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Research article

Some Results on Filters and Congruence Relations of Hoops

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Article: 2378544 | Received 30 Jul 2023, Accepted 05 Jul 2024, Published online: 22 Jul 2024


This manuscript presents some results on the conditions and characterizations of filters, congruence relations and homomorphisms in algebraic hoops. The paper investigates the structural properties of filters that are generated by a set in various ways and establishes several descriptions for such filters. It is demonstrated in this paper that the class of filters in hoops forms an algebraic lattice. This finding contributes to our understanding of the structural properties of filters and their relationship within hoops. Moreover, this manuscript explores congruence relations in hoops, revealing a fascinating connection between the lattice of filters and the lattice of congruences. In particular, it is shown that the lattice of filters is in one-to-one correspondence with the lattice of congruences in hoops, confirming that the variety of hoops is an ideal determined. Additionally, the manuscript delves into the properties of hoop homomorphisms in relation to congruences and filters, as well as to quotient structures. This paper presents several homomorphism and correspondence theorems for hoops.


1. Introduction

Hoops, originated by Bosbach (Bosbach, Citation1969, Citation1970), are algebras with a binary operation satisfying a set of axioms that have been an area of significant interest and research in algebraic logics. In recent years, there have been significant advancements in hoop theory, as evidenced by the introduction of deep structure theorems (see (Aaly Kologani & Borzooei, Citation2019; Aglianó et al., Citation2007; Borzooei & Aaly Kologani, Citation2014b; Namdar et al., Citation2017)). Many of these findings have had a significant impact on fuzzy logic. One noteworthy result is the structure theorem of finite basic hoops (as stated in (Aglianó et al., Citation2007) Corollary 2.10), which provides an elegant and concise proof of the completeness theorem for propositional basic logic (refer to (Aaly Kologani & Borzooei, Citation2019), Theorem 3.8). This completeness theorem was originally introduced by Hajek in (Hájek, Citation1998). Currently, the study of filter theory in hoops has gained considerable attention, leading to the discovery of important results. Notably, various types of filters, such as (positive) implicative filters and fantastic filters (as discussed in (Borzooei & Aaly Kologani, Citation2014a)), have been introduced, and their characteristics have been presented in (Alavi et al., Citation2017; Borzooei & Kologani, Citation2014; Kondo & Dudek, Citation2008; Namdar et al., Citation2017).

In this manuscript, we delve into the study of filters in hoops and derive several important characterizations and properties related to them. The concept of filters in hoops has been a subject of investigation due to its relevance in understanding the algebraic structure and properties of hoops. Filters are subsets of hoops that possess certain characteristics and play a fundamental role in the algebraic formulation and analysis of hoops. By understanding the conditions under which a set in a hoop can be classified as a filter, we can gain insights into the fundamental properties and structures within a hoop.

The primary focus of this manuscript is to obtain various characterizations of filters generated by a set in different ways. By deriving these conditions, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the structures and properties of filters. This exploration leads us to establish that the class of filters in hoops forms an algebraic lattice. This result not only deepens our understanding of the relationships between filters but also lays the foundation for further investigation into the lattice structures within a hoop. We further investigate the structural properties of those implicative filters in hoops. Interestingly, we obtain the smallest implicative filter I0(R) in a hoop R and we give an algebraic description for implicative filters generated by a set in general and by a filter in particular. It is also proved that the collection of all implicative filters in a hoop R is complete and is a filter in the lattice of all filters of R.

The other important aspect of our study involves the examination of congruence relations on hoops. Congruence relations, which are equivalence relations on a hoop preserving its algebraic operations, provide valuable insights into the structure and behavior of hoops. We show that the lattice of filters in hoops is in one-to-one correspondence with the lattice of congruences, establishing a strong connection between these two fundamental aspects of hoop theory. This correspondence further solidifies the idea that the variety of hoops is ideally determined.

In addition to exploring the relationships between filters and congruences, we thoroughly investigate the properties of hoop homomorphisms in connection with congruences and quotient structures. Homomorphisms are morphisms that preserve the algebraic structure between hoops, and by studying their interactions with congruences and filters, we can uncover additional insights into the relationships and correlations within hoops.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we present the necessary background and introduce the fundamental concepts that form the basis of our study. A hoop is an algebraic structure that combines the properties of groups and semigroups, providing a framework for studying operations that are both associative and partially invertible.

