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Research Article

Existence of solutions for fractional p-Laplacian differential equations with dual periodic boundary conditions

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Article: 2349044 | Received 06 Nov 2023, Accepted 22 Apr 2024, Published online: 06 May 2024


This paper introduces a new concept of dual periodic boundary conditions. One of these conditions relates to the endpoints of an interval, while the other one involves two nonlocal positions within the interval. Under these boundary conditions, we establish the criteria for the existence of solutions for a fractional differential equation with p-Laplacian operator by using Mawhin's continuation theorem. An example is constructed for illustrating the obtained results.

Mathematics Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

Boundary value problems (BVPs) of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are a type of definite problems of ODEs. Their characteristic is that the boundary conditions are formed by restricting the values of the solution and its related derivatives at least two points of the independent variable. BVPs of ODEs have rich sources in classical mechanics and electrodynamics, and they are one of the important components of the discipline of ODEs [Citation1–3]. Two-point BVPs of ODEs (such as Dirichlet BVP, Neumann BVP, Robin BVP, Sturm-Liouville BVP and (anti)periodic BVP, etc.). Two-point BVPs of integer-order ODEs have been deeply and extensively studied, and systematic and profound results have been obtained.

In the past 30 years, with the flourishing development of fractional calculus theory, the qualitative analysis of BVPs for fractional differential equations has become an active research field [Citation4–8]. Some important theoretical results have been obtained. The common functional analysis tools for studying these problems are (such as fixed point theorem, upper and lower solution method, monotone iteration method, Leray-Schauder degree theory, critical point theory, etc.). In recent years, the periodic and anti-periodic boundary value problems of fractional differential equations have attracted much attention from scholars and obtained many interesting results [Citation9–15].

In 2018, Benchohra et al. [Citation9] discussed the following nonlinear implicit fractional differential equation with periodic boundary conditions {HD1+αy(t)=f(t,y(t),HD1+αy(t)),t[1,T],T>1,y(1)=y(T),where HD1+α is Hadamard fractional derivative with order α (0<α1), fC([1,T]×R2,R). The authors obtained the existence result of the solution by using the continuation theorem.

Recently, Salim et al. [Citation10] studied the following coupled system of nonlinear k-generalized ψ-Hilfer type implicit fractional differential equations with periodic conditions {kHDa+α1,β1;ψx(t)=f(t,x(t),y(t),kHDa+α1,β1;ψx(t),kHDa+α2,β2;ψy(t)),t(a,b),kHDa+α2,β2;ψy(t)=g(t,x(t),y(t),kHDa+α1,β1;ψx(t),kHDa+α2,β2;ψy(t)),t(a,b),Ia+k(1δ1),k;ψx(a)=Ia+k(1δ1),k;ψx(b),Ia+k(1δ2),k;ψy(a)=Ia+k(1δ2),k;ψy(b),where kHDa+α1,β1;ψ, kHDa+α2,β2;ψ are the k-generalized ψ-Hilfer derivatives of order αi, i = 1, 2 (0<αi1), f,gC([a,b]×R4,R). The arguments are based on the Mawhin's coincidence degree theory.

In 2020, Ahmad et al. [Citation14] proposed a class of nonlocal antiperiodic boundary value problems (called dual antiperiodic boundary value problems), and considered the following fractional differential-integral equation equipped with dual anti-periodic boundary conditions {CDq[(CDp+α)y(t)+βIσh(t,y(t))]=f(t,y(t)),t(x1,x2),y(x1)+y(x2)=0,y(x1)+y(x2)=0,y(ξ)+y(η)=0,y(ξ)+y(η)=0,where 1<p,q2, CD0+κ denotes the Caputo fractional differential derivative of order κ (κ=p,q), α and β are real numbers, σ>0, h,f:[x1,x2]×RR are continuous functions. The authors used the Krasnoselskii, Leray-Schauder fixed point theorems and the Banach contraction mapping principle to obtain the existence and uniqueness results of solutions.

