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Applied & Interdisciplinary Mathematics

Binary convex fuzzy vector spaces over binary vector spaces and their applications

ORCID Icon, & | (Reviewing editor)
Article: 2343545 | Received 04 Jun 2023, Accepted 11 Apr 2024, Published online: 03 May 2024


In this paper, we explore the concept of binary convex fuzzy vector spaces and binary convex fuzzy linear subspaces over binary vector spaces F2n by formalizing their definition, and we found interesting results on their properties. We also studied binary fuzzy vector spaces, and binary convex fuzzy sets by establishing relevant properties. We accomplish these by redefining fuzzy subsets over F2n in a new manner using the formula of the reliability of the channel to send messages correctly over noise channels to make the concepts applicable in natural and linguistic communication systems. We also defined binary convex fuzzy codes over binary convex fuzzy vector space and presented some properties. Furthermore, we realized that the properties discussed for binary fuzzy vector spaces are applied to binary convex fuzzy vector spaces. We used binary fuzzy vector spaces to formulate binary fuzzy codes and binary convex fuzzy vector spaces to define binary convex fuzzy codes. We also draw connections between binary fuzzy codes and binary convex fuzzy codes. The study of binary convex fuzzy vector spaces and binary fuzzy vector spaces is particularly relevant in the context of information transmission through noisy communication channels, where it allows for the exploration of fuzzy error-correcting/detecting codes and related properties to detect/correct errors that may occur during transmission.

1. Introduction

The study of classical set theory was started by Cantor in 1874 (Cantor, Citation1874). In the classical context, we represent membership of an object as either 1 (member) or 0 (not a member) of a set for collections of well-defined objects. So, we have only these two degrees of freedom. The principles of classical set theory have been widely applied in fields such as communication systems, electronics, computer science, and engineering. However, the real world is marked by uncertainty and many vague concepts that cannot be adequately expressed using classical set theory. The existence of these uncertain and ambiguous concepts in the natural world has led scholars to define fuzzy sets, a new type of set designed to represent uncertainty and vagueness, first introduced by (Zadeh, Citation1965). In this case, there is freedom in defining uncertain or vague concepts tailored to specific purposes, and the degree of membership falls within [0,1] (which is the subset of real numbers). Zadeh also introduced the idea of fuzzy convex fuzzy sets in (Zadeh, Citation1965), which has since been further explored by various scholars (Lowen, Citation1980; Ammar, Citation1999; Wu & Cheng, Citation2004; Yuan & Lee, Citation2004).

Furthermore, scholars have been studying classical vector spaces to describe objects occurring in combinations. The concept of classical vector spaces was introduced by an Italian mathematician Peano in 1888 (Moore, Citation1995). While subsequent researchers expanded on Peano’s linear system and studied vector spaces more broadly. However, the world still needed to express uncertain and vague objects occurring in combinations. Katsaras and Liu were the pioneers in formulating the concept of fuzzy vector spaces in 1977(Katsaras & Liu, Citation1977), paving the way for extensive research in the concepts of fuzzy vector spaces (Lubczonok, Citation1990; Abdukhalikov et al., Citation1994; Kumar, Citation1992), fuzzy subspaces (Hedayati, Citation2009; Kumar, Citation1993), fuzzy linear spaces (Wenxiang & Tu, Citation1992), and fuzzy linear subspaces (Feng & Li, Citation2013). In modern times, the utilization of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic has become prevalent in diverse fields, including computer science (Gosain & Dahiya, Citation2016; Garibaldi, Citation2019), engineering (Aslansefat et al., Citation2020), communication systems Amudhambigai and Neeraja (Citation2019); von Kaenel (Citation1982); De Gang (Citation2000); Gereme et al. (Citation2023a); Gereme et al. (Citation2023b), and beyond.

Binary convex codes are binary codes generated by patterns of intersections of collection of open convex sets in some Euclidean space Carina et al. (Citation2019), with the property that every binary code is convex realizable (Franke & Muthiah, Citation2018), play crucial roles in linguistic communications, and image processing (Curto et al., Citation2017). Since binary fuzzy codes in (Gereme et al. (Citation2023a); Gereme et al. (Citation2023b) are extensions of classical binary codes (Blake & Mullin, Citation2014), paved the way for considering binary convex fuzzy codes as extensions of binary convex codes. To study further properties like dimension and decoding algorithms of binary fuzzy codes over binary fuzzy vector space described in Gereme et al. (2024), we need to study binary fuzzy vector spaces using the redefined fuzzy subsets in Gereme et al. (Citation2023a). Similarly, to define and study the properties of binary fuzzy convex fuzzy codes, and binary convex fuzzy linear codes, we need to study fuzzy convex sets using the definitions in (Lowen, Citation1980; Zadeh, Citation1965), and fuzzy linear subspaces using the definitions in (Abdukhalikov et al., Citation1994). Since the concepts of binary classical vector spaces are used for the development of error-correction codes that are also used to correct/detect errors that occur during communications through noise channels (Gross, Citation2016), we are sure that studying binary convex fuzzy vector spaces (or binary fuzzy vector spaces) and related properties also gives a chance to study fuzzy codes and their properties including minimum distances, dimensions, and decoding, to use the codes for error correction/detection purpose in noise communication channels.

