CrossRef citations to date

A-4 rocket (generally known as the V-2) 290

Agnew, John 1-30

Achievement, evidence of past 259

Aircraft Design, German 286

Aircraft engines 287–292

Aircraft types 285–293

Airbags 32, 40

Airfield Radio Laboratory (ARL) 38, 51

Airy, Sir George Biddell 145, 146

Al Jazari, Ibn al Razzaz 88

Alamagordo 34

Albert, Prince 3

Alberti, Leon Battista 60, 61, 302

Albion Mill 97

Aldermaston 32, 34, 51

Alekseevna, Anna 154, 155

Alexander Gibb & Partners 183

Alexander the Great 61

Allen, John S 182

Allied Ironfounders Ltd 180

Alps 81

Altitude record for aircraft 291

Alvarez, Luis 43

Annals of Philosophy 169

Annual Register 98

Apollonius 88

Appleton, Edward 253

Aristotle 66

Arkwright, Richard 96, 97, 99, 106

Arrol, Sir William & Co Ltd 239

Asano Paper Mill 127, 133

Ashley Place, Westminster 254

Asia, south-west 81, 82

Astronomer-Royal 145

Athens Charter of 1932 262

Atomic bomb 31–59

Atomic Weapons Research Establishment (AWRE) 40, 43, 44

Aubry, Nicolas 195

Aylen. Jonathan 31–59

Bagwell, R. 186

Baines, Edward, MP 3

Ballistics 36, 37

Ballooning 95, 101

Ballykilleen 77, 81

Bamber Bridge, near Preston 109

Banagher 72

Bangor 47

Banks 161, 307

Banks, David 250–258

Banu Musa 88

Baratol 47

Barcelo, Miguel 89

Barclay, James 189, 190

Bargh, John 273

Barker, Peter 51

Barnsley 32, 276

Baskerville, John 168

Battersea enamel works 108

Beall, Captain George 151

Beam engine 266, 268, 273

Beatson, Cedric 250

Beddoes, Dr Thomas 101

Bedlam Furnace 175, 176

Belavenetz, Captain Ivan Petrovich 146, 151

Bell, Thomas 108

Bembridge tower wind-mill 268–270

Benthall 171, 173, 188

Bentley, Thomas 105

Berlin Technical University 152

Berthollet 100, 110

Bessemer converter 96

Bikini Atoll 33

Birmingham 98, 264

Bishop’s Ferry 234, 235

Bishopwearmouth 206, 208, 225, 239, 240

Blackburn Aircraft 39

Blakeway, Edward 170

Bleaching textiles 95, 100

Bleaching using chlorine 304

Blue Danube 31–59

Boilers, Lancashire 268

Bologna 65

Bomb testing 32

Borrowers of Brilliance 95, 96, 98, 101, 110

Bossut, Abbé Charles 196

Boucheron, Basile 102

Boulton & Watt 95, 98, 101, 102, 171, 172, 195, 196, 204, 266

Boulton, Matthew 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 303

Bowdler, Thomas 206, 209, 210, 215–7, 220, 231

Brandling, Charles 199, 218

Brandling, John 231

Brayley, E.W. 214

Brazil 304, 305

Brewing 99, 100

Brewis/Bruce, Frances 206

Bridge abutment damage 193, 236, 238

Bridge Abutments, Sunderland 209, 210, 221

Bridge approaches, Sunderland 193

Bridge at Blackfriars 201, 202, 240

Bridge at Buildwas 178, 185

Bridge at Cleveland 272

Bridge at Clifton 212, 226

Bridge at Coalbrookdale 193, 194, 240

Bridge at Dover, to Calais 201

Bridge at Dublin over Liffey 226

Bridge at Newcastle over Tyne 226

Bridge at Newport (Monmouth) 201

Bridge at Newport Pagnell 227, 231

Bridge at Schaffhaussen 241

Bridge at Schuylkill 195, 196

Bridge at Southwark 205

Bridge at Staines 227, 231

Bridge at Stanford in Worcester 202, 214, 216

Bridge at Sunderland 194, 195

Bridge at Yarm 227, 231

Bridge at York over Ouse 226

Bridge building in France 194

Bridge Centering 199, 211, 212

bridge collapse 216, 231

Bridge Commisioners, Sunderland 206, 208, 210, 217, 218, 223, 226, 228, 229, 234, 237