Definition 2.1.

(Bosbach, Citation1969, Citation1970) A hoop is a system R,,,1; consisting of a non-empty set R, binary operations and and a constant 1 in R satisfying the following conditions:


R together with is a commutative semigroup with identity 1;







for all h,g,sR. A hoop R can be made into a partially ordered set together with a natural ordering ≤ on R given by hg if and only if hg=1.

It is observed in Bosbach (Citation1970) that infimum of any two elements (with respect to the natural order) in a hoop R always exists, and it is given as:

hg=h(hg) for all h,gR

So that R together with the natural ordering can be viewed as a meet semi-lattice. Moreover, the binary operations and satisfies the adjointness property; i.e. for any h,g,sR it holds that

hgs if~and only if hgs

Theorem 2.2.

Every hoop R satisfies the following properties:


hgh,g and sgs;


h1=1 and 1h=h;








hghsgs, shsg and gshs

Lemma 2.3.

(Aglianó et al., Citation2007) Given a hoop R, the pseudo-join of h and g in R, denoted h  g, is defined by:

h  g=((hg)g)((gh)h).

Then for any, h,g,sH;


h  g=g  h and h,gh  g;


hg if and only if h  g=g;



Lemma 2.4

(Aglianó et al., Citation2007). The following are equivalent in a hoop R:


is associative;


for all h,g,sR; hgh  sg  s;


for all h,g,sR; h(gs)(h  g)(h  s),


for all h,g,sR; h,gsh  gs.

Definition 2.5.

(Aglianó et al., Citation2007) By a join hoop, we mean a hoop R satisfying one and hence all other conditions of Lemma 2.4.

3. Some new results on filters

Filters in hoops extend the notion of filters in Boolean algebras and serve as a powerful tool for characterizing subsets that exhibit certain desirable properties.

Definition 3.1.

(Aglianó et al., Citation2007). A filter in a hoop R is a subset U of R such that:




h,hgUgU for all h,gR

The collection of all filters in R will be denoted by F(R).

Theorem 3.2.

A set U contained in R is a filter if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:






hU and hg together imply gU

for all h,gR.


Assume that U is a filter. We show that U satisfies (F3) and (F4). Let h,gU. Then h(g(hg))=1U. This implies that g(hg)U and so hgU. Therefore (F3) holds. Again hU and hg imply h,hg=1U. Thus gU and hence (F4) holds.

Conversely, suppose that U satisfies the conditions (F1), (F3) and (F4). We claim that U is a filter. It is enough to show that U satisfies (F2). Let h,hgU. Then, by (F3), h(hg)U. Since h(hg)=g(gh)g, it follows from (F4) that gU and hence U is a filter.

Lemma 3.3.

Let h,g,zR and UF(R). Then, we have:


hgU(hs)(gs)U for all sR;


hgU(sh)(sg)U for all sR;


hgU(gs)(hs)U for all sR;



Lemma 3.4.

Let V be a filter in R. If U is a filter of V (considering V as a hoop with the restricted operations of R), then U is a filter in R.

Theorem 3.5.

A nonempty set U contained in R is a filter if and only if D(h,g)U for all h,gU; where



() Let h,gU and zD(h,g). Then h(gz)=1U, and so by assumption it is clear that zU. () Since U is nonempty, we can choose h,gU. As h(g1)=1, it follows from our assumption that 1U. Let h,hgU. Then, by assumption, D(h,hg)F. Since, h((hg)g)=1, gD(h,hg)F.

It is routine to verify that the class F(R) of all filters of R is closed under arbitrary intersection. It follows then that for any set XR always we can find the smallest filter of R containing X. Usually, it is called the filter of R generated by X, and it is denoted by Fg(X). If X is empty, then it is trivial to check that Fg(X)={1}. The following theorem gives an equational description for filters generated by a non-empty set.

Theorem 3.6.

Let X be a non-empty set contained in R. Then,

Fg(X)={kR:h1h2hnk for some h1,,hnX}


Put W={kR:h1h2hnk for some h1,,hnX}. We show that W is the least filter in R containing X. Clearly XW and 1W. Let h,hgW. Then h1h2hnh and g1g2gmhgfor some h1,,hn,g1,,gmX and so


Therefore W is a filter. Suppose that Z is any filter containing X and let tW. Then, we can choose h1,,hnX with h1h2hnt. Then it is clear that tZ. This proves that W=Fg(X).

