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Research Article

On reversibility problem in DNA bases over a class of rings

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Article: 2358213 | Received 15 Nov 2023, Accepted 10 May 2024, Published online: 29 May 2024


Let Rk=Z4[u1,u2,,uk]/ui2ui,uiujujui be a non-chain ring of characteristic 4, where 1i,jk and k1. In this article, we discuss reversible cyclic codes of odd lengths over the ring Rk. We construct bijections between the elements of the ring Rk and DNA-2k bases for k = 1, 2 in such a manner that the reversibility problem is solved. Employing these bijections, reversible complement cyclic codes of odd lengths are generated. Furthermore, we construct a Gray map Φ:RknZ42kn and as an application of the Gray map Φ, we obtain the GC-content of cyclic codes of arbitrary odd length over the ring Rk. Meanwhile, we provide some examples of reversible cyclic codes of odd lengths over the ring Rk for different values of k, and also obtain the Lee distances of these codes.


1. Introduction

Identifying elements of an algebraic structure (fields, rings, etc.) having cardinality 4k, where k1 with DNA-k bases is a fascinating problem. Suppose an algebraic structure X={x1,x2,x3,x4} has only four elements and if we identify these elements with the four nucleotides {A,G,T,C}, then any reversible code over the algebraic structure X will always corresponds to a reversible DNA code. On the other hand, this is not true, if |X|=4k, where k>1 then a reversibility problem occur. In order to clarify the reversibility problem we present an example. Suppose β=(β1,β2,β3,β4) is a codeword of length 4 over X. We identify code alphabets of the codeword β with DNA double pairs as follows: β1AA, β2GA, β3CT, and β4AT. Therefore, corresponding DNA sequence to the codeword β is AAGACTAT. The reverse codeword of β is given by βr=(β4,β3,β2,β1) and corresponding DNA sequence to βr is ATCTGAAA. One can verify that the DNA sequence ATCTGAAA is not the reverse of AAGACTAT. In fact the reverse of the DNA sequence AAGACTAT is TATCAGAA. This reversibility problem was invented by Oztas and Siap [Citation1], where the authors first made use of lifted polynomials over F16 to solve this problem.

Many researchers solved this reversibility problem by using different techniques. For example, Gursoy et al. [Citation2] make use of skew cyclic codes over a non-chain ring to solve the reversibility problem. Oztas et al. [Citation3] solved the reversibility problem that occur in DNA k-bases using the coterm polynomials. Further, Oztas and Siap [Citation4] obtained the generalization of lifted polynomials and solved this reversibility problem. Moreover, Ashraf et al. [Citation5] employed reversible cyclic codes over a non-chain ring to solve this reversibility problem.

The interest on DNA computing was initiated by Adleman [Citation6]. In Adleman [Citation6] performed an experiment involving the use of DNA molecules based on the Watson–Crick complement (WCC) model of a DNA strand in solving the famous directed salesman problem. Later on, a molecular program is provided by Adlemen et al. [Citation7] for breaking the symmetric cryptographic algorithm (DES). Additionally, it was demonstrated in [Citation8] that DNA molecules can be employed as a storage media. Multiple theories are necessary for developing DNA sequences that satisfy certain constraints. We call a given sequence α=α0α1αn, a quaternary n-sequence or a DNA sequence if αiY, where Y={A,G,T,C}. According to the Watson-Crick complement rule, a DNA sequence combined with its complement (reversible) forms a helix. The Complement of T is A (and vice versa), and the complement of G is C (and vice versa). We denote by Cc=G, Gc=C, Ac=T, Tc=A, where Cc, Gc, Ac, and Tc are the complements of C, G, A and T respectively. For example, the Watson-Crick complement of (ATTGACC)c=AcTcTcGcAcCcCc=TAACTGG. A DNA code C of length n is the collection of DNA sequences of length n where each sequence occurs with its reverse complement sequence i.e. αrcC, where αrc=αn1cαn2cα0c is the reverse complement of α=α0α1αn1.

The ability to construct DNA codes that fulfill particular constraints is of utmost importance in various domains, including biotechnology and security. These applications encompass a range of areas, such as DNA computing, DNA cryptography, and DNA steganography (see [Citation7, Citation9] and references therein). A cyclic DNA code C always satisfies the Hamming distance constraint and it may satisfy the other three constraints listed below

  1. The Hamming constraint: If H(c1,c2)d, where c1,c2C and c1c2 for some Hamming distance d.

  2. The Reverse constraint: If H(c1,c2r)d, where c1,c2C for some Hamming distance d, and c2r=(αn1,αn2,,α0) is the reverse of c2=(α0,α1,,αn1).

