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Research Article

Extremal inverse eigenvalue problem for irreducible acyclic matrices

Pages 192-209 | Received 02 Apr 2021, Accepted 07 Feb 2022, Published online: 27 Feb 2022


In this paper, we study the inverse eigenvalue problem of constructing symmetric matrices whose graph is a tree, i.e. of constructing irreducible acyclic matrices from given eigendata consisting of the smallest and largest eigenvalues of their leading principal submatrices. We solve the problem completely for the case when the given eigenvalues are distinct and the subgraph of the tree induced by {1,2,,j} remains connected for 1jn. The result generalizes the results known for matrices described by some specific trees. The proofs of the main results are constructive and so provide an algorithm for computing the actual entries of the required matrix. Numerical solutions of the problem are then obtained with SCILAB by feeding the eigendata and plugging in the adjacency matrix as inputs. We also make an attempt to find the number of solutions for several special families of unlabelled trees.


1. Introduction

An inverse eigenvalue problem (IEP) is the problem of reconstructing matrices of a pre-assigned structure which also satisfy the given constraints on eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrices or their submatrices. IEPs that require the construction of matrices having a pre-assigned pattern of zero entries are quite interesting. The pattern of zero entries of an n×n symmetric matrix determines the structure of the underlying graph on n vertices. It has been seen that the structure of the underlying graph has a considerable influence on the spectrum of the corresponding matrix. For example, the smallest and the largest eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix whose graph is a tree are always of algebraic multiplicity one [Citation1]. Any modification like the deletion of a vertex or the deletion of a path applied to a graph creates a change in the eigen structure of the resulting matrix. Such relations between the structure of a graph and the eigen-structure of the corresponding matrix motivates the study of IEPs of constructing matrices described by graphs.

Peng et al. [Citation2] and Pickman et al. [Citation3,Citation4] studied IEPs involving the construction of arrow matrices and doubly arrow matrices from given eigendata consisting of the smallest and the largest eigenvalues of each of the leading principal submatrices of the required matrix. Thereafter, several authors studied the problem for constructing matrices whose graphs are certain types of trees. Sharma and Sen [Citation5] studied the IEP for constructing matrices described by brooms. The IEP with the same eigen data was also studied for special banded matrices by Xu and Chen [Citation6] and for matrices of dense centipedes by Sharma and Sen [Citation7]. This IEP was further studied by Heydari et al. [Citation8]) for matrices of generalized stars. Several other authors have also come up for this extremal IEP in recent times with Zarch et al. [Citation9] taking up the problem for banana trees, Zarch and Fazeli [Citation10] for double-starlike trees or double comets and Sharma and Sen [Citation11] for generalized star of depth 2. However, there has not been any general approach to the problem for constructing matrices described by any given tree. Inverse eigenvalue problems find applications in control theory, mass-spring vibrations, structural analysis, pole assignment problems and graph theory. A few references of such applications can be found in the works [Citation12–15].

In this paper, we study the extremal inverse eigenvalue problem for a general tree, that is, the question of existence and construction of real matrices whose graph is a given tree, and whose leading principal submatrices have specified minimum and maximum eigenvalues. The problem was proposed by Sharma and Sen [Citation11].

2. Preliminaries

Throughout this paper, the term graph will mean an undirected graph on the vertex set V={1,,n} without loops or multiple edges. Let G1 and G2 be two graphs on V. A permutation π of V is an isomorphism of G1 onto G2, if {i,j} is an edge in G1 if and only if {π(i),π(j)} is an edge in G2. If such a π exists, G1 and G2 are said to be isomorphic. If G1=G2=G, then the isomorphism π is called an automorphism of G. The set of automorphisms of G form a finite group, denoted by Aut(G).

If G1 and G2 are isomorphic graphs on the vertex set V, we say that G2 is obtained from G1 by relabelling the vertices. An unlabelled graph G is an equivalence class of isomorphic graphs, that is, the collection of all graphs obtained from any of its members by relabelling the vertices. A labelling of an unlabelled graph G means choosing a member of G. An unlabelled tree is an unlabelled graph whose members are trees.

