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Research Article

Primal–dual formulation for parameter estimation in elastic contact problem with friction

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Article: 2367025 | Received 21 Nov 2023, Accepted 05 Jun 2024, Published online: 26 Jun 2024


This work deals with a saddle point formulation of parameter identification in linear elastic contact problems with friction. Using the primal–dual formulation of the constrained minimization problem and given observations, we estimate the Lamé coefficients through the penalization and dualization of the considered inverse problem. By Fenchel duality, we provide the dual energy function associated with the constraint. We prove the existence of a solution to the regularized parameter identification problem as well as the convergence of the penalized problem to the original one. An augmented Lagrangian formulation of the inverse problem and the existence of its saddle point are provided. By means of the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) and a primal–dual active set strategy (PDAS), we solve the problem numerically and illustrate our approach.


1. Introduction

The problem of identifying parameters in elliptic boundary value problems from given measurements has a wide range of interesting applications in various fields, such as tomography [Citation1,Citation2], image processing [Citation3,Citation4], groundwater management [Citation5], crack identification [Citation6,Citation7], Lamé coefficients identification [Citation8], and the general framework of optimization problems [Citation9–11]. A general framework for parameter identification in variational, quasivariational, and hemivariational inequalities and their applications can be found in [Citation12–16].

In [Citation17,Citation18], an augmented Lagrangian was formulated for the identification of a discontinuous coefficient, where the state elliptic boundary value problem was reformulated as an equality constraint. Some applications have been devoted to parameter estimation in linear elastic contact problems [Citation8,Citation19,Citation20]. However, accounting for friction complicates the task significantly due to the presence of a non-differentiable term (associated with the considered friction) in the minimization constraint. Thus, standard numerical methods are neither suitable nor applicable. The commonly used approach involves appropriately smoothing the non-smooth term in the variational inequality, reducing it to an equivalent equation; see [Citation21–24] for example. This technique introduces another parameter in addition to the Tikhonov regularization parameter, leading to further complexities. Numerically, although the penalization method is widely used for frictional contact problems, a small penalty parameter choice results in an ill-conditioned system matrix, while a large choice makes the model deviate from its physical meaning.

In the present paper, we explore a saddle point formulation for parameter identification in elastic contact problems with Tresca friction (with a given slip bound). The theoretical and numerical study of contact problems has become extensive, with various methods employed for the numerical analysis and simulation of these complex problems [Citation25–31]. In [Citation32–36], the dual formulation technique based on Fenchel duality theory [Citation37,Citation38] is employed for studying frictional contact problems. The concept involves transforming the non-differentiable problem into a differentiable one subject to inequality constraints.

We examine a case involving a system of an inverse problem, where the equilibrium state uX is obtained by solving a distributed minimization problem of an energy functional Jq over the Hilbert space X. This is referred to as the primal problem: (1) minJq(u),over uX,(1) where we suppose that the energy functional is sum of differentiable and non-differentiable functions. The energy functional depends on an unknown parameter q that belongs to a set C of admissible parameters, which is a subset of a reflexive Banach space (or Hilbert space) Y, i.e. qCY. Hence, the identification's problem of qC from a given measurement zB(u), where the observation operator B lies in L(X,Z) and Z is a Hilbert space of observations, can be approximated by penalizing the classical least square formulation for parameter identification problems given by: (2) minqC12B(u)z2,(2) where u=u(q) is the solution of the state problem (Equation1) and is an appropriate norm. Or equivalently, one can write the problem as two levels minimization problem: (3) minqC12B(u)z2,s.t.minuXJq(u),(3) where the abbreviation ‘s.t.’ means ‘subject to’.

Since (Equation1) appears in (Equation3) as constraint, solving (Equation1) in first step when the parameter q is still far from its optimal value may be inefficient. Also, one has to make a choice of initialization q0 and this gives a first approximation of state u(q0) which may be far from the measurement [Citation39]. The idea is to compute the dual problem associated to the primal problem (Equation1) using the Fenchel duality: (4) supJq(u),over uX,(4) where X and X are placed in topological duality and J is the convex conjugate function associated to J. It is well known that the solution to the primal problem (Equation1) and dual problem (Equation4) -if they exist- satisfy the following extremality condition: (5) Jq(u¯)+Jq(u¯)=0,(5) where u¯ is the solution of (Equation1) and u¯ is the solutions of (Equation4) (see [Citation37] for more details). One can take profit from this relation to get a penalization of the least square problem (Equation3) (see [Citation39]). Then, the penalized least square formulation (see [Citation40]) for parameter identification problem is stated as follows: (6) minqCs.t. [Jq(u)+Jq(u)]=0{12B(u)z2+12ϵ|Jq(u)+Jq(u)|2}.(6) Once the existence of a solution and the convergences are obtained, by keeping the extremality duality inequality relation as constraint (since weak duality [Jq(u)+Jq(u)]0 is always satisfied), we get the following constrained minimization problem (7) minqCs. t. [Jq(u)+Jq(u)]0{12B(u)z2+12ϵ|Jq(u)+Jq(u)|2}.(7) We state the augmented Lagrangian functional associated with (Equation7), where the quadratic term 12ϵ|Jq(u)+Jq(u)|2 is added to the Lagrangian function. Then, we reformulate the inverse problem as an equivalent saddle point problem. We utilize an ADMM (Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers) to split the problem into several subproblems. Additionally, we employ Fenchel duality and a primal–dual active set strategy (PDAS) to numerically solve the resulting subproblems.

