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α-fuzzy ideals of C-algebra

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Article: 2352918 | Received 30 Oct 2023, Accepted 05 May 2024, Published online: 17 May 2024


In this paper, we study α-fuzzy ideals in C-algebras whose truth degrees are in a complete Heyting algebra. We provide several characterizations for fuzzy ideals to be an α-fuzzy ideal. One of the key contributions of this manuscript is the investigation of the smallest α-fuzzy ideal containing a given fuzzy ideal. By establishing the existence and properties of this smallest α-fuzzy ideal, we shed light on the structure and behavior of α-fuzzy ideals in C-algebras. Furthermore, we prove that the class of α-fuzzy ideals forms a complete lattice. We obtain the closure operator on the class of fuzzy ideals FI(A), where the closed elements correspond to the α-fuzzy ideals. We explore the conditions under which every fuzzy ideal in a given C-algebra becomes an α-fuzzy ideal. Finally, we study the space of prime α-fuzzy ideals in C-algebras and we derive a necessary and sufficient condition for this space to be a T1 space.


1. Introduction

According Guzman and Squier (Citation1990), a C-algebra is an algebra with two binary operations and , and one unary operation satisfying most of the properties of operations in Boolean algebra. It is observed that the family of C-algebras forms a variety, that is, it is closed under the three class operators, and it is a variety generated by the three-element algebra C={F,U,T}. The variety of C-algebras, known by the name “the algebra of conditional logic”, is the algebraic model for the three-valued conditional logic. Kalesha Vali et al. (Citation2010) and Vali and Swamy (Citation2011) studied the concepts of ideals, prime ideals and maximal ideals of C-algebras. They proved that the set of all ideals can be made an algebraic lattice. Moreover, they studied the space of prime ideals of a C-algebra with respect to the hull-kernel topology. Rao (Citation2013b), studied the notion of annihilator ideals of C-algebras and proved that the class of all annihilator ideals forms a complete Boolean algebra. Later, this author studied the notion of annulates and α-ideals of C-algebras analogous to that of a distributive lattice Rao (Citation2013a).

In classical set theory, an object or individual is either a member or not a member of a set, and there is no in-between. This means that there is a clear boundary between members and non-members. However, many real-life problems cannot be solved by this theory because they require more complex solutions. For example, some problems may require an object to be both a member and non-member of a set at the same time. Therefore, classical set theory is not sufficient to solve all real-life problems.

In classical set theory, it is well known that individuals are either a member or not a member of a set. So, there exists a clear, and sharp, boundary between members and non-members. Thus, in classical set theory, an object or an individual is not allowed to be a member of a set and nonmember of the set at the same time. But many of our real-life problems cannot be handled by such ordinary set theory. In 1965, the famous mathematician called Zadeh (Citation1965), introduced the elegant theory known as the theory of fuzzy sets. He has defined the notion of fuzzy subsets of a set (the universe of discourses) in such a way that could describe vagueness mathematically by assigning a grade of membership (a number between 0 and 1). This value in fact expressed the degree or the extent to which an individual belongs to the given fuzzy set. Goguen (Citation1967) suggested that the unit interval [0,1] is insufficient to represent the truth values of general fuzzy statements. Swamy and Swamy (Citation1988) initiated that complete lattices satisfying the infinite meet distributivity are the most suitable candidates to have the truth values of general fuzzy statements.

In 1971, Rosenfeld (Citation1971) has applied the concept of fuzziness in group theory. He has defined closurity of fuzzy sets under a group binary operation and inversion operation, which enables him to introduce fuzzy subgroups of a group. This laid a foundation and opens the door for several algebraists to work on fuzzy sub-algebras of different algebraic structures. To mention some of them: invariant fuzzy sub-groups of a group (see Anthony and Sherwood (Citation1979); Das (Citation1981); Dixit et al. (Citation1990)), fuzzy sub-rings and fuzzy ideals of a ring (see Dixit et al. (Citation1991); Liu (Citation1982); Mukherjee and Sen (Citation1987)), fuzzy ideals and fuzzy filters of a lattice (see Bo and Wangming (Citation1990); Swamy and Raju (Citation1998)), fuzzy ideals and fuzzy filters of MS-algebras (see Alaba and Alemayehu (Citation2018); Alaba et al. (Citation2018); Alaba and Alemayehu (Citation2019b); Alaba and Alemayehu (Citation2019a)), etc.