In order to get another description for Fg(X), let us define sets {Xn}n1 inductively as follows:

X1=X{1} and\ for n1,Xn+1={gR:hXn and hgXn}

Then we have the following theorem.

Theorem 3.7.

For any XR:


where N denotes the set of positive integers.


Put T={Xn:nN}. Then, it can be easily shown that 1Xn and XnXn+1.∀nN. Then 1T and XT. Let h,hgT. Then ∃n,mN such that hXn and hgXm. Let p=max{n,m}. Then h,hgXp and so gXp+1{Xn:nN}=T. Therefore T is a filter. Let K be any filter such that XK. Now we show XnK for all nN, by induction. Since XK and 1K, we have X1=X{1}K. Thus the statement is true for n = 1. Let n1 and assume that XnK. Now gXn+1 implies that ∃hXn and hgXn and thus gK. Therefore Xn+1K and so by mathematical induction, XnK for all nN and hence T={Xn:nN}K. This proves that Fg(X)={Xn:nN}

For any XR define sets {en(X)}n=1 inductively as follows:

e1(X)=X{1} and\ for n1,en+1(X)={zR:hgz for some h,gen(X)}

Then we have the following theorem.

Theorem 3.8.

For any set X contained in R:


where N denotes the set of positive integers.


Put M={en(X):nN}. Then, we can easily show that clearly 1en(X) and en(X)en+1(X),∀nN. Thus XM and 1M. Let z,zwM. Then there exist n,mN such that zen(X) and zwXm. Let p=max{n,m}. Then z,zwep(X) and since z(zw)w, wep+1(X){en(X):nN}=T. Therefore T is a filter. Let K be any filter such that XK. Now we show en(X)K for all nN. We use induction on n. Since XK and 1K, we have e1(X)=X{1}K. Thus the statement is true for n = 1. Let n1 and assume that en(X)K. Now zen+1(X) implies that ∃h,gen(x) such that hgz. Thus h,gen(X)K implying hgK and hence zK. Therefore en+1(X)K. Thus, by mathematical induction, en(X)K for all nN and hence T={en(X):nN}K. This proves that T=Fg(X).

Lemma 3.9

For any U,VF(R), the infimum UV and supremum UV of U and V are given, respectively, by:

UV=UV  and  UV={zR:uvz for some uU  and  vV}.


Put T={zR:uvz for some uU  and  vV}. Now we claim that T is the least filter containing UV. Clearly, UVT. Let z,wR be such that z,zwT. There exist u1,u2U  and  v1,v2V such that u1v1z and u2v2zw. Thus we have

(u1u2)(v1v2)  z(zw)w

Since u1u2U and v1v2V, we have wT. Therefore, T is a filter. Let K be any filter such that UVK. Then zT implies that uvz for some uU and vV. Thus u,vK and uvK and so zK. This proves that UV=T.

Corollary 3.10.

F(R),, forms a lattice.

Theorem 3.11

The map XFg(X):P(R)P(R) is an algebraic closure operator.


Clearly, the given map forms a closure operator on R. Now we show that for any XR,


where E⊂⊂X is to mean E is a finite subset of X. Let kFg(X). Then h1h2hnk for some h1,,hnX. Put E={h1,,hn}. Then E⊂⊂X and kFg(E)E⊂⊂XFg(E). Thus, Fg(X)E⊂⊂XFg(E), and the other inclusion is obvious. Therefore, the given map is an algebraic closure operator.

Corollary 3.12.

The pair F(R), forms an algebraic lattice.


It is proved in the above theorem that the map XFg(X) is an algebraic closure operator on R. Then, the class LC={UR:Fg(U)=U} of closed elements of P(R) with respect to this closure operator is an algebraic lattice (see Theorem 5.5 of (Burris & Sankappanavor, Citation1981)). It is also clear that Fg(U)=U if and only if U is a filter in R, and hence we have LC=F(R). Therefore, F(R) is an algebraic lattice.