The remainder of this paper is briefly outlined as follows. In Section 2, we formulate the identification problem. Firstly, we reformulate the frictional contact problem as an equivalent minimization problem and compute the associated regularized dual problem. Secondly, we formulate the regularized penalized problem as the least squares identification of Lamé coefficients. We establish the existence of a solution based on a minimizing sequence and demonstrate the convergence of the regularized penalized least squares problem to the original regularized least squares problem based on Sobolev embeddings. In Section 3, we introduce the Lagrangian and augmented Lagrangian formulations of the inverse problem. We demonstrate the existence of Lagrange multipliers. Finally, we provide an equivalent saddle point. Section 4 is devoted to the numerical realization of the problem. We present the algorithms and illustrate the solutions

2. Penalized identification problem formulation

2.1. Elastic contact problem with friction

We are interested in an elastic body occupying in its initial ( non-deformed) configuration a bounded domain ΩRd, d{2,3}, with a smooth boundary ∂Ω=Γ. We assume that Γ is divided into three disjoint parts, i.e. Γ=ΓDΓNΓC and meas(ΓD)>0. We assume that the body is clamped on ΓD and a surface traction is applied on ΓN. On ΓC the body may come into a frictional contact with a rigid foundation. We assume a linear elasticity, then the strain tensor ε is given by: ϵ(u)=12(∇u+(∇u)),where u is the displacement field.

The constitutive relation is: σ=Aϵ(u)in Ω,where A=(aijkl)L(Ω) is the (fourth-order) symmetric and coercive elasticity tensor. Let ν be the unit outward normal to Ω on Γ. The displacement field and the stress tensor can be decomposed in normal and tangential components as follows: uν=uν,uτ=uuνν,σν=(σν)νandστ=σνσνν.The mechanical equilibrium equation is given by: (8) div(σ)=fin Ω,(8) (9) σν=fson ΓN,(9) (10) u=0on ΓD,(10) where fL2(Ω) and fsL2(ΓN).

Let gL(ΓC) be the gap between Ω and the rigid foundation. The unilateral contact conditions are then: (11) uνg0, σν0and (uνg)σν=0 on ΓC.(11) The Coulomb friction is given by: (12) {στ∥≤Fσν(u)on ΓC,στ∥<Fσν(u)∥⟹uτ=0on ΓC,στ∥=Fσν(u)∥⟹∃δ0such that uτ=δστ on ΓC.(12) The Tresca friction is given by: (13) {στ∥≤FSon ΓC,στ∥<FSuτ=0on ΓC,στ∥=FS∃δ0such that uτ=δστ on ΓC,(13) where F is the friction coefficient.

There are a major mathematical difficulties inherent in the problem (Equation8)–(Equation12). For instance, in general, σν in (Equation13) is neither pointwise nor almost everywhere defined. Replacing the Coulomb friction in the above model by Tresca friction means replacing σν(u) by a given friction SL2(ΓC). The resulting system can be then analysed and the existence of a unique solution can be proved. For a review, we refer the reader to [Citation26,Citation41], for example. In the remainder of this work, we will consider the Tresca friction (Equation13) since the problem with (Equation12) can be obtained by a sequence of problems with the Tresca friction (Equation13) (see [Citation41] for example).

In the following, we introduce the notations and recall some necessary definitions that we will need later. We denote by W1,p(Ω) the usual Sobolev space and H=L2(Ω)d,H1=H1(Ω)d,H={τ=(σij)σij=σjiL2(Ω)}andH1={σHdivσH},are real Hilbert spaces endowed with the inner products: (u,v)H=Ωuividx,(σ,θ)H=Ωσijθijdx,σθ=σijθij,under summation convention, and (u,v)H1=(u,v)H+(ϵ(u),ϵ(v))H,(σ,θ)H1=(σ,θ)H+(divσ,divθ)H.The associated norms are H, H1, , H and H1, respectively. And we recall the following Rellich Kondrachov compactness theorem [Citation42]:

Theorem 2.1

Assume that Ω is a bounded open subset of Rd, and ∂Ω is C1. Suppose 1p<d, then: (14) W1,p(Ω)⊂⊂Lq(Ω)i.e. compact imbedding,(14) for each 1q<pddp. In particular, when p = d, we have (15) W1,p(Ω)⊂⊂Lp(Ω)i.e. compact imbedding,(15) for 1p+.

Keeping in mind the boundary conditions (Equation11)–(Equation13), we introduce the closed subspace V of H1 and K the set of admissible displacements defined respectively by: V={vH1|v=0onΓD},andK={vVvνg0onΓC}.Define the following set: Ks={σH1such that:{div(σ)=fin Ω,σν=fson ΓN,σν0on ΓC,|στ|FSon ΓC.}The Hilbert space V is endowed with the inner product given by: (16) (u,v)V=(u,v)H1,vV=(v,v)V12.(16) By Korn's inequality, there exists a constant c0 such that: (17) ϵ(v)Hc0vH1.(17) Note that by the Korn's inequality, the norm H1 and the usual norm of H1 are equivalent (see [Citation28] for example).