Alaba and Norahun (Citation2019) studied the concept of α-fuzzy ideals and the space of prime α-fuzzy ideals of a distributive lattice with the help of annulates and proved that the class of all α-fuzzy ideals forms a complete distributive lattice. Alaba and Addis (Citation2018) studied the concept of fuzzy ideals of C-algebras. Furthermore, Addis (Citation2020) studied the notion of prime fuzzy ideals of a C-algebra and its space.

The purpose of this paper is to study the notion of α-fuzzy ideals of C-algebras analogous to distributive lattices. The basic properties of α-fuzzy ideals are also studied. A special class of fuzzy ideals called α-fuzzy ideals are also studied. One of the key contributions of this manuscript is the investigation of the smallest α-fuzzy ideal containing a given fuzzy ideal. By establishing the existence and properties of this smallest α-fuzzy ideal, we shed light on the structure and behavior of α-fuzzy ideals in C-algebras. We prove that the class of α-fuzzy ideals of a C-algebra A forms a complete lattice, providing a valuable insight into the lattice-theoretic aspects of these ideals. This result is significant as it demonstrates the existence of supremum and infimum operations for α-fuzzy ideals, enabling us to reason about the algebraic structure of these ideals in a systematic manner. Additionally, we obtained the closure operator on the class of fuzzy ideals FI(A), where the closed elements correspond to the α-fuzzy ideals of A. Moreover, we provide a set of equivalent conditions for a given C-algebra, under which every fuzzy ideal becomes an α-fuzzy ideal. These conditions serve as a valuable criterion for determining when the notion of α-fuzzy ideals coincides with that of fuzzy ideals in C-algebras. This result contributes to our understanding of the relationship between fuzzy ideals and α-fuzzy ideals, providing a deeper insight into the algebraic structure of C-algebras. The image and inverse image of α-fuzzy ideals under the homomorphism mapping are also studied. Finally, we study the topological space of prime α-fuzzy ideals of C-algebras. Some of its properties are also studied. We prove that the collection {κ(η):ηFI(A)} is a topology on Ω and B={κ(cβ):cA,βL{0}} is a basis for a topology on Ω. We also show that the space Ω is a T0 space. Moreover, we established a necessary and sufficient condition that the space Ω is a T1 space.

2. Preliminaries

Throughout this paper, A stands for a C-algebra.

Definition 2.1.

Guzman and Squier (Citation1990)

An algebra (A,,,) of type (2,2,1) is called a C-algebra, if it satisfies the following axioms:

  1. j=j

  2. (jk)=jk.

  3. (jk)l=j(kl).

  4. j(kl)=(jk)(jl).

  5. (jk)l=(jl)(jkl).

  6. j(jk)=j.

  7. (jk)(kj)=(kj)(jk) for all j,k,lA.

Example 2.2.

Let A={a,b,c,d,e,f}. Define the following operations , and as follows:


Then (A,,,) is a C-algebra.

Lemma 2.3.

Guzman and Squier (Citation1990)

Every Calgebra satisfies the following identities.

  1. jj=j.

  2. xx=xx.

  3. jkj=jk.

  4. jjk=jj.

  5. jk=(jk)j.

  6. jk=j(kj).

  7. jk=j(jk).

  8. jkj=jkk.

  9. (jk)j=j(kj).

  10. j(jj)=(jj)j=(jj)j.

The dual statements of the above identities are also valid in a C-algebra.