The adjacency matrix of a graph G is defined to be the n×n matrix A(G)=(aij), with aij=1 if {i,j} is an edge in G, and 0 otherwise. The matrix A(G) completely determines the graph G. Two graphs G1 and G2 on the vertex set V are isomorphic if and only if their adjacency matrices are permutation similar. The automorphisms of a graph G are the permutations of the vertices for which the resulting relabellings of G also have the same adjacency matrix.

Given an n×n symmetric matrix A, the graph of A, denoted by G(A), has vertex set V and edge set E={{i,j}:ij,aij0}. For a graph G with n vertices, S(G) denotes the set of all n×n symmetric matrices which have G as their graph. A symmetric matrix is said to be acyclic, if its graph does not have a cycle [Citation16]. Thus, the graph of an irreducible acyclic matrix is a tree. For an n×n matrix A, we denote by Aj the leading principal submatrix of A indexed by {1,2,,j},  1jn. Clearly, if A is acyclic, then so is Aj for each j.

For an n×n matrix A=(aij), the determinant of A is defined as detA=σ(sgnσ)a1σ(1)a2σ(2)anσ(n), where the sum varies over all permutations σ of {1,,n} and the sign of σ is + or − according as σ is even or odd [Citation17]. It is well-known that every permutation is a product of disjoint cycles. Suppose A is symmetric and σ is a permutation of {1,,n} such that a1σ(1)a2σ(2)anσ(n)0. If a cycle (i1,i2,,ir) of length r>2 appears as a factor in the product of disjoint cycles for σ, then aikσ(ik)0 for each k, and therefore the vertices i1,i2,,ir give rise to a cycle in G(A). In other words, if A is acyclic, then the product a1σ(1)a2σ(2)anσ(n) in the expression for detA is nonzero only if σ is a product of disjoint two cycles.

3. IEP for a tree (IEPT)

We consider the following extremal inverse eigenvalue problem.

3.1. IEPT

Given a tree T on n vertices and 2n−1 real numbers αj,βj, 1jn, with α1=β1, find a matrix AS(T) such that αj and βj are respectively the smallest and the largest eigenvalues of Aj.

The problem has been studied for some special matrices and trees by several authors [Citation2–5,Citation7–11]. We will discuss the problem for any given tree.

4. Solution of IEPT

We begin this section with the following result:

Lemma 4.1

[Citation17,Citation18] Cauchy's interlacing theorem

Let λ1λ2λn be the eigenvalues of an n×n real symmetric matrix A, and μ1μ2μn1 be the eigenvalues of an (n1)×(n1) principal submatrix B of A, then λ1μ1λ2μ2λn1μn1λn.

The theorem says in particular that the eigenvalues of an n×n irreducible acyclic matrix and those of any of its (n1)×(n1) principal submatrices interlace each other.

Lemma 4.2

A necessary condition for the IEPT to have a solution is αnαn1α2α1=β1β2βn1βn.


It follows from a repeated application of Lemma 4.1.

Lemma 4.3

If αiαj and βiβj for all ij in {1,,n}, then the IEPT has a solution only if the vertices of T are labelled such that for each j{1,,n}, the subgraph Tj of T induced by the vertices {1,,j} is connected.


Let T be labelled such that for some j{1,,n} the induced subgraph Tj is disconnected. So, there exists i{1,,j1} such that Ti is connected but Ti+1 is disconnected. Clearly, the vertex i + 1 in the induced subgraph Ti+1 is an isolated vertex. Let AS(T). Then, the eigenvalues of Ai+1 are same as those of Ai together with another eigenvalue ai+1,i+1 that is precisely the diagonal entry corresponding to the vertex i + 1. So, Ai+1 has at most one eigenvalue different from those of Ai. However, the smallest and the largest eigenvalues of Ai are αi and βi and those of Ai+1 are αi+1 and βi+1. Since it is given that αiαi+1 and βiβi+1, so we get that Ai+1 has two eigenvalues different from those of Ai, and we have a contradiction. Hence, no matrix in S(T) can be a solution of IEPT.