We use the Riesz's representation theorem to consider the element fV by: (18) f,vV×V=Ωfvdx+ΓNfsvdΓ, vV,(18) We define the mapping j:VR by: (19) j(v)=ΓCFS|vτ|dΓ, vV.(19) With the above notations, we obtain the following variational formulation of the problem (P):

Problem (PV ). Find a displacement field uK such that: (20) (Aϵ(u),ϵ(v)ϵ(u))H+j(v)j(u)f,vuV×V, vK.(20) The existence of the solution of the problem (PV ) is widely studied [Citation25–31] and the uniqueness depends on the smallness of the friction's coefficient FL2(ΓC), where F0a.e. on ΓC (see [Citation41]).

Now, we are able to give an equivalent minimization problem. To do this, let us introduce the following notations: (21) Fq(u)=12(Au,u)H,(21) (22) Jq(u)=f,uV×V,(22) (23) jq(u)=j(u).(23) And the linear maps A and B are defined respectively by: Au=ϵ(u),Bu=uτ.Hence, the problem (Equation20) is equivalent to the following minimization problem, known as primal problem:

Primal Problem: (24) FinduKsuch that: Jq(u)Jq(v), vK,(24) where Jq(u)=Fq(Au)Jq(u)+jq(Bu). Since the symmetric and bilinear form (A,)H is coercive, Jq() is linear and continuous and jq() is strictly convex and lower semicontinuous, the minimization problem (Equation24) admits a unique solution (see [Citation37]).

Now, we give the dual problem associated to (Equation24) taking into account the separability of cost function into sum of three proper, convex and lower semi continuous functions. For the convex conjugate Jq of Jq, one derives that Jq(A+Bk) equals + unless (25) div()=f,ν=fs on ΓNandτ+k=0 in L2(ΓC).(25) Note that in that in (Equation25), the regularity L2(ΓC) for τ+k=0 is the best that we can suppose to allow the convergence (see [Citation43,Citation44]).

Further, one obtains (26) Jq(A+Bk)={ν,gΓC,if (25) and ν0 in H12(ΓC) hold,,otherwise,(26) and (27) Fq()=12(A1,)H.(27) Since SL2(ΓC), we have: (28) jq(k)={0,if |k|FS,,otherwise.(28) Then, the dual problem is defined as follows: (29) sup(,k)Ks×L2(ΓC)τ+k=0 in L2(ΓC)Jq(,k):=12(A1,)Hν,gΓC.(29) Evaluating the extremality conditions for the above problems, we obtain the following lemma [Citation36,Citation45]:

Lemma 2.2

The solution u¯K of the primal problem (Equation24) and the solution (¯,k¯)Ks are related by δu¯=¯ and the existence of ΛH12(ΓC) such that: (30) (Au¯,v)HJq(v)+k¯,vτΓC+Λ,vνΓC=0,For all vK,(30) (31) Λ,vνΓC0,For all vK,(31) (32) Λ,u¯νgΓC=0,(32) (33) δu¯τmax(0,δu¯τ+k¯FS)min(0,δu¯τ+k¯+FS)=0,(33) for an arbitrary δ>0.

Following [Citation36,Citation45], we introduce regularized version of the contact problem with Tresca friction, which enable us to apply the semismooth Newton method. To this end, let γ>0 be a regularization parameter, ΛˆL2(ΓC), Λˆ0 and kˆL2(ΓC). Let us define the functional Dγ:L2(ΓC)×L2(ΓC)R by: (34) Dγ(,k)=12(Au,k,u,k)+,gΓC+12γΛˆΓC2+12γkkˆΓC2,(34) where u,kV satisfies: (35) (Au,k,v)Jq(v)+,vνΓC+k,vτΓC=0.(35) Then, the regularized dual problem with Tresca friction is defined as: (36) {inf(,k)H12(ΓC)×L2(ΓC)0 in H12(ΓC)|k|FSDγ(,k)where u,k satisfies: (Au,k,v)Jq(v)+,vνΓC+k,vτΓC=0.(36) It can be proved (see [Citation36,Citation45]) that the extrimality conditions relating the primal and the regularized dual problem are, for γ>0: (37) (Au,v)Jq(v)+,vνΓC+k,vτΓC=0,(37) (38) max(0,Λˆ+γ(uνg))=0,on ΓC,(38) (39) {γ(ξuτ)+kkˆ=0,ξmax(0,ξ+θ(kFS))min(0,ξ+θ(k+FS)=0.(39) for any θ>0. Here, ξ is the Lagrange multiplier associated to the constraint |k|FS.