Definition 2.4.

Guzman and Squier (Citation1990)

An element n of a C-algebra A is called a left zero for if nj=n for all jA.

Definition 2.5.

(Kalesha Vali et al., Citation2010)

A nonempty subset I of a C-algebra A is called an ideal of A, if

  1. j,kIjk,jlI

  2. jIljI for each lA.

It can also be observed that jlI for all jI and all lA. For any subset SA, the smallest ideal of A containing S is called the ideal of A generated by S and is denoted by S]. Note that:

S]={(jiki):jiA,kiS,i=1,,n for some nZ+}.

If S={j}, then we write j] for S]. In this case, j]={kj:kA}. Moreover, it is observed in Guzman and Squier (Citation1990) that the set I0={jj:jA} is the smallest ideal in A.

Definition 2.6.

Rao (Citation2013a)

For any element, a of A the ideal (a)={xA:xais\ a left\ zero} is called an annulate of a.

Definition 2.7.

Rao (Citation2013a)

An ideal I of A is called an α-ideal if (x)I for all xI.

Definition 2.8.

Guzman and Squier (Citation1990)

Let (A,,,,I0) and (A,,,,I0) be two C-algebras. Then, a mapping f:AA is called a homomorphism if it satisfies the following conditions:

  1. f(jk)=f(j)f(k),

  2. f(jk)=f(j)f(k),

  3. f(j)=f(j) for all j,kA.

Where I0={jA:jis\ a left\ zero\ for} and I0={kA:kis\ a left\ zero\ for}.

I0 and I0 are the smallest ideals of A and A, respectively, and Kerf={jA:f(j)I0}.

By an L-fuzzy subset of A, we mean a mapping η:L, where L in this paper is assumed to be a non-trivial complete lattice satisfying the infinite meet distributive law:


for all γL and any ML. If there is no confusion, from now on we simply say fuzzy subsets instead of L-fuzzy subsets. For each γL, the γlevel set of η denoted by ηγ is a subset of A given by:


A fuzzy subset η of A is said to be nonempty if there is xA such that η(x)0.

Definition 2.9.

Alaba and Addis (Citation2018)

A fuzzy subset γ of A is called a fuzzy ideal of A if:

  1. γ(n)=1, for all nI0,

  2. γ(jk)γ(j)γ(k),

  3. γ(jk)γ(k) for all j,kA.

We denote the class of all fuzzy ideals of A by FI(A).

Lemma 2.10.

Alaba and Addis (Citation2018)

Let γ be a fuzzy ideal of A. Then, the following holds for allj,kA.

  1. γ(jk)γ(j),

  2. γ(jk)γ(kj),

  3. γ(jlk)γ(jk), for each lA,

  4. γ(j)γ(jk) and hence γ(j)γ(k)λ(kj).

  5. If l(j], then γ(l)γ(j).

For any fuzzy subset η of A, the fuzzy ideal generated by η is denoted by η.

Theorem 2.11.

Alaba and Addis (Citation2018)

If λ and ν are fuzzy ideals of a C-algebra, then their supremum of is given by:


Definition 2.12.

Addis (Citation2020)

A non-constant fuzzy ideal λ of A is called prime fuzzy ideal of A if for any two fuzzy ideals θ,η of A, θηλθλ or ηλ.

Theorem 2.13.

Addis (Citation2020)

A non-constant fuzzy ideal η of A is a prime fuzzy ideal if and only if Imη={1,β},βL{1} and η={xL:η(x)=1} is a prime ideal of A.

Definition 2.14.

Addis (Citation2020)

A non-empty fuzzy subset η of A is said to be a multiplicatively closed fuzzy subset, if

η(cd)η(c)η(d), for all c,dA.

Lemma 2.15.

Addis (Citation2020)

Let η be a fuzzy ideal of A, aA and βL{1}. If η(a)β, then there exists a prime fuzzy ideal λ of A such that ηλ and λ(a)β.

