of G containing both <H,A> and <K,A>.

Definition 4.19.

For any soft set <F,A> over a soft group G, define a soft set <CF,A> over G by


We call <CF,A> a centralizer of <F,A>.

Lemma 4.20.

Let <F,A> be a soft set over a soft group G, αA and aG. Then aCF(α) is equivalent to the condition <α,a,x,y> if and only if <α,x,a,y> for all xF(α) and all yG.

Theorem 4.21.

For and soft set <F,A> over a soft group G, <CF,A> is a soft subgroup of G.


For any αA, all xF(α) and all yG, it is true that <α,eα,x,y> if and only if <α,x,eα,y>. Which implies that eαCF(α). Let aCF(α). Then for any xF(α) and all yG it is the case that <α,a,x,y> if and only if <α,x,a,y>. We show that aαCF(α). Let xF(α) and y,zG such that <α,aα,x,y> and <α,x,a,z>. Since aCF(α) and xF(α) we have <α,a,x,z>. Using the associativity of <,A> we get <α,y,a,x>, which implies that <α,x,aα,y>. Therefore aαCF(α). Next let a,bCF(α) and cG such that <α,a,b,c>. Let xF(α) and y,z,wG such that: <α,c,x,y>, <α,a,x,z> and <α,b,x,w>. Since bCF(α) it holds that <α,x,b,w> which implies that <α,z,b,y>. Again as aCF(α) it holds that <α,x,a,z> implying <α,x,c,y>. Thus, cCF(α) and this is true for all αA. Therefore, <CF(α),A> is a soft subgroup of G.

Definition 4.22.

Let <X,A> be a soft set over a soft group G. The smallest soft subgroup of G containing <X,A> is called the soft subgroup of G generated by <X,A> and is denoted by SgA(X). That is (SgA(X),A)={<H,A>:<H,A> is a soft subgroup of G such that <X,A><H,A>}.

Theorem 4.23.

The soft subgroup of G generated by a soft set <F,A> over G can be described as follows : for αA, if F(α)=, then SgA(F)(α)={eα}. If F(α), then xSgA(F)(α) if and only if there exist nN and sequences {ai}i=1n and {xi}i=1n of elements of G such that x1=a1,xn=x and <α,xi,ai+1,xi+1> i=1,2,3,...n1 where for each i, either aiF(α) or aiαF(α)


Let x,ySgA(F)(α). Then there exist n,mN and sequences {ai}i=1n , {bj}j=1m and {xi}i=1n , {yj}j=1m of element of G such that x1=a1,xn=x and <α,xi,ai+1,xi+1>,y1=b1,ym=y and <α,yj,bj+1,yj+1> for all i=1,2,3,...n1 and j=1,2,3,...m1. Let zG be such that <α,x,yα,z>. We need to show that zSgA(F)(α). Consider the sequence {ck}k=1n+1 of elements of G defined by ck=ak for 1kn and cn+k=bmk+1α for 1km. Then, for each k=1,2,3,...n+m either ckF(α) or ckαF(α). Moreover, if we define a sequence {zk}k=1n+m by z1=c1=a1,=x1 and <α,zi,ci+1,zi+1> i=1,2,3,...n+m1. Then, using associativity of , it can be shown that zn+m=z. Thus zSgA(F)(α). Therefore <SgA(F),A> is a soft subgroup of G. Next we show that <F,A><SgA(F),A>. Let αA and xF(α). Now considering sequences {xi}i=1n and {ai}i=1n taking n = 1, where a1=x=x1. Then it is vacuously true that <α,xi,ai+1,xi+1> for all 1in and hence xSgA(F)(α). Thus <F,A><SgA(F),A>. Now let <H,A> be any other soft subgroup of G such that <F,A><H,A>. Then F(α)H(α)αA. We next show that SgA(F)(α)H(α)αA. Let αA and xSgA(F)(α). Then there exist nN and sequences {ai}i=1n and {xi}i=1n of elements of G such that x1=a1,xn=x and <α,xi,ai+1,xi+1>. i=1,2,3,...n1 where for each i,1in either aiF(α) or aiαF(α). Since F(α)H(α) and <H,A> is a soft subgroup of G. We get that aiH(α), 1in. As x1=a1, and <α,x1,a2,x2> we get that x2H(α). Similarly, from <α,x2,a3,x3> we get that x3H(α). Continuing this process until all xi are exhausted we get finally xnH(α). That is xH(α). Thus SgA(F)(α)H(α). As αA is arbitrary it can be concluded that <SgA(F),A><H,A>. Therefore <SgA(F),A> is the smallest soft subgroup of G containing <F,A>.