Bridge deck beams and plates, Sunderland 194, 197, 237

Bridge Lottery, Sunderland 231

Bridge over Menai straits 226, 232

Bridge painting, Sunderland 236

Bridge reconstruction, Sunderland 237, 238

Bridge spandrels, Sunderland 193

Bridge strikes by passing ships, Sunderland 236

Bridge, cast iron 169

Bridge, London 169

Bridgens, R.P. 115

Bridges, iron 193–249

Bridges, masonry 202, 203, 207, 223

Bringewood Forge Bridge 172, 173

Bristol 212, 298

British Insulated Callenders Cables 46

British Standards Institute 263

Brooklyn Bridge 162

Broseley 169, 170, 171

Brunel, MI 230

Brunton, Richard Henry 115

Buchanan, Alexandrina 165

Building News 5, 15

Bull; American arch erector 205

Burdett, Peter Perez 109

Burdon, John 232

Burdon, Richard 253

Burdon, Rowland 197, 199–210, 213, 214, 216–220, 222–9, 231, 232, 235, 237, 240, 241, 243–6

Burghfield 32, 42, 49, 51

Burra Charter, 1979 262, 263

Busemann, Adolf 290, 292

Button making 106, 303

Calico (cotton) textile printing 108

Caligula, Emperor 60

Cambridge University Library 116, 165

Cambridge University 254

Camden’s Britannia 181, 182

Canal, Kennet and Avon 266

Cannon boring machine 172

Canterbury, Archbishop of 253

Carding process 96, 97

Carr, John 216

Cassell’s Illustrated Family Paper Exhibitor 2, 10, 11

Cast iron in buildings 159

Castle Eden. 199, 202, 205, 206, 228, 232

Centering for arches 199, 210, 211, 213, 241, 242

Challens, WJ 44

Chaplin, Alexander & Co 9

Charter, Athens, 1932 262

Charter, Burra, 1979 262, 263

Charter, Florence, 1981 262

Charter, Venice, 1964 262

Charter, Washington, 1987 262

Chatham 237

Chebyshjov, Pafnutij L’vovich 144

Checkland, Olive 116

Chesterfield 273

Chew, Leuig 254

Chihachjov, Admiral N.M. 141

Chile energy policy 305

China 81, 82, 119, 120, 135

Chlorine 95, 100, 304

Chorley 49

Churchill, Winston 253, 297

Civitavecchia 62

Clark, Daniel Kinnear 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25

Clarke, Robert 210, 213, 215, 219, 221

Clegram, William 206

Cleveland Bridge 272

Clifton, Bristol 135

Cloan, Perthshire 251, 252, 254, 256

Clock face 182

Cloontycarthy 72, 73, 74, 76, 79, 80

Coal Conservation Committee 253

Coalbrookdale arch 193, 194

Coalbrookdale by Night 175

Coalbrookdale ironworks 171

Coalbrookdale 168–192

Coalfields attracting industries 103

Cochrane, Archibald 100

Codex Atlanticus 87

Coin striking 106

Coke by-products 100

Coke smelting 96

Collins, Edward 304

Colona, Cardinal Prospero 60

Colorado 135

Combrune, Michael 99

Compass deviation on board ship 145, 146

Conder, Josiah 115

Condor Legion 286

Conservation 259–284

Conservation, ethical 262–4, 276, 277

Conservation, approaches to 263

Contractors in conservation 266

Copisarow, Alcon 306–7

Copying machine 304

Corn Milling 97

Cornell University 163, 296

Corps des Ponts et Chaussées 194, 195

Cort’s puddling process 96, 103, 104

Cossons, Sir Neil 268, 277

Cotton Processing Machinery 17, 18

Covent Garden, London 224

Cowan, Caroline 119

Crawshaw, John 204

Creighton brothers 95

Creole seeds 306

Critical Mass 34

Crofton Pumping Station 266–8

Cromford 106

Cromwell Road 4, 6, 9, 23

Crystal Palace 2, 4

Cuba 306

Culross 101

Cyclopædia of the Exhibited Machinery 9, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 25