Note that the antiperiodic boundary conditions and the periodic boundary conditions are two important types of boundary conditions for BVPs for ODEs, which have important practical applications. The literature [Citation14] discuss the dual antiperiodic boundary value problems, and a natural idea is to discuss the dual periodic boundary value problems. For this purpose, inspired by the above literature, this paper discusses the following fractional p-Laplacian equation (1) CD0+βϕp(CD0+αx(t))=f(t,x(t),CD0+αx(t)),t(0,1),(1) subject to the dual periodic boundary conditions (2) x(0)=x(1),CD0+αx(0)=CD0+αx(1),x(ξ)=x(η),CD0+αx(ξ)=CD0+αx(η),(2) where 1<α,β2,0<ξ<η<1,CD0+ρ is the Caputo fractional derivative of order ρ(ρ=α,β), fC([0,1]×R2,R), ϕp(s)=|s|p2s(s0), and ϕp(0)=0 is the p-Laplacian operator.

It should be pointed out that the BVP (Equation1) and (Equation2) is essentially different from the dual antiperiodic BVP mentioned above. The dual antiperiodic BVP is non-resonant, and its existence of solutions can be studied directly by using the fixed point theorem, while the dual periodic BVP (Equation1) and (Equation2) is a resonant problem (A BVP is referred to as a resonant problem if the associated homogeneous BVP yields a non-trivial solution). In fact, the homogeneous equation corresponding to the fractional differential Equation (Equation1) under the dual periodic boundary conditions (Equation2) {CD0+βϕp(CD0+αx(t))=0,t(0,1),x(0)=x(1),CD0+αx(0)=CD0+αx(1),x(ξ)=x(η),CD0+αx(ξ)=CD0+αx(η),has a nontrivial solution x(t)=c,cR. Since the resonant BVPs cannot be directly applied with the fixed point theorem, this paper uses the Mawhin's continuation theorem to give the existence result of the solutions for problem (Equation1) and (Equation2) under the nonlinear term f(t,u,v) satisfies the p−1 growth conditions. Note that the dual periodic boundary conditions are the nonlocal boundary conditions, while the classical periodic boundary conditions are the local boundary conditions. In particular, taking α,β2, p = 2 then problem (Equation1) and (Equation2) degenerates to the classical fourth-order elastic beam equation with dual periodic boundary conditions. Therefore, this paper is a generalization of the classical problem. Moreover, due to the dual periodic boundary conditions being nonlocal boundary conditions, and the p-Laplacian being a quasi-linear operator, it brings some difficulties to the study of the problem.

The structure of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, we recall some definitions and lemmas. In Section 3, based on the Mawhin's continuation theorem, we establish an existence theorem for the problem (1.1). In Section 4, we give an example to illustrate the application of the theorems.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we recall some basic knowledge of fractional calculus, including its definition and properties, and the coincidence degree theory.

Definition 2.1


The (left-sided) Riemann-Liouville fractional integral of order γ>0 of a function f:(0,+)R is given by I0+γf(t)=1Γ(γ)0t(ts)γ1f(s)ds,t>0,provided the right-hand side is pointwise defined on (0,+).

Definition 2.2


For fACn[0,), the (left-sided) Caputo fractional derivative of order γ>0 is defined as CD0+γf(t)=1Γ(nγ)0t(ts)nγ1f(n)(s)ds,t>0,where n1<γ<n, nN.

Lemma 2.1

see [Citation16]

Let γ>0 and n=γ+1 for γN and n=γ for γN, (namely, n1<γn). If fACn[0,1], then I0+γCD0+γf(t)=f(t)+i=0n1citi,0<t<1,where c0,,cn1R.

Definition 2.3

[Citation17, Citation18]

Let (X,X) and (Y,Y) be real Banach spaces, L:domLXY is a linear operator. If ImL is a closed subspace of Y, and dimKerL=codimImL<, then L is called a zero-index Fredholm operator.

Suppose that L:domLXY is a zero-index Fredholm operator, then there exist projection operators P:XX and Q:YY such that ImP=KerL,ImL=KerQ,X=KerLKerP,Y=ImLImQ,and L|domLKerP:domLImL is invertible, denoted as Kp=(L|domLKerP)1. Let Ω be a non-empty bounded open set in X such that domLΩ¯. The mapping N:XY is said to be L-compact in Ω¯, if QN(Ω¯) is bounded, and Kp(IQ)N:Ω¯X is compact.