  3. The Reverse-complement constraint: If H(c1,c2rc)d, where c1,c2C for some Hamming distance d, and c2rc=(αn1c,αn2c,,α0c) is the reverse complement of c2=(α0,α1,,αn1).

  4. The Fixed GC-content constraint: If any codeword contains the same number of G and C.

The objective of the first three constraints is to reduce the probability of non-specific hybridization. The fixed GC-content constraint is used to obtain similar melting temperatures.

Reversible codes have versatile applications in the design of DNA codes as well as data storage and retrieval systems. In [Citation10], the author started the study of reversible codes and provided conditions for a given cyclic code over a finite field to be reversible. In [Citation11], a relation between the minimum distance of certain reversible cyclic codes and BCH bounds is obtained. In addition to the above studies, the authors in [Citation12] constructed reversible cyclic codes over GF(q). Later on, Abualrab [Citation13] obtained quaternary reversible cyclic codes. In [Citation14–16] the authors obtained criteria for negacyclic, constacyclic and quasi-cyclic codes to be reversible respectively. Moreover, in [Citation17] the authors provided a survey of DNA codes over finite rings. For the intensive study of reversible cyclic codes over different algebraic structures, we refer to the readers (see [Citation18–27] and references therein). Meanwhile, Siap et al. [Citation28] obtained cyclic DNA codes over the ring F2[u]/u21 based on the deletion distance. Further, Yildiz and Siap [Citation29] constructed cyclic DNA codes of odd length satisfying the Hamming distance constraint over the ring F2[u]/u41. Later on, Dinh et al. [Citation30] obtained cyclic DNA codes over the ring F2+uF2+vF2+uvF2+v2F2+uv2F2, where u2=0,v3=v. Moreover, Guenda and Gulliver [Citation31] constructed DNA codes over the ring F2+uF2, u2=0 satisfying the reverse constraint, the reverse-complement constraint and the GC-content constraint.

Inspired by these studies, in the present article we construct reversible cyclic codes of any odd length over the ring Rk. We construct bijections namely (Γk) between the elements of the ring Rk and DNA-2k bases in such a manner that the reversibility problem has been solved for every k. Furthermore, as an application of these bijections reversible complement codes of any odd length are generated over the ring Rk. Moreover, we study the GC-content of DNA codes over the ring Rk. In addition, some examples of reversible code are constructed.

The organization of the present article is as follows: In Section 2, we discuss some basic definitions. Section 3 comprises structure of cyclic codes of any odd length over the ring Rk. In Section 4, we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for a given cyclic code C over the ring Rk to be reversible. Also, we construct bijections Γk for k = 1, 2 (see Tables  and ) in such a manner that the reversibility problem has been solved. Similarly, one can construct Γk for rest of the values of k, with the aforementioned properties. Moreover, by utilizing these bijections reversible-complement cyclic codes of odd lengths are generated. In Section 5, we provide a Gray map Φ:RknZ42kn and discuss the GC-content in terms of the Gray images. Finally, in Section 6 we provide some examples of reversible cyclic codes of different odd lengths over the ring Rk.

Table 1. Γ1 between R1 and SD16.

Table 2. Γ2 correspondence between R2 and SD256.

2. Preliminaries

We begin this section by characterizing the ring Rk. Let Rk=Z4[u1,u2,,uk]/ui2ui,uiujujui be a finite ring. Here, we make use of results presented in (see [Citation32–35]), where the authors obtained linear codes over the ring Rk, for k = 1, 2. Suppose uB=iBui, where B is a subset of the set {1,2,,k}. It is worth to notice that every element of the ring Rk can be written uniquely as BPkαBuB, where αBZ4 and Pk is any subset of the set {1,2,,k}. In particular we assume that uϕ=1. Also, observe that for any subsets M,N{1,2,,k} we have uMuN=uMN and therefore we obtain MPkαMuMNPkαNuN=RPk(MN=RαMuM)uR.

Lemma 2.1

The ring Rk has characteristic 4 and cardinality 42k.


Since the coefficients of uB are the members of Z4, it follows directly that characteristic of the ring Rk is 4. Also, observe that for any given element BPkαBuB there are four choices for each αB and 2k subsets of the set {1,2,,k}. This shows that cardinality of the ring Rk is 42k.

An element e is called an idempotent element if e2=e. Suppose e1,e2Rk are two idempotent elements if e1e2=0, then e1 and e2 are said to be orthogonal idempotent. Now we list all orthogonal idempotent elements of the ring Rk in Table . Kumar and Singh [Citation26], Li et al. [Citation35] and Bustomi [Citation36] obtained all orthogonal idempotent elements over the ring Rk for k = 1, k = 2 and k = 3 respectively. Here, we use the same technique which is presented in [Citation26, Citation35, Citation36] to count all orthogonal idempotents in the ring Rk.