It is easy to see that the vertices of a tree can be labelled satisfying the condition in Lemma 4.3. Let T be an unlabelled tree and T0 be any tree in T. We can relabel the vertices to obtain T in T such that for every j{1,n}, the subgraph Tj of T induced by the vertices {1,2,,j} is also a tree. We start with any vertex v1 of T0 and relabel it as 1. Since the induced subgraph of T corresponding to the vertex set {1,2} has to be a tree, so the vertex 2 in T should be adjacent to 1. Thus, we select a vertex v2 in T0 adjacent to v1 and relabel it as 2. In each subsequent step, we relabel a vertex vj that is adjacent to one of the vertices that have already been relabelled as j, maintaining the serial number of the new labels in the natural order. We continue this process till all the vertices of T are labelled from 1 to n. Clearly, the tree T thus obtained has the property that the subgraph of T induced by {1,2,,j} for 1jn is connected. In this paper, we refer to such labelling of a tree as a successively connected labelling. The following figure depicts a successively connected labelling of a tree Figure .

Figure 1. A successively connected labelling of a tree.

Figure 1. A successively connected labelling of a tree.

In Lemma 4.3, we have seen that if the given eigenvalues are distinct, then the IEPT has a solution only if the given tree has successively connected labelling. We shall also show (Lemma 4.6) that if the given tree has successively connected labelling, then the IEPT has a solution only if the given eigenvalues are distinct. We need a few more results before that.

Lemma 4.4

Let P(x) be a monic polynomial of degree n with all real zeros and λmin and λmax be the smallest and largest zeros of P, respectively.


If μ<λmin, then (1)nP(μ)>0.


If μ>λmax, then P(μ)>0.


If P(μ)<0, then μ<λmax.


Follows by expressing P(x) as the product of its linear factors.

We provide a simple proof of the following strict interlacing of the extreme eigenvalues of matrices in S(T) and their principal submatrices, using Lemma 4.4.

Lemma 4.5

Let A be an n×n real symmetric matrix such that G(A) is a tree, and B be a k×k principal submatrix of A, k<n. Let α and β be the largest eigenvalues of A and B, and γ and δ be the smallest eigenvalues of A and B, respectively. Then γ<δβ<α.


We prove by induction on n that β<α. Then, it will follow that γ<δ by comparing the largest eigenvalues of A and B, since G(A)=T.

If n = 2, then G(A) is a path on two vertices. So, A=(a1b12b12a2) with b120. The only 1×1 principal submatrices of A are (a1) and (a2). By Lemma 4.1, αmax{a1,a2}β. The characteristic polynomial of A is P(x)=(xa1)(xa2)b122. Since P(a1)<0, P(a2)<0, by (iii) of Lemma 4.4, α>max{a1,a2}β.

Assume that n3 and that the result holds for all symmetric matrices of order less than n whose graphs are trees. Let A be an n×n real symmetric matrix such that G(A)=T and B be the principal submatrix of A.

Putting A~=xIA=(a~ij), the characteristic polynomial of A can be written as PA(x)=detA~=σ(sgnσ)a~1σ(1)a~nσ(n), where the sum varies over all permutations σ of {1,,n}. Since A is acyclic, the product a~1σ(1)a~nσ(n) is non-zero only if σ is a product of disjoint two-cycles. For i,jV={1,,n} let Ai and Aij denote the principal submatrices of A indexed by V{i} and V{i,j}, respectively. Then, we have PA(x)=σ(i)=i(sgnσ)a~1σ(1)a~nσ(n)+σ(i)i(sgnσ)a~1σ(1)a~nσ(n)

