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Research Article

Approximate analytical solutions and applications of pantograph-type equations with Caputo derivative and variable orders

Article: 2232091 | Received 27 Apr 2023, Accepted 27 Jun 2023, Published online: 10 Jul 2023


This study presents an efficient method that is suitable for differential equations, both with integer-order and fractional derivatives. This study examines the construction of solutions of fractional differential equations that are associated with varying delay proportional to the independent variable using a hybrid of Sumudu transform method. This study considers differential equations with Caputo derivatives of fractional variable orders and their applications in Nuclear Physics. The application indicates that fractional differential equations that have varying delay proportional to the independent variable are useful as tools for the modelling of many anomalous phenomena in nature and in the theory of complex systems.


1. Introduction

The concept of fractional calculus provides a platform for generalization of differentiation to non-integer orders. Modelling problems that involve the notion of non-locality and memory effect, which are not well elucidated by integer-order operators are succinctly described by the fractional derivative operators (see, e.g. [Citation1]). Fractional calculus provides a platform through which it is possible to debate various kinds of questions including viscoelastic systems and electrode–electrolyte polarization that are modelled by fractional equations (see, e.g. [Citation2]). It is possible in some cases for the state of a system to be determined not by its entire history, but through its current moment and certain moment in the past. Such a system is referred to as a delay system. Delays are inherently bonded with several dynamical systems. There are cases where delays are functions of time t, and it is expressed as τ=τ(t), with τ(t)>0 (see, e.g. [Citation3]). Consider a first-order linear Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) that is associated with varying delay proportional to the independent variable (1) y(t)=f(t,yi(t),yi(λt)),(1) where i=1,2,3,,n and λ>0 (λ1) is referred to as pantograph equation. For 0<λ<1, (Equation1) is a special case of delay differential equations that has varying delay τ(t)=(1λ)t. Equation (Equation1) models the dynamics of a current collection system for an electric locomotive [Citation4]. Pantograph equations are involved in mathematical modelling of various processes in electrodynamics [Citation5], population theory [Citation6,Citation7], number theory [Citation8], stochastic games [Citation9], graph theory [Citation10], risk and queue theory [Citation11] and theory of neural networks [Citation12]. Hence, efforts on methods of solving pantograph-type equations are well justified (see, e.g. [Citation13,Citation14]). Solving pantograph-type ODE by using approximate analytical and numerical methods can be considered fairly well developed. Studies on the construction of approximate analytical solutions of pantograph-type ODEs and their analysis are contained, for example, in [Citation4,Citation15–18]. Obtaining the solutions of such equations by using the numerical methods are carried out in [Citation19–21]. Those methods are fine if obtaining an approximate solution is the objective because they rarely give exact solutions. For an improvement in the solutions of differential equations, contemporary studies have considered the use of some new numerical and analytical techniques (see, e.g. [Citation22–26]). Integer-order differential operators are not always enough to model the processes with memory effects. Fractional-order differential operators are more preferred than the integer-order differential operators in describing several physical phenomena (see, e.g. [Citation27]). Treatments of fractional differential equations have been considered by using Time Scale Method (TSM) for numerical solutions (see, e.g. [Citation28–30]) and Neural Network (NN) method (see, e.g. [Citation31,Citation32]). The impediment to using the TSM for solving pantograph-type equations is that it requires that the delay term is evaluated in every step (see, e.g. [Citation33]). The impediment can lead to either an increase in the computational cost or a reduction of the overall accuracy of the numerical scheme. When compared with standard numerical methods, the NN-based solutions are preferred because they feature specific advantages such as being differentiable and has a closed analytic form (see, e.g. [Citation33–36]). However, it is paradox that there are cases where one can prove the existence of NN-based solution with great approximation qualities for basic well-conditioned problems in scientific computing but there does not exist any algorithm, even randomized, that can train (or compute) such an NN [Citation37]. The integral transform methods such as Laplace Transform (LT), ρ-Laplace transform are widely remarked as effective methods that lead to the exact solution for linear ODEs/PDEs (see, e.g. [Citation38–43]). This gives the LT a relative advantage over other methods that are listed above in treating mathematical models. A simple modified form of LT is the Sumudu Transform (ST). Like the well-known LT, the ST is an integral method. For each property of LT, corresponding property can be obtained for ST (see, e.g. [Citation44–46]). Applications of ST in solving various forms of differential equations are considered in [Citation47–50]. Using ST technique is appealing as it yields an accurate result quickly and it does not impose any assumption that might restrict the solutions.