Table 3. Orthogonal idempotent elements of the ring Rk.

By observing Table , the total number of orthogonal idempotent elements in the ring Rk are (k0)+(k1)+(k2)++(kk)=2k. We denote all idempotent elements by e1,e2,,e2k. All idempotent elements are also pairwise orthogonal, since ei2=ei, for 1i2k and eiej=0 for ij and also we have i=12kei=1. Hence, by Chinese remainder theorem we obtain Rk=Z4e1Z4e2Z4e2k.Recall that a linear code C of length n over Rk is an Rk-submodule of Rkn and members of C are known as codewords. A cyclic shift on Rkn is a permutation σ given by σ(c0,c1,,cn1)=(cn1,c0,,cn2).A code C is said to be a cyclic code if it is invariant under σ. The inner-product of two given n-tuples a=(a0,a1,,an1), b=(b0,b1,,bn1) is defined as ab=i=0n1aibi, a and b are said to be orthogonal if ab=0. For a given linear code C, we define the dual code C over the ring Rk in the following manner C={aRkn|ab=0for allbC}.One can verify that C is a linear code over the ring Rk of same length as C. In addition, If CC then a linear code C is said to be self-orthogonal and if C=C then we call a linear code C is self-dual. The reciprocal polynomial p(x) of a given polynomial p(x)=p0+p1x++pn1xn1Rk[x] is defined as p(x)=xdeg(p(x))p(1x)=pn1++p0xn1. It is worth to mention that deg(p(x))deg(p(x)) and if p00, then deg(p(x))=deg(p(x)). A given polynomial p(x) is said to be self-reciprocal if p(x)=p(x).

We need the following result which provides the criteria for obtaining the reciprocal of sum and product of polynomials.

Lemma 2.2


Suppose f1(x) and f2(x) are two polynomials over the ring Rk, where deg(f2(x))deg(f1(x)). Then the following statements hold:




(f1(x)f2(x))=f1(x)f2(x), provided α=deg(f1(x))deg(f2(x)).

3. Structure of cyclic codes over Rk

In this section, the structure of cyclic codes over the ring Rk is conferred. For obtaining the generating set of a cyclic code over the ring Rk, we make use of cyclic codes over the ring Z4. In [Citation37], the authors obtained non-linear codes over the ring Z4 as Gray images of binary codes. Many researchers have obtained the structure of cyclic codes over the ring Z4. For example, in [Citation13] the author provided generating set of cyclic codes over the ring Z4 of arbitrary length. Similarly, Pless and Qian [Citation38] obtained a different generating set for cyclic codes of odd lengths over the ring Z4. In the present article, we use generating set given in [Citation38]. Therefore, we have following result.

Theorem 3.1


Suppose C is a cyclic code of odd length n over the ring Z4. Then C is given by C=f(x)g(x),2f(x)h(x), where f(x), g(x) and h(x) are monic polynomials such that xn1=f(x)g(x)h(x). Moreover, C is of the type 4ndeg(f(x))2degf(x)degg(x).

We obtain the decomposition of a linear code C over the ring Rk in terms of the linear codes Ci, where each Ci is given as follows: C1={a1Z4n:e1a1+e2a2++e2ka2kCforsomeaiZ4n},C2={a2Z4n:e1a1+e2a2++e2ka2kCforsomeaiZ4n},C3={a3Z4n:e1a1+e2a2++e2ka2kCforsomeaiZ4n},C2k={a2kZ4n:e1a1+e2a2++e2ka2kCforsomeaiZ4n}.It is easy to observe that each Ci is a linear code over the ring Z4 and therefore C can be uniquely decomposed as (1) C=e1C1+e2C2++e2kC2k.(1) Now, we present the following results which are helpful in describing the structure of linear codes over the ring Rk.

Theorem 3.2

Let C be a linear code of length n over the ring Rk. Then C=e1C1+e2C2++e2kC2k, where each Ci is a linear code over Z4, and the direct sum decomposition is unique. Moreover, the dual code of C is given by C=e1C1+e2C2++e2kC2k, where Ci is the dual code of the linear code Ci.


Proof of the first part follows directly from the Decomposition (Equation1). For the dual code, suppose that D=e1C1+e2C2++e2kC2k. Take any xD and yC, where x=i=12keiri, riCi and y=i=12keiti, tiCi. Now, consider xy=i=12kei(riti)=0, we must have xC. Hence, we obtain DC. For the converse part, notice that Rk is a Frobenius ring. Thus |D|=|C1||C2||C2k|=|C|. Therefore, we obtain D=C.