For permutations σ with σ(i)=i, the sign of σ restricted to V{i} is same as that of σ. Also for σ(i)i, aiσ(i)0 iff σ(i)i, that is the vertex σ(i) is adjacent to i. The sign of σ restricted to V{i,j}, where ji, is opposite to that of σ as only the two cycle (i,j) gets removed from the product of disjoint two cycles. Thus, we have (1) PA(x)=a~iiPAi(x)jia~ija~jiPAij(x)=(xaii)PAi(x)jiaij2PAij(x),(1)

Now, let η be the largest eigenvalue of Ai. Since each connected component of G(Aij) is a subtree of G(Ai), by induction hypothesis and in view of Lemma 4.4(ii), we get PAij(η)>0 for each ji. Consequently, (Equation1) yields PA(η)<0. Therefore, by Lemma 4.4(iii), we get η<α. Thus, we have proved the result for the case when B=Ai. For any other B the argument can be repeated. This completes the proof.

We are now ready to give a necessary condition for existence of solution for the IEPT in the case of trees with successively connected labelling.

Lemma 4.6

Let T be a tree with successively connected labelling. If the IEPT has a solution, then αn<αn1<<α2<α1=β1<β2<<βn1<βn.


Suppose AS(T) be such that αj and βj are the smallest and the largest eigenvalues of Aj for j=1,,n. Since Aj1 is a principal submatrix of the matrix Aj whose graph is a tree, so by Lemma 4.5, we have αj<αj1andβj1<βjfor j=2,,n.

It follows that αn<αn1<<α2<α1=β1<β2<<βn1<βn.

Lemma 4.7

Let A be a real symmetric matrix and αn<αn1<<α2<α1=β1<β2<<βn1<βn such that αj and βj are eigenvalues of Aj for each j. Then, αj is the smallest eigenvalue and βj is the largest eigenvalue of Aj, j=1,2,,n.


Follows from Cauchy's interlacing theorem.

For the rest of this section, T will denote a tree on the vertex set {1,,n} with successively connected labelling. We shall show that the necessary condition in Lemma 4.3 is also a sufficient condition for a solution of the IEPT for trees with successively connected labelling.

We now adopt some notations for the entries of a matrix AS(T). For a successively connected labelling, it is easy to see that for 1jn, the vertex j is pendent in the subtree Tj of T induced by {1,,j}. Let j2. Since Tj is connected, degree of j is non-zero. Suppose p,q{1,,j1} are adjacent to j. If pq, then the unique p-q path in Tj1 along with the edges {j,p} and {q,j} produces a cycle in Tj, contradicting that Tj is a tree. Thus, j is of degree 1 in Tj. This allows us to define a function v:{2,,n}{1,,n1} given by v(j)= the unique vertex among 1,,j1 that is adjacent to j. Thus, for each j=1,,n, the only non-zero off-diagonal entry in the jth column of j×j leading principal submatrix Aj of any matrix AS(T) is in the v(j)th row and the only non-zero off-diagonal entry in the jth row of Aj is in the v(j)th column.

The diagonal entries of A are taken to be aj and the off-diagonal entries bij, i,j{1,,n}. Since A is symmetric, bij=bji for all i and j. Moreover, it follows from the above discussion that in each leading principal submatrix Aj, bij0 if and only if i=v(j). Let Pj(x) denote the characteristic polynomial of Aj, j=1,,n. Further, for j3, let Qj(x) denote the characteristic polynomial of the principal submatrix of Aj obtained by deleting the rows and the columns indexed by j and v(j). We put Q2(x)=1. Then, we have the following result.

Lemma 4.8

The characteristic polynomials Pj(x) of Aj satisfy the following recurrence relation:




Pj(x)=(xaj)Pj1(x)bjv(j)2Qj(x), j=2,,n.


Clearly, (i) holds. Moreover, P2(x)=(xa1)(xa2)b122=(xa2)P1(x)b2v(2)2Q2(x).

