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Pure Mathematics

Counting supersolvable and solvable group orders

& | (Reviewing editor:) & (Reviewing editor:)
Article: 2328389 | Received 03 Aug 2023, Accepted 05 Mar 2024, Published online: 21 Mar 2024


For more than 100 years, group and number theorists have been interested in quesitons such as: (a) If a group G has order |G|=piαi (pi distinct primes), what conditions on the primes pi and their exponents αi ensure that G is cyclic, or G is abelian, or G is nilpotent, or supersolvable, or solvable? (b) How fast does g(n)=|{mn every group G of order m has one of these properties}| grow as a function of n? Questions (a) and (b) have been answered when the property is either cyclic, abelian, or nilpotent. However, when the property is supersolvable or solvable, only question (a) has been fully answered. We greatly increase the current lower bounds for g(n) when the property is supersolvable or solvable. In the latter case, our lower bound is just below the best upper bound known. We used the MANA high performance computing cluster of the University of Hawaii at Manoa to greatly increase the current lower bounds for g(n) when the property is supersolvable or solvable.


1. Introduction

All groups here are finite. A group G is cyclic if there is an element gG such that every element of G may be expressed as a power gm of g (where m is an integer). A group G is abelian if for every pair a,bG, ab = ba. A sequence 1=N0N1Nr=G of normal subgroups of G is a central series for G if for 1ir we have Ni/Ni1Z(G/Ni1), the center of G/Ni1. A group is nilpotent if it has a central series. G is nilpotent if and only if every maximal subgroup of G is normal. G is supersolvable if there exist normal subgroups Ni of G with 1=N0N1Nr=G where each factor Ni/Ni1 is cyclic. G is supersolvable if and only if every maximal subgroup MG has prime index [G:M] (Huppert, Citation1954). G is solvable if there exist normal subgroups Ni of G with 1=N0N1Nr=G where each Ni/Ni1 is abelian.

There is exactly one isomorphism class of groups of order n if and only if every group of order n is cyclic. Miller (Citation1935, Collected Works I) was the first to discover that there is exactly one isomorphism class of groups of order n if and only if (n,φ(n))=1, where φ(n) (Eulers totient function)=|{mn(m,n)=1}|=nprimes pn(11p). Thus, for example, every group of order 15 is cyclic. If we set

C(n)=|{mnevery group of order m is cyclic}|

then C(n)=|{mnm is square free and no two prime factors p,q of m satisfy p ≡ 1 (mod q)}|.

Similarly,(Dickson, Citation1905), a group of order n=piαi (pi distinct primes) is abelian if and only if (i) each αi2 and (ii) (pi,pjαj1)=1 for every i,j. Thus, for example, every group of order 45 is abelian. If we set

A(n)=|{mnevery group of order m is abelian}|

then A(n)=|{mnm=piαi where each αi2 and (pi,pjαj1)=1 for every i,j}|.

Also, Bachman (Citation1960) proved that a group of order n=piαi is nilpotent if and only if for every i,j, (pi,λ=1αj(pjλ1))=1. Thus, for example, every group of order 135=335 is nilpotent. If we set

N(n)=|{mnevery group of order m is nilpotent}|

then N(n)=|{mnm=piαi and for every i,j,(pi,λ=1αj(pjλ1))=1}|.

Finally, let ψ(pk) be the multiplicative function defined on prime powers by ψ(pk)=(pk1)(pk11)(p1). Then, in [Pazderski (Citation1959), pg. 335], we find a proof that a group of order n=i=1tpiαi (p1<p2<<pt) is supersolvable if and only if:

  1. For all 1it, the distinct prime factors of (n,ψ(piαi)) are the same as those of (n,pi1).

  2. If there exists ik such that piαk (i.e. some prime factor of n is less than or equal to the multiplicity of another prime factor of n), then

    1. There does not exist a prime pj such that pi(pj1) and pj(pk1), and

    2. αi2, and if αi=2 then pi2(pk1). Thus, for example, every group of order 54 is supersolvable. If we set

U(n)=|{mnevery group of order mis supersolvable}|

then U(n)=|{mnm=i=1tpiαi(p1<p2<<pt) and m (replacing n) satisfies (1) and (2)(a),(b) above}|. Finally, set

S(n)=|{mnevery group of order m is solvable}|

and note that C(n)A(n)N(n)U(n)S(n).