Corollary 3.3

Let C be a linear code over the ring Rk given by C=e1C1+e2C2++e2kC2k. Then C is a self-orthogonal if and only if each Ci is self-orthogonal over Z4. Furthermore, C is a self-dual if and only if each Ci is self-dual over Z4.


The result directly follows from Theorem 3.2.

Theorem 3.4

Let C be a linear code of length n given by C=e1C1+e2C2++e2kC2k. Then C is a cyclic code over the ring Rk if and only if each Ci is a cyclic code over the ring Z4.

The following theorem provides the generating set of a given cyclic code of any odd length.

Theorem 3.5

Let C be a cyclic code of odd length n over the ring Rk. Then C is given by C=e1F1(x),2e1H1(x),e2F2(x),2e2H2(x),,e2kF2k(x),2e2kH2k(x),where Fi(x)=fi(x)gi(x); Hi(x)=fi(x)hi(x) and xn1=fi(x)gi(x)hi(x); 1i2k.


The above result is a direct consequence of Theorem 3.1.

4. Reversible-complement DNA codes

In this section, we discuss reversibility of cyclic codes of any odd length over the ring Rk. We provide a necessary and sufficient condition for a given cyclic code C of any odd length over the ring Rk to be reversible. Moreover, in this section we provide lemmas which are useful in solving the reversibility problem. Further, we discuss reversible-complement codes over the ring Rk.

Definition 4.1

A block code will be called reversible if the block of digits formed by reversing the order of the digits in a codeword is always another codeword in the same code.

In [Citation10], the author obtained a condition for a given cyclic code over a finite field Fq to be reversible.

Theorem 4.2

Suppose C is a cyclic code over Fq given by C=g(x). Then C is reversible if and only if g(x)=g(x).

The following result provides a necessary and sufficient condition for the reversibility of cyclic codes of odd lengths over the ring Rk in terms of their generating polynomials.

Theorem 4.3

Let C be a cyclic code of odd length n over the ring Rk given by C=e1F1(x),2e1H1(x),e2F2(x),2e2H2(x),,e2kF2k(x),2e2kH2k(x),where Fi(x)=fi(x)gi(x); Hi(x)=fi(x)hi(x) and xn1=fi(x)gi(x)hi(x); 1i2k. Then C is a reversible cyclic code over the ring Rk if and only if each Fi(x) and Hi(x) are self-reciprocal polynomials.


Suppose C is a reversible cyclic code over the ring Rk.Suppose on contrary, the polynomial Fi(x) is not self-reciprocal i.e. Fi(x)Fi(x). Suppose F(x)=gcd(Fi(x),Fi(x)). Then there exist polynomials λ(x), μ(x)Rk[x] such that F(x)=λ(x)Fi(x)+μ(x)Fi(x) and degF(x)<degFi(x). Let M={e1,e2,,e2k} be the set of all orthogonal idempotents. Since C is a reversible cyclic code over the ring Rk, αF(x)C for all αM. This contradicts the fact that Fi(x) is a minimal degree generating polynomial of C. Therefore, we can conclude that Fi(x)=Fi(x). Thus, each Fi(x) is a self-reciprocal polynomial. Similarly, one can prove for Hi(x).

Conversely, assume that Fi(x) and Hi(x) are self-reciprocal polynomials i.e. Fi(x)=Fi(x) and Hi(x)=Hi(x), where 1i2k. Let c(x)C be any element. Then there exist polynomials λ1(x), λ2(x),,λ2k+1(x), over the ring Rk such that c(x)=e1λ1(x)F1(x)+2e1λ2(x)H1(x)++e2kλ2k+11(x)F2k(x)+e2kλ2k+1(x)H2k(x).The reciprocal polynomial c(x) of the polynomial c(x) can be obtained using Lemma 2.2. c(x)=e1λ1(x)F1(x)+2e1λ2(x)H1(x)++e2kλ2k+11(x)F2k(x)+e2kλ2k+1(x)H2k(x).Since Fi(x)=Fi(x) and Hi(x)=Hi(x), where 1i2k, we get c(x)=e1λ1(x)F1(x)+2e1λ2(x)H1(x)++e2kλ2k+11(x)F2k(x)+e2kλ2k+1(x)H2k(x).Therefore, we obtain c(x)C. Hence, C is a reversible cyclic code over the ring Rk.

Example 4.4

Suppose k = 1, consider the ring R1=Z4+u1Z4, where u12=u1. We factorize the polynomial x171 over the ring Z4 as follows: x171=(x1)(x8+2x6+3x5+x4+3x3+2x2+1)(x8+x7+3x6+3x4+3x2+x+1)=f1f2f3. We can verify that f2 and f3 both are self-reciprocal polynomials over the ring Z4. Several reversible cyclic codes with their Gray images are listed in Table .