Now, let j3. In view of (Equation1) we have (2) Pj(x)=(xaj)Pj1(x)ji1ij1bij2PAij(x),(2) where Aij is the principal submatrix of A induced by {1,,j}{i,j}. Now, by our choice of the labelling of the vertices, the only i in {1,,j} that is adjacent to j is v(j). Moreover, PAjv(j)(x)=Qj(x). Hence, (Equation2) reduces to Pj(x)=(xaj)Pj1(x)bjv(j)2Qj(x).

We therefore have the recurrence relation.

Now, for any AS(T) and for j=1,2,,n let αj and βj be the smallest and the largest eigenvalues of Aj, respectively. Then, Pj(αj)=0andPj(βj)=0.

From Lemma 4.8 we get a1=α1, and for j2 (3) ajPj1(αj)+bjv(j)2Qj(αj)αjPj1(αj)=0ajPj1(βj)+bjv(j)2Qj(βj)βjPj1(βj)=0.}(3)

Thus, studying the IEPT for solutions is equivalent to seeking for appropriate solutions for the system of linear Equations (Equation3) for aj and positive bjv(j)2. Let Dj be the determinant of the coefficient matrix of the system (Equation3), i.e. (4) Dj=Pj1(αj)Qj(βj)Pj1(βj)Qj(αj).(4)

Lemma 4.9

Given a tree T with successively connected labelling and 2n−1 real numbers satisfying αn<αn1<<α2<α1=β1<β2<<βn1<βn there is a unique solution AS(T) of the IEPT with positive off-diagonal entries.


We show that the systems of Equations (Equation3) can recursively be solved uniquely for real aj and positive bjv(j)2. We put a1=α1, yielding P1(x)=xα1. Since Q2(x)=1, for j = 2 the system becomes a2(α2α1)+b122α2(α2α1)=0a2(β2α1)+b122β2(β2α1)=0, which has unique solution a2=α2+β2α1,  b122=(α1α2)(β2α1)>0.

Now let j3 and assume that we have obtained ak and bkv(k)2>0 for 1kj1 so that the matrix Aj1 and the polynomials Pj1(x) and Qj(x) are determined. Since αj1 and βj1 are the smallest and the largest eigenvalues of the polynomial Pj1(x) of degree j−1, and because αj<αj1 and βj1<βj, in view of Lemma 4.4 we have (5) (1)j1Pj1(αj)>0andPj1(βj)>0.(5)

Let γj and δj be the smallest and the largest zeros of the polynomial Qj(x) which is of degree j−2. Then, by Lemma 4.1, αj<αj1γj and δjβj1<βj. Therefore, Lemma 4.4 gives (6) (1)j2Qj(αj)>0andQj(βj)>0.(6)

Consequently, from Equation (Equation4), we have (7) (1)j1Dj=((1)j1Pj1(αj))Qj(βj)+Pj1(βj)((1)j2Qj(αj))>0.(7)

In particular, Dj0 and therefore the system (Equation3) has a unique solution for aj and bjv(j)2 given by (8) aj=αjPj1(αj)Qj(βj)βjPj1(βj)Qj(αj)Djbjv(j)2=(βjαj)Pj1(αj)Pj1(βj)Dj.(8)

Further, from (Equation5), (Equation6) and (Equation7), we get bjv(j)2=(βjαj)((1)j1Pj1(αj))Pj1(βj)(1)j1Dj >0, since αj<βj. Taking bjv(j) as the positive square root of values obtained for bjv(j)2 we get the unique solution we are seeking for.

Combining Lemmas 4.6 and 4.9 we get a complete answer for the IEPT for trees with successively connected labelling.

Theorem 4.10

Let T be a tree with successively connected labelling. Then, the IEPT has a solution if and only if (9) αn<αn1<<α2<α1=β1<β2<<βn1<βn.(9)

Further, in that case, there is a unique solution AS(T) with positive off-diagonal entries. Any other solution differs from A only by signs of some off-diagonal entries.

Remark 4.1

We refer the solution A to the IEPT that has positive off-diagonal entries as the dominant solution. Since T has n−1 edges, a matrix in S(T) has n−1 pairs of equal off-diagonal entries. Thus, the IEPT has 2n1 distinct solutions in S(T), obtained by choosing different signs for the off-diagonal entries.