The aim of this study is to introduce a scheme that is efficient in accuracy and computational time. This paper considers pantograph-type equations with fractional derivatives. This paper presents a hybrid of ST method for solving pantograph-type equations with Caputo derivatives of fractional variable orders. It considers a problem in Nuclear Physics by presenting an analysis of the operation of nuclear reactors. 135I produces an artificial element that has a great influence on a nuclear reactor operation (see, e.g. [Citation51,Citation52]). This paper proposes a model with Caputo derivative of fractional variable orders and a model of pantograph-type with Caputo derivative of fractional variable orders, which are analogues of an existing model with integer-order derivative operators. Finally, this paper presents the graphs of solutions for each model.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, the definition of the terms is given as applicable to this study. In addition, we state some existing results that are relevant to this study. Throughout this paper, the set of real and natural numbers will be denoted by R and N, respectively.

Definition 2.1

Consider Λ={y(t): Q,ξ1,ξ2>0,|y(t)|<Qe|t|/ξj,if t(1)j×[0,)}, which is a set of functions (see, e.g. [Citation44]). y(t)Λ for all real t0. The ST for a given function I(t) will be denoted by S[y(t)]=Y(u), defined as (2) Y(u):=S[y(t)]=0y(tu)etdt,u(ξ1,ξ2).(2) The inverse ST of Y(u) in Equation (Equation2) is the function y(t). ST is an integral method like the well-known Laplace transform, defined as (3) L(u):=L[y(t)]=0y(t)estdt,s>0,(3) for a given function y(t). It can be observed from Equations (Equation2) and (Equation3) that the duality relations between ST and Laplace transform are given as Y(1/s)=sL(s), L(1/u)=uY(u). ST is very efficient in obtaining a Lagrange multiplier. ST is very quick in yielding an accurate result and it does not impose any restriction on the results. ST satisfies linear property (see, e.g. [Citation44–46,Citation53]). Indeed, for arbitrary two given functions y(t),z(t)Λ, and for arbitrary constants θ and ζ, S[θy(t)+ζz(t)]=θS[y(t)]+ζS[z(t)]. For an integer-order derivative, its ST is expressed as (4) S[dy(t)dt]=1u[Y(u)y(0)],(4) and it is given as (5) S[dny(t)dtn]=1un[Y(u)k=0n1ukdky(t)dtk|t=0],(5) for the nth-order derivative.

The following established results give information about the existence and convergence of the ST (see, e.g, [Citation54]).

Lemma 2.2


If y is an exponential order, then its ST S[y(t),u]=Y(u) is given by Y(u)=1ue(t/u)y(t)dt, where 1/u=1/ϕ+i/φ. The defining integral for X exists at points 1/u=1/ϕ+i/φ, ϕ,φR.

Lemma 2.3


Let y(t) and z(t) be continuous functions defined for t0 and whose Sumudu transforms are Y(u) and Z(u), respectively. If Y(u)=Z(u) almost everywhere, then y(t)=z(t), where u is a complex number.

Lemma 2.4


Let y(t) be a continuous function. If the integral 1u0e(t/u)y(t)dt converges at u=u0, then the integral converges for u<u0.