2.2. Primal–dual parameter estimation problem

We are interested in a simple situation of an isotropic elasticity where the elasticity tensor A depends only on two independent moduli. For instance, A can be expressed in terms of the Lamé coefficients (λ,μ) by: (40) Aijkl=λδijδkl+μ(δikδjl+δjkδil).(40) Other commonly used elastic parameters are the Young modulus E and the Poisson ratio ν, which are related to the Lamé constants by: (41) E=μ(3λ+2μ)λ+μ,ν=λ2(λ+μ).(41) The following inequality, which holds pointwise in Ω for d = 2, is easy to establish: (42) 2μϵ(v)ϵ(v)+λtr(ϵ(v))2min{2μ+2λ,2μ}ϵ(v)ϵ(v).(42) From (Equation17) and (Equation42), one can obtain: (43) Ω2μϵ(v)ϵ(v)+λtr(ϵ(v))2κvH12.(43) where κ=c02min{2μ+2λ,2μ}. For given positive constants λ0 and μ0 satisfying λ0>μ0>0, we define the following subset of W1,1(Ω)×W1,1(Ω) of elements of the form q=(λ,μ): C:={qW1,1(Ω)×W1,1(Ω)/min{2μ+2λ,2μ}μ0, max{μ,λ}λ0 in Ω}.Henceforth, we will assume that a (possibly noisy) measurement z of u(q) is available, where u(q) and q=(λ,μ)C together satisfy (Equation24). The purpose of this paper is to propose and analyse a method for estimating q from z. For this reason, a least squares formulation associated to the estimation of the Lamé parameters q=(λ,μ) is considered: (44) minqCQ(u,q):=12Ω2μ|ϵ(u(q)z)|2+λ|div(u(q)z)|2,(44) where u(q) is the unique solution of (Equation24) corresponding to q.

In principle, it is reasonable to estimate q by minimization problem (Equation44) over C. However, since the inverse problem under consideration is ill-posed, it is necessary to regularize the cost function.

Therefore, we consider the following minimization regularized problem to estimate q from z. Find qC by solving: (45) minqCR(u,q):=Q(u,q)+ρ2R(q),(45) where R is a Tikhonov regularization and ρ>0 is the Tikhonov's regularization parameter.

Now, we are in position to state the primal–dual formulation for least squares parameter estimation problem: (46) minqCuK(,k)Ks×L2(ΓC),τ+k=0 in L2(ΓC).{R(u,q)+12ϵ|Jq(u)+Jq(,k)|2}.(46)

2.3. Convergence results

The first result in this section confirms the existence of at least one solution to the primal–dual problem (Equation46).

Proposition 2.1

For every ϵ>0, there exists a solution (qϵ,uϵ,ϵ,kϵ)C×K×Ks×L2(ΓC) to (Equation46).


Let {Sn:=(un,qn,n,kn)}n be a minimizing sequence such that for each nN the constraints in (Equation46) are fulfilled, that is: (47) {qnC,i.e.min{2μn+2λn,2μn}μ0,max{μn,λn}λ0 in Ω,unK,i.e.unV and ug,{(n,kn)Ks×L2(ΓC),+kn=0in L2(ΓC),i.e.{div(n)=fin Ω,nν=fson ΓN,0on ΓC,|kn|FSon ΓC,(47) and (48) αR(un,qn)+12ϵ|Jqn(un)+Jqn(n,kn)|2α+1n,(48) here α denotes the infimum of the cost function in (Equation46). Since R(un,qn) is not negative and [Jqn(un)+Jqn(n,kn)] is coercive and from (Equation48), the sequence Sn is bounded. Hence, there exists a subsequence of Sn, which is denoted by the same notation Sn, and Sϵ:=(uϵ,qϵ,ϵ,kϵ) such that (49) SnSϵweakly in V×C×H1×H12(ΓC).(49) In particular, since +kn=0 in L2(ΓC), we get (50) (un,n,kn)(uϵ,ϵ,kϵ)strongly in H×H×L2(ΓC).(50) Moreover (51) {div(ϵ)=fin Ω,ϵν=fson ΓN,ϵν0on ΓC,|kϵ|FSon ΓC,(51) also, it follows that (52) ϵ(un)ϵ(uϵ)weakly in L2,(52) and then (53) Anϵ(un)Aϵϵ(uϵ)weakly in L2.(53) In the other hand, we have: (54) An1nAϵ1ϵweakly in L2.(54) Let us prove the following continuity result: (55) un(qn)uϵ(qϵ)strongly in V.(55) Since un(qn) and uϵ(qϵ) both satisfy the variational formulation (Equation20) for qn and qϵ, respectively, i.e. (56) (Anϵ(un(qn)),ϵ(v)ϵ(un(qn)))H+j(v)j(un(qn))f,vun(qn)V×V,(56) and (57) (Aϵϵ(uϵ(qϵ)),ϵ(v)ϵ(uϵ(qϵ)))H+j(v)j(uϵ(qϵ))f,vuϵ(qϵ)V×V.(57) Taking v=uϵ(qϵ) in (Equation56) and v=un(qn) in (Equation57), by adding the resulting inequality, we obtain: (58) (Anϵ(un(qn)),ϵ(un(qn))ϵ(un(qn)))H(Aϵϵ(uϵ(qϵ)),ϵ(un(qn))ϵ(uϵ(qϵ)))H0.(58) Let us set for the sake of simplicity: An+Aϵ=(Anϵ(un(qn))Anϵ(uϵ(qϵ)),ϵ(un(qn))ϵ(uϵ(qϵ)))+(Aϵϵ(un(qn))Aϵϵ(uϵ(qϵ)),ϵ(un(qn))ϵ(uϵ(qϵ))),this leads to (59) An+Aϵ(Aϵϵ(un(qn)),ϵ(un(qn))ϵ(uϵ(qϵ)))(Anϵ(uϵ(qϵ)),ϵ(un(qn))ϵ(uϵ(qϵ))),(59) which is equivalent to (60) An+AϵΩμϵϵ(un){ϵ(un)ϵ(uϵ)}+λϵdiv(un){div(un)div(uϵ)}Ωμnϵ(uϵ){ϵ(un)ϵ(uϵ)}+λndiv(uϵ){div(un)div(uϵ)}.(60) Now, taking v = 0 in (Equation20) we deduce the existence of positive constant C, C will be generating constant in the remainder of the paper, such that (61) ϵ(u)L22CuL2,(61) and since A and u are bounded, there exists a constant C such that (62) ϵ(u)L2C.(62) Also, we have (63) div(u)L2Cϵ(u)L2.(63) From the coercivity of A and from (Equation60), there exists a positive constant C such that (64) un(qn)uϵ(qϵ)VC{Ω|λnλϵ|+Ω|μnμϵ|}.(64) Since qn converges weakly in W1,1 which is compactly embedded in L1(Ω), then qn converges strongly in L1(Ω) and the right side in (Equation64) tends to zero.