In Pakianathan & Shankar (Citation2000), we find criteria based on J. Thompson’s deep result (Thompson, Citation1968) on minimal simple groups, for the positive integer m to be a solvable group order, that is every group of order m is solvable: m is a solvable group order if and only if m is not a multiple of any of (i) 2p(2p1), p a prime (ii) 3p(32p1)/2, p an odd prime (iii) p(p21)/2, p a prime >3 and p2 or 3 (mod 5) (iv) 243313 (v) 22p(22p+1)(22p1), p an odd prime. The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) has a list of many such m (A056866).

Erdös (Citation1948) found the asymptotic behavior of C(n)=mn(m,φ(m))=11, proving that C(n)=(1+o(1))neγlogloglogn where γ=0.57721 is Euler’s constant. Mays (Citation1978) proved that A(n) and N(n) also =(1+o(1))neγlogloglogn, so C(n), A(n) and N(n) each grow more slowly than n. Using an old result of Burnside and the Feit-Thompson Theorem that every non-abelian finite simple group has even order, Mays (Citation1978) proved that S(n)>0.869n for n>N0.

Using Pazderski’s criteria, we check that every group of square-free order n=pi (distinct primes) is supersolvable. ζ is the Riemann Zeta function and ζ(2)=k=11/k2=π2/6. Since (Montgomery & Vaughan, Citation1981) the number of square-free integers n is equal to nζ(2)+O(n)>(6π2)n>0.6079n, we know that U(n)>0.6079n.

Zhang & Fan (Citation1981) reformulated Pazderski’s criteria and gave a different proof that their criteria characterize those integers n for which every group of order n is supersolvable: A group of order n is supersolvable if and only if n=i=1rpiλi (p1<p2<<pr) and

  1. For any i,j, (pi,s=1λj(pjs1))=(pi,pj1)

  2. When piλj (1i<jr), we must have 1λi2 and piλi(pj1), and moreover no pk exists (i<k<j) such that pi(pk1) and pk(pj1).

Finally, Hughes (Citation1980) stated that n is a supersolvable order if and only if three criteria are satisfied:

Suppose n=i=1spiai, p1<p2<<ps (primes). Then, n is a supersolvable order if and only if there exist p,q,r (distinct) prime divisors of n, such that

  1. If pd(qt1) (taq,dap) then pd(q1).

  2. If p3n and p3(q1) then aq<p.

  3. If p<q<r, p(q1) and pq(r1) then ar<p.

Hughes stated that his proof is “to appear”, but the proof has never appeared. We decided to count the number of supersolvable orders between 2 and 10k when 1k13, using each author’s criteria. As expected, the authors’ counts agree and are displayed as U(10k) in the Table below for 1k13. The average time it took the three counts for each k, is also displayed.

When k = 12 (or 13), these are the times it would take one computer to run the program. The HPC is a cluster of computers, and 10 computers were run concurrently. For example, when k = 12, each computer counts in an interval of length 10”. To get a closer estimate of the HPC runtime (not including queue times), divide the time by 10.

Here is the public repository for the project:


The files ss.c, ss_pazderski.c, and ss_h.c correspond to the three criteria.

Below these, readers will find the directions for running the program locally.

Our table of U(n) reveals that U(n)>0.8676n without using the results of Burnside and Feit-Thompson.

In order to find S(n), we found NS(n)=nS(n), the number of integers mn such that some group of order m is not solvable. For example, since some group of order 60 (namely Alt(5)) is not solvable, and m = 60 is the only m102 for which some group of order m is not solvable, we have NS(102)=1. Using the criteria based on J. Thompson’s result on minimal simple groups, we know that some group of order m is not solvable if and only if m is a multiple of at least one of (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) or (v) (listed earlier). For example, some group of order 1344=2637 is not solvable since 1344=(24)2p(2p1) where p = 3. Using a (2017) Lenovo Y520-151KBM desktop computer and source code written in Mathematica (modified slightly from that at OEIS AO56866), we found for 3k8, keeping track of the time taken in seconds:

Since there are 86,400 seconds/day, it took approximately 0.38 days to find the number of m108 for which some group of order m is not solvable. We stopped at 108, since we estimate that it will take at least a week to find NS(109) with not much information gained. Since S(n)=nNS(n), we have the following:

As noted earlier [Mays, Thm. 5, Mays (Citation1978)] proved that for n large enough: 0.869n<S(n)<0.978n. We see from the above table how close to his upper bound S(n) is.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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  • Zhang, Y. D., & Fan, Y. (1981). On supersolvablility of groups of order n. Journal of Mathematics, 1(1), 86–95.