Definition 2.5

Let a>0, b>0 be positive real numbers. The left- and right-sided Caputo-fractional derivatives are defined respectively for order α as aCDαy(t)=1Γ(1α)at(tξ)αy(ξ)dξ and CDbαy(t)=1Γ(1α)tb(ξt)αy(ξ)dξ, where 0<α<1 (see, e.g. [Citation44] , Theorems 4.1 and 4.2). Consequently, the ST for Caputo-fractional derivatives of order α has the form (see, e.g. [Citation27]) (6) S[0CDαy(t)]=uα(S[y(t)]y(0)).(6)

Table  gives the list of some special ST.

Table 1. Special Sumudu transform.

Proposition 2.6

Let ϕ,φ:[0,)R, then the classical convolution product is given by (ϕ×ψ)(t)=0tϕ(tx)ψ(x)dx. The ST for the convolution product is given by S[(ϕ×ψ)(t)]=uS[ϕ(t)]S[ψ(t)]=uϕ(u)ψ(u).

Definition 2.7

The Mittag–Leffler function Eα(t) is defined as Eα(t)=n=0tn/(nα)!,α>0. The following results about Mittag–Leffler functions and ST are well known (see, e.g. [Citation55]):

  1. S[Eα(atα)]=11+auα;

  2. S[1Eα(atα)]=auα1+auα.

3. Main results

This study considers how to use a hybrid of variational iterative method with ST to obtain the solutions of differential equations of pantograph type with Caputo derivatives of fractional variable orders. The Caputo derivative is a notable fractional operator that is most appropriate in the modelling of real-world problems. We show the application of the results of this study by considering a problem in Nuclear Physics.

3.1. Hybrid Sumudu variational (HSV) method

In this study, the Hybrid Sumudu Variational (HSV) method will refer to a union of variational iterative methods with ST. Choosing variational iterative method as the most suitable companion for amalgamation with the ST is due to the fact that variational iterative method has been remarkable for its flexibility, consistency and effectiveness (see, e.g. [Citation56,Citation57] and references there in).

3.1.1. Demonstration of HSV method

Interest in the Caputo derivative as a notable fractional operator is due to the important roles that it play in the modelling of real-life phenomena. The Caputo derivative of fractional variable order is the most suitable for a model where the attention given to the interactions within the past and also problems with nonlocal properties (see, e.g. [Citation58]). We present how to use the HSV method to solve a most general form of pantograph differential equations with Caputo derivatives of fractional variable orders (7) aCDαy(t)+Φ[y(t)]+Ψ[y(λt)]=ω(t)(7) that possesses the initial conditions (8) y(0)=y0,(8) where Φ and Ψ denote linear and nonlinear operators, respectively and ω(t) is a given continuous function. Take the ST of (Equation7) to obtain S[aCDαy(t)]=S[ω(t)Φ[y(t)]+Ψ[y(λt)]]. Apply (Equation6) with a=0, we obtain uα(S[y(t)]y(0))=S[ω(t)Φ[y(t)]Ψ[y(λt)]]. Recall that it is given that y(0)=y0 by (Equation8), therefore uα(Y(u)y0)=S[ω(t)Φ[y(t)]Ψ[y(λt)]]. Consequently, the HSV formula is obtained as (9) Yn+1(u)=Yn(u)+ϕ(u)(Yn(u)y0uαS[ω(t)Φ[y(t)]Ψ[y(λt)]]),nN.(9) Considering S[Φ[y(t)]Ψ[y(λt)]] as the restricted term and taking the classical variation operator on both sides of (Equation9) gives δYn+1(u)=δYn(u)+ϕ(u)1uαδYn(u), and Lagrange multiplier as (10) ϕ(u)=uα.(10) Substitute (Equation10) into (Equation9) and then take its inverse ST to obtain yn+1(t)=yn(t)+S1[uα(Yn(u)y0uαS[ω(t)Φ[yn(t)]Ψ[yn(λt)]])]=y1(t)+S1[uαS[ω(t)Φ[yn(t)]Ψ[yn(λt)]]], which is an explicit iteration formula with the initial approximation which is given as y1(t)=S1[uα(y0uα)]=y0S1[1]=y0.