In summary, from the discussion of this paper, we realized that when a classical binary vector space is fuzzified, it may not be a binary fuzzy vector space. The fuzzified space to be a fuzzy vector space depends on the parameters α and γ in F2. Also, in a binary case, fuzzy vector spaces and convex fuzzy vector spaces that we defined are equivalent. We believe studying binary convex fuzzy vector space or binary convex fuzzy linear subspaces gives a chance to define and study binary convex fuzzy codes, and binary convex codes, which have useful applications in image processing.

Throughout this paper, Ftn is ndimensional vector space over a field Ft that contains t objects (i.e. Ft={0,1,2,,t}). p and q are real numbers such that 0<p<12 and p+q=1. And 0 and 1 represents ntupled vectors (0,0,,0) and (1,1,,1), respectively. Also, wt(x+yi)=ei (for i=1,2,3,,2n) is the weight of x+yi, and it is the number of 1’s in a vector x+yi, where x,yiF2n for ndimensional binary vector space F2n.

2. Preliminaries

Definition 2.1.

Hedayati, (Citation2009); Halmos, (Citation2017)

A finite dimensional vector space Ftn (or also called linear space) is an abelian group with respect to addition modulo—t over a field Ft satisfying:

  1. (γ+α)x=γx+αx,∀xFtn and ∀γ,αFt

  2. γ(x+y)=γx+γy,∀x,yFtn and ∀γFt

  3. (γα)x=γ(αx),∀xFtn and ∀γ,αFt

  4. 1x=x,∀xFtn and 1Ft

Definition 2.2.

Halmos, (Citation2017)

Let Q be a non-empty subset of Ftn over Ft. Then Q is called a linear subspace (or subspace), if αx+γyQ,x,yQ and α,γFt.

Definition 2.3.

Gross, (Citation2016)

Let B be a non—empty subset of Ftn over Ft. Then B is called linearly independent set if i=1nαixi=0 implies αi=0,∀i.

Definition 2.4.

Gross, (Citation2016)

Let B be a non-empty subset of a vector space Ftn over Ft. Then B is called basis of Ftn if:

  1. B is linearly independent set for Ftn

  2. B spans Ftn

Proposition 2.5.

Axler, (Citation1997)

Let BFtn, where Ftn be a vector space. Then the set B is the basis of Ftn if and only if every yFtn can be written uniquely in the form y=α1x1+α2x2++αnxn, where αiFt and xiB.


See Proposition 2.8 of (Axler, Citation1997).

Definition 2.6.

Halmos, (Citation2017)

If B is basis for a vector space Ftn over Ft, then |B| is called the dimension of Ftn.

Definition 2.7.

Blake & Mullin, (Citation2014)

Every non-empty subset C of F2n is a binary block code. The vectors in C are called codewords, and the weight of a codeword is the number of 1s in the binary ndimensional vector. These codes are classical codes.

Definition 2.8.

Gereme et al., (2023)

Let μ:F2n[0,1] defined by μx(yi)=peiqnei, where ei=wt(x+yi) for x,yiF2n. Then µ is a fuzzy set over F2n.

Definition 2.9.

Yang, (Citation1995)

Let μ:Ftn[0,1] be a fuzzy subset of Ftn. Then µ is called convex fuzzy set of Ftn if μ(αx+(1α)y) min{μ(x),μ(y)},∀x,yFtn and αFt.

Theorem 2.10.

Ammar, (Citation1999)

If µ is a convex fuzzy set, then either µα is empty or convex set for every α[0,1] but the converse doesnot hold in general.


See Theorem −2 of (Ammar, Citation1999).

Definition 2.11.

Lubczonok, (Citation1990)

Let μ:Ftn[0,1] be a fuzzy subset of Ftn. Then ftn={μ|μ:Ftn[0,1]} is called a fuzzy vector space of Ftn if μ(αx+γy) min{μ(x),μ(y)},∀x,yFtn and α,γFt

Definition 2.12.

Lubczonok, (Citation1990)

Let B be a non-empty subset of Ftn over Ft, and let ftn be a fuzzy vector space of Ftn. Then B is called a fuzzy linear independent set for ftn, if:

  1. B is linearly independent set for Ftn.

  2. μ(i=1nγixi)=min{μ(γ1x1),μ(γ2x2),,μ(γnxn)}, where {γi:i=1,2,,n}Ft

Definition 2.13.

Lubczonok, (Citation1990)

Let ftn={μ|μ:Ftn[0,1]} be a fuzzy vector space of Ftn. Then the dimension of ftn is : dim(ftn)=sup(vBμ(v)) , where B is basis for Ftn.

Proposition 2.14.

Lubczonok, (Citation1990)

Let ftn={μ|μ:Ftn[0,1]} be a fuzzy vector space of Ftn. Then ftn has fuzzy basis.


See Proposition 5.2 of (Lubczonok, Citation1990).

Proposition 2.15.

Lubczonok, (Citation1990)

Let ftn={μ|μ:Ftn[0,1]} be a fuzzy vector space of Ftn. If B is a fuzzy basis for ftn and B is any basis for Ftn, then vBμ(v)vBμ(v).


See Proposition 5.3 of (Lubczonok, Citation1990).

Definition 2.16.

Kumar, (Citation1992)

Let B be a non-empty subset of a vector space Ftn over a field Ft, and let ftn be a fuzzy vector space of a vector space Ftn. Then B is called a fuzzy basis for ftn, if:

  1. B is basis for Ftn.

  2. μ(i=1nγixi)=min{μ(γ1x1),μ(γ2x2),,μ(γnxn)}, where {γi:i=1,2,,n}Ft.