Theorem 4.24.

The soft subgroup of G generated by the soft element <a,A> can be described as follows: for xG, xSgA(a)(α) if and only if there is nN and a sequence x1,x2,...xn in G such that <α,xi,x1,xi+1> i=1,2,3,...n1; where x1{aα,aαα} and xn=x.

Definition 4.25.

We call <SgA(a),A> the cyclic soft subgroup of G generated by the soft element <a,A> over G.

Lemma 4.26.

For any soft sets <F,A> and <E,A> over G, the following hold:







The results in Lemma 4.26 justifies that the map <F,A><SgA(F),A> forms a closure operator on the class of all soft sets over G with a fixed set A of parameters, and the closed elements with respect to this closure operator are precisely those soft subgroups of G.

Theorem 4.27.

Let <G,,A> be a soft group and SSA(G) the class of all soft subgroups of G. Then, <SSA(G),,> is a complete lattice; where for soft subgroups <H,A> and <K,A> of G:





It is given in Example 4.2 the absolute soft set <1G,A> over G is a soft subgroup of G and hence SSA(G) has the largest element. It is also proved in Lemma 4.6 that SSA(G) is closed under the arbitrary intersection of soft sets, and hence closed under arbitrary infima. Therefore, it is a complete lattice.

Theorem 4.28.

The lattice SSA(G) can be embedded into the lattice of all subgroups of the classical group SEA(G).


It is enough to show that the map sending each soft group <H,A> of G to a subgroup H^ of SEA(G) is an injective order homomorphism.

5. Normal soft subgroups

Definition 5.1.

Let <H,A> be a soft subgroup of a soft group <G,,A> and aG. Define a soft set <aH,A> over G by:


We call <aH,A> a left coset of <H,A> corresponding to a. Right cosets can be defined in a dual manner.

Theorem 5.2.

Let <H,A> be a soft subgroup of G and let a,bG.


<aH,A><bH,A> if and only if for xG, <α,bα,a,x>xH(α);


<aH,A>=<H,A> if and only if aH(α) for all α in A;


Either <aH,A> and <bH,A> are weakly disjoint or <aH,A>=<bH,A>.



Suppose that <aH,A><bH,A>. Then, [aH](α)[bH](α) αA. Let xG such that <α,bα,a,x>. Then,

(1) <α,b,x,a>∈.(1)

Since eαH(α) and <α,a,eα,a>. We have a[aH](α)=[bH](α). Which implies that a[bH](α). So there is some yH(α) such that

(2) <α,b,y,a>∈.(2)

Applying the cancellation law on (Equation1) and (Equation2), we get x=yH(α). Conversely suppose that for any xG it is the case that <α,bα,a,x>\breakxH(α). Let αA and x[aH](α) then there exist yH(α) such that <α,a,y,x>. Let x1,x2,x3G such that <α,bα,a,x1>,<α,x1,y,x2> and <α,bα,x,x3>. Then by associative property of , we get x2=x3. Moreover it follows from our hypothesis that x1H(α). Since x1H(α) and yH(α). We get x2H(α). That is x3H(α). Further since <α,bα,x,x3>. We have <α,b,x3,x> and x3H(α). So that x[bH](α). Therefore [aH](α)[bH](α). Since α is arbitrary, we get <aH,A><bH,A>.