Provided the inequality (Equation9) holds, the procedures in the proof of Theorem 4.9 can be coded as a computer program which takes the eigendata and adjacency matrix (or the function jv(j)) as inputs and gives the required matrix A as output. We have coded this in SCILAB 5.5.2.

5. Numerical examples

In this section, we take up some specific examples which appeared in the papers [Citation5,Citation7–10]. We solve them using our program and find the dominant solution in each case. The values of the entries are given correct to 5 places of decimal.

Example 5.1

Consider the unlabelled tree B4,3 (a broom on seven vertices) obtained by attaching three pendent vertices to one of the endpoints of a path with four vertices. Consider 13 real numbers 6,4.4,3.8,2,1.4,0.5,1,2,3,4.7,5,6,7.

The tree T1 of B4,3 labelled as in Figure  was considered in [Citation5]. It is a successively connected labelling and the function v has the values v(2)=1,v(3)=2,v(4)=3,v(5)=4,v(6)=4,v(7)=4. As obtained in [Citation5], we find the dominant solution as A=(1.000000.70711000000.707111.500001.93799000001.937990.004652.15801000002.158013.361481.899083.188423.724730001.899083.16120000003.1884201.5822600003.72473003.19246).

Figure 2. Two labellings of the broom.

Figure 2. Two labellings of the broom.

On the other hand, for the labelling T2 of B4,3 (see Figure ), the function v takes values v(2)=1,v(3)=1,v(4)=2,v(5)=v(6)=v(7)=3. With this new v as input, the dominant solution obtained is A=(1.000000.707112.0481200000.707111.5000003.204840002.0481200.4831203.818922.728393.8685403.2048401.29356000003.8189200.5141000002.72839002.243410003.868540000.52783).

Note that, although the adjacency matrices of T1 and T2 are permutation similar, the solutions A and A to the two IEPT with same set of eigendata are not permutation similar.

Example 5.2

Consider the tree T=C(3,5,4) with 12 vertices in Figure , known as a centipede. The IEPT with the 23 real numbers 11.2,10.5,9.1,8,7.2,6.3,5.2,4,3,2.8,1.2,0,1,2.5,3,4.7,5.8,6.4,7,8,9,11,14 was considered in [Citation7]. The function v takes values v(2)=v(3)=v(4)=1,v(5)=v(6)=v(7)=v(8)=v(9)=4,v(10)=v(11)=v(12)=9. With these values as inputs, we get the resulting dominant solution as (01.095452.407891.29251001.095450.2000000002.4078900.320620001.29251001.099373.958043.425020003.958040.3626700003.4250200.718970003.00673000003.10344000003.73695000000000000000000000000000000000000003.006733.103443.736950000000000000002.425780000002.465850000000.407206.801316.583525.47470006.801310.2058200006.5835202.227150005.47470009.03577) which is the same as obtained in [Citation7].

Figure 3. A Labelling of the centipede C(3,5,4).

Figure 3. A Labelling of the centipede C(3,5,4).

Example 5.3

Consider the generalized star T with 9 vertices shown in Figure . The tree with the eigendata 60,13,8.83,7.43,2.7,0.23,2,3.6,4,5.3,10,11.43,12,14.5,15.64,21,45 was considered in [Citation8]. The labelling is successively connected and the function v takes values v(2)=v(5)=v(7)=1,v(3)=2,v(4)=3,v(6)=5,v(8)=7,v(9)=8. By our program we obtain the solution as A=(4.000000.72111007.245970.721114.900003.719500003.719507.240423.887900003.887904.0492307.245970005.2426500007.795287.242830000000000000007.24283000000000000007.795280000.1087300000.5848514.331600014.331608.4314747.351090047.3510925.50266) which is the same as in [Citation8].

Figure 4. A labelling of GS(3,2,3).

Figure 4. A labelling of GS(3,2,3).