Remark 1.

  1. If |B| is a dimension of a fuzzy vector space ftn, then |B| also the dimension of Ftn (Shi & Huang, Citation2010).

  2. If B and B are two fuzzy basis of a fuzzy vector space ftn, then |B|=|B| (Kumar, Citation1992).

Definition 2.17.

Nanda, (Citation1991)

Let Ftn be ndimensional linear space of a field Ft. Then the mapping μ:Ftn[0,1] is called a fuzzy linear subspace of Ftn if:

  1. μ(x+y) min{μ(x),μ(y)},∀x,yFtn

  2. μ(γx) min{μ(γ),μ(x)},∀γFt and ∀xFtn

Definition 2.18.

Zadeh, (Citation1965)

Let μ:F2n[0,1] be a fuzzy set. Then µ is a convex fuzzy set if and only if the set µt defined by μt={x|μ(x) t,xF2n} is convex ∀t (0,1].

Definition 2.19.

Brown, (Citation1971)

The tlevel sets (or tcuts) of a fuzzy set μ:F2n[0,1] is defined as

μt={xF2n|μ(x) t}, where t(0,1].

Remark 2.

Zadeh, (Citation1965)

Definition 2.18 is equivalent with:

A fuzzy set μ:F2n[0,1] is convex fuzzy set if and only if μ(αx+(1α)y) min{μ(x),μ(y)} for all x,yF2n and ∀α[0,1].

Proposition 2.20.

Yuan and Lee, (Citation2004)

μ:F2n[0,1] is Zadeh’s convex fuzzy subset of F2n if and only if μt={xF2n|μ(x) t} is convex subset of F2n for any t[0,1], where the empty set is seen as a convex subset.

We can combine Definition 2.18 and Definition 2.19 to have the following lemma.

Lemma 2.21.

Let μ:F2n[0,1] defined by μx(yi)=t, where t=peiqnei, ei=wt(x+yi) and x,yiF2n. Then µ is a fuzzy convex set.


Since t=peiqnei and p(0,12) such that p+q=1, t(0,1).

Now, by Definition 2.18, (μx)t={yiF2n|μx(yi) t} and it is a binary code over a vector space F2n. This implies (μx)t is a convex set.

Therefore, µ is a fuzzy convex set, because of Definition 2.19 and Definition 2.18.

3. Binary fuzzy vector spaces of F2n over a Galois field F2

3.1. Binary fuzzy vector spaces

Proposition 3.1.

Let F2n be a binary vector space over a Galois field F2 and μ: F2n[0,1] defined by μx(yi)=peiqnei, where ei=wt(x+yi) and x,yiF2n. Then f2n={μx|μx(yi)=peiqnei} is a binary fuzzy vector space whenever α,γF2 such that γ=1α.


Let x,y1,y2F2n be arbitrary.

Suppose : α,γF2 such that γ=1α.

Claim:f2n={μx|μx(yi)=peiqnei} is a fuzzy vector space.

Case − 1 For α = 0

Since γ=1α, γ=10=1. Then μx(αy1+γy2)=μx(0+y2)=μx(y2) min{μx(y1),μx(y2)} ,\allowbreakx,y1,y2F2n.

Therefore, the definition of fuzzy vector space holds (see Definition 2.11).

Case − 2 For α = 1

Since γ=1α, γ=11=0. Then μx(αy1+γy2)=μx(y1+0)=μx(y1) min{μx(y1),μx(y2)} , ∀x,y1,y2F2n.

Therefore, the definition of fuzzy vector space holds (see Definition 2.11).

Hence, f2n is a binary fuzzy vector space.

Theorem 3.2

Let f2n be a binary fuzzy vector space. Then μx(y1)μx(y2) if and only if e1e2, where e1=wt(x+y1) and e2=wt(x+y2).


The proof is similar with the proof of Theorem 2.1 of Gereme et al., (2023).

Corollary 3.3.

Let f2n be a binary fuzzy vector space and let e1=wt(x+y1),∀xF2n. If e1=n, then μx(y1)μx(yi),yiF2n.

Corollary 3.4.

Let f2n be a binary fuzzy vector space and let μx(y1),μx(y2)f2n be arbitrary such that y1y2. If x=y2, then μx(y1)<μx(y2).

Theorem 3.5

Let f2n be a binary fuzzy vector space. Then (μx)t=(μx)s if and only if ∃yF2n such that tμx(y)<s.


Let (μx)t, (μx)s with t < s be any two level sets of a binary fuzzy set µ with t < s.

() Suppose (μx)t=(μx)s.

Claim: ∃yF2n such that tμx(y)<s.

Assume there exists yF2n such that sμx(y)<t. Then y(μx)s and y(μx)t. Implies  (μx)sy(μx)t, which contradicts with the supposition.

Hence, there is no yF2n such that sμx(y)<t.

() Conversely, suppose ∃yF2n such that sμx(y)<t.

Claim: (μx)t=(μx)s

From the supposition s < t. Then

(1) (μx)t (μx)s(1)

And also, let y(μx)s. Then μx(y)s.

By the assumption there is no yF2n such that μx(y)<t. Then μx(y)t. This implies y(μx)t. Therefore,

(2) (μx)s (μx)t(2)

From (Equation1) and (Equation2), we have (μx)t=(μx)s.

Proposition 3.6.