From (Equation52), (Equation53) and (Equation64) we conclude the existence of a solution to (Equation46).

In this subsection, we turn to the convergence of the sequence (qϵ,uϵ,ϵ,kϵ) to a solution of (Equation45).

Proposition 2.2

For every ϵ>0, let (uϵ,qϵ,ϵ,kϵ) denote a solution to (Equation46). Then {(uϵ,qϵ,ϵ,kϵ)} contains a weakly convergent subsequence as ϵ0+ and every weak cluster point (u¯,q¯,¯,k¯) is a solution to (Equation45).


Let (u,q,,k) be such that (,k) satisfies the constraints in (Equation46). Then, [Jq(u)+Jq(,k)]=0 and for every ϵ>0 we have: (65) R(uϵ,qϵ)+12ϵ|Jqϵ(uϵ)+Jqϵ(ϵ,kϵ)|2R(u,q).(65) Since |Jq(uϵ)+Jq(ϵ,kϵ)|20 and R(uϵ,qϵ)0, then, (66) 0|Jqϵ(uϵ)+Jqϵ(ϵ,kϵ)|22ϵR(u,q).(66) and hence (uϵ,qϵ,ϵ,kϵ) is bounded in V×C×H1×H12(ΓC). It follows that there exists a subsequence of (uϵ,qϵ,ϵ,kϵ), denoted by (uϵ,qϵ,ϵ,kϵ), weakly convergent in V×C×H1×H12(ΓC) to (u¯,q¯,¯,k¯)V×C×H1×H12(ΓC).

As in the proof of Proposition 2.1, taking the limit as ϵ0 in (Equation66) we obtain: (67) 0|Jq(u¯)+Jq(¯,k¯)|20,(67) and then, we get (68) [Jq(u¯)+Jq(¯,k¯)]=0,(68) which implies that (u¯,q¯,¯,k¯) satisfies all constraints in the problem (Equation46). Furthermore, by (Equation65) we have (69) R(u¯,q¯)R(u,q),(69) for all (u,q) such that there exists (,k)C with (u,q,,k) is admissible for (Equation46). It follows that (u¯,q¯,¯,k¯) is a solution to (Equation45).

3. Augmented Lagrangian formulation

In this section, we provide a new inverse problem formulation. Since the relation formulation between the primal and dual problems is given by: (70) [Jq(u¯)+Jq(¯,k¯)]=0,(70) where u¯ is the solution of the primal problem and (¯,k¯) is the solution of the dual problem.

Hence, to provide the Lagrangian formulation of the inverse problem, we retain the above equation as a constraint in (Equation46). Thus, we consider the following constrained problem: (71) minqCuK(,k)Ks×L2(ΓC),τ+k=0 in L2(ΓC),[Jq(u)+Jq(,k)]=0.{R(u,q)+12ϵ|Jq(u)+Jq(,k)|2}.(71) By the weak duality, one have: [Jq(u)+Jq(,k)]0,then, we can replace the equality constraint by the remaining inequality, thus: (72) minqC,uK,[Jq(u)+Jq(,k)]0.R(u,q)+𝟙C(,k).(72) The Lagrangian formulation of (Equation72) is as follows: (73) L(q,u,,k;a)=R(u,q)+a,Jq(u)+Jq(,k)+𝟙C(,k)𝟙R(a),(73) where a is the Lagrange multiplier, 𝟙S(ϕ)={0,ϕS,+,otherwise.and C={(,k)Ks×L2(ΓC)/τ+k=0 in L2(ΓC)}.In the next, we give a result providing the existence of Lagrange multiplier a.