Table 4. Reversible cyclic codes of length 17 over the ring R1.

The following result provides the reversibility of a given cyclic code C in terms of Ci.

Theorem 4.5

Suppose C is a cyclic code of odd length n over the ring Rk given by C=e1C1+e2C2++e2kC2k. Then C is a reversible cyclic code over the ring Rk if and only if each Ci is a reversible cyclic code over Z4.


Assume that C is a reversible cyclic code of length n over the ring Rk. Let xC be any element such that x=e1x1+e2x2++e2kx2k, where xiCi. Now, the reverse of x is given by xr=e1x1r+e2x2r++e2kx2krC. Suppose xr=e1x1r+e2x2r++e2kx2kr=e1y1+e2y2+e2ky2k, where yiCi. Then, e1(x1ry1)+e2(x2ry2)++e2k(x2kry2k)=0. Therefore, x1r=y1C1, x2r=y2C2,,x2kr=y2kC2k. Thus each Ci is a reversible cyclic code.

Conversely, assume that each Ci is a reversible cyclic code over the ring Z4. Let xC be any element such that x=e1x1+e2x2++e2kx2k, where xiCi. The reverse of x is given by xr=e1x1r+e2x2r++e2kx2kr. Since xirCi, xrC. Therefore, we can conclude that C is a reversible cyclic code.

Our current focus is on the reversible-complement cyclic codes characterized by odd lengths. We will establish a condition that is both necessary and sufficient for a cyclic code to be categorized as a reversible-complement cyclic code over the ring Rk. To accomplish this, we discuss the foundational concepts of complement over the ring Rk. For every k, we denote the complement of an element zRk by z¯ and define as: z¯=z+2.  Let p(x)Rk[x], where p(x)=p0+p1x+p2x2++pn1xn1. Then the complement of p(x) is defined as follows: pc(x)=p¯0+p¯1x+p¯2x2++p¯n1xn1, where p¯i denotes the complement of pi for piRk, 0in1. The reverse-complement of p(x)Rk[x] is denoted by prc(x) and is defined as: prc(x)=p¯n1+p¯n2x++p¯0xn1.

Recall that the Watson-Crick complement for a given DNA sequence D=d1d2dn is given by Dc=d1cd2cdnc.

From Table , we notice that if d1d2 is a DNA sequence corresponding to element zR1, then d1cd2c corresponds to z + 2. Similarly, from Table , we notice that if d1d2d3d4 is a DNA sequence corresponding to element zR2, then d1cd2cd3cd4c corresponds to z + 2. Next we discuss the construction of two bijections Γ1 and Γ2 separately. Based on these constructions, one can obtain a bijection Γk between the elements of the ring Rk and DNA-2k bases, where k is any positive integer.

For k = 1

We define the complement of an element aR1 as a¯=a+2. In general, a given DNA double pair d1d2 is associated with an element aR1 such that the Watson-Crick complement d1cd2c corresponds to a¯. Further, the reverse d2d1 is associated with 3a. Notice that there are four DNA double pairs namely {AA,GG,TT,CC} such that the reverse of each codeword coincides with itself. These four DNA double pairs are associated with the four elements of the set M={0,2,2+2u1,2u1}, where 3b = b for all bM. Moreover, there are four DNA double pairs namely {AT,GC,TA,CG} whose reverse coincides with their Watson-Crick complement. We associate these pairs with the four elements of the set M={1,3,1+2u1,3+2u1}, where 3b = b + 2 for all bM.

For k = 2

In general, any given DNA-4 base d1d2d3d4 can be identified with an element aR2 such that the Watson-Crick complement d1cd2cd3cd4c is associated with a¯. Moreover, the reverse d4d3d2d1 is associated with 3a. There are some special DNA sequences which are associated as follows: Consider a set P={d1d2d3d4SD256:d1d2d3d4=d4d3d2d1}. Total number of DNA-4 bases in the set P is 16. On the other hand, cardinality of the set P={aR2:3a=a} is also 16. We identify all DNA-4 bases of the set P with the elements of the set P. Furthermore, consider the following set Q={d1d2d3d4SD256:d4d3d2d1=d1cd3cd2cd4c} and |Q|=16. There exists a subset Q={aR2:3a=a+2} of the ring R2 with cardilaity 16. We associate DNA-4 bases of the set Q, with elements of the set Q. Rest of the DNA-4 bases are associated with the above general rule. Similarly, we can construct bijections for other values of k, where k is any positive integer.

Next we describe how these bijections are helpful in solving the reversibility problem. In this manuscript, we construct bijections (Γ1 & Γ2) between the elements of the ring Rk and DNA-2k bases (where k = 1, 2) in Tables  and  such that the reversibility problem is solved. Therefore, the following lemma plays a key role in solving the reversibility problem that occurred due to the DNA double pair.