Let a non-empty subset B of F2n, and let µ be a fuzzy subset of F2n. If B is linearly independent set of F2n, then B is a fuzzy linearly independent set of a fuzzy vector space f2n.


Let µ be a fuzzy subset of a binary vector space F2n

Let f2n be a binary fuzzy vector space of F2n.

Suppose : BF2n is linearly independent set of F2n.

Claim: B is a fuzzy linearly independent set of a binary fuzzy vector space f2n.

Since B is linearly independent of F2n, it is enough to show μx(i=1nγiyi)=min{μx(γ1y2), μx(γ2y2),, μx(γnyn)} .

Now, since αi=0,∀i, then γiyi=0,i . Implies i=1nγiyi=0. Which gives μx(i=1nγiyi)=μx(0)

And also, for each i, μx(γiyi)=μx(0), which implies min{μx(γ1y1), μx(γ2y2),, μx(γnyn)} =μx(0)

Therefore, μx(i=1nγiyi)=μx(0)=min{μx(γ1y1),\allowbreakμx(γ2y2),, μx(γnyn)} .

Hence, μx(i=1nγiyi)=min{μx(γ1y1), μx(γ2y2),\allowbreak, μx(γnyn)} 

Implies, B is fuzzy linearly independent set for a binary fuzzy vector space f2n.

Proposition 3.7.

Let a non-empty subset B of F2n, and let µ be a fuzzy subset of F2n. If B is a basis of F2n, then B is fuzzy basis of a fuzzy vector space f2n.


Let µ be a fuzzy subset of a binary vector space F2n.

Let f2n be a binary fuzzy vector space of F2n.

Suppose : BF2n is basis of F2n.

Claim: B is basis of a binary fuzzy vector space f2n.

Since B is basis of F2n, it is enough to show μx(i=1nγiyi)=min{μx(γ1y2), μx(γ2y2),,\allowbreakμx(γnyn)}.

Now, since B is basis of F2n, B is linearly independent set of F2n. Then γiyi=0,i . Implies i=1nγiyi=0. Which gives μx(i=1nγiyi)=μx(0)

And also, for each i, μx(γiyi)=μx(0), which implies min{μx(γ1y1), μx(γ2y2),, μx(γnyn)} =μx(0).

Therefore, μx(i=1nγiyi)=μx(0)=min{μx(γ1y1),\allowbreakμx(γ2y2),, μx(γnyn)}.

Hence, μx(i=1nγiyi)=min{μx(γ1y1), μx(γ2y2),,\allowbreakμx(γnyn)}

Therefore, B is fuzzy basis for a binary fuzzy vector space f2n.

Proposition 3.8.

For a binary fuzzy vector space f2n={μx|μx(yi)=peiqnei}. Then f2n has fuzzy basis and one of the basis is B={(1,0,0,,0),\allowbreak(0,1,0,0,,0),,(0,0,,1)} whenever B is fuzzy linearly independent set.


Let f2n={μx|μx(yi)=peiqnei} be a fuzzy vector space over F2n.

Let B is basis of F2n.

Suppose: B is fuzzy linearly independent set of f2n.

This implies B is a basis for F2n.

Since f2n is constructed from the finite binary vector space F2n and f2n is a fuzzy vector space over F2n, f2n is finite dimensional. Then f2n has fuzzy basis, this is true because of Proposition 2.14.

Since B is basis for F2n and B is fuzzy linearly independent set of f2n, B is fuzzy basis of f2n.

Since B={(1,0,0,,0),(0,1,0,0,,0),,(0,0,,\allowbreak1)} is basis for F2n and B is fuzzy linearly independent set of f2n, then B={(1,0,0,,0),\allowbreak(0,1,0,0,,0),,(0,0,,1)} is one of the fuzzy basis for f2n.

Proposition 3.9.

Let µ be a fuzzy subset of F2n, and let f2n be a fuzzy vector space over F2n. If a non-empty subset B of F2n is the basis for F2n, then B is a fuzzy basis of f2n.


Let µ be a fuzzy subset of a binary vector space F2n.

Let f2n be a binary fuzzy vector space of F2n.

Suppose: BF2n be the basis of F2n.

Claim: B is basis of a binary fuzzy vector space f2n.

Since B is basis of F2n, it is enough to show B is linearly independent set over f2n.

Since B is basis over F2n, B is linearly independent over F2n. Which implies B is a fuzzy linearly independent set of f2n, by Proposition 3.6.

Hence, B is fuzzy basis for a binary fuzzy vector space f2n.

Definition 3.10.

For a binary fuzzy vector space f2n, dim(f2n)=vB(μ(v)), where B is a fuzzy basis of f2n.

Lemma 3.11.

Let B be a fuzzy basis for a fuzzy vector space f2n over F2n. Then xiF2nμxi(y)=1 for each yB.


Let yB be arbitrary and xiF2n. Then there are 2n possibilities for xi. From these possible vectors of xi, one possible vector has weight 0, one vector also has weight n, (n1) vectors have weight 1, (n2) vectors have weight 2, and so on.

The fuzzy subset µ is defined as μxi(y)=peiqnei for p+q=1, p(0,12), and ei=wt(xi+y). The weight of xi+y runs from 0 up to n. There is one possibility of ei=0, there is also one possibility in which ei=n, (n1) possibilities in which ei=1, (n2) possibilities in which ei=2 and so on.