Let αA and aG. Since eαH(α) such that <α,a,eα,a>. This implies that aH(α). Conversely suppose that aH(α). Let αA and hH(α) such that <α,a,aα,h>. This implies that haH(α). Therefore H(α)aH(α). Let xaH(α) then there exist hH(α) such that <α,a,h,x>. This implies that xH(α). It follows that aH(α)H(α). Thus, H(α)=aH(α). Therefore <aH,A>=<H,A>


Suppose that <aH,A> and <bH,A> are not weakly disjoint. That is aH(α)bH(α) αA. This implies that there exist at least one xaH(α)bH(α). This implies that xaH(α) and xbH(α),αA. It follows that there exist h1,h2H(α) such that <α,a,h1,x> and <α,b,h2,x>. Let yG such that <α,x,h1α,y>. Consider <α,h1,h1α,eα>, <α,a,eα,a> and <α,a,h1,x>, <α,x,h1α,y>. Which implies that y=a.(1)

Let zG and h3H(α) such that <α,b,h2,x>, <α,x,h1α,y> and <α,h2,h1α,h3>, <α,b,h3,z>. Which implies that y=z.(2)

From (1) and (2) we have a=z. Let x1aH(α). Which implies that there exist h4H(α) such that <α,a,h4,x1>. Since <H,A> is a normal soft subgroup. If <α,h3,h4,h5> then h5H(α). This implies that <α,b,h5,x1>. It follows that x1bH(α). Therefore aH(α)bH(α). Similarly bH(α)aH(α). Hence aH(α)=bH(α). This concludes our argument that <aH,A>=<bH,A>.

Definition 5.3.

A soft subgroup <N,A> of a soft group <G,,A> is called normal if <aN,A>=<Na,A> for all aG.

Notation: We denote by SNA(G) the collection of all normal soft subgroups of G with the set of parameters of A.

Theorem 5.4.

For a soft subgroup <N,A> of G, the following are equivalent:


<N,A> is normal;


for αA, any a,x,y G and any nN(α),<α,a,n,x> and <α,x,aα,y> together imply yN(α).


(12) Suppose that <N,A> is normal. That is aN(α)=Na(α), αA. Let αA be fixed, a,x,yG and nN(α) such that <α,a,n,x> and <α,x,aα,y>. Then xaN(α) and <α,y,a,x>. Since aN(α)=Na(α) there is some n1N(α) such that <α,n1,a,x>. Then, by the cancellation law we get y=n1N(α).

(21) Let a,yG and xaN(α). Then, there exists nN(α) such that <α,a,n,x>. By assumption <α,a,n,x> and <α,x,aα,y> which implies that yN(α). As <α,x,aα,y>\break<α,y,a,x>. Since yN(α) then xNa(α). Therefore aN(α)Na(α). From the assumption <α,a,n,x> and <α,x,aα,y> we get xaN(α). Thus, Na(α)aN(α). Therefore <N,A> is normal soft subgroup of G.

Theorem 5.5.

A soft subgroup <N,A> of G is normal if and only if N^ is a normal subgroup of SEA(G).


The proof is similar to that of Theorem 4.5.

Definition 5.6.

Let <G,,A> be a soft group. The center of G denoted by <ZA(G),A> is a parameterized soft set over G defined by for each αA:


Theorem 5.7.

For any soft group <G,,A> its center <ZA(G),A> is a normal soft subgroup of G.