Theorem 2.1

Mawhin's continuation theorem [Citation17, Citation18]

Suppose that L:domLXY is a zero-index Fredholm operator, and N:XY is L-compact in Ω¯. If the following conditions hold


LuλNu for any u(domLKerL)∂Ω,λ(0,1).


NuImL for any uKerL∂Ω.



Then the operator equation Lx = Nx has at least one solution in domLΩ¯.

It is noted that the Mawhin's continuation theorem is only valid for linear operators, while the p-Laplacian operator is a quasi-linear operator, thus the Mawhin's continuation theorem cannot be directly applied to handle BVP (Equation1) and (Equation2). For this reason, we equivalently transform the BVP (Equation1) and (Equation2) into the following system BVP (3) {CD0+αx1(t)=ϕq(x2(t)),t(0,1),CD0+βx2(t)=f(t,x1(t),ϕq(x2(t)),t(0,1),x1(0)=x1(1),x1(ξ)=x1(η),x2(0)=x2(1),x2(ξ)=x2(η),(3) where q>1 with 1p+1q=1. Obviously, if x=(x1,x2) is a solution to the BVP (Equation3), then x1 must be a solution to BVP (Equation1) and (Equation2). Therefore, to prove the existence of solutions to the BVP (Equation1) and (Equation2), it is only necessary to prove the existence of solutions to the system BVP (Equation3).

3. Main result

Consider the Banach space Y=C([0,1],R) endowed with the norm ||y||=maxt[0,1]|y(t)|.Define the space X={x=(x1,x2):x1,x2Y},endowed with the norm ||x||X=max{||x1||,||x2||},It is easy to check that X is a Banach space.

Define the linear operator L:domLXX, (4) Lx=(CD0+αx1,CD0+βx2),xdomL,(4) where domL={xX:CD0+αx1,CD0+βx2Y,x1,x2satisfy the boundary conditions in(3)}.Define the non-linear operator N:XX, (5) Nx(t)=(ϕq(x2(t)),f(t,x1(t),ϕq(x2(t))),t[0,1].(5) Then the BVP problem (Equation3) is equivalent to the operator equation Lx=Nx,xdomL.Below we present the main results of this paper.

Theorem 3.1

Assume that the function f:[0,1]×R2R is continuous. If the following conditions hold,


There exist non-negative functions a(t),b(t),c(t)Y such that for (t,u,v)[0,1]×R3, |f(t,u,v)|a(t)+b(t)|u|p1+c(t)|v|p1,and ρ=4Γ(β+1)[2p1(4Γ(α+1))p1||b||+||c||]<1,where b=||b(t)||,c=||c(t)||.


For any x=(x1,x2)domL, there exist constants Bi>0(i=1,2), such that for t[0,1], if |x1(t)|>B1 or |x2(t)| >B2, then QNx(0,0).


There exists a constant G>0 such that if ||>G, then one of the following inequalities holds: (6) [01Gβ(η,s)f(s,,0)ds01Gβ(ξ,s)f(s,,0)ds]>0,(6) or (7) [01Gβ(η,s)f(s,,0)ds01Gβ(ξ,s)f(s,,0)ds]<0.(7)

Then problem (Equation1) has at least one solution.

To prove Theorem 3.1, we first present some auxiliary lemmas.

Lemma 3.1

Assume that the operator L is defined by (Equation4), then (i)KerL={x(t)=(x1(t),x2(t))X:x(t)=(c1,c2)R2,t[0,1]},(ii)ImL={y(t)=(y1(t),y2(t))X:01Gα(η,s)y1(s)ds01Gα(ξ,s)y1(s)ds=0,01Gβ(η,s)y2(s)ds01Gβ(ξ,s)y2(s)ds=0},where Gγ(t,s)={t(1s)γ1(ts)γ1,0st<1,t(1s)γ1,0<ts1.