Therefore xiF2nμxi(y)=(n0)p0qn0+(n1)p1qn1+(n2)p2qn2++(nn)pnqnn. This implies


Lemma 3.12.

Let B be a fuzzy base for a fuzzy vector space f2n over F2n. Then B has n members.


Since B is a fuzzy base for f2n, B is also a base for F2n. In the classical case, we know that dim(F2n)=n and it is equivalent with the number of elements of B.

Therefore, n(B)=n.

Proposition 3.13.

Let f2n be a binary fuzzy vector space of F2n with fuzzy basis B. Then dim(f2n)=n.


Let B be the fuzzy basis for a binary fuzzy vector space f2n. By Lemma 3.12, there are n possible elements for B.

By Definition 3.10, dim(f2n)=yiB(μx(yi)) for all xF2n, where B is a fuzzy basis of f2n.

Using Lemma 3.11 and Lemma 3.12, dim(f2n)=yiB(μx(yi))=n1=n.

Proposition 3.14.

For a binary fuzzy vector space f2n={μx|μx(yi)=peiqnei}. If B is a fuzzy basis for f2n, then it is a basis for F2n and dim(f2n)=dim(F2n).


The prove is the direct outcome of Proposition 3.8 and Definition 3.10.

3.2. Binary convex fuzzy vector spaces

Proposition 3.15.

Let μ:F2n[0,1] defined by μx(yi)=peiqnei, where ei=wt(x+yi) for x,yiF2n. µ is a convex fuzzy set if and only if μx(γy1+(1γ)y2) min{μx(y1),μx(y2)} for γF2.


Let μx(y1)=pe1qne1=t1 and μx(y2)=pe2qne2=t2, where e1=wt(x+y1) and e2=wt(x+y2).

Let t=min{t1,t2}.

() Suppose: µ is a convex fuzzy set.

Claim: μx(γy1+(1γ)y2) min{μx(y1),μx(y2)} for γF2.

Since µ is convex fuzzy set, (μx)t is a convex set.

Lety1,y2(μx)t. Then γy1+(1γ)y2(μx)t. Which implies μx(γy1+(1γ)y2) t=min{t1,t2}=min{μx(y1),μx(y2)}.

() Conversely suppose: μx(αy+(1α)z) min{μx(y),μx(z)} for αF2n.

Claim: µ is convex fuzzy set.

Case–1: For γ = 0

Now, μx(γy1+(1γ)y2)=μx(y2)=t2min{t1,t2}=min{μx(y1),μx(y2)}=t. Which implies γy1+(1γ)y2(μx)t. Implies (μx)t is convex set.

Therefore, µ is convex fuzzy set, since (μx)t is convex set for t(0,1).

Case–2: For γ = 1

Now, μx(γy+(1γ)z)=μx(y1)=t1min{t1,t2}=min{μx(y1),μx(y2)}=t. Which implies γy1+(1γ)y2(μx)t. Implies (μx)t is convex set.

Therefore, µ is convex fuzzy set, since (μx)t is convex set for t(0,1)

Hence, µ is a convex fuzzy set.

Lemma 3.16.

Let μ:F2n[0,1] defined by μx(yi)=peiqnei. Then (μx)t1(μx)t2 whenever t1t2.


Suppose: t1t2.

Let z(μx)t1. Then μx(z) t1t2. Which implies μx(z) t2. Implies z(μx)t2.

Therefore, (μx)t1(μx)t2.

Proposition 3.17.

Let μ:F2n[0,1] defined by μx(yi)=peiqnei. Then (μx)t=F2n whenever x+yi=1 for t=peiqnei and fixed x.


Suppose: x+yi=1 for t=peiqnei, where x,yiF2n and 1 is all 1’s vector of length n.

Since t=peiqnei, x+yi=1 and ei=wt(x+yi), then ei=n. Implies t=pei=pn. Which implies (μx)t={yiF2n|μx(yi) t}.

We left to show there is no other peiqnei which is less than t.

For ei=0. Then peiqnei=qn>pn, since p < q.

For xyi.

Let t1=peiqnei.

Since 0<ein for xyi, t<t1. This is true because of Theorem 3.2.

Therefore, (μx)t1={yiF2n|μx(yi) t1}. Which gives (μx)t1(μx)t, because of Lemma 3.16.

Since 0ein, there is no peiqnei that is less than t.

Hence, (μx)t=F2n.

Proposition 3.18.

Let μ:F2n[0,1] defined by μx(yi)=peiqnei, where x,yiF2n, and ei=wt(x+yi). Then (μx)t contains a single element z whenever x = z for t=peiqnei, and fixed x.


Suppose: x = z for t=peiqnei, where x,zF2n.

Since t=peiqnei, x = z for yi=z and ei=wt(x+z), ei=0. Implies t=qn. Which implies (μx)t={yiF2n|μx(yi) t}.

We left to show there is no other yiF2n other than z which gives qn and qn is the greatest value. Therefore,

  1. Since F2n has 2n distinct elements, for a fixed xF2n, we have only a single yiF2n say z such that x = z.

  2. For xyi, ei0 and peiqnei=(pq)eiqn<qn, since pq<1.

Hence, (μx)t={z}, where zF2n.

Proposition 3.19.

A finite intersection of binary convex fuzzy sets is again binary convex.


Let F2n be a binary vector space over a Galois field F2 and μ: F2n[0,1] defined by μx(yi)=peiqnei, where ei=wt(x+yi) and x,yiF2n.