da Vinci, Leonardo 61, 66, 86, 87, 89, 110

Daily News 22

Dale House 175

Dale Works 168

dangerous structure 228

Darby family 168, 170, 171, 172, 175, 180, 185, 188, 190

Darby, Abraham 103

Darondeau, B. H. 146

Dartmouth Naval College 253

Darwin, Erasmus 101, 173

Dawson, Frank 171

de Betancourt, Augustin 188, 189

De Borcia, Jean Charles 196

de Castro, Dom João 145

de Colongue, Ivan Petrovich 145–8, 151

De Haan, David 168–192

de la Rochefoucauld brothers François and Alexandre 175, 176

de Lazowski. Maximilien 175

de Lorena, Guglielmo 60–62, 64–68

de Loutherbourg, Philip 175

de Marchi, Francesco 60–68

de Montpetit, Armand Vincent 194–7, 225

Dearman, Richard 185

Deer Park Farms 72, 73, 79, 80

Delftfield pottery 304

della Vella, Battista 66

Dennis Ferranti Meters 47

DSIR’s Forest Products Laboratory 307

Deptford, London 237

Detonator 32, 37, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45

Deviascope 151

Devonian rocks 256

Didot, Leger 109

Dirichlet, P.G.L. 147

Diving bell 60, 61

Dock, floating 121

Dodd, Ralph 226

Donkin, Bryan 109

Dorothea Restorations 271

Douglass, James 226

Downton Castle estate 172

Dromoscope 148–150

Drumard 72

Dulwich Picture Gallery 301

Dunkirk 287

Dunn, Archibald M 236

Dunne, J.W. 291

Dunton Green 34

Duplication 45, 46

Eddington, Arthur 253

Eden, Sir Frederick Morton 226

Eden Project 307

Edgcombe, Edward 182, 186, 187, 188

Edgworth, Richard Lovell 173

Edmunds, John 176, 178, 179, 180, 181

Education, engineering, for females 162, 163

Eginton, Francis 109

Einstein, Albert 253

Electricity Supply Act, 1926 254

Elsecar Beam Engine 273, 275

Elton, Sir Arthur 179

Embleton, John 231

Encapsulation 46

Engineer, The 6, 14

engineering drawing 180

Engineering 122

Engines, Reciprocating/Rotary 97

English Heritage 187, 263, 264, 268, 277, 298

Engraving 168

Enlightenment 173

Esher, Surrey 254

Etruria 100, 108

Europe, Council of 263

Evans, F.J. 147

Evans, J.W. & Co 264

Exhibition, Great, London, 1851 2, 3, 4

Exhibition, International, London, 1862 1–30

Explosions in rocket engines 289

Expressionism 302

Fabian movement 253

Fahy, Edward 79

Fairbairn & Co 16

Farington, diarist 231

Farnborough 32, 34, 36, 37, 38, 287

Fat Man 33, 34, 35, 43, 47

Fatfield Colliery 228

Ferranti Company 251, 259

Ferranti, Sir Vincent 254

Ferries, River Wear 200, 208, 234, 239

Filarov, V.P. 142

Fingerprinting 305

Firing circuits 32, 37, 44

Fisher, Jabez 171

Fitzwilliam, Earl 273

Flam, Professor 152

Flax spinning 99

Fleming, Tony 187

Florence Charter, 1981 262

Flying boat 286

Flying wing aircraft 291

Fogarty, Barbara 109

Folland 39

Fort Halstead 34, 36, 37, 43, 44, 48, 51

Forth Street Works, Newcastle 237

Foswell 251, 252, 257

Fothergill, Richard 227

Foulness 34, 47

Fourdrinier machine 109

Fournier, F.E. 148

Fowke, Francis 4

Frazer Nash 48

Freeman, William & Co 40

Freemasons’ Magazine 215, 217, 218

Froude, William 140, 141

Furnace, Old and New 176, 190

Fusconi, Annesio 69

Futurism 301

Fuze/fuse 36, 37, 41, 42, 43, 50

Gallipoli 253

Galloway, Alexander 237

Gamble, John 109

Ganges River 117

Gardens, Florence charter for historic, 1981 262