By Lemma 2.1, it is easy to verify that (i) holds. We now prove that (ii) holds. In fact, for any y(t)=(y1(t),y2(t))ImL, there exist x(t)=(x1(t),x2(t))domL, such that (y1,y2)=L(x1,x2)X. It follows from Lemma 2.1 that x1(t)=I0+αy1(t)+c1+c2t,c1,c2R,x2(t)=I0+βy2(t)+c3+c4t,c3,c4R,In view of the boundary conditions x1(0)=x1(1),x1(ξ)=x1(η), we have c2=I0+αy1(t)|t=1,I0+αy1(t)|t=ξI0+αy1(t)|t=η+c2(ξη)=0.Then, we obtain 01η(1s)α1y1(s)ds0η(ηs)α1y1(s)ds[01ξ(1s)α1y1(s)ds0ξ(ξs)α1y1(s)ds]=0.It follows that 0η[η(1s)α1(ηs)α1]y1(s)ds+η1η(1s)α1y1(s)ds[0ξ[ξ(1s)α1(ξs)α1]y1(s)ds+ξ1ξ(1s)α1y1(s)ds]=0,that is, 01Gα(η,s)y1(s)ds01Gα(ξ,s)y1(s)ds=0.Similarly, by using boundary conditions x2(0)=x2(1),x2(ξ)=x2(η), we obtain 01Gβ(η,s)y2(s)ds01Gβ(ξ,s)y2(s)ds=0.That is, ImL{y(t)=(y1(t),y2(t))X:01Gα(η,s)y1(s)ds01Gα(ξ,s)y1(s)ds=0,01Gβ(η,s)y2(s)ds01Gβ(ξ,s)y2(s)ds=0},On the other hand, let (y1,y2)X satisfy 01Gα(η,s)y1(s)ds01Gα(ξ,s)y1(s)ds=0,01Gβ(η,s)y2(s)ds01Gβ(ξ,s)y2(s)ds=0.Take x1(t)=I0+αy1(t)I0+αy1(t)|t=1t,x2(t)=I0+βy2(t)I0+βy2(t)|t=1t, then (x1(t),x2(t))domL and L(x1(t),x2(t))=(y1(t),y2(t)). Therefore, {y(t)=(y1(t),y2(t))X:01Gα(η,s)y1(s)ds01Gα(ξ,s)y1(s)ds=0,01Gβ(η,s)y2(s)ds01Gβ(ξ,s)y2(s)ds=0}ImL.Hence, (ii) holds. The proof is complete.

Lemma 3.2

Assume that the operator L is defined by (Equation4), then L is a Fredholm operator with index zero, and the projection operators P:XX and Q:XX can be defined as Px(t)=P(x1(t),x2(t))=(x1(0),x2(0)),t[0,1],Qy(t)=Q(y1(t),y2(t))=(Tαy1(t),Tβy2(t)),t[0,1],where Tγyi(t)=γ(ηηγ)(ξξγ)[01Gγ(η,s)yi(s)ds01Gγ(ξ,s)yi(s)ds],t[0,1],γ=α,β,i=1,2. Moreover, the operator Kp:ImLdomLKerP is defined as follows Kpy(t)=(I0+αy1(t)I0+αy1(t)|t=1t,I0+βy2(t)I0+βy2(t)|t=1t),t[0,1].