4. Implicative filters

In this section, we recall the definition of implicative filters in hoops, and we present some results mainly focusing on the characterization of implicative filters generated by a set.

Definition 4.1.

A set M in R is defined to be an implicative filter if:




h(gz)M and hgM imply hzM.

Theorem 4.2.

Every implicative filter is a filter.


Let M be an implicative filter in R and h,gM. We first show that h(hg)M. Put r=1,s=g and t=h(hg). Then, it can be shown that r(st)M and rs=g. Thus by (FI2), rtM, i.e. h(hg)M. Now we claim that hgM. Put r=1,s=h and t=hg. Then r(st)=st=h(hg)M. Also rs=1h=hM. Thus, by (FI2), rsM so hgM. Next let h,gR such that hg and hM. Then hg=1M. Put r=1,s=h and t=g. Then r(st)=st=hg=1M and rs=1h=hM. Thus, by (FI2), rs=s=gM. There fore M is a filter.

The following theorem gives a set of equivalent conditions for a set to be an implicative filter and the proof is ilar to that of Haveshki et al. (Citation2006).

Theorem 4.3

For any set M contained in R the following are equivalent.


M is an implicative filter;


M is a filter and g(gh)MghM,∀h,gR;


M is a filter and z(gh)M(zg)(zh)M,∀h,g,zR;


1M, z(g(gh))M and zM imply ghMh,g,zR.

Theorem 4.4

Any filter U of R is an implicative filter if and only if hh2U for all hR; where h2=hh.

Given a set X in R, in the following theorem we describe the least implicative filter containing X.

Theorem 4.5

For a set X contained in R, let us define an indexed family {In(X)}n=1 of sets as follows: I1(X)=X{1} and for n1;

In+1(X)={hz:h(gz)In(X) and hgIn(X)for some gR}.

Then n=1In(X) is the least implicative filter containing X.


We first show that zIn(X) for all nN. Clearly, 1I1(X). We use induction on n. Let n2 and assume that 1In(X). We claim that 1In+1(X). As 1In(X) we can write 1 as 1(11)In(X) and 1=11In(X). This implies that 1=11In+1(X). Therefore 1In(X),∀nN.

Next, we show that In(X)In+1(X) for all nN. Taking n = 1, I1(X)=X{1}. It is observed that 1I2(X). Thus, it remains to show that XI2(X). Let hX. Then h=1(1h)X=In(X) and 1=11I1(X). This implies that h=1hI2(X). Therefore hI2(X) and hence I1(X)I2(X). Now let n1 and assume that the result holds for n, i.e. In(X)In+1(X). Now we claim that In+1(X)In+2(X). Let sIn+1(X). Then s=hz for some h,zR such that h(gz)In(X) and hgIn(X) for some gR. Since, by induction assumption, In(X)In+1(X) we get h(gz)In+1(X) and hgIn+1(X). Then hzIn+2(X). Therefore In+1(X)In+2(X),∀nN.

Put S=n=1In(X). We claim to show that S is an implicative filter. Clearly 1S. Let h,g,zS such that h(gz) and hgS. Then h(gz)In(X) and hgIm(X), for some n,m1. Since {In(X)}n=1 is a chain, assume without loss of generality Im(X)In(X) and hence h(gz)In(X) and hgIn(X) implying that hzIn+1(X)S. Therefore S is an implicative filter. Finally, it remains to show that S is the least such a filter containing X. Let G be any implication filter such that XG. It suffices to show that In(X)G,∀nN. We use induction on n. If n=1, then I1(X)=X{1}G. Let n2 and assume that In(X)G. Now we claim that In+1(X)G. Let sIn+1(X). Then s=hz, where h(gz),hgIn(X)G. This implies that h(gz),hgG. Since G is an implicative filter s=hzG. Therefore In+1(X)G. and hence In(X)G,∀nN. Therefore S=n=1In(X)G. Hence proved.

Definition 4.6.

For any filter U in R, define a set IU(R) to be:


Observe that IU(R) is contained in R containing U and is closed with respect to . Moreover, U is an implicative filter if and only if IU(R)=R. Furthermore, R is an idempotent hoop if and only if I{1}(R)=R.

Notation: For aR let us denote by a the element aaa. It is clear that aa for all aR, and a=1 for all aR if and only if R is an idempotent hoop.

Definition 4.7.