Garret Workshop 304

Gas lighting 95, 99, 101, 104

Gauss, Carl Friedrich 145–7

George Inn, Sunderland 208

Geothermal energy 253, 254

German army’s equipment 285

German Democratic Republic 303

Gibb, Alexander & Partners 183

Gibb, John 184

Gifford lecture 252

Gilbert Scott, Giles 302

Ginza region, Tokyo 130, 132, 134

Glasgow University 252, 304

Glass cones 104

Glauber 100

Glenkeen 79

Glover & Co. 116, 122

Glover, Thomas Blake 121–123, 125–127

Goodrich, Simon 228

Gordon, Alexander 237

Gospel Oak Ironworks 205

Gott, Benjamin 99, 101

Göttingen 290, 291

Gower, Erasmus H.M. 132, 133

Gower, Samuel 120

Graham, Loren 141

Grainger, Mrs toll-collector 238

Grand Tour 200

Gray, Charles 123

Green Street, Sunderland 207

Gregory, Thomas 172, 176, 188

Grimshaw & Co 216

Grimshaw, John 217, 218, 227–231, 235

Grimshaw, Webster & Co 227

Grimshaw, Webster, Hills & Self’ 205

Groves, GL 210, 214, 215, 238

Guaranteeing exhibition cost 3, 4

Guest, William 205

Gümbel, Ludwig 152

Gwynne & Co 12, 16, 17

Gwynne, John and Henry 123

Haldane family 251, 252

Haldane, Dr. T.G.N. (Graeme) 250

Haldane, JBS 255

Haldane, Richard Burdon 253

Hall, John 195, 196, 204

Halley, Edmund 66–68

Hamilton, Gilbert 304

Hammersmith Ironworks 123

Hancock, Robert 108

Hansson, Per Albin 257

Hardwick, Philip 302

Harmonic Analysis 146

Harvey & Co 268, 273

Harvey, A.D. 285–294

Harwell 33

Hawks, Crawshay & Co 237

Heartlands Project 273, 275

Heat pump 250–258

Hellfire Exploration Co 254

Heritage 259, 263

Heritage Site, World 262, 272, 273, 303

High Explosive Research, Basic 33, 34, 36, 37, 48, 51

High Explosives Research Operational Distribution (Herod) Committee 48

Hill, Donald 88

Hiroshima 33, 34

Historic structures 259

Hitler’s Reich 285

HMS Doris, Tiger, Valiant 253

Hoffmann Brick Kiln 130, 131, 134–136

Holmes, Richard 188

Hong Kong 119, 120, 126, 307

Horticultural Society 4, 6, 7

Hot Water Bottles 40

Houghton 271

Hudswell Clark 39, 40

Huguenot 106, 110

Hummums, Covent Garden 224

Humphreys, David 186

Hunter, A. 220, 221

Huntsman’s crucible steel 96

Hunwicks, Sid 38, 39

Hutton, Charles 201, 202

Hyde Park 2, 4

hydroelectricity 254

Hylton 200

Iberia 81, 85


Ilford 32, 41

Illustrated London News 237

Image transfer to enamels 107

Imperial College, London 254, 298

Imperial Vienna Porcelain Factory 186

In-flight loading 36, 47, 48

Industrial espionage 175

Industrial Revolution 94–114, 304

Innovation 94, 96

Institution of Civil Engineers 236

Institution of Electrical Engineers 254, 255

Institution of Mining Engineers 252

Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 305

Intourist 254

Inventors, categories of 97

Ireland, medieval 70–93

Iron Bridge colour 179, 187

Iron Bridge Proprietors 170, 172, 182, 187, 188

Ironbridge Gorge Museum 182, 186

Ironbridge 193

Ironwork, National Heritage Group 264

Isle of Wight 268

Italian architectural rationalism 302

Italian water-wheels 85

Jackson, Neil 116

Jacobus, Mariano 86, 87, 89

Jacquard loom 95, 103

James, John 193–249

Japan Herald 121

Japan 115–139

Jardine Matheson & Co. 116, 120, 122, 126, 127, 131–134

Jeanneret-Gris, Charles-Édouard 301

Jefferson, Thomas 186