Theorem 3.1

(q¯,u¯)C×K is a solution of (Equation45) if and only if there exists a¯R such that (q¯,u¯,¯,k¯;a¯)C×K×C×R is a saddle point of the augmented Lagrangian L, i.e. (74) L(q¯,u¯,¯,k¯;a)L(q¯,u¯,¯,k¯;a¯)L(q,u,,k;a¯), (q,u,,k;a).(74)


Let C=R be a closed convex cone in R defining the natural partial ordering relation , the dual cone C={yR:y,x0 for all xC} and C:=C=R+ its polar cone. The following properties are straightforward:

  1. The map (u,,k)Jq(u)+Jq(,k) is convex with respect to .

  2. For each aR such that a0, the mapping (u,,k)a,Jq(u)+Jq(,k) is lower semi-continuous.

  3. The set {(u,,k)/Jq(u)+Jq(,k)0} is not empty since Jq(u¯)+Jq(¯,k¯)=0.

  4. The constraint qualification hypothesis (Slater condition): (u0,0,k0)such that Jq(u0)Jq(0,k0)<0,i.e.Jq(u0)Jq(0,k0)intCis straightforward since the space H can be identified to its topological dual space and we have the Gelfand triple VHV. Then, the weak extremality condition can be strict for an appropriate choice of u0 and (0,k0) which allows the Slater condition.

Then, the primal problem (Equation45) stable. Now, following [Citation37], we will consider the problem (Equation45) as a primal problem and we are looking to define its dual problem using a family of perturbed problems, where the perturbed costs are defined by: Φ(u,a)={R(u,q),if (u,q)K×C and Jq(u)+Jq(,k)a,+,otherwise.The dual problem is hence defined by: Φ(0,a)=𝟙C(a)+inf(u,q)K×C{a,Jq(u)+Jq(,k)+R(u,q)},which is equivalent to (75) supa0inf(u,q)K×C{a,Jq(u)+Jq(,k)+R(u,q)}.(75) Since R(u,q)+ as (q,u,,k)+ with 1)-4), then the primal problem and dual problem have at least one solution (u¯,¯,k¯) and a¯, respectively, which satisfy the strong duality. And we have the extrimality condition: (76) a¯,Jq(u¯)+Jq(¯,k¯)=0.(76) The proof is achieved with application of [Citation37, Theorem 5.1].

We are interested in the augmented Lagrangian formulation of the inverse problem. Utilizing the dualization and penalization technique, we define the Lagrangian functional for the following penalized constrained problem: (77) minqCuK(,k)Ks×L2(ΓC)τ+k=0 in L2(ΓC)[Jq(u)+Jq(,k)]0{R(u,q)+12ϵ|Jq(u)+Jq(,k)|2}.(77) Then the augmented Lagrangian formulation of (Equation77) is as follows: (78) Lϵ(q,u,,k;a)=R(u,q)+a,Jq(u)+Jq(,k)+12ϵ|Jq(u)+Jq(,k)|2+𝟙C(,k)𝟙R(a),(78) where a is the Lagrange multiplier.

Finally, the constrained minimization problem (Equation77) is equivalent to the following saddle point problem: (79) Lϵ(q¯,u¯,¯,k¯,a)Lϵ(q¯,u¯,¯,k¯,a¯)Lϵ(q,u,,k,a¯), (q,u,,k;a).(79) And it is well known that (q¯,u¯,¯,k¯,a¯) is saddle point for L if and only if it is a saddle point for Lϵ.

4. Algorithms and numerical examples

This section is devoted to the numerical treatment and realization of Lamé coefficients identification. The saddle point problem is obtained, we proceed by an ADMM to split the problem and we apply different numerical methods as intern solvers.

4.1. Algorithms

We develop a splitting algorithm for the numerical solution to the problem defined by (Equation46). The splitting algorithm is an ADMM based on an augmented Lagrangian formulation for inequality constraints [Citation46].

The ADMM in Gauss Seidel fashion is stated as follows:

Starting with initial guess (,0,k,0;a,0), for n0 compute: (80) (q¯n,u¯n)Argmin(q,u)Lϵ(q,u,,n1,k,n1;a,n1),(80) (81) (¯,n,k¯,n)Argmin(,k)Lϵ(q¯n,u¯n,,k;a,n1).(81) Update the Lagrange multiplier as follows: (82) a,n=a,n1+1ϵmax{0,Jq¯n(u¯n)+Jq¯n(¯,n,k¯,n)}2.(82) The subproblem (Equation80) is equivalent to a non-smooth minimization problem, with respect to (q,u) over C×K, whose cost function is the following map: (q,u)R(u,q)+a,Jq(u)+Fq()+1ϵ{Jq(u)+Fq()},after neglecting the constant terms.

The non-smoothness of this minimization problem come originally from the terms associated to the friction in the cost function of the state unknown. Furthermore, we need to deal with the contact condition, i.e. the constraint in the admissible subset K. To overcome all of the cited complexities, we iterate the use of the ADMM for splitting the contact and friction.