Define a set I0(R) in R by:

I0(R)={xR:a1ananx for some a1,,anR}

We call I0(R) the implicative center R.

Theorem 4.8

I0(R) is the least implicative filter in R. Moreover, R is idempotent hoop if and only if I0(R)={1}.


One can easily observe that I0(R) is the filter generated by the set


and hence it is an implicative filter. Moreover, if J is any other implicative filter in R, then it follows from Theorem 4.4 that I0(R)J and hence I0(R) is the least among all implicative filters.

Corollary 4.9.

For any filter U in R, the smallest implicative filter Ig(U) of R containing U can be described as follows:


where the supremum being computed over all filters of R.

Lemma 4.10

Let IF(R) be the collection of all implicative filters in R. Then the following are true.


IF(R) is a complete lattice;


IF(R) is a filter of F(R).


(1) It is clear that R itself is an implicative filter. So IF(R) has the largest element. Now it is enough to show that IF(R) is closed under arbitrary intersection. Let {Mα}αΔ be a family of implicative filters in R. Now we claim that M=αΔMαIF(R). Clearly 1M. Let h,gR such that h(gz)M and hgM. Thenh(gz)Mα and hgMα for all αΔ. Then hzFα,∀αΔ. Therefore hzM and hence M=αΔMα is an implicative filter of R. Thus IF(R) is a complete lattice.

(2) Let M,NIF(R). Then, by (1), we get MNIF(R). Moreover let MIF(R) and N be any filter in R such that MN. Now our aim is to show that M is an implicative filter. As N is given to be a filter, it is enough to show that hh2N for all hR. As M is an implicative filter taking r=h,s=h and t=h2 we get r(st)=h(hh2)=h2h2=1M and rs=hh=1M. Since MIF(R) it follows that rtM, i.e. hh2MN Therefore hh2N,∀hR (*). Now let h,g,zR such that h(gz)N and rgN. This implies that (hg)zN and h2(hg)N. By (*) we have hh2N. Thus by transitivity hZN. Therefore NIF(R).

Note. During our investigation, we noticed that most of the results in this section can also be readily extended to those positive implicative filters.

5. Congruence relations

An equivalence relation Φ on R is said to be a congruence relation on R provided that it satisfies the substitution property for and ; i.e. for all h,g,h,gR:


The collection of all congruence relations on R will be denoted by Con(R). For hR and ΦCon(R) let


In other words, [h]Φ is an equivalence class of Φ to which h belongs. Put


Let us define the binary operations and on R/Φ as follows. For [h]Φ,[g]ΦR/Φ:

[h]Φ[g]Φ=[hg]Φand [h]Φ[g]Φ=[hg]Φ

For all [h]Φ,[g]ΦR/Φ. Then, it is routine to check that the binary operations are well defined and R/Φ,,,[1]Φ is a hoop called the quotient of R modulo Φ.

Lemma 5.1.

For any ΦCon(R), [1]Φ is a filter of R.


[1]Φ={hR:(1,h)Φ}. Since (1,1)Φ, 1[1]Φ. Let h,hg[1]Φ. Then


Therefore [1]Φ is a filter in R.

It is evident that the class Con(R) of all congruence relations on R contains R=R×R and is closed under arbitrary intersection so that it is a complete lattice under the usual inclusion order. Moreover, for any Φ,ΨCon(R):


where ΦΨ is the congruence relation on R generated by ΦΨ. It is described in (Burris & Sankappanavor, Citation1981) for general universal algebras in the following way:


where ΠΦ,Ψn is defined as follows:

ΠΦ,Ψ1=Φ,and for n1ΠΦ,Ψn+1=ΠΦ,ΨnΦΨ,

where is the relational product; i.e. (h,g)ΦΨ if and only if there is zR such that (h,z)Ψ and (z,g)Φ. We say that two congruences Φ and Ψ permute if ΦΨ=ΨΦ, and an algebra A is called permutable, provided that all congruences of A permute each other; i.e. ΦΨ=ΨΦ for all Φ,ΨCon(A). Moreover, a class K of algebras of a fixed type is permutable if each of its member is permutable. It was proved by Mal’cev in (Mal’cev, Citation1954) that a variety K of algebras is permutable if and only if it has a 3-ary term p(h,g,z) satisfying the identities

gp(h,h,g) and hp(h,g,g)

The term p is called the Ma’cev term. In this regard, the class of hoops is congruence permutable, where its Mal’cev term is:


Therefore every hoop R is congruence permutable.