By the definition of P, it is easy to see that ImP=KerL,P2(x1,x2)=P(x1,x2). For any (x1,x2)X, we have (x1,x2)=((x1,x2)P(x1,x2))+P(x1,x2), that is, X=KerP+KerL. Moreover, it is easy to prove that KerLKerP={(0,0)}. Therefore, we have X=KerPKerL.For any (y1,y2)X, by the definition of Tγ, we have TγTγyi(t)=γ(ηηγ)(ξξγ)[01Gγ(η,s)yi(s)ds01Gγ(ξ,s)yi(s)ds]=γ(ηηγ)(ξξγ)[01Gγ(η,s)ds01Gγ(ξ,s)ds]=Tγyi(t),γ=α,β,i=1,2. Then, by the definition of Q, we obtain Q2(y1,y2)=Q(Q(y1,y2))=Q(Tαy1(t),Tβy2(t))=(TαTαy1(t),TβTβy2(t))=(Tαy1(t),Tβy2(t))=Q(y1,y2).Let (y1,y2)=((y1,y2)Q(y1,y2))+Q(y1,y2), then (y1,y2)Q(y1,y2)KerQ=ImL,Q(y1,y2)ImQ. By KerQ=ImL, and Q2(y1,y2)=Q(y1,y2), we have ImQImL={(0,0)}. Hence, X=ImLImQ.Therefore, dimKerL=dimImQ=codimImL=2.That is, L is a Fredholm operator of index zero. Next, we prove that Kp is the inverse operator of L|domLKerP. In fact, for y=(y1,y2)ImL, by the definition of Kp, we get Kp(y1,y2)=(I0+αy1(t)I0+αy1(t)|t=1t,I0+βy2(t)I0+βy2(t)|t=1t),t[0,1].Obviously, Kp(y1,y2)domL, and PKp(y1,y2)=(0,0). Therefore, the definition of Kp is reasonable. Moreover, LKp(y1,y2)=L(I0+αy1(t)I0+αy1(t)|t=1t,I0+βy2(t)I0+βy2(t)|t=1t)=(y1,y2).On the other hand, for any (x1,x2)domLKerP, we have (0,0)=P(x1,x2)=(x1(0),x2(0)), together with x1(1)=x1(0), x2(1)=x2(0), thus, KpL(x1,x2)=Kp(CD0+αx1(t),CD0+βx2(t))=(I0+αCD0+αx1(t)I0+αCD0+αx1(t)|t=1t,I0+βCD0+βx2(t)I0+βCD0+βx2(t)|t=1t)=(x1(t)x1(0)x1(1)t+x1(0)t,x2(t)x2(0)x2(1)t+x2(0)t)=(x1(t),x2(t)).Therefore, we can conclude that Kp=(L|domLKerP)1.The proof is completed.

Lemma 3.3

Let ΩX be a bounded open set and domLΩ¯, then the N defined by (Equation5) is L-compact on Ω¯.


From the continuity of ϕq and f, we know that QN(Ω¯) and Kp(IQ)N(Ω¯) are bounded. According to the Arzalà-Ascoli theorem, we only need to prove that Kp(IQ)N(Ω¯)X is equicontinuous. In fact, for any x(t)=(x1(t),x2(t))Ω¯,t[0,1], due to the continuity of ϕq and f, there exist Λ1,Λ2>0, such that |ϕq(x2(t))|Λ1,|f(t,x1(t),ϕq(x2(t)))|Λ2.Therefore, we have |ϕq(x2)Tα(ϕq(x2))|=|ϕq(x2)α(ηηα)(ξξα)×[01Gα(η,s)ϕq(x2(s))ds01Gα(ξ,s)ϕq(x2(s))ds]|2(η+ξα)(ηηα)(ξξα)Λ1:=Λ~1.Similarly, |f(t,x1,ϕq(x2))Tβf(t,x1,ϕq(x2))|=|f(t,x1,ϕq(x2))β(ηηβ)(ξξβ)[01Gβ(η,s)f(s,x1(s),ϕq(x2(s)))ds01Gβ(ξ,s)f(s,x1(s),ϕq(x2(s)))ds]|2(η+ξβ)(ηηβ)(ξξβ)Λ2:=Λ~2.For the convenience of the proof below, denote h1(t)=ϕq(x2(t))Tα(ϕq(x2(t))),t[0,1],h2(t)=f(t,x1(t),ϕq(x2(t)))Tβf(t,x1(t),ϕq(x2(t))),t[0,1].For any (x1(t),x2(t))Ω¯0t1<t21, one has |I0+αh1(t)|t=t2I0+αh1(t)|t=1t2I0+αh1(t)|t=t1+I0+αh1(t)|t=1t1||I0+αh1(t)|t=t2I0+αh1(t)|t=t1|+|I0+αh1(t)|t=1|(t2t1)1Γ(α)0t1[(t2s)α1(t1s)α1]|h1(s)|ds+1Γ(α)t1t2(t2s)α1|h1(s)|ds+1Γ(α)01(1s)α1|h1(s)|ds(t2t1)Λ~1Γ(α+1)(t2αt1α+t2t1)0,t1t2.Similarly, it can be deduced that |I0+βh2(t)|t=t2I0+βh2(t)|t=1t2I0+βh2(t)|t=t1+I0+βh2|t=1t1|Λ~2Γ(β+1)(t2βt1β+t2t1)0,t1t2.Therefore, Kp(IQ)N(Ω¯)X is equicontinuous. Hence, Kp(IQ)N:Ω¯X is compact. The proof is complete.