Jennings, Leonard 170

Jewellery workshop 264

Johnson, R. 220, 221

Johnston, Lawrence 43

Jutland 253

Kagoshima 122

Kagyosga Glassworks 133

Kandinsky, Wassily 301

Kapitsa, Pjotr Leonidovich 154

Keir, James 98, 100

Kelly, Fergus 80

Kelvin Premium of IEE 255

Kelvin, Lord 146, 253

Kensington 2, 4

Kerb stones to protect bridge parapets 272

Kew Bridge Pumping Station 268, 269

Keynes, John Maynard 253

Kharkov University 142

Kilbegly 72–77, 79–82

Killinchy 79

King’s Cross railway lands 302

King’s Lynn 202

Knox, Hubert 79

Kronstadt Observatory 146

Krylov, Aleksej Nikolaevich 140–58

Kutejnikov, General N.E. 152

Labour, division of 304

Lack, Bryan 182

Lambeth, Whittlesey Street, London 302

Lambton, John 207

Landmark Trust 265

Laptop, one per child programme 306

Lathes 104

Lavoisier 101

Lawton, Benjamin 237

Lazowski. Maximilien de 175

Le Corbusier 300–2

Le Creusot 195

Le Havre 303

Le Roy, Jean-Baptiste 196

Lee, G. A. 99

Leeds Mercury 6

Leeds 32, 39

Legibility of repairs, additions 265, 268

Lemington 232

Leningrad 154, 155, 254

Letter copying press 107

Lilienthal, David 33

Lippisch, Alexander 291

Little Boy 34, 35

ivesey Hargreaves & Co 109

Ljapunov, Aleksandr Mihajlovich 142, 144

Lobato, Francisco 85

Locomotives 13, 14, 15, 24

Lombe, Thomas 110

London Bridge Waterworks 98

London Bridge 226, 227

London Building Act 160, 161

London, Port of 226

Londonderry 117

Los Alamos 33, 51

Losh, James 231

Loutherbourg, Philip de 175

Luftwaffe 285–8, 292

Lunar Society 98

Lyon 194

Maccaroni 199

Machine tools 98

Machu Picchu 306

Mackenzie, E. and Ross, M., 218

MacLeod, Christine 96, 97

Madeley Wood 101

Madeley 171, 173, 181

Makarov, Vice-Admiral Stepan Osipovich 153

Mallet, Robert 19, 21, 22

Manchester, Moss Side 307

Mandel’shtam, L.I. 155

Manhattan Project 32, 33, 34, 163

Manning, Wardle & Co 9, 15

Mansfield 32, 46

Maralinga 33

Marconi, Guilelmo 259

Marine engineering 140–58

Marshall, John 99

Martin, Elias 176, 177, 178

Martini, Francesco 86, 87, 89

Masborough 204

Mashanaglass 72–74, 79, 80, 84

Mathias, Peter 99

Maudslay (, Sons) & Field 13

Maudslay, Henry 98, 102

May, J.G. 108

McErlean, Thomas 81

McIntosh, Hugh 209

McMahon Act, 1946 33

Measurement 98

Mechanics’ Magazine 118

Mediterranean region 81

Meiji Restoration 115–117, 120, 126

Meikle, Andrew 202

Mendeleev, Dimitri Ivanovich 144

Merz & McLellan 253, 254

Merz, Dr Charles H. 253

Mestrell, Eloi 106

Middlemiss, Rev J.T. 217, 235, 237

Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig 300

Milbanke, Ralph 199, 204, 208, 211, 218

Millwall Ironworks 117, 119, 121, 126, 127

Milne, Reg 39–41

Mine, South Crofty 273

Mitchison, Naomi 252, 254

Model of Ironbridge 171, 172, 188

Model of proposed bridge 195, 196, 201, 203, 204, 224

Model of Scaffold 178

Moneyleck 72

Mongolfier brothers 101, 102

Monkwearmouth 206, 208

Monte Bello Islands 33

Moore, Thomas 236

More, Samuel 171, 188, 189

Morning Post 9, 16, 23

Morpeth 202, 225

Morris, Lewis 195

Morris, Samuel 123

Morris, William 263

Mott Hay & Anderson 238

Moycraig 72–74, 79, 80

Muendel, John 86

Mullantine 72

Murdock/Murdoch, William 101, 107