Corollary 5.2.

For any Φ,ΨCon(R): ΦΨ=ΦΨ.

Lemma 5.3.

For any Φ,ΨCon(R):

ΦΨ if and only if [1]Φ[1]Ψ.


Suppose that ΦΨ. Then we have the following:


Therefore [1]Φ[1]Ψ. Conversely, suppose that [1]Φ[1]Ψ.


Similarly(g(gh),g)Ψ. Since (h(hg)=(g(gh), by transitivity we get (h,g)Ψ. Therefore ΦΨ.

Remark. It can be deduced from the above lemma that Φ=Ψif and only if [1]Φ=[1]Ψ for all Φ,ΨCon(R), and hence every hoop is 1-regular.

Lemma 5.4.

For any Φ,ΨCon(R):






(1) It is obvious.

(2) Since Φ,ΨΦΨ it follows from Lemma 5.3 that [1]Φ,[1]Ψ[1]ΦΨ. Thus [1]Φ[1]Ψ[1]ΦΨ. To prove the other inclusion let h[1]ΦΨ. Then

(1,h) ΦΨ=ΦΨgR such that(1,g)Ψ  and  (g,h) Φ(1,g)Ψ  and  (1,gh)Φg[1]Ψ[1]Φ[1]Ψ and gh[1]Φ[1]Φ[1]Ψh[1]Φ[1]Ψ.

Therefore [1]ΦΨ[1]Φ[1]Ψ. Hence (2) holds.

Definition 5.5.

For a given filter U in R consider the binary relation on R denoted by ΘU and given by:

(h,g)ΘU if and only if hgU and ghU.

Theorem 5.6

ΘUCon(R) for all UF(R). And conversely if ΘU is a congruence relation on R, then U is a filter.


Let UF(R). Clearly ΘU is reflexive and symmetric. Now we proceed to show that ΘU is transitive. Let (h,g)ΘU and (g,s)ΘU. Then hg, ghU and gs, sgU. Then, by Lemma 3.4 (2), we have hsU and shU and hence <h,s>∈ΘU.

Next we prove the substitution property for . Let (h,g)ΘU and (h,g)ΘU. Then hg, ghU and hg, ghU. Then, by Lemma 3.4(1), we have (hh)(gh)U and (gh)(gg)U and hence by Lemma 3.4(2), we have (hh)(gg)ΘU. In a ilar fashion it can be shown that (gg)(hh)U. Thus, (hh,gg)ΘF. Finally, we prove the substitution property for . Let (h,g)ΘU and (h,g)ΘU. Then hg, ghU and hg, ghU. Then, by Lemma 3.4(1), we have (hh)(gh)U and (gh)(gg)U and hence by Lemma 3.4(2), we have (hh)(gg)ΘU. In a ilar fashion, it can be shown that (gg)(hh)U. Thus (hh,gg)ΘU. Therefore ΘUCon(R).

Conversely suppose that ΘU is a congruence relation on R. Then, by Lemma 4.1 [1]ΘU is a filter of R. Now we claim that [1]ΘU=U. Now let h[1]ΘU. Then (1,h)ΘU. That is, hU and hence [1]ΘUU. Again, to show the other inclusion, let hU. Then 1h=hU and h1=1U. Therefore (1,h)ΘU and hence h[1]ΘU. Thus U[1]ΘU. This proves the result.

Lemma 5.7.

For any UF(R) and ΦCon(R) we have:






(1) It follows from the converse part of the above theorem.

(2) Let (h,g)Θ[1]Φ. Then hg, gh[1]Φ and so (1,hg)Φ and (1,gh)Φ. This implies that (h,h(hg))Φ and (g,g(gh))Φ. Since Φ is symmetric and h(hg)=g(gh), by transitivity, we get (h,g)Φ and so Θ[1]ΦΦ. On the other hand let (h,g)Φ. Then (1,hg)Φ and (gh,1)Φ. This implies that (hg),(gh)[1]Φ and so (h,g)Θ[1]Φ. Therefore ΦΘ[1]Φ.