Let V=j=1nμj, where μj is a binary convex fuzzy set for each j.

Claim: V is a binary convex fuzzy set.

Let y1,y2F2n be arbitrary. Then

(μj)x(γy1+(1γ)y2) min{(μj)x(y1),\allowbreak(μj)x(y2)} for γF2 and y1,y2F2n, since  μj is a binary convex fuzzy set for each j.

And also, V=min{μj:j=1,2,,n}. Then Vx(γy1+(1γ)y2)=min(μj)x(γy1+(1γ)y2)  min{min{(μj)x(y1),(μj)x(y2)} }=min{(μj)x(y1),\allowbreak(μj)x(y2)}

Therefore, V is a binary convex fuzzy set.

Definition 3.20.

A binary fuzzy vector space f2n in which every elements are binary convex fuzzy sets μ:F2n[0,1] defined by μx(yi)=peiqnei is called binary convex fuzzy vector space, where ei=wt(x+yi), and x,yiF2n.

Proposition 3.21.

f2n is binary fuzzy vector vector spaces if and only if f2n is binary convex fuzzy vector space.


The prove is the direct outcome of Definition 3.20 and Proposition 3.1.

Remark 3.

The theorems, propositions and colloraries stated for binary fuzzy vector space also works for binary convex fuzzy vector space. We stated the theorems, propositions, corollaries and lemmas below without proof (since the proofs are similar with proves that we follow in subsection 3.1).

Theorem 3.22

Let f2n be a binary convex fuzzy vector space. Then μx(y1)μx(y2) if and only if e1e2, where e1=wt(x+y1) and e2=wt(x+y2).


The proof is similar with the proof of Theorem 2.1 of Gereme et al., (2023).

Corollary 3.23.

Let f2n be a binary convex fuzzy vector space and let e1=wt(x+y1),∀xF2n. If e1=n, then μx(y1)μx(yi),yiF2n.

Corollary 3.24.

Let f2n be a binaryconvex fuzzy vector space, and let μx(y1),μx(y2)f2n be arbitrary such that y1y2. If x=y2, then μx(y1)<μx(y2).

Theorem 3.25

Let f2n be a binary fuzzy vector space. Then (μx)t=(μx)s if and only if ∃yF2n such that tμx(y)<s.


The proof is similar with the proof of Theorem 3.5.

Proposition 3.26.

Let a non-empty subset B of F2n, and let µ be a fuzzy subset of F2n. If B is linearly independent set of F2n, then B is a fuzzy linearly independent set of a binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n.


The proof is similar with the proof of Theorem 3.6.

Proposition 3.27.

Let a non-empty subset B of F2n, and let µ be a fuzzy subset of F2n. If B is a basis of F2n, then B is fuzzy basis of binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n.


The proof is similar with the proof of Theorem 3.7.

Proposition 3.28.

For a binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n={μx|μx(yi)=peiqnei}. Then f2n has fuzzy basis and one of the basis is B={(1,0,0,,0),(0,1,0,0,,0),,(0,0,,1)} whenever B is fuzzy linearly independent set.


The proof is similar with the proof of Theorem 3.8.

Proposition 3.29.

Let µ be a fuzzy subset of F2n, and let f2n be a binary convex fuzzy vector space over F2n. If a non-empty subset B of F2n is the basis for F2n, then B is a fuzzy basis of a binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n.


The proof is similar with the proof of Theorem 3.9.

Lemma 3.30.

Let B be a fuzzy basis for a binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n over F2n. Then xiF2nμxi(y)=1 for each yB.


The proof is similar with the proof of Theorem 3.11.

Lemma 3.31.

Let B be a fuzzy base for a binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n over F2n. Then B has n members.


The proof is similar with the proof of Theorem 3.12.

Proposition 3.32.

Let f2n be a binary convex fuzzy vector space of F2n with fuzzy basis B. Then dim(f2n)=n.


The proof is similar with the proof of Theorem 3.13.

Proposition 3.33.

For a binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n={μx|μx(yi)=peiqnei}. If B is a fuzzy basis for f2n, then it is a basis for F2n and dim(f2n)=dim(F2n).

Lemma 3.34.

Let f2n be a binary convex fuzzy vector space, and If μx(y1)>μx(y2), then μx(γy1+(1γ)y2)=min{μx(y1),μx(y2)} , where x, y1,y2F2n, and γF2{1}.


Suppose: If μx(y1)>μx(y2), ∀x,y1,y2F2n and γF2{1}.

Implies μx(γy1+(1γ)y2)=μx(y2)=min{μx(y1),\allowbreakμx(y2)} for x, y1,y2F2n, Since γ = 0 and 1γ=1.

Lemma 3.35.

Let f2n be a binary convex fuzzy vector space. Then (μx)t for t[0,1] is a binary convex set of F2n, ∀x,yiF2n.


Since f2n is a binary convex fuzzy vector space, µ is a binary convex fuzzy set by Definition 3.20.

By Proposition 2.20, (μx)t for t[0,1] is a binary convex set of F2n, ∀x,yiF2n.

Theorem 3.36

Let f2n be a binary convex fuzzy vector space. Then the following statements are equivalent for x,yF2n:

  1. µ is a binary convex fuzzy set of f2n.

  2. (μx)t, t Imμ, is a binary convex set of f2n.


Suppose (1 2).

By Lemma 3.35 the condition is true.

Suppose (21).