Example 5.4

Consider the tree T (called the banana tree B(2,4)) with 9 vertices shown in Figure . The tree with the eigendata 7,6.1,5,3.6,2.5,1,0.5,1.5,2,2.5,3,4,5.3,6,7,8,9.2 was considered in [Citation9]. The labelling is successively connected and the function v takes the values v(2)=v(6)=1,v(3)=2,v(4)=v(5)=3,v(7)=6,v(8)=v(9)=7. Plugging v and the eigendata into our program we get the dominant solution as A=(2.000000.500000000.500002.000001.414210001.414210.333331.610093.05871001.610093.002930003.0587102.392524.6951800000000000000000004.6951800000000000000000000.375223.62258003.622580.942135.053384.4312605.053381.12229004.4312602.22016) which is same as that obtained in [Citation9].

Figure 5. A labelling of B(2,4).

Figure 5. A labelling of B(2,4).

Example 5.5

Consider the tree T=G(3,4,2) with 9 vertices shown in Figure . The tree with the eigendata 14,11,9.2,7,5,2,1,1,2,6,7,8.1,10,12,14,15.3,17 was considered in [Citation10]. The function v takes values v(2)=v(3)=v(4)=v(5)=1, v(6)=5,v(7)=6,v(8)=v(9)=7. Plugging v and the eigendata into our program, we get the dominant solution as A=(2.000002.000003.240373.095815.549702.000005.000000003.2403703.50000003.09581004.3074505.549700002.1048000006.8831300000000000000000000000000000006.883130003.325998.22571008.225711.020828.218188.9684908.218182.25175008.9684900.62174) which is same as that obtained in [Citation10].

Figure 6. Labelling of the vertices of G(3,4,2).

Figure 6. Labelling of the vertices of G(3,4,2).

6. Number of dominant solutions for an unlabelled tree

Let T be an unlabelled tree with n vertices. For each successively connected labelling of T, we have a dominant solution of the corresponding IEPT. In this section, we discuss the number of dominant solutions that can be obtained from different successively connected labellings of T.

For TT let us denote by (T) the number of successively connected relabellings of T. We note that the dominant solution A obtained in Section 4 for a successively connected relabelling T0 of T is completely determined by the adjacency matrix of T0. For any two successively connected relabellings of T, the dominant solutions coincide if and only if the corresponding adjacency matrices are identical. Therefore, the number of successively connected relabellings of T giving rise to the same dominant solution A is |Aut(T)|, the number of automorphisms of T. Consequently, the number of dominant solutions obtained from different labellings of T is (T)|Aut(T)|.

Remark 6.1

As mentioned in Example 5.1, in all cases we have examined (including all trees with at most five vertices), we found that the dominant solutions for two labellings of an unlabelled tree whose adjacency matrices are different are not permutation similar. However, we are not sure whether this is the case in general.

Now, we need to determine the number of ways of relabelling the vertices {1,,n} of T such that for each j=1,2,,n, the subgraph induced by {1,2,,j} is a tree. Suppose T is the resulting tree through such a relabelling. Note that n is pendent in the tree T, n−1 is pendent in the tree Tn, and in general, j is pendent in the tree T{j+1,,n}. This observation facilitates a way for counting the number of successively connected relabellings by reducing the problem to counting the same for trees with lesser number of vertices.

Let P(T) be the set of pendent vertices of T. For vP(T) the number of successively connected relabellings of T with v as the nth vertex is (Tv). We obtain the following recurrence relation for (T). (10) (T)=vP(T)(Tv).(10)

Using the recurrence relation (Equation10), we compute the number of distinct successively connected labellings of some special trees.

6.1. The path Pn

Consider the path Pn on n vertices Figure . Clearly, (P1)=1. For n2, Pn has two pendent vertices, and deletion of each of them from Pn results Pn1. Thus, by repeated application of (Equation10) gives (Pn)=2(Pn1)==2n1(P1)=2n1.

Figure 7. The path Pn.

Figure 7. The path Pn.