3.1.2. Differential equations of pantograph type with variable coefficients and Caputo derivatives of fractional variable orders

Consider differential equations of pantograph type with variable coefficients and Caputo derivatives of fractional variable orders of the form (11) aCDαy(t)+βΦ1[y(t)]+ψ(t)Φ2[y(t)]+Ψ[y(λt)]=ω(t),(11) where the coefficients β and ψ(t) are a constant and a variable, respectively, Φ1 and Φ2 denote linear operators and other terms remain as defined in (Equation7). Taking the ST of (Equation11) and by similar computations as in Section 3.1.1, yields the HSV formula (12) Yn+1(u)=Yn(u)+ϕ(u)(Yn(u)y0uαS[ω(t)βΦ1[y(t)]ψ(t)Φ2[y(t)]Ψ[y(αt)]]),nN.(12) Considering S[ψ(t)Φ2[y(t)]+Ψ[y(λt)]] as the restricted term in taking the classical variation operator on both sides of (Equation12) yields δYn+1(u)=δYn(u)+ϕ(u)1uαδYn(u), and consequently the Lagrange multiplier as ϕ(u)=uα. Substituting for ϕ(u) in (Equation12) and taking its inverse ST yields

yn+1(t)=yn(t)+S1[uα(Yn(u)y0uαS[ω(t)βΦ1[y(t)]ψ(t)Φ2[y(t)]Ψ[y(λt)]])]=y1(t)+S1[uαS[ω(t)βΦ1[y(t)]ψ(t)Φ2[y(t)]Ψ[y(λt)]]], which is an explicit iteration formula and where y1(t)=S1[uα(y0uα)]=y0S1[1]=y0.

3.2. Applications in nuclear physics

In Nuclear Physics, the atomic nucleus structure and propagation of radiation that emits from unstable nuclei are of particular interest. Some elements possess unstable nuclei. Such nuclei that are not stable are radioactive in nature. They radiate energy and particles, which are collectively referred to as radiation. A nuclear plant is composed of nuclear reactors (see, e.g. [Citation52,Citation59]). In Figure , the steel pressure vessel houses the whole reactor. A standard nuclear reactor that has uranium 235 as fuel element yields Xenon 135 (135Xe) as a result of fission. Little quantity of 135Xe is derived from fission (see, e.g. [Citation60–62]). 135Xe is derived practically from the decay train Tellurium-135 (52135Te) with β decay and half-life of 19 sec to Iodine 135 (53135I) with β decay and half-life of 6.6 hr to 135Xe, that is (13) 52135Te (with β decay, half-life 19 sec)53135I(with β decay, half-life 6.6 hr)135Xe.(13) 135Xe has a considerable neutron-capture cross section (see, e.g. [Citation51,Citation63]). The Chain (Equation13) indicates that 135Xe comes directly from the decay of 135I. A model for the decay of 135I is defined by the differential equation (14) I(t)=γρI(t),(14) where I(t) represents the number of 135I (atoms cm3), i.e. the atom density of iodine, ρ denotes the decay constant for 135I and γ is a constant that denotes the product of thermal neutron flux, macroscopic fission cross-section and effective fission yield of the isotope (see, e.g. [Citation64–66]). Solving the differential equation (Equation14) yields the solution as (15) I(t)=γ/ρ+(I(0)γ/ρ)eρt,(15) where I(0) refers to 135I at the time t=0. 135I is said to be in equilibrium state when its rate of production and its rate of removal are equal. At equilibrium, 135I undergoes complete decay to xenon and this state is described as the 135Xe reservoir. To determine the 135I equilibrium concentration, setting I(t)=0 in (Equation14) yields (16) I(t)=γ/ρ,(16) which indicates that the concentration of 135I remains constant at equilibrium. It can be deduced from (Equation16) that the equilibrium concentration of 135I varies with the fission reaction rate and consequently to the reactor power level. 135I produces an artificial element that has a great influence on a nuclear reactor operation. On the decay of 135I, this study considers two distinct models with Caputo derivatives of fractional variable orders. This study considers a model that does not associate with a delay and a model that is associated with delay.