Let y,z (μx)t be arbitrary. Then μx(y)t and μx(z)t.

Assume, μx(y)=t1 and μx(z)=t2 such that t=min{t1,t2}.

Since (μx)t is a binary convex set, γy+(1γ)z(μx)t, for γ[0,1].

Therefore, μx(γy+(1γ)z)t=min{μx(y), μx(z)}.

Hence, µ is a binary convex fuzzy set of f2n.

Proposition 3.37.

Let XC be a characteristic function of a subset CF2n. Then C is a binary convex set of F2n if and only if XC is a binary convex fuzzy subset of a binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n.


Let F2n be a binary vector space and a non-empty set CF2n.

Let XC(y)={1, if yC0, if yC be a characteristic function of a subset C.

() Suppose C is a binary convex set of F2n.

Claim: XC is a binary convex fuzzy subset of f2n.

Let y,zC, then γy+(1γ)zC. This implies XC(γy+(1γ)z)=1min{XC(y),XC(z)} . Therefore, XC is a binary convex fuzzy subset of f2n.

() Conversely, suppose XC is a binary convex set of F2n.

Claim: C is a binary convex subset of f2n.

Let y,zC be arbitrary. Then XC(y)=1 and XC(z)=1.

Since XC is a binary binary convex fuzzy subset of f2n,

(3) XC(γy+(1γ)z) min{XC(y),XC(z)}=min{1,1}=1(3)


(4) XC(γy+(1γ)z)1(4)

From (Equation3) and (Equation4), we have XC(γy+(1γ)z)=1. Which implies γy+(1γ)zC.

Therefore, γy+(1γ)zC, ∀y,zC and γ,(1γ)F2. Implies C is a binary convex subset of a binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n.

3.3. Binary convex fuzzy linear subspaces

Proposition 3.38.

Let f2n be a binary convex fuzzy vector space. Then µ is binary convex fuzzy linear subspace of F2n whenever μx(0)μx(yi), ∀x,yiF2n.


Let y1,y2F2n be arbitrary and γF2.

Suppose: μx(0)μx(yi), ∀x,yiF2n.

Claim: µ is binary convex fuzzy linear subspace of F2n.

Case − 1 : For γ = 1

μx(γy1+(1γ)y2)=μx(y1+0)=μx(y1) min{μx(y1),μx(y2)}.

And also, μx(γyi)=μx(yi)=μx(yi).

Therefore, µ is a binary convex linear subspace of F2n.

Case − 2 : For γ = 0

μx(γy1+(1γ)y2)=μx(0+y2)=μx(y2) min{μx(y1),μx(y2)}.

And also, μx(γyi) μx(0) μx(yi).

Therefore, µ is a binary convex linear subspace of F2n.

Hence, µ is a binary convex linear subspace of F2n.

Remark 4.

A binary convex fuzzy linear subspace µ must contain the zero vector with its corresponding degree of freedom which is greater or equal to all degree of freedoms.

Corollary 3.39.

Let f2n be a binary convex fuzzy vector space. If μx(0)=1,x,yiF2n, then µ is convex fuzzy linear subspace of F2n.

Theorem 3.40

Let f2n be a binary convex fuzzy vector space. Then (μx)t for t[0,1] is a binary convex linear subspace of F2n whenever μx(0)μx(yi), ∀x,yiF2n.


Suppose: μx(0) μx(yi), ∀x,yiF2n.

This implies μx(0) t,∀t[0,1]. Then 0(μx)t, implies (μx)t and (μx)tF2n.

Now, μ is a binary fuzzy convex set of F2n, since f2n be a binary convex fuzzy vector space. By Proposition 3.38 µ is a binary fuzzy linear subspace of F2n, since μx(0)μx(yi), ∀x,yiF2n.

Since µ is binary convex fuzzy linear subspace, μx(γy) μx(y),∀x,yF2n and γF2.

Let t1,t2[0,1] such that μx(y)=t1 and μx(z)=t2.

Since µ is binary convex linear fuzzy subspace of F2n, μx(γy) μx(y),∀x,yF2n.

Let t=min{t1,t2}. Then μx(γy+(1γz)) min{μx(y),μx(z)}=min{t1,t2}=t. This implies γy+(1γ)z(μx)t. Since γ,(1γ)F2 and γy+(1γ)z(μx)t, (μx)t is linear subspace of F2n. Also, by Definition 2.19, (μx)t is convex set of a binary vector space F2n.

Hence, (μx)t is a binary convex linear subspace of f2n.

Proposition 3.41.

Let XC be a characteristic function of a subset CF2n. Then, C is a binary convex linear subspace of F2n if and only if XC is a binary convex fuzzy linear subspace of a binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n.


Let F2n be a binary vector space and a non-empty set CF2n.

Let XC(y)={1, if yC0, if yC be a characteristic function of a subset C.

() Suppose C is a binary convex linear subspace of F2n.

Claim: XC is a binary convex fuzzy linear subspace of a binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n.

Let y,zC, then γy+(1γ)zC. This implies XC(γy+(1γ)z)=1min{XC(y),XC(z)} .

And also, XC(γy)={XC(0), if γ=0XC(y), if γ=1 ∀yCF2n. Then XC(γy) XC(y). Therefore, XC is a binary convex fuzzy linear subspace of f2n.

() Conversely, suppose XC is a binary convex fuzzy linear subspace of F2n.

Claim: C is a binary convex linear subspace of f2n.