We first show that <ZA(G),A> is a soft subgroup of G. For any αA and x,yG. <α,eα,x,y>. This implies that y = x and we have <α,x,eα,x>. Thus eαZA(G)(α). Now let a,bZA(G)(α) and cG such that <α,a,bα,c>. Claim: cZA(G)(α). We first show that bαZA(G)(α). Let x,yG such that <α,bα,x,y>. Then <α,xα,b,yα>. Since bZA(G)(α) we get that <α,b,xα,yα>. This implies that <α,x,bα,y>. Similarly it can be shown that <α,x,bα,y> this implies that <α,bα,x,y> and hence bαZA(G)(α). Let x,y,zG such that <α,c,x,y> and <α,bα,x,z>. Then using the associative property of <,A> we get that <α,a,z,y>. Since a,bαZA(G)(α),it follows that <α,x,bα,z> and <α,z,a,y>. If uG such that <α,bα,a,u>, then by the associativity of we get <α,x,u,y>. Moreover, as aZA(G)(α) it holds that <α,a,bα,u>. Thus u = c and hence <α,x,c,y>. That is, the implication: <α,c,x,y><α,x,c,y> holds x,yG. By symmetry, the other side of the implication holds and then cZA(G)(α). Therefore <ZA(G),A> is a soft subgroup of G. Next we show normality. Let aZA(G)(α) and g,x,yG such that

(3) <α,g,a,x>∈(3)


(4) <α,x,gα,y>∈(4)

Claim: yZA(G)(α). It is enough to show that y=a. As aZA(G)(α), it follows from (Equation3) we get that

(5) <α,a,g,x>∈(5)

Then (Equation4) and (Equation5) together imply that y=aZA(G)(α) (using associative of <,A>). Therefore <ZA(G),A> is a normal soft subgroup of G.

6. Soft congruences

Definition 6.1.

A soft equivalence relation <θ,A> on a soft group <G,,A> is called a soft congruence relation if for each αA and any a,b,c,d,x,yG with <α,a,c,x> and <α,b,d,y>; <a,b>, <c,d>θ(α) imply <x,y>θ(α).

Notation: The collection of all soft congruence relations on G with the set of parameters A will be denoted by SConA(G) .

Let <θ,A> be a soft congruence relation on G. Define the soft equivalence class θa:AP(G) of θ determined by aG as follows:


Then we have the following properties.

Lemma 6.2.

Let <θ,A> be a soft congruence relation on G and a,bG. Then,


<θa,A>=<θb,A> if and only if <a,b>θ(α) αA.


Either <θa,A>=<θb,A> or <θa,A> and <θb,A> are weakly disjoint. i.e αA such that θa(α)θb(α)=



Suppose <θa,A>=<θb,A>. Then θa(α)=θb(α), αA. Since eαθa(α) we have <a,eα>θ(α) and eαθb(α) we have <b,eα>θ(α). As <b,eα>θ(α)<eα,b>θ(α). From <a,eα>θ(α) and <eα,b>θ(α) we get <a,b>θ(α), αA. Conversely <a,b>θ(α) αA. We need to show that <θa,A>=<θb,A>. Let xθa(α). Then <a,x>θ(α). Since <a,b>θ(α), we get <b,x>θ(α) and hence xθb(α). Therefore θa(α)θb(α). Similarly, it can be shown that θb(α)θa(α). Thus <θa,A>=<θb,A>.


Suppose <θa,A> and <θb,A> are not weakly disjoint. This means that αA, θa(α)θb(α). It follows that there exist at least one xθa(α)θb(α). This implies that xθa(α) and xθb(α). So <a,x>θ(α) and <b,x>θ(α) implying that <a,b>θ(α) αA. Therefore, by (1) we get <θa,A>=<θb,A>.

For a soft congruence <θ,A> on G define a soft set <θ0,A> over G by


Theorem 6.3.

<θ0,A> is a normal soft subgroup of G.


Clearly, eαθ0(α). Let a,bθ0(α). This implies that <a,eα>θ(α) and <b,eα>θ(α). As <b,eα>θ(α) which implies that <bα,eα>θ(α). Let xG such that <α,a,bα,x>. Since <a,eα>θ(α) and <bα,eα>θ(α) we have <x,eα>θ(α),αA. This implies that xθ0(α). Let a,x,yG and nθ0(α). Suppose <α,a,n,x> and <α,x,aα,y>. As nθ0(α), this implies that <n,eα>θ(α). Suppose <x,a>θ(α) and <aα,n>θ(α). This implies that <y,x>θ(α). Since <y,x>θ(α) and <x,eα>θ(α), we have <y,eα>θ(α). It follows that yθ0(α). Therefore <θ0,A> is a normal soft subgroup of G.