Figure 1. A nuclear reactor [Citation67].

Figure 1. A nuclear reactor [Citation67].

3.2.1. Differential equations with Caputo derivatives of fractional variable orders for decay of 135I

Consider an analogue of (Equation14) for the decay of 135I that is given by a fractional differential equation with Caputo derivative of variable order (17) aCDαI(t)=γρI(t),I(0)=I0,(17) where α(0,1). We shall apply ST method to solve (Equation17). Taking the ST of (Equation17) gives S[aCDαI(t)]=γρS[I(t)], which results in uα(S[I(t)]I(0))=γρS[I(t)]. It is given in (Equation17) that I(0)=I0. Therefore (18) uα(I(u)I0)=γρI(u).(18) A simplification of (Equation18) gives (19) I(u)=uαI0+γuα+ρ=uαI0uα+ρ+γuα+ρ.(19) The inverse ST of (Equation19) yields I(t)=S1[uαuα+ρ]I0+S1[γuα+ρ]=S1[11+ρuα]I0+γρS1[ρuα1+ρuα]. Consequently, by Definition 2.7 (i) and (ii), (20) I(t)=I0Eα(ρtα)+γ/ρ(1Eα(ρtα)).(20) Setting ρ=0.3,γ=0.1,α=0.85 and I0=1, Figure  shows comparison between the solution given by (Equation15) for the model with integer-order derivative operator and solution given by (Equation20) for the model with Caputo fractional derivative operator. Recall that I0 signifies the value of 135I at the time t=0. In addition, setting ρ=0.3 and γ=0.1, Figure  displays the effect that the variation of fractional order α, of the Caputo derivative operators has on the solution of the (Equation17). Moreover, setting γ=0.1 and α=0.85, Figure  shows how the solution given by (Equation20) varies due to variation in ρ.

Figure 2. Comparison between model with integer-order derivative and model with Caputo fractional derivative operators.

Figure 2. Comparison between model with integer-order derivative and model with Caputo fractional derivative operators.

Figure 3. Effect of variation of order of Caputo fractional derivative operators.

Figure 3. Effect of variation of order of Caputo fractional derivative operators.

Figure 4. Variation in the solution given by (Equation20) as ρ varies.

Figure 4. Variation in the solution given by (Equation20(20) I(t)=I0Eα(−ρtα)+γ/ρ(1−Eα(−ρtα)).(20) ) as ρ varies.

3.2.2. Differential equations with Caputo derivatives of fractional variable orders and time delay for decay of 135I

Consider an analogue of (Equation17) for the decay of 135I that is given by a differential equation with Caputo derivative of fractional variable orders and a time delay (21) aCDαI(t)=γρI(λt),(21) where α(0,1) and I(0)=I0.

Remark 3.1

There is a clear difference between (Equation17) and (Equation21) as delay is present in the latter. A mathematical model with a delay possesses more vitality and suitability for several real life phenomena. Observe that the solution of (Equation17) was obtained by using the ST method. Unfortunately, ST method is suitable for solving (Equation21) due to the presence of a time delay in it. The HSV method that was presented in Section 3.1 will be applied to solve (Equation21).

To apply HSV method, start by taking the ST of (Equation21) with a = 0 to obtain S[aCDαI(t)]=γρS[I(λt)]. Apply (Equation6) to obtain uα(S[I(t)]I(0))=γρS[I(λt)], which is equivalent to uα(I(u)I0)+ρS[I(λt)]γ=0, since S[I(t)]=I(u) and I(0)=I0. Therefore, the HSV iteration formula appears as (22) In+1(u)=In(u)+ϕ(u)(In(u)I0uα+ρS[I(λt)]γ),nN.(22) I(λt) is considered as the restricted term in taking the classical variation operator on both sides of (Equation22). Then this yields ϕ(u)=uα.