Theorem 2.16.

Addis (Citation2020)

Let η be a fuzzy ideal of A and λ be a multiplicatively closed fuzzy subset of A and βL. If ηλβ, then there exists a prime fuzzy ideal θ of A such that

ηθ and θλβ.

Definition 2.17.

Rosenfeld (Citation1971)

Let f be a function from X into Y; µ be a fuzzy subset of X; and θ be a fuzzy subset of Y.

  1. The image of µ under f, denoted by f(μ), is a fuzzy subset of Y defined by: for each yY,


  2. The preimage of θ under f, denoted by f1(θ), is a fuzzy subset of X defined by: for each xX,


Definition 2.18.

Norahun et al. (Citation2021)

For any fuzzy subset η of A, f is said to be a fuzzy annihilator preserving if f(η)=(f(η)).

Theorem 2.19.

Norahun et al. (Citation2021)

If Kerf=I0 and f is onto, then f−1 preserves fuzzy annihilator.

The class of fuzzy ideals of a C-algebra A is denoted by FI(A).

3. α-fuzzy ideals

The purpose of this section is to study the concept of α-fuzzy ideals of C-algebras analogous to that of distributive lattices. Basic properties α-fuzzy ideals are also studied. We also study a special class of fuzzy ideals called α-fuzzy ideals. We have shown that these fuzzy ideals form a complete distributive lattice. We provide a set of equivalent conditions for a fuzzy ideal to be an α-fuzzy ideal. Furthermore, we study the image and inverse image of α-fuzzy ideals under a homomorphism mapping.

Definition 3.1.

A fuzzy ideal η of A is called an α-fuzzy ideal, if:

e(d)η(e)η(d) for\ all dA.

Theorem 3.2.

A fuzzy subset η of A is an α-fuzzy ideal if and only ηβ is an α-fuzzy ideal of A for all βL.


Suppose ηFIα(A). Clearly ηβFI(A). To show (d)ηβ, let e(d). Then η(e)η(d)β. Thus eηβ for all e(d) and hence (d)ηβ. Therefore, ηβFIα(A) for all βL.

Conversely, suppose that ηβFIα(A) for all βL. Clearly, ηFI(A). To show ηFIα(A), let e(d) and η(d)=β. Then dηβ. Since e(d) and ηβFIα(A), (d)ηβ. Which implies that η(e)η(d) for all e(d). Thus e(d)η(e)η(d) and hence ηFIα(A).

Corollary 3.3.

For a non-empty subset I of A, I is an α-ideal if and only if χIFIα(A).

Theorem 3.4.

Let ηFI(A). Define a fuzzy subset ηα on A by:


Then ηαFI(A).


Let zI0. Then ηα(z)=1. For any c,dA,


Since (c)=(e) and (d)=(f), we have (cd)=(ef). Thus,


To show ηα(cd)ηα(c)ηα(d), it is enough to show that ηα(c)ηα(ca) for any aA. Now, ηα(c)={η(e):(c)=(e),eA}. Since η is a fuzzy ideal and (c)=(e), we get η(ed)η(e) and (cd)=(ed). Which implies that ηα(c){η(ed):(cd)=(ed)}=ηα(cd). Thus, ηα(cd)ηα(c)ηα(d) and hence ηαFI(A).

Theorem 3.5.

If ηFI(A), then ηα is the smallest α-fuzzy ideal containing η.


Clearly, ηηα. Now, we proceed to show ηαFIα(A). Let yA. Then


Thus, ηαFIα(A). To show ηα is the smallest α-fuzzy ideal containing η, let λFIα(A) such that ηλ and yA. Then ηα(y)={η(c):(y)=(c)}{λ(c):(y)=(c)}. Since λFIα(A) and (y)=(c), λ(c)=λ(y). Which implies ηαλ. Hence, ηα is the smallest α-fuzzy ideal containing η.

Corollary 3.6.