To do this, let us introduce three auxiliary unknowns to decouple the linear elasticity from contact and friction in (Equation80). Firstly, let us introduce the following subset Pc={ωcL2(ΓC)/ωcg in ΓC}.The problem (Equation80) becomes: (83) minqC,uV,uτωf=0,uνωc=0.{Q(u,q)+ρ2q2+a,Fq(Au)Jq(u)+jq(ωf)+𝟙P(ωc)+Fq()+1ϵ[Fq(Au)Jq(u)+jq(ωf)+𝟙P(ωc)+Fq()]}.(83) By setting f(u,q)=Q(u,q)+ρ2q2+a,Fq(Au)Jq(u)+Fq()+1ϵ[Fq(Au)Jq(u)+Fq()].Then, the Lagrangian functional associated to the constrained minimization problem (Equation83) is then, for U:=(u,q,ωf,ωc;ϑf,ϑc), Lr(U)=f(u,q)+(a+1ϵ)[jq(ωf)+𝟙P(ωc)]+ϑf,uτωfΓC+ϑc,uνωcΓC+r2uτωfΓC2+r2uνωcΓC2.The ADMM that is employed, is stated as follows:

Starting with an initial guess (w0,ωf0,ωc0;ϑf0,ϑc0,ς0);

Compute in Gauss-Seidel fashion the following sub-problems: (84) (ui+1,qi+1)Argmin(u,q)Lr(u,q,ωfi,ωci;ϑfi,ϑci),(84) (85) ωfi+1argminωfLr(ui+1,qi+1,ωf,ωci;ϑfi,ϑci),(85) (86) ωci+1argminωcLr(ui+1,qi+1,ωfi+1,ωc;ϑfi,ϑci);(86) Update the Lagrange multipliers: (87) ϑfi+1=ϑfi+r(uτi+1ωfi+1),(87) (88) ϑci+1=ϑci+r(uνi+1ωci+1).(88) The sub-problem (Equation84) is equivalent to minimization problem: (89) inf(u,q)P(u,q),over C×V,(89) where the cost function, after neglecting the constant terms, is as follows: P(u,q)=f(u,q)+uτ,ϑfirωfiΓC+uν,ϑcirωciΓC+r2uτΓC2+r2uνΓC2,which is Gâteaux differentiable.

The sub-problem (Equation85) is equivalent to the minimization problem (90) infωf{(a+1ϵ)jq(ωf)ϑfi+ruτi,ωfΓC+r2ωfΓC2}.(90) In order to get the solution of this problem, one can use the Fenchel duality. Following [Citation37], the solution can be explicitly computed, and it is given by: (91) Θi=|ϑfi+ruτi+1|,ωfi+1={ΘiSrΘi(ϑfi+ruτi+1)if Θi>(a+1ϵ)S,0if Θi(a+1ϵ)S.(91) And the sub-problem (Equation86) is equivalent to the following minimization problem: (92) infωc{(a+1ϵ)𝟙P(ωc)ϑci+ruνi,ωcΓC+r2ωcΓC2}.(92) The solution to the above minimization problem can be explicitly computed by employing KKT condition, and it is given as follows: (93) ωci+1=uνi+1+1r[ϑνi(ϑνi+r(uνi+1g))+],(93) where x+=max(0,x). Therefore, the auxiliary unknowns ωci+1 and ωfi+1 are computed with a negligible cost.

Now, we turn to the sub-problem (Equation81). This problem is equivalent to a minimization problem for which the cost function, after neglecting the constant terms, is given by (94) inf(,k){a,Dγ(,k)+1ϵDγ(,k)}.(94) In practice, the minimization problem (Equation94) corresponds exactly to the dual problem (Equation29) multiplied by a+1ϵ. This problem involves an inequality-constrained minimization of a quadratic functional, whereas the primal problem deals with a non-differentiable functional. Therefore, solving (Equation94) is equivalent to solving (Equation37)–(Equation39). We can utilize a Primal–Dual Active Set Strategy algorithm (PDAS) for this purpose (see [Citation35,Citation36,Citation45]).

Since ΓC=Ici+1Sci+1 and ΓC=Ifi+1(Sf,+i+1Sf,i+1). Then, the variational equation in PDAS algorithm is equivalent to the following equation: (Au,i+1,v)Jq(v)+i+1,vνIci+1Sci+1+ki+1,vτIfi+1(Sf,+i+1Sf,i+1)=0,which is clearly equivalent to: (Au,i+1,v)+(Λˆ+γ(uν,i+1g))χSci+1,vνΓC+(kˆ+γuτ,i+1)χIfi+1,vτΓC=Jq(v)+FSχSf,i+1,vτΓCFSχSf,+i+1,vτΓC,where χY(x)=1 if xY and χY(x)=0 otherwise.

In the Algorithm 2, we presume the solutions of the subproblems (Equation80)–(Equation82).

4.2. Finite element discretization

The aim of this section is to present a computer implementation of the proposed theoretical approach and numerical scheme through representative numerical example. For the sake of simplicity, we treat a two-dimensional simple example i.e. we suppose that ΩR2 is polygonal domain. Let Vh be the space of continuous and piecewise affine functions, i.e. Vh={vhC(Ω¯)d, TTh,v/ThP1(T)d,vh=0on Γ1}where Th is a family of polygons forming Ω (mostly triangles) and P1(T) is the space of polynomials of global degree is less or equal to one in T (see [Citation47]). Vectorized Matlab codes for linear two-dimensional elasticity [Citation48] are used to the assembly of the matrices associated to the operators in the algorithms.