Let y,zC be arbitrary. Then XC(y)=1 and XC(z)=1.

Since XC is a binary convex fuzzy linear subspace of f2n,

(5) XC(γy+(1γ)z) min{XC(y),XC(z)}=min{1,1}=1(5)


(6) XC(γy+(1γ)z)1(6)

From (Equation5) and (Equation6), we have XC(γy+(1γ)z)=1. Which implies γy+(1γ)zC.

Therefore, γy+(1γ)zC, ∀y,zC and γ,(1γ)F2. Implies C is a binary convex linear subspace of F2n.

3.4. Binary convex fuzzy codes over binary convex fuzzy vector spaces

Considering p to be the probability of a binary symmetric channel (BSC) not receiving a sent codeword correctly and e to be the weight of the error patterns between the received and possible sent classical codewords, the defined convex fuzzy subset is taken as a codeword over a binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n. Standing from this logical argument, we defined binary convex fuzzy codes over a binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n and discussed some basic properties of these codes. The concepts need further discussion about these codes and their properties to use them for error—correction/detection process over a noise BSC.

Definition 3.42.

Let ς be a non-empty subset of a binary fuzzy vector space f2n. Then ς is called a binary fuzzy code over a binary fuzzy vector space f2n. The members of ς are also called fuzzy codewords Gereme et al., (2024).

Definition 3.43.

Let ς be a non-empty subset of a binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n. Then ς is called a binary convex fuzzy code over a binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n. The members of ς are also called convex fuzzy codewords.

Remark 5.

  1. The binary fuzzy code over a binary fuzzy vector space containing every binary fuzzy linear subspaces is a binary convex fuzzy code.

  2. Every binary convex fuzzy code is a binary fuzzy code but the converse is not true, since a fuzzy code can be defined as any non-empty subset of a binary fuzzy space f2n that may not be binary fuzzy vector spaces.

Proposition 3.44.

Let CF2n be a convex code over F2n. Then the characteristic function XC is a binary convex fuzzy code over a binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n.


The proof is the direct outcome of Proposition 3.41.

Proposition 3.45.

Let ς be a binary convex fuzzy code formed by a classical code C of length n over F2n. Then (μx)t=C whenever ei is equal with the maximum weight of C.


Suppose: ei is equal with the maximum weight of C.

Since ei=wt(x+yi) for x,yiC and the maximum of C is the maximum weight between two distinct codewords of C, t=peiqnei is smaller (because of Theorem 3.22).

Assume ti be other peiqnei’s such that ei>wt(x+yi) for maximum wt(x+y) with x,yiC. Then t<ti. By Lemma 3.16, (μx)ti(μx)ti. Implies (μx)t the maximum set that contains all subsets of C. Therefore, (μx)t=C.

Proposition 3.46.

Let ς be a convex fuzzy code over a binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n. Then (μx)t is a binary code over F2n for any xF2n, where t=peiqnei and μxς.


Let ς be a convex fuzzy code over a binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n.

Let μxς be arbitrary for xF2n.

Claim: (μx)t is a binary code over F2n for t=peiqnei.

Since ς is convex fuzzy code, μxς is a fuzzy codeword which is also a convex fuzzy set. By Lemma 3.35, (μx)t for t(0,1) is a binary convex set of F2n. Also, By Definition 2.7, (μx)t is a binary code over F2n.

4. Conclusions

In the results discussed in this paper, it was observed that when classical binary vector spaces are fuzzified, they may not necessarily qualify as binary fuzzy vector spaces. The distinction of the fuzzified space as a fuzzy vector space is contingent upon the parameters α and γ in F2. Furthermore, in the case of binary fuzzy vector spaces and the convex fuzzy vector spaces that we have defined, they are found to be equivalent. As a consequence, the facts and properties established for binary fuzzy vector spaces apply to binary convex fuzzy vector spaces. We utilize the concepts of binary convex fuzzy vector spaces for the formulation of binary convex fuzzy codes. Following the introduction of binary convex fuzzy codes, some key properties of these codes were presented. This article serves as a fundamental reference for investigating the properties of binary convex fuzzy codes like fuzzy distances, and fuzzy dimensions for their utilization in neural communication. However, this article formulates these properties and the possibility of generating convex (or neural codes) as an open problem.

5. Open problems

We believe, binary convex fuzzy codes that we defined over a binary convex fuzzy vector space f2n can be applicable in error correction/detection process for neural networks. In the classical case, binary codes are convex realizable (Franke & Muthiah, Citation2018). Also, neural codes can be expressed using binary strings (Curto et al., Citation2017) and convex sets are used to study neural codes (Gambacini et al., Citation2022; Lienkaemper et al., Citation2017), there are an open questions that we raised. The questions are:

  1. is it possible to generate convex codes and neural codes from the binary convex fuzzy codes over a binary convex fuzzy vector space? If it is possible, applying convex codes in neural networks will become more simple than the way that is used in the neural communication systems.

  2. what are the facts of the properties such as dimensions, fuzzy distances (Euclidean and Hamming distances), and decoding algorithms of binary convex fuzzy codes, for their application in error correction/detection and image processing?

Disclosure statement

There is no any conflict of interest between the authors of this manuscript.


No funding source is available for this thesis.

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Notes on contributors

Mezgebu Manmekto Gereme

Mezgebu Manmekto Gereme Email: [email protected], Department of Mathematics, Bahir Dar University, College of Science, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia


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