A fuzzy ideal η of A is an α-fuzzy ideal if and only if η=ηα.

Example 3.7.

If we define a fuzzy subset γ on the C-algebra A in Example 2.2 as,

γ(b)=γ(e)=1, γ(d)=0.6, and γ(a)=γ(c)=γ(f))=0.4.

then we can easily show that γ is an α fuzzy ideal of A.

Theorem 3.8.

If ηFI(A), then



Put X={γM[ηγ]α:βM,ML} and Y=[ηα]β. To show X = Y, let cY. Then β{η(d):(c)=(d)}. Let us put M={η(d):(c)=(d)}. Then ML and βM. If γM, then γ=η(e) for some eA such that (e)=(c). Which implies that bηγ. Thus c(ηγ)α for all γM and . Which implies cγM(ηγ)α. Therefore, YX. To show the other inclusion, let cX. Then, there is ML such that βM and cγM(ηγ)α. Thus, for each γM there is dηγ such that (c)=(d). Since {η(d):(c)=(d)}η(d), we get that ηα(c)η(d) for all dηγ,γM. Thus, ηα(c)Mβ and cY. Therefore, X = Y.

Lemma 3.9.

Let η,λFI(A). Then


Lemma 3.10.

If ηFI(A), then the mapping ηηα is a closure operator on FI(A). That is,

  1. ηηα,

  2. ηαηαα,

  3. ηληαλα for all η,λFI(A).

Theorem 3.11.

Let ηFI(A). Then ηFIα(A) if and only if for each e,fA, (e)=(f) imply that η(e)=η(f).


Suppose that ηFIα(A). Then η(e)=η(f) for each e,fA, (e)=(f). Conversely, suppose that the condition holds. To show ηα=η, let e,fA such that (e)=(f). Then ηα(e)={η(g):(e)=(f),gA}. Since (e)=(g), by the assumption, ηα(e)=η(f) for each e,gA. Thus, by Corollary 3.6, ηFIα(A).

Example 3.12.

Let λ be a multiplicatively closed fuzzy subset of A with


If we define a fuzzy subset λ on A as:


then ηFIα(A).


Now, we proceed to show ηFIα(A). Clearly η(z)=1 for any zI0. Suppose c,dA. Then


Since ec,fdI0, we have (ef)(cd)I0. Which implies that


Again, η(c)={λ(e):ecI0,eA}. If ecI0, then acdI0 for any dA. Thus η(cd)η(c)η(d) and hence ηFI(A).

To show ηFIα(A), let e,gA such that (e)=(g). Then


Thus, η(e)=η(g) for each e,gA such that (e)=(g). Therefore, ηFIα(A).

Theorem 3.13.

If ηFI(A), then (η)α=η, where η is a fuzzy annihilator of η.


Now, we need to show that (η)αη. Since χI0FIα(A) and ηηχI0, by Lemma 3.9, (η)αηχI0. Thus, (η)αη. Therefore, ηFIα(A).

Corollary 3.14.

Every fuzzy annihilator ideal is an α-fuzzy ideal.

Lemma 3.15.

If η,λFIα(A), the supremum of η and λ is given by:


Theorem 3.16.

The set FIα(A) forms a complete distributive lattice with respect to inclusion ordering of fuzzy sets.


Clearly, (FIα(A),) is a partially ordered set. For η,γFIα(A), ηγ,ηγFIα(A). Thus (FIα(A),,vee) is a lattice.

Let ν,δ,γFIα(A). Then


Hence FIα(A) is a distributive lattice.

Since I0 and A are α-ideals, χI0,χAFIα(A). Let {ηi:iΔ}FIα(A). Then iΔηiFIα(A), iIηi(iΔηi)α and iΔηiηi for all iΔ. Which implies that (iΔηi)αiΔηi. Thus (iΔηi)α=iΔηi and hence (FIα(A),,) is a complete distributive lattice.