Lemma 4.6

Suppose a=(a0,a1,,an1) is a codeword of length n over the ring R1. Let D=d1d2d2n1d2n be the corresponding DNA sequence to the codeword a. Then, DNA sequence corresponding to the codeword 3ar is the reverse of D i.e. d2nd2n1d2d1.

Let θ=(1+u1,2,3u1,2+u1) be a codeword over the ring R1. According to Table , the DNA sequence corresponding to θ is AGTTCATG. Now consider the codeword 3θr=(3u1+2,u1,2,3+3u1). By using Table , corresponding DNA sequence to the codeword (3u1+2,u1,2,3+3u1) is GTACTTGA. We can verify that GTACTTGA is the reverse of AGTTCATG. Similarly for k = 2, we obtain the following result.

Lemma 4.7

Suppose a=(a0,a1,,an1) is a codeword of length n over the ring R2. Let D=d1d2d4n1d4n be the DNA sequence corresponding to the codeword a. Then, DNA sequence corresponding to the codeword 3ar is the reverse of D i.e. d4nd4n1d2d1.

Theorem 4.8

Let C be a cyclic code of odd length n over the ring Rk given by C=e1F1(x),2e1H1(x),e2F2(x),2e2H2(x),,e2kF2k(x),2e2kH2k(x),where Fi(x)=fi(x)gi(x); Hi(x)=fi(x)hi(x) and xn1=fi(x)gi(x)hi(x); 1i2k. Then C is a reversible complement cyclic code over the ring Rk if and only if


the element 2(xn1)x1C,


fi(x),gi(x) and hi(x) are self-reciprocal polynomials.


Suppose C is a reversible-complement cyclic code over Rk. Assume 0=(0,0,,0)C. Since C is reversible-complement, 0rcC. Now, (0¯,0¯,,0¯)=(2,2,,2)C=2(1,1,,1)C=2(xn1)x1C,where (1,1,,1)C can be identified by xn1x1 in C.

Now, for the first condition take any c(x)C. Let c(x)=[F1(x)1(x)+2e1H1(x)2(x)++e2kF2k(x)2k+11(x)+2e2kH2k(x)2k+1(x)],where i(x)Rk[x], 1ik1. Then the reciprocal polynomial c(x) is given by (2) c(x)=[F1(x)1(x)+2e1H1(x)2(x)++e2kF2k(x)2k+11(x)+2e2kH2k(x)2k+1(x)],c(x)=F1(x)1(x)+2e1xα1H1(x)2(x)++e2kxα2k+12F2k(x)2k+11(x)+2e2kxα2k+11H2k(x)2k+1(x).(2) Let F1(x)=β0+β1x++βr1xr1+βrxr,be a polynomial over Rk. Then the reverse of F1(x) is given by F1r(x)=βr+βr1x++β1xr1+β0xr,and the reverse-complement is given by F1rc(x)=β¯r+β¯r1x++β¯1xr1+β¯0xr.Now multiplying both sides of the above expression by xnr1 we obtain (3) (xnr1)F1rc(x)=β¯rxnr1+β¯r1xnr++β¯1xn2+β¯0xn1=0¯+0¯x++0¯xnr2+β¯rxnr1+β¯r1xnr++β¯1xn2+β¯0xn1(xnr1)F1rc(x)=2+2x++2xnr2+β¯rxnr1+β¯r1xnr++β¯1xn2+β¯0xn1.(3) On adding 2(xn1)x1 to both sides of (Equation3), we obtain (4) (xnr1)F1rc(x)+2(xn1)x1=0+0x+0x2++0xnr2+βrxnr1+βr1xnr++β1xn2+β0xn1=xnr1[βr+βr1x++β0xr](xnr1)F1rc(x)+2(xn1)x1=xnr1F1(x).(4) Notice that C is a reversible-complement cyclic code and condition (ii) holds, using (Equation4) we obtain F1(x)C. Using the same argument, we must have F2(x),F3(x),,F2k(x)C; H1(x),H2(x),,H2k(x)C, and hence from (Equation2), we get c(x)C for i(x)Rk[x]. Therefore, C is a reversible cyclic code.