Lemma 3.4

Assuming that conditions (A1) and (A2) hold, let Ω1={xdomLKerL:Lx=λNx,λ(0,1)},then Ω1 is bounded.


For x=(x1,x2)Ω1, then xdomL and NxImL=KerQ, then by (A2), there exist t1,t2[0,1], such that |x1(t1)|B1,|x2(t2)|B2.Notice that, I0+αCD0+αx1(t)=x1(t)+c1+I0+αCD0+αx1(t)|t=1t,c1R,t[0,1],I0+βCD0+βx2(t)=x2(t)+c3+I0+αCD0+αx2(t)|t=1t,c3R,t[0,1].Hence, c1=I0+αCD0+αx1(t)|t=t1x1(t1)I0+αCD0+αx1(t)|t=1t1,c3=I0+βCD0+βx2(t)|t=t2x2(t2)I0+αCD0+αx2(t)|t=1t2.Furthermore, (8) |x1(t)||I0+αCD0+αx1(t)|+|c1|+|I0+αCD0+αx1(t)|t=1|t4Γ(α+1)||CD0+αx1||+B1,(8) (9) |x2(t)||I0+βCD0+βx2(t)|+|c3|+|I0+αCD0+αx1(t)|t=1|t4Γ(β+1)||CD0+βx2||+B2.(9) From the equation Lx=λNx, we know that (10) CD0+αx1(t)=λϕq(x2(t)),(10) (11) CD0+βx2(t)=λf(t,x1(t),ϕq(x2(t))).(11) From Equation (Equation10), we can deduce that ||CD0+αx1||||x2||q1.Combining Equation (Equation8), we obtain that (12) ||x1||4Γ(α+1)||x2||q1+B1.(12) From Equation (Equation11) and condition (A1), we can infer that (13) ||CD0+βx2||||a||+||b||||x1||p1+||c||||x2||||a||+||b||(4Γ(α+1)||x2||q1+B1)p1+||c||||x2||||a||+[2p1(4Γ(α+1))p1||b||+||c||]×||x2||+2p1B1p1||b||||a||+[2p1(4Γ(α+1))p1||b||+||c||]×(4Γ(β+1)||CD0+βx2||+B2)+2p1B1p1||b||.(13) Due to ρ<1, from Equation (Equation13), we know that there exists a constant M0>0 such that ||CD0+βx2||M0.By combining equations (Equation9) and (Equation12), we get that ||x2||4Γ(β+1)M0+B2:=M1,||x1||4Γ(α+1)M1q1+B1:=M2.Hence, ||x||Xmax{M1,M2}:=M.That is, Ω1 is bounded. The proof is complete.

Lemma 3.5

Assuming that condition (A2) holds, let Ω2={xKerL:NxImL},then Ω2 is bounded.


For x=(x1,x2)KerL, then (x1,x2)=(c1,c2)R2, and NxImL=KerQ, that is, QNx = 0. From (A2), there exist t1,t2[0,1] such that |x1(t1)|=|c1|B1,|x2(t2)|=|c2|B2.Hence, ||x||X=max{||x1||,||x2||}max{B1,B2}.That is, Ω2 is bounded. The proof is completed.

Lemma 3.6

Assume that (A3) holds, let Ω3={xKerL:ϑλJx+(1λ)QNx=0,λ[0,1]},where ϑ={1,if(6)holds,1,if(7)holds,J:KerLImQ is a homeomorphism defined as J(c1,c2)=(c2,c1),c1,c2R.Then Ω3 is bounded.


Without loss of generality, suppose that (Equation7) holds, then for x=(x1,x2)=(c1,c2)Ω3, λ[0,1] we have (14) λc2=α(1λ)(ηηα)(ξξα)[01Gα(η,s)ϕq(c2)ds01Gα(ξ,s)ϕq(c2)ds]=(1λ)ϕq(c2),(14) (15) λc1=β(1λ)(ηηβ)(ξξβ)×[01Gβ(η,s)f(s,c1,ϕ2(c2))ds01Gβ(ξ,s)f(s,c1,ϕq(c2))ds].(15) From Equation (Equation14), it can be inferred that c2=0, substituting into Equation (Equation15) yields λc1=β(1λ)(ηηβ)(ξξβ)[01Gβ(η,s)f(s,c1,0)ds01Gβ(ξ,s)f(s,c1,0)ds].Then, λc12=β(1λ)(ηηβ)(ξξβ)c1[01Gβ(η,s)f(s,c1,0)ds01Gβ(ξ,s)f(s,c1,0)ds]<0,This is a contradiction! Therefore, |c1|G. Hence, ||x||X=max{|c1|,|c2|}G,that is, Ω3 is bounded. The proof is completed.