In Rao (Citation2013b), M. S. Rao observed that, for any C-algebras A and A with smallest ideals I0 and I0, respectively and f:AA a homomorphism. f and f−1 are said to be annihilator preserving if f(C)=(f(C)) and f1(D)=(f1(D)), where CA and DA. For any cA, f((c])(f(c)]. Moreover, if f is onto, then f((c))=(f(c)).

Theorem 3.17.

Let f:AA be an annihilator preserving epimorphism. If ηFIα(A), then f(η)FIα(A).


If ηFI(A), then f(η)FI(A). Now, we proceed to show

d(c)f(η)(d)f(η)(c) for\ all cA.

Let dA and d(c). Then, there exist a,eA such that f(a)=d and f(e)=c.

Consider the following:

f(η)(d)={η(a):f(a)=d} and f(η)(c)={η(e):f(e)=c}.


C={η(a)=γ:f(a)=d} andD={η(e)=β:f(e)=c}.

Now, we proceed to show DC. If βD, then there is zA such that η(z)=β and f(z)=c. Since d(c) and f(a)=d, we have f(a)(f(z)). Since f is annihilator preserving epimorphism, it yields f(a)f((z)). Which implies that there is r(z) such that f(r)=d=f(a). This implies ra(z) and f(ra)=d. Since ηFIα(A) and ra(z), η(ra)η(z). Which implies η(ra)β and f(ra)=d. Thus, DC and hence f(η)FIα(A).

Theorem 3.18.

Let f:AA be an annihilator preserving epimorphism. If λFIα(A), then f1(λ)FIα(A).


Suppose λFIα(A). Let i,jA and (i)=(j). Since f is annihilator preserving, we have (f(i))=(f(j)). Let f1(λ)(i)=β. Then λ(f(i))=β. Since λFIα(A), λ(f(j))=β. Which implies f1(λ)(j)=β. Thus f1(λ)(i)=f1(λ)(j) for each i,jA such that (c)=(d). Therefore, f1(λ)FIα(A).

Lemma 3.19.

Rao (Citation2013a)

Let A1 and A2 be two C-algebras. For any aA1 and bA2, (a,b)=(a)=b).

Theorem 3.20.

Let A1 and A2 be two C-algebras. If η1FIα(A1) and η2FIα(A2), then η1×η2FIα(A).


If η1FIα(A1) and η2FIα(A2), then η1×η2FI(A). To show η1×η2FIα(A), let a,cA1 and b,dA2 such that (a,b)=(c,d). Then (a)=(b) and (c)=(d). Now, let (η1×η2)(a,b)=β. Then η1(a)β and η2(b)β. Since η1FIα(A1) and (a)=(c), η1(a)=η1(c)β. Similarly, η2(b)=η2(d)β. Which implies that (η1×η2)(c,d)(η1×η2)(a,b). Similarly, we easily verify that (η1×η2)(a,b)(η1×η2)(c,d). Thus (η1×η2)(a,b)=(η1×η2)(c,d) and hence η1×η2FIα(A).

Theorem 3.21.

Let A1 and A2 be two C-algebras and assume that each of the C-algebras has the meet identity T. Then every α-fuzzy ideal of A1×A2 can be expressed as η=η1×η2 where η1 and η2 are α-fuzzy ideals of A1 and A2, respectively.


Suppose ηFIα(A1×A2). Now, we proceed to show η=η1×η2 where η1FIα(A1) and η2FIα(A2).

Let aA1 and cA2. Consider the following:

η1(a)={η(a,b):bA2} andη2(c)={η(d,c):dA1}.

Then η1 and η2 are fuzzy ideals and η=η1×η2. Now, we proceed to show that η1 and η2 are α-fuzzy ideals. Let i,jA1 and (i)=(j). Then η1(i)={η(i,b):bA2}. Let aA2. Then (i,a)=(j,a). Since ηFIα(A) and (i,a)=(j,a), η(x,a)=η(y,a). Now,


Thus η1(i)=η1(j) for each (i)=(j),i,jA1 and hence η1FIα(A1). Similarly, we can easily verify that η2FIα(A2).