Theorem 6.4.

Given a normal soft subgroup <N,A> of G. Define a soft relation denoted by <θN,A> over G by:


Then <θN,A> is a soft congruence relation on G.


First we show that <θN,A> a soft equivalence relation. Let αA and xG. Since <α,xα,x,z>. This implies that z=eαN(α). It follows that <x,x>θN(α). Therefore <θN,A> is reflexive. Let αA and x,yG. Suppose <x,y>θN(α) such that <α,yα,x,z>, we have zN(α). Since <α,xα,y,zα> and zαN(α). This implies that <y,x>θN(α). Therefore <θN,A> is symmetric. Let αA and x,y,zG. Suppose <x,y>θN(α) and <y,z>θN(α). Which implies that <α,yα,x,z1>, <α,zα,y,z2> for some z1,z2N(α). Let z3G such that <α,z2,z1,z3>. This implies z3N(α). Since <α,zα,x,z3> and z3N(α), it follows that <x,z>θN(α). Therefore <θN,A> is transitive. Thus, <θN,A> a soft equivalence relation. Finally, let αA and a,b,c,x,yG such that <α,a,c,x> and <α,b,d,y>. Suppose <a,b>,<c,d>θN(α). We need to prove that <x,y>θN(α). Let zG with the property <α,yα,x,z>. As <a,b>θN(α) we have <α,bα,a,z1> for some z1N(α). Again as <c,d>θN(α), there is some z2N(α) such that <α,dα,c,z2>. Let z3,z4,z5,wG such that <α,dα,z1,z4>, <α,z4,d,z5> and <α,z5,z2,w>. Then, using the facts: z1,z2N(α) and <N,A> is normal, one can easily check that wN(α). Moreover, by the associativity of , we have z = w and hence <x,y>θN(α). Therefore <θN,A> is a soft congruence relation on G.

Theorem 6.5.

There is a lattice isomorphism between SNA(G) and SConA(G).


Let g:SNA(G)SConA(G) and H:SConA(G)SNA(G) be mapping defined by g:<N,A><θN,A> and H:<θ,A><θ0,A>. We first show that g and h are mutually inverse to each other; that is, we show that <[θN]0,A>=<N,A> and <θ[θ0],A>=<θ,A> for all <N,A>SNA(G) and all <θ,A>SConA(G).


For each αA ;


Thus <[θN]o,A>=<N,A>.


For any αA; <x,y>θ[θo](α) if and only if <α,yα,x,z>forsomezθ0(α). Equivalently,<x,y>θ(α) showing that <θ[θo],A>=<θ,A>. Thus g and h are inverse to each other and hence both are one to one correspondences. It remains to show that both g and h are order homomorphisms. In other words, it is enough to show that <N1,A><N2,A> if and only if <θN1,A><θN2,A>. Suppose that N1(α)N2(α) for all αA. Let αA and (x,y)θN1(α). Then <α,x,yα,z1> for some z1N1(α). That is, z1N2(α) and <α,x,yα,z1>. So (x,y)θN2(α). Since α is arbitrary in A, we get <θN1,A><θN2,A>. Conversely, suppose θN1(α)θN2(α) for all αA. Let αA and xN1(α). Then, it is clear that <x,eα>θN1(α)θN2(α) and hence <x,eα>θN2(α). Then, there exists some N2(α) such that <α,eα,x,z>. Whence x=zN2(α) and so <N1,A><N2(α),A>. Hence proved.

7. Direct products

Lemma 7.1.