Let {ξi}i be the system of piecewise global basis functions of Vh. For uh=(u1h,u2h), we have: (96) ukh(x)=iξi(x)ukh,k=1,2.(96) We employ Voigt's representation of the linear strain tensor as in [Citation48,Citation49], on one hand we have: (97) γ(u)=[u1xu2yu1y+u2x]=[ϵ11ϵ222ϵ12],(97) and then, the elastic constitutive equation is given by: (98) [σ11σ222σ12]=Aγ(u),(98) where A=[λ+2μλ0λλ+2μ000μ]=λ[110110000]+μ[200020001]:=λA1+μA2.Then, we can write (Aϵ(u),ϵ(v))H=(λA1γ(u),γ(v))H+(μA2γ(u),γ(v))H.On the other hand, let uh=[u1,,u6] be the transpose of the vector of nodal values of uh on a triangle TTh. We have: (99) γ(uh)=12|AT|[ξ1,x0ξ2,x0ξ3,x00ξ1,y0ξ2,y0ξ3,yξ1,yξ1,xξ2,yξ2,xξ3,yξ3,x][u1u6](99) where ξi, denotes the derivative with respect to ‘·’ and |AT| is the area of the triangle T. Then, we can get the matrix associated to strain deformation defined by: (100) S:=12|AT|[ξ1,x0ξ2,x0ξ3,x00ξ1,y0ξ2,y0ξ3,yξ1,yξ1,xξ2,yξ2,xξ3,yξ3,x].(100) Then, one may write, for uhVh and λh,μhΛh, (Aϵ(uh),ϵ(vh))H=vhS[λhA1+μhA2]Suh=[vhSA1SuhvhSA2Suh][λhμh],and (ϵ(uh),ϵ(vh))H=vhSSuh.

4.3. Example

As example, we consider the problem in linear elasticity (under the hypothesis of small deformations). The domain Ω=(0,2)×(0.1)R2 is discretized using Matlab mesh generator developed in [Citation50]. In Figure , we visualize the domain.

Figure 1. The initial configuration.

Figure 1. The initial configuration.

To compute the observation, we use the following material constants:

  • The observed Lamé coefficients are: λ=73.970GPa, μo=20.863GPa;

  • The body is clamped from ΓD={0}×[0,1]

  • The load force is 2y (units of force per unit area) is applied on part ΓN=[0,2]×{1} of the boundary;

  • The gap between the foundation and the contact zone ΓC=[0,2]×{0} is g = 0.01 (unit area).

  • All parameters in the above algorithms are chosen like: θ=100, γ=591.60, ρ=102, ϵ=10 and r = 1.16.

In Figure , we illustrate the observed state u, which is computed using ADMM method [Citation32,Citation33] since there is no analytical solution to the considered problem. The colour map shows the von Mises distribution in the domain (von Mises constraint is employed with principal plane stress for which σ3=0, σ12=0, σ31=0 and σ23=0, then the von Mises criterion is given by σ12+σ22σ1σ2, where σ1, i=1,2, are the eigenvalues of σ(u)). In Figure , the computed state computed with the PDAS Algorithm 1. In the same figure, we show both deformation and von Mises distribution (colour map) in the domain. In Table , we report different errors (L2 and H1-errors for the error between u and z) between the observations the computed solutions. We note that when the mesh size vanishes, the error between the observed parameter and the computed one becomes bigger, this means that when the mesh size vanishes, the method may diverge. In Table , we report the errors with respect to different noises. We note that two different methods are used to compute the observation z and the estimation u. In the other hand the error between u and z showed in Table  is of scale 106, but taking into account the fact that we have assumed small deformations (see the colour bar on the right of the figures), the L2-error is of scale 103 and the H1-error is of scale 101.

Figure 2. The observed state and its von Mises distribution.

Figure 2. The observed state and its von Mises distribution.

Figure 3. The estimated state and its von Mises distribution.

Figure 3. The estimated state and its von Mises distribution.

Table 1. The errors between the observations and the estimations.

Table 2. The errors between the observations with noise and the estimations.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, we have investigated a primal dual formulation of parameter identification in elastic contact problem with given friction. This approach allows us to reformulate the constrained problem as saddle point problem which will be more useful for the numerical realization of this problem. We have provided a saddle point formulation for the considered inverse problem, the second step was the numerical realization of this problem. This work may be considered as a framework for inverse problems in linear elasticity. Further coming works will be concerned in the employment of this approach for identification of other parameters in frictional contact problem. Considering a regularity weaker than W1,1 in admissible set C will be an important perspective as well as an inverse problem subject to hemi-variational inequalities. Identifying Lamé coefficients for contact problem with elastic-locking or hyperelastic and elastoplastic materials will be an important issue in future works. Nevertheless, there are some important issues to address in order to overcome the limitations of the proposed study:

  • An active set strategy method have been used to solve the dual problem. Compared to others methods, it is well known that this method is very slow since the active and inactive sets are updated during the iterations.

  • Research alternative function spaces that offer weaker regularity conditions while still providing sufficient structure for solving the problem at hand. For example, Sobolev spaces of lower regularity such as W1,p with p<1, or spaces with less restrictive continuity requirements such as BV (space of functions of bounded variation).

Financial interests

Authors declare they have no financial interests.


The authors of this paper express their heartfelt gratitude to the Editorial Office, Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, and anonymous reviewers for their valuable and constructive comments and remarks. Their insightful feedback greatly contributed to enhancing the quality and clarity of this work.

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Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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No funding was received for conducting this study.


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