Conversely, assume that conditions (i) & (ii) are satisfied. Then, we have to show that C is a reversible-complement cyclic code. Since C is a reversible cyclic code, P(x)C for all P(x)C. Let P(x)=p0+p1x++pmxmCbe an arbitrary codeword. Then the reverse-complement of P(x) is given by Prc(x)=p¯m+p¯m1x++p¯1xm1+p¯0xm,multiplying by xnm1 on both sides in the above polynomial, we obtain (xnm1)Prc(x)=p¯mxnm1+p¯m1xnm++p¯1xn2+p¯0xn1.On adding 2(xn1)x1 to both sides of the above expression, we obtain (xnm1)Prc+2(xn1)x1=xnm1[pm+pm1x++p0xm]=xnm1P(x).Now, on simplifying the above expression we find that (5) (xnm1)Prc(x)=xnm1P(x)2(xn1)x1.(5) Utilizing conditions (i) and (ii) in theorem with Equation (Equation5) leads to the conclusion that Prc(x) belongs to C. Consequently, we must have C is a reversible-complement cyclic code over the ring Rk.

5. The GC–content

The thermodynamic stability of the bond formed between the complementary nucleotide bases C and G exceeds that of the bond formed between the complementary nucleotide bases A and T. Consequently, DNA sequences tend to exhibit a preference for being rich in GC content. Moreover, in DNA codes the same GC-content in every codeword ensures that the codewords have similar hybridization energy and melting temperature. This motivates to consider such DNA codes in which all codewords have the same GC-content. In this section, we construct a Gray map Φ which can be utilize to obtain the GC-content. Suppose SD4={A,G,T,C} are the nucleotides. We identify these four nucleotides with the elements of the ring Z4 as follows 0A, 1G, 3C and 2T. Note that every element xRk can be uniquely written as x=α1+α2u1++αk+1uk+u1u2αk+1+u1u3αk+2++uk1ukαk2+k+22++u1u2ukα2k,where αiZ4; 1i2k. We construct a map Φ:RkZ42k as follows: Φ(x)=(α1,α1+α2,α1+α2+α3,,α1+α2++α2k).It is worth to notice that dL(x,y)=dL(Φ(x),Φ(y))=wL(Φ(x)Φ(y)). Therefore, we can conclude that Φ is a Lee distance preserving map. Moreover, Φ is a Z4–linear. Similarly, we can extend the map Φ:RknZ42kn.

Theorem 5.1

Suppose C is a linear code of length n over the ring Rk with minimum Lee distance dL. Then, Φ(C) is a Z4linear code of length 2kn and minimum Lee distance dL.

Moreover, since each element of Z4 is identified by the nucleotides SD4, Φ can also be viewed as Φ:RkSD42k.

The next theorem provides the minimal generating set of a given cyclic code of odd length over the ring Z4.

Theorem 5.2


Let C be a cyclic code of odd length n over the ring Z4 given by C=f(x)g(x),2f(x)h(x), where f(x), g(x) and h(x) are monic polynomials such that xn1=f(x)g(x)h(x). Then minimal generating set of C is given by {f(x)g(x),xf(x)g(x),,xdeg(h(x))1f(x)g(x),2f(x)h(x),2xf(x)h(x),,2xdeg(g(x))1f(x)h(x)}.

We obtain the minimal generating set for a cyclic code of odd lengths over the ring Rk as follows:

Theorem 5.3

Let C be a cyclic code of odd length n over the ring Rk given by C=e1C1+e2C2++e2kC2k.Then minimal generating set Γ of C is given by Γ=e1Γ1+e2Γ2++e2kΓ2k,where Γi is the minimal generating set of Ci.

To obtain the GC-content over the ring Rk we use a method presented in [Citation26], where the authors obtained the GC-content over the ring Rk for k = 1 in terms of Gray images of minimal generating set of a code over the ring Rk. The Gray image of minimal generating set Γ is given by Φ(Γ)=xnΓ1+Γ2++Γ2k. The GC-content is given by the Hamming weight of 2Φ(Γ). Therefore, the next theorem provides the GC-content.

Theorem 5.4

Suppose C is a cyclic code of odd length n over the ring Rk given by C=e1C1+e2C2++e2kC2k, where Ci=fi(x)gi(x),2fi(x)hi(x) and fi(x)gi(x)hi(x)=xn1. Then the GC-content over the ring Rk is the Hamming weight enumerator of =xn{f1(x)g1(x),xf1(x)g1(x),,xdeg(h1(x))1f1(x)g1(x)}+{f2(x)g2(x),xf2(x)g2(x),,xdeg(h2(x))1f2(x)g2(x)}++{f2k(x)g2k(x),xf2k(x)g2k(x),,xdeg(h2k(x))1f2k(x)g2k(x)}.


Since GC-content can be obtained by multiplying Gray images of minimal generating sets of cyclic code C with 2, using Theorem 5.3 we obtain 2Φ(Γ)=2xnΓ1+2Γ2++2Γ2k.Therefore, the GC-content is given by the Hamming weight enumerator of =xn{f1(x)g1(x),xf1(x)g1(x),,xdeg(h1(x))1f1(x)g1(x)}+{f2(x)g2(x),xf2(x)g2(x),,xdeg(h2(x))1f2(x)g2(x)}++{f2k(x)g2k(x),xf2k(x)g2k(x),,xdeg(h2k(x))1f2k(x)g2k(x)}.