Theorem 5.8.

There is a lattice isomorphism between Con(R) and F(R).


Define a map π:Con(R)F(R) by π(Φ)=[1]Φ, for all ΦCon(R). If π:F(R)Con(R) is a map defined by π(U)=ΘU, then π(π(U))=π(ΘU)=[1]ΘU=U and π(π(Φ))=π([1]Φ)=Θ[1]Φ=Φ. Therefore, π is invertible, and hence, it is bijective. Now, it remains to show that π is a lattice homomorphism.

Let Θ1,Θ2Con(R). Then




Thus π is a lattice homomorphism and hence it is a lattice isomorphism. Therefore Con(R)F(R).

Corollary 5.9.

The map UΘU is a lattice isomorphism of F(R) onto Con(R).


Since the map UΘU is the inverse of π and π is a lattice isomorphism of Con(R) onto F(R), the given map is a lattice isomorphism.

Corollary 5.10

The following holds for all filters U and V in R:






UV if and only if ΘUΘV


It is a direct consequence of Corollary 5.10.

Next, we see distributivity

Theorem 5.11.

Every hoop R is congruence distributive.


Applying Theorem 4.8 it suffices to show that the lattice (F(R),) of filters of R is distributive. Let U,V and W be any filters in R. Then U=[1]Φ,V=[1]Ψ and W=[1]Υ for some Φ,Ψ,ΥCon(R). It is sufficient to verify that



xU(VW)x[1]Φ([1]Ψ[1]Υ)=[1]Φ(ΨΥ)(x,1)Φ(ΨΥ)(x,1)Φ and (x,1)ΨΥ=ΨΥ(x,1)Φ and zRsuch that (x,z)Υ and(z,1)Ψ(x,u)ΦΨ and(1,u)ΦΥ,where u=zx(1,x)(ΦΨ)(ΦΥ)=(ΦΨ)(ΦΥ)x[1](ΦΨ)(ΦΥ)x([1]Φ[1]Ψ)([1]Φ[1]Υ)=(UV)(UW)

Therefore (F(R),) is distributive.

Recall from (Chajda et al., Citation2003) that a permutable and regular variety of algebras is called arithmetic. Therefore, it is evident from the above theorem that the variety of hoops is arithmetic.

Notation. Given a filter U of R and aR; we write [a]U to denote the congruence class of ΘU containing a, and by R/U we mean the quotient R/ΘU.

6. Hoop Homomorphisms

In this section, we study homomorphism and isomorphism Theorems in hoops.

Definition 6.1.

A map f:RR is said to be a hoop homomorphism if it satisfies the following conditions: for all h,gR





Note that if f:RR is a hoop homomorphism, then one can easily check that f(1)=1. A hoop homomorphism f:RR is called a hoop monomorphism (respectively, a hoop epimorphism) if it is injective (respectively, surjective), and it is called a hoop isomorphism if it is both hoop monomorphism and epimorphism. The following result follows from the definition of hoop homomorphism.

Theorem 6.2.

Let, f be a hoop homomorphism from R to R. Then


If V is a filter in R, then f1(V) is a filter in R.


If f is onto and U is a filter in R, then f(U) is a filter in R.

Definition 6.3.

Given a hoop homomorphism f:RR, its kernel is defined to be the set:


Lemma 6.4.

For any hoop homomorphism f:RR, its kernel ker(f) is a filter in R.


One can easily observe that ker(f)=f1(1), and hence it follows from (1) of Theorem 6.2 that ker(f) is a filter in R.

Theorem 6.5.

A hoop homomorphism f:RR is a monomorphism if and only if kerf={1}.


Suppose that f is a monomorphism. Then, f is an injection and therefore hkerff(h)=1

Theorem 6.6

[The first isomorphism Theorem] Let f:RR be a hoop homomorphism. Then



Put U=kerf. Define f:R/Uf(R) by: f([h]U)=f(h),[h]UR/U. Now we show that f is a hoop isomorphism. Let [h]U,[g]UR/U such that [h]U=[g]U. Then hgU and ghU and so f(h)=f(g). This shows that f is well defined. Now for any [h]U,[g]UR/U, we have f([h]U[g]U)=f([hg]U)=f(hg)=f(h)f(g)=f(h)f(g) and f([h]U[g]U)=f([hg]U)=f(hg)=f(h)f(g)=f(h)f(g) and so f is a hoop homomorphism. Since any element of f(R) is of the form f(h)=f([h]U) for some hR and [h]UR/U, f is a surjection. Also, for any [h]U,[g]UR/U,

f([h]U)=f([g]U)f(h)=f(g)f(hg)=f(h)f(g)=1 and  f(gh)=f(g)f(h)=1hg  and  ghUhg  and  ghh=g

Therefore f is an injection. Thus, f is a hoop isomorphism and so R/kerff(R).