Substitute for ϕ(u) in (Equation22) and take its inverse-ST to obtain In+1(t)=In(t)+S1[uα(In(u)I0uα+ρS[In(λt)]γ)]=I1(t)S1[uα(ρS[In(λt)]γ)], which is an explicit iteration formula and where I1(t)=S1[I0]=I0S1[1]=I0 is the initial approximation. Consequently, the successive iteration formula is given as (23) {I1(t)=I0,In+1(t)=I0S1[uα(ρS[In(λt)]γ)].(23) Notice that I1(λt)=I0, therefore I2(t)=I0S1[uα(ρS[I1(λt)]γ)]=I0S1[(ρI0γ)uα]=I0(ρI0γ)S1[uα]=I0(ρI0γ)tαα!=I0(1ρtαα!)+γtαα!. Notice that I2(λt)=I0(1ρ(λt)αα!)+γ(λt)αα!, consequently I3(t)=I0S1[uα(ρS[I2(λt)]γ)]=I0S1[uα(ρS[I0(1ρ(λt)αα!)+γ(λt)αα!]γ)]=I0S1[uα(ρ(I0(1ρ(λu)α)+γ(λu)α)γ)]=I0S1[I0(ρuαρ2λαu2α)+ργλαu2αγuα]=I0I0(ρtαα!ρ2λαt2α(2α)!)ργλαt2α(2α)!+γtαα!=I0(1ρtαα!+ρ2λαt2α(2α)!)+γ(tαα!ρλαt2α(2α)!). Notice that I3(λt)=I0(1ρλαtαα!+ρ2λ3αt2α(2α)!)+γ(λαtαα!ρλ3αt2α(2α)!), therefore I4(t)=I0S1[uα(ρS[I3(λt)]γ)]=I0S1[uα(ρS[I0(1ρλαtαα!+ρ2λ3αt2α(2α)!)+γ(λαtαα!ρλ3αt2α(2α)!)]γ)]=I0S1[uα(ρI0(1ρλαuα+ρ2λ3αu2α)+ργ(λαuαρλ3αu2α)γ)]=I0S1[ρI0(uαρλαu2α+ρ2λ3αu3α)+ργ(λαu2αρλ3αu3α)γuα]=I0ρI0(tαα!ρλαt2α(2α)!+ρ2λ3αt3α(3α)!)ργ(λαt2α(2α!ρλ3αt3α(3α)!)+γtαα!=I0(1ρtαα!+ρ2λαt2α(2α)!ρ3λ3μt3α(3α)!)+γ(tαα!ρλαt2α(2α)!+ρ2λ3αt3α(3α)!). Note that I4(λt)=I0(1ρλαtαα!+ρ2λ3αt2α(2α)!ρ3λ6αt3α(3α)!)+γλα(tαα!ρλ3αt2α(2α)!+ρ2λ6αt3α(3α)!), therefore I5(t)=I0S1[uα(ρS[I4(λt)]γ)]=I0S1[uα(ρS[I0(1ρλαtαα!+ρ2λ3αt2α(2α)!ρ3λ6αt3α(3α)!)+γ(λαtαα!ρλ3αt2α(2α)!+ρ2λ6αt3α(3α)!)]γ)]=I0S1[uα(ρI0(1ρλαuα+ρ2λ3αu2αρ3λ6αu3α)+ργ(λαuαρλ3αu2α+ρ2λ6αu3α)γ)]=I0S1[ρI0(uαρλαu2α+ρ2λ3αu3αρ3λ6αu4α)+ργ(λαu2αρλ3αu3α+ρ2λ6αu4α)γuα]=I0ρI0(tαα!ρλαt2α(2α)!+ρ2λ3αt3α(3α)!ρ3λ6αt4α(4α)!)ργ(λαt2α(2α)!ρλ3αt3α(3α)!+ρ2λ6αt4α(4α)!)+γtαα!=I0(1ρtαα!+ρ2λαt2α(2α)!ρ3λ3αt3α(3α)!+ρ4λ6αt4α(4α)!)+γ(tαα!ρλαt2α(2α)!+ρ2λ3αt3α(3α)!ρ3λ6αt4α(4α)!). Consequently, it can be deduced that (24) {I1(t)=I0,In(t)=I0k=0n1(ρ)kλk2(k1)αtkα(kα)!+γk=1n1(ρ)k1λk2(k1)αtkα(kα)!,nN,n>1.I(t)=limnIn(t).(24) Setting the parameters in (Equation21) to be ρ=0.3,γ=0.1 and I0=1, Figure  shows how the solution given by (Equation24) varies for different values of α. Figure  is obtained by setting the parameters in (Equation24) to be α=0.85,γ=0.1 and λ=1/2. Figure  is obtained by setting the parameters in (Equation24) to be α=0.85,γ=0.1 and ρ=0.3. Figure  is obtained by setting the parameters in (Equation24) to be α=0.85,γ=0.1,λ=1/2 and ρ=0.3.