Example 5.5

Let k = 1, R1=Z4+u1Z4 be the ring, where u12=u1. Factorize the polynomial x91 over the ring Z4 as follows: x91=(x1)(x2+x+1)(x6+x3+1). Suppose C is a cyclic code over the ring R1 of length 9 given by C=e1f1g1,2e1f1h1, where f1=(x1), g1=(x2+x+1) and h1=(x6+x3+1). Therefore, by using Theorem 5.4, the GC-content of the cyclic code C is given by wtH(x9{x3+3,x(x3+3),x2(x3+3),x3(x3+3),x4(x3+3),x5(x3+3)})=2.

6. Examples

Here, we provide some examples of reversible cyclic codes of different odd lengths over the ring Rk, for k = 1, 2. After comparing the Gray images of these reversible cyclic codes with online data available in [Citation39], we find that some reversible codes have good parameters. Moreover, we construct few reversible complement codes of different length over the ring Rk.

Example 6.1

For k = 1 consider the ring R1=Z4+u1Z4, u12=u1. We factorize the polynomial x91 over Z4 as follows: x91=(x1)(x2+x+1)(x6+x3+1).Then various reversible cyclic codes of length 9 and their Z4 Gray images are listed in Table . Suppose C=(x2+x+1)(x6+x3+1) be cyclic code of length 9 over the ring R1. It is worth to notice that 2(x91)x1=2(x2+x+1)(x6+x3+1)C. Therefore, by using Theorem 4.8, C is a reversible complement code over the ring R1. Moreover, Γ1(C) is a DNA code of length 18, given in Table .

Table 5. Reversible cyclic codes of length 9 over the ring R1.

Table 6. DNA code of length 18.

Example 6.2

Consider the factorization x171=(x1)(x8+2x6+3x5+x4+3x3+2x2+1)×(x8+x7+3x6+3x4+3x2+x+1)over the ring Z4. Let k = 1 and R1=Z4+u1Z4, where u12=u1 be the ring. Then we provide some reversible cyclic codes over the ring R1 and their Z4 Gray images which are given in Table . Let C=(x8+2x6+3x5+x4+3x3+2x2+1)(x8+x7+3x6+3x4+3x2+x+1) be a cyclic code of length 17 over the ring R1. Then 2(x171)x1=2(x8+2x6+3x5+x4+3x3+2x2+1)(x8+x7+3x6+3x4+3x2+x+1)C. Therefore, by using Theorem 4.8, C will be a reversible complement code. Moreover, Γ1(C) is a DNA code of length 34, given in Table .

Table 7. DNA code of length 34.

Example 6.3

Suppose that k = 2, and consider the ring R2=Z4+u1Z4+u2Z4+u1u2Z4 where u12=u1, u22=u2, and u1u2=u2u1. We obtain the factors of the polynomial x251 over the ring Z4 as follows: x251=(x1)(x4+x3+x2+x+1)(x20+x15+x10+x5+1).Then different reversible cyclic codes of length 25 are listed in Table .

Table 8. Reversible cyclic codes of length 25 over the ring R2.

7. Conclusion

In this article, we have identified elements of the ring Rk with DNA-2k bases for k = 1, 2 in such a manner that the reversibility problem occur in DNA-2k bases is solved. Using this idea, one can construct bijections between the elements of the ring Rk and DNA-2k bases for other choices of k. We have constructed DNA codes which satisfy the Hamming constraint, the reverse constraint and the reverse-complement constraints. We have provided a necessary and sufficient for a given cyclic code of odd length over the ring Rk to be reversible and as an application, we have constructed some examples of reversible codes and obtained their Z4-Gray images. Furthermore, some reversible complement codes of any odd length over the ring Rk have been generated. We obtained the GC-content of a given cyclic code over the ring Rk as the Gray images of the Hamming weight enumerator. For future study, it would be fascinating to construct reversible cyclic codes of even lengths over the ring Rk.


All codes in the above examples are calculated using Magma software [Citation40].


The authors extend their gratitude to the referees for their meticulous examination of the manuscript, constructive comments, and valuable suggestions, all of which have greatly enhanced the paper's quality. Moreover, the authors extend their appreciation to Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University (PNU), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for funding this research under researchers supporting number (PNURSP2024R231).

Data availability statement

This manuscript has no associated data set.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


The authors extend their appreciation to Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University for funding this research under Research Supporting Project number (PNURSP2024R231).


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