Theorem 3.22.

The following are equivalent.

  1. Every fuzzy ideal is an α-fuzzy ideal.

  2. Every prime fuzzy ideal is an α-fuzzy ideal.

  3. For a,bA, (a)=(b) implies η(a)=η(b) for all fuzzy ideal η of A.

4. Space of prime α-fuzzy ideals

The purpose this section is to study the space of prime α-fuzzy ideals of C-algebras. We prove that the collection {κ(η):ηFI(A)} is a topology on Ω and B={κ(cβ):cA,βL{0}} is a basis for a topology on Ω. We also show that the space Ω is a T0 space. Moreover, we established a necessary and sufficient condition for the space Ω is a T1 space.

Let Ω be the set of all prime α-fuzzy ideals of A. For any fuzzy subset η of A, τ(η)={λΩ:ηλ} and κ(η)={λΩ:ηλ}=Ωτ(η). We let λ={aA:λ(a)=1}.

Lemma 4.1.

If η,λFI(A), then

  1. ηλκ(η)κ(λ).

  2. κ(ηλ)=κ(η)κ(λ).

  3. κ(ηλ)=κ(η)κ(λ).


Let η,λFI(A)

  1. If ηλ and γκ(η), then ηγ. Which implies λγ.

  2. Since ηλη,λ, we have κ(ηλ)κ(η)κ(λ). Conversely, let γκ(η)κ(λ). Then ηγ and λγ. Since γΩ, we have ηλγ.

  3. Clearly, κ(η)κ(λ)κ(ηλ). If γκ(ηλ), then ηλγ. Thus, either ηγ or λγ. Therefore, κ(η)κ(λ)=κ(ηλ).

Lemma 4.2.

for any fuzzy subset η of A, κ(η)=κ(η).


Since ηη, we have κ(η)κ(η). Conversely, let γη. Then ηγ. Suppose that ηγ. Then ηγ. Which is impossible. Thus ηγ and hence κ(η)=κ(η).

Lemma 4.3.

Let c,dA and βL{0}. Then

  1. κ((cd)β)=κ(cβ)κ(dβ).

  2. Ω=cA,βL{0}κ(cβ).


  1. Let ηκ((cd)β). Then (cd)βη. Then β>η(cd) and β>η(c), β>η(d). Which implies that cβη and dβη. Thus ηκ(cβ)κ(dβ). To show the other inclusion, let γκ(cβ)κ(dβ). Then cβγ and dβγ. Which implies that β>γ(c) and β>γ(d). This shows that c,dγ. Since γ is prime fuzzy ideal, we have γ prime ideal and cdγ. Thus β>γ(cd) and hence γκ((cd)β).

  2. Clearly, cA,βL{0}κ(cβ)Ω. Let ηΩ. Then Imη={β,1}, βL{1}. Which implies that there is c in A such that η(c)=β. Let γL{0} such that γ>β. Then cγη. Thus ηcA,βL{0}κ(cβ).

Lemma 4.4.

If ηFI(A), then κ(η)=κ(ηα).


Since ηηα, we have κ(η)κ(ηα). Conversely, suppose λκ(ηα). Then ηαλ. Assume that λκ(η). Then ηλ. Since λFIα(A), we have ηαλ. Which is a contradiction. Thus κ(η)=κ(ηα).

Lemma 4.5.

Let {ηi:iΔ}FI(A). Then



Clearly, τ(iΔηi)iΔτ(ηi). Conversely, let, λiΔτ(ηi). Then ηiλ for all iΔ. Which implies that iΔηiλ and λτ(iΔηi). Thus iΔτ(ηi)τ(iΔηi) and hence iΔτ(ηi)=τ(iΔηi).

Theorem 4.6.