Note that, in particular, if f is surjective, then R/kerfR.

Theorem 6.7

[The second Isomorphism Theorem] Let U and V be filters in. Then U/(UV)(UV)/V.


Define a map f:U(UV)/V by f(h)=[h]V, for all hR. Now for any h,gU, f(hg)=[hg]V=[h]V[g]V=f(h)f(g) and similarly we can show f(hg)=f(h)f(g) and hence f is a hoop homomorphism. Let [z]V(UV)/V. Then zUV and so there exists hU and gV such that hgz. Now hgz implies that hgz. Thus gzR. Put j=gz and we claim that [j]V=[z]V. Now


Therefore gjz. Since gV, we have jzV and


Therefore f(j)=[j]V=[z]V and hence f is onto. Therefore, by first isomorphism theorem, we have U/kerf(UV)/V. But


This proves the result.

Theorem 6.8

[The third Isomorphism Theorem] Let U and V be filters in R such that UV. Then



Define a map f:R/UR/V by:


Let [h]U,[g]UR/V such that [h]U=[g]V. Then hgUV and ghUV. This implies that [h]V=[g]V and hence f([h]U)=f([g]U)h. Therefore, f is well defined. It is also clear that f is a hoop epimorphism. Thus, by first isomorphism theorem, (R/U)/kerfR/V. But


Hence proved.

Theorem 6.9

(Correspondence Theorem) Let U be a filter in R. Then there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set [U,R] of all filters of R containing U and the set F[R/U] of all filters of R/U.


Note that every filter of R/U is of the form W/U where W is a filter of R which contains U. Define a map g:[U,R]F[R/U] by:

g(W)=W/U, for all W[U,R]

Let W1,W2[U,R] such that g(W1)=g(W2). Then W1/U=W2/U. Now

hW1[h]UW1/U=W2/U[h]U=[g]Ufor some gW2hg,ghUW2hW2.

Therefore W1W2. Similarly, we have W2W1. Therefore W1=W2 and hence g is injective. Let PF[R/U]. Put W={hR:[h]UP}. Now we claim that W is a filter which contains U. Now let h,hgW. Then [h]U,[hg]U=[h]U[g]UP. Since P is a filter of R/U, we have [g]UP. This implies that gW. therefore W is a filter of R. Let hU. Then h1U and 1hU and hence [h]U=[1]UP. This implies that hW. Therefore UW and g(W)=W/U=P. Therefor g is bijective, i.e. there is a one-to-one correspondence between [U,R] and F[R/U].

7. Conclusions

This manuscript has presented several new and significant results on filters in hoops. We have derived conditions for sets in a hoop to be filters and have provided multiple characterizations for filters generated in different ways. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that the class of filters in hoops forms an algebraic lattice. Additionally, our investigation into congruence relations on hoops has revealed an interesting correspondence between the lattice of filters and the lattice of congruences. This finding confirms that the variety of hoops is indeed ideally determined. Moreover, our exploration of hoop homomorphisms in connection with congruences and quotient structures has enabled us to establish various homomorphism and correspondence theorems. Through these theorems, we have developed a deeper understanding of the relationships between different structures within hoops. Overall, this manuscript contributes to the existing body of knowledge on hoops by providing new insights into the properties of filters, congruences, and hoop homomorphisms. We believe that these results have the potential to impact future research in this field, and we hope that they will inspire further investigations and applications in the study of hoops.

Authors contribution

All listed authors have made a significant scientific contribution to the findings of this manuscript.

Human and animal rights

This article does not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed by any of the authors.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


The work was supported by the University of Gondar.

Data availability

No data were used to support the results of this study.

Additional information


The work was supported by the University of Gondar .


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