Let <G1,1,A>,<Gn,n,A> be soft groups with the same set of parameters A, and G be the set


Define a soft binary operation <,A> on G by: A×G×G×G given by <α,a¯,b¯,c¯> if and only if <α,ai,bi,ci>i for all 1in. Where a¯=<a1,,an>, b¯=<b1,,bn> and c¯=<c1,,cn>. Then <G,,A> is a soft group.

Definition 7.2.

Given soft groups <G1,1,A>,\break,<Gn,n,A> with a fixed set A of parameters. The group <G,,A> obtained in Lemma 7.1 is called the direct product of <G1,1,A>,,<Gn,n,A>.

In general, for any indexed family {<Gi,i,A>}iI of soft groups, the underlying set for their direct product is given by:


Define a soft binary operation <,A> on iIGi as follows <α,a,b,c> if and only if <α,a(i),b(i),c(i)>i for all iI. Then <iIGi,,A> is a soft group.

Theorem 7.3.

Let <G1,1,A> and <G2,2,A> be soft groups. Let <H1,A> and <H2,A> be soft subgroups of G1 and G2 respectively. Then, their product <H1×H2,A> is a soft subgroup of G1×G2. Moreover, any soft subgroup of G1×G2 is of the form <H1×H2,A> for some soft subgroups <H1,A> and <H2,A> of G1 and G2, respectively.


Suppose that <H1,A> is soft a subgroup of G1 and <H2,A> a soft subgroup of G2. For αA, we have eα1H1(α) and eα2H2(α). Which implies that <eα1,eα2>H1(α)×H2(α). Let a¯=<a1,a2>,b¯=<b1,b2>H1×H2(α) and c¯=<c1,c2>G1×G2 such that <α,a¯,b¯α,c¯>. Then <α,a1,b1α,c1>1 and <α,a2,b2α,c2>2. Since <H1,A> is a soft subgroup of G1 and <H2,A> is a soft subgroup of G2, we get that c1H1(α) and c2H2(α)>. So that c¯=<c1,c2>H1×H2(α). That is <H1×H2,A> is a soft subgroup of G1×G2. Conversely suppose that <H,A> is a soft subgroup of G1×G2. Define soft subsets <H1,A> and <H2,A> of G1 and G2 respectively by:




Then we show that <H1,A> is a soft subgroup of G1. For each αA, since <eα1,eα2>H(α) we have eα1H1(α). Let a,bH1(α). Then <a,eα2>, <b,eα2>H(α). Let cG1 such that <α,a,bα,c>1. Then <α,<a,eα2>,<bα,eα2>,<c,eα2>> and since <H,A> is a soft subgroup of G1×G2, we get that <c,eα2>H1×H2(α), which implies that cH1(α). Thus, <H1,A> is a soft subgroup of G1. Similarly, it can be shown that <H2,A> is a soft subgroup of G2. Moreover, one can easily check that <H1×H2,A>=<H,A>. Hence proved.

8. Conclusion

This manuscript presents a new approach to soft groups based on soft binary operations aiming to incorporate the concept of ”softness” into the realm of algebraic structures. By proposing a novel definition for soft groups and utilizing soft binary operations parameterized by suitable parameters, we have successfully introduced a framework to model and analyze algebraic structures that capture uncertainty and imprecision.

Moreover, we construct an ordinary group model that represents our soft group. This model is important to describe and characterize the overall internal structure of soft groups through the existing classical group theories. The study of soft subgroups and normal soft subgroups further enhances our understanding of the internal structure of soft groups. We believe that our research will contribute to the growing field of soft computing and pave the way for new applications in various domains.

Authors contribution

All the authors contributed equally to the writing of this manuscript. They also read and approved the final manuscript

Human and animal rights

This article does not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed by any of the authors.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Data availability statement

No data were used to support this study.

Supplementary material

Supplemental data for this article can be accessed online at https://doi.org/10.1080/27684830.2023.2289733

Additional information


There was no financial support for this particular study.


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