Since |Aut(Pn)|=2, the number of dominant solutions obtained from the successively connected relabellings of Pn is 2n2.

6.2. The star Sn

Let Sn denote the star on n vertices Figure , n2. We have (S2)=(P2)=2. There are n−1 pendent vertices in Sn and deletion of each gives a star with n−1 vertices. So, by repeated application of (Equation10), we get (Sn)=(n1)(Sn1)==(n1)(n2)32(S2)=2(n1)!.

Figure 8. The star Sn.

Figure 8. The star Sn.

Now, the permutations of the pendent vertices produce all automorphisms of Sn. So, |Aut(Sn)|=(n1)!. Consequently, the number of dominant solutions obtained from the successively connected relabellings of Sn is 2.

6.3. The broom (or comet) Bn,m

The broom Bn,m (see Figure ) has n + m vertices of which m + 1 vertices, namely, 1,n+1,n+2,,n+m, are pendent vertices. Since Bn,1 is the path Pn+1 and B1,m is the star Sm+1, we have (Bn,1)=2n and (B1,m)=2m!.

Figure 9. The broom Bn,m.

Figure 9. The broom Bn,m.

For n,m2, the deletion of the pendent vertex 1 from Bn,m produces Bn1,m, and the deletion of each of the pendent vertices n+1,,n+m produces Bn,m1. Applying (Equation10), we get the recurrence relation (11) (Bn,m)=(Bn1,m)+m(Bn,m1).(11)

Using (Equation11), for n2 we get (Bn,2)=(Bn1,2)+2(Bn,1)=((Bn2,2)+2(Bn1,1))+2(Bn,1)=(B1,2)+2((B2,1)+(B3,1)++(Bn,1))=22!+2(22+23++2n)=2!i=1n2i.

Similarly, (Bn,3)=(Bn1,3)+3(Bn,2)=((Bn2,3)+3(Bn1,2))+3(Bn,2)=(B1,3)+3((B2,2)+(B3,2)++(Bn,2))=23!+32!(i=112i+i=122i++i=1n2i)=3!j=1ni=1j2i.

Using induction on m we show that for m2 (12) (Bn,m)=m!im1=1nim2=1im1i1=1i22i1,n2.(12)

Assuming our claim true for Bn,m1 and using the recurrence relation (Equation11) we get (Bn,m)=(Bn1,m)+m(Bn,m1)=((Bn2,m)+m(Bn1,m1))+m(Bn,m1)=(B1,m)+m((B2,m1)+(B3,m1)++(Bn,m1))=(B1,m)+mim1=2n(Bim1,m1)=2m!+mim1=2n((m1)!im2=1im1 im3=1im2i1=1i22i1)=m!(2+im1=2n im2=1im1 im3=1im2i1=1i22i1)=m!im1=1n im2=1im1i1=1i22i1.

Thus, for n,m2 we have (Bn,m)=m!im1=1n im2=1im1i1=1i22i1.

Now, the permutations of the pendent vertices n+1,,n+m produce all automorphisms of Bn,m. So, |Aut(Bn,m)|=m!. Consequently, the number of dominant solutions obtained from the successively connected relabellings of Bn,m is given by im1=1n im2=1im1i1=1i22i1.

7. Conclusion

We have solved the IEPT completely for all trees with successively connected labellings and for the case where the given eigenvalues are distinct. The solution is primarily based on Cauchy's interlacing theorem and the recurrence relations obtained in Lemma 4.8. Trees are useful structures in graph theory as well as in computer science and methods of constructing matrices of trees having a desired eigen structure can be quite useful. The problem studied in this paper gives one such method which may also find its applications. The case for other type of labellings and for non-distinct eigenvalues can be studied further. The combinatorial problem of determining the number of distinct successively connected labellings of an arbitrary tree can also be studied further.


The authors thank the anonymous referees for their valuable comment that has enhanced the presentation of the article.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


The authors also thank the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Government of India for supporting this work under the Teachers Associateship for Research Excellence (TARE) project [file number TAR/2018/000245].


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