Figure 5. Effects of variation of α on the solution given by (Equation24).

Figure 5. Effects of variation of α on the solution given by (Equation24(24) {I1(t)=I0,In(t)=I0∑k=0n−1(−ρ)kλk2(k−1)αtkα(kα)!+γ∑k=1n−1(−ρ)k−1λk2(k−1)αtkα(kα)!,n∈N,n>1.I(t)=limn→∞In(t).(24) ).

Figure 6. Effects that variation of ρ has on the solution given by (Equation24).

Figure 6. Effects that variation of ρ has on the solution given by (Equation24(24) {I1(t)=I0,In(t)=I0∑k=0n−1(−ρ)kλk2(k−1)αtkα(kα)!+γ∑k=1n−1(−ρ)k−1λk2(k−1)αtkα(kα)!,n∈N,n>1.I(t)=limn→∞In(t).(24) ).

Figure 7. Effects that variation of λ has on the solution given by (Equation24).

Figure 7. Effects that variation of λ has on the solution given by (Equation24(24) {I1(t)=I0,In(t)=I0∑k=0n−1(−ρ)kλk2(k−1)αtkα(kα)!+γ∑k=1n−1(−ρ)k−1λk2(k−1)αtkα(kα)!,n∈N,n>1.I(t)=limn→∞In(t).(24) ).

Figure 8. Iterations of the solution given in (Equation24).

Figure 8. Iterations of the solution given in (Equation24(24) {I1(t)=I0,In(t)=I0∑k=0n−1(−ρ)kλk2(k−1)αtkα(kα)!+γ∑k=1n−1(−ρ)k−1λk2(k−1)αtkα(kα)!,n∈N,n>1.I(t)=limn→∞In(t).(24) ).

4. Conclusion

This study presented the HSV method for the construction of solutions of fractional differential equations with variable delay that varies with the independent variable. This study shows the potency of the HSV method in obtaining the solutions of differential equations, both with integer-order and fractional derivatives. Solving pantograph-type ODE by using approximate analytical and numerical methods can be considered fairly well developed. Therefore, this study is devoted to pantograph-type equations with Caputo derivatives of fractional variable orders and their applications in Nuclear Physics. The application displays the efficacy of pantograph-type equations with Caputo derivatives of fractional variable orders as an indispensable tool for the modelling of many anomalous phenomena in nature and in the theory of complex systems.

Disclosure statement

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

Availability of data and materials

Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.

Additional information


MOA acknowledges support from the University of Johannesburg under the GES 4.0 PDRF Award - 223263569. EM acknowledges support from the National Research Foundation of South Africa under grant number 150070.


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