The proof of Theorem 3.1 is given below.

Proof of Theorem 3.1.

Take Ω to be a bounded set in X satisfying i=13Ω¯iΩ. By Lemmas 3.2 and 3.3, we know that L is a Fredholm operator of index zero and N is compact with respect to L on Ω¯. By Lemmas 3.4 and 3.5, we obtain,

  1. LxλNx, x(domLKerL)∂Ω, λ(0,1);

  2. NxImL, xKerL∂Ω.

Therefore, it only needs to be shown that condition (iii) in Theorem 2.1 holds. For this, define the homotopy mapping H(x,λ)=ϑλJx+(1λ)QNx.By Lemma 3.6, for xKerL∂Ω, we have H(x,λ)0. Using the homotopy invariance of the topological degree, we obtain deg{QN|KerL,ΩKerL,0}=deg{H(,0),ΩKerL,0}=deg{H(,1),ΩKerL,0}=deg{ϑI,ΩKerL,0}0.In conclusion, by using Theorem 2.1, boundary value problem (Equation3) has at least one solution in X, that is, the dual periodic boundary value problem (Equation1) and (Equation2) has at least one solution. The proof is completed.

4. Example

Example 4.1

Consider the following fractional p-Laplacian equation with dual periodic boundary conditions (16) {CD0+7/4ϕ4(CD0+7/4x(t))=170x3(t)+tsin(|CD0+7/4x(t)|)357,t(0,1),x(0)=x(1),CD0+7/4x(0)=CD0+7/4x(1),x(1/8)=x(1/4),CD0+7/4x(1/8)=CD0+7/4x(1/4),(16) For the corresponding BVP (Equation1) and (Equation2), here α=β=7/4, p = 4, η=1/4,ξ=1/8, f(t,x(t),CD0+αx(t))=170x3(t)+tsin(|CD0+7/4x(t)|)357,t[0,1],Choose a(t)=2, b(t)=1/70, c(t)=0, then we have ρ=4Γ(β+1)[2p1(4Γ(α+1))p1||b||+||c||]=4470[Γ(11/4)]30.8929<1,that is, condition (A1) holds. Take B1=20, B2=1003/4, let g(s)=18(1s)3/4(14s)3/4,s[0,14],Obviously, g(s) is monotonically increasing, let g(s)=0, we get s0.2. If x2>B2, we have (17) 01Gα(η,s)ϕq(x2(s))ds01Gα(ξ,s)ϕq(x2(s))ds=01/4g(s)ϕ4/3(x2(s))ds+1/4118(1s)3/4ϕ4/3(x2(s))ds+01/8(18s)3/4ϕ4/3(x2(s))ds01/5g(0)ϕ4/3(x2(s))ds+1/4118(1s)3/4ϕ4/3(x2(s))ds+01/8(18s)3/4ϕ4/3(x2(s))ds[18(14)3/4]×20+17×(34)7/4×50+47×(18)7/4×1001.2477>0.(17) Similarly, if x2<B2, it can be inferred that Tαϕq(x2(t))<0. Note that f(t,x1(t),ϕq(x2(t)))=170(x13(t)50)+tsin(|x2(t)|),t[0,1].If |x1(t)|>B1, similar to (Equation17), it can be inferred that Tβf(t,x1(t),ϕq(x2(t)))0. Thus, condition (A2) holds. Take G = 10, if |c|>G, we can obtain cf(t,c,0)=170c(c350)>100,t[0,1].It is easy to verify that (Equation6) holds, that is, condition (A3) holds. In summary, according to Theorem 3.1, the BVP (Equation16) has at least one solution on [0,1].

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


This research is supported by the Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation (2208085QA05) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (11601007).


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