The collection F={κ(η):ηFI(A)} is a topology on Ω.


Let λ1 and λ2 be fuzzy subsets of A such that λ1(c)=0 and λ2(c)=1 for all cA. Then λ1,λ2FI(A) and κ(λ1)=ϕ and κ(λ2)=Ω. Thus ϕ,ΩF. For any fuzzy ideals λ1 and λ2 of A, we have κ(λ1)κ(λ2)=κ(λ1λ2). Which implies that F is closed under finite intersections.

Let {aλi:iΔ}FI(A). Then iΔτ(λi)=(iΔλi). This shows that iΔκ(λi)=κ(iΔλi). Hence, F is closed under arbitrary union and hence it is a topology on Ω.

Definition 4.7.

The topological space (Ω,F) is called the space of prime α-fuzzy ideals of A.

Lemma 4.8.

The subfamily B={κ(cβ):cA,βL{0}} of F is a basis of F.


Let κ(η)F) and λκ(η). Then ηλ. Which implies that there is cA such that η(c)>λ(c). Let η(c)=β. Then λκ(cβ). To show κ(cβ)κ(η), let θκ(cβ). Then η(c)>θ(c). This shows that θκ(η). Thus κ(cβ)κ(η) and hence B forms a basis for F.

Lemma 4.9.

Let PΩ. The closure of P is given by P=τ(ηPη).

Definition 4.10.

A proper α-fuzzy ideal η of A is called maximal if there is no proper α-fuzzy ideal λ such that ηλ.

Lemma 4.11.

The space Ω is a T0-space.

Theorem 4.12.

The space Ω is a T1-space if and only if every prime α-fuzzy ideal is maximal.


Let the space Ω is a T1-space and ηΩ. Assume that η is not maximal. Then, there is a maximal α-fuzzy ideal λ such that ηλ. Since Ω is a T1 space, there exist two open sets κ(cβ) and κ(dγ) such that ηκ(cβ), λκ(dγ) and λκ(cβ), ηκ(dγ). This implies that dγη and dγλ. Which is a contradiction. Therefore, η is a maximal α-fuzzy ideal. Conversely, suppose that every prime α-fuzzy ideal is maximal. Let η1,η2Ω. By the assumption, η1η2. Which implies cA such that η1(c)>η2(c). Put η1(c)=β. Then cβη1 and cβη2. Thus κ(cβ) is an open set containing η2 but not η1 and hence Ω is a T1-space.

5. Conclusion

The concept of annulates and α-ideals of C-algebra was introduced by M. S. Rao Rao (Citation2013a). They characterized α-ideals in terms of annulates and minimal prime ideals. Motivated by this work in this paper we study the fuzzy version of α-ideals of C-algebras.

In this paper, we have explored the concept of α-fuzzy ideals in C-algebras. Our study has provided valuable insights into the properties and characteristics of α-fuzzy ideals, contributing to the broader field of fuzzy algebraic structures. We have presented several characterizations for fuzzy ideals to be α-fuzzy ideals in C-algebras. These characterizations allow us to identify the conditions under which a fuzzy ideal can be considered an α-fuzzy ideal. By establishing these characterizations, we have enhanced our understanding of the relationship between fuzzy ideals and α-fuzzy ideals in C-algebras. Furthermore, we have investigated the smallest α-fuzzy ideal containing a given fuzzy ideal of a C-algebra A. Moreover, we have provided a set of equivalent conditions for a given C-algebra, under which every fuzzy ideal becomes an α-fuzzy ideal. Finally, we have studied the space of prime α-fuzzy ideals in C-algebras and derived a necessary and sufficient condition for this space to be a T1 space. Our future work will focus on fuzzy semiprime ideals in general lattices.

Supplemental material

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Data availability statement

No data were used to support this study.

Supplementary Material

Supplemental data for this article can be accessed online at https://doi.org/10.1080/27684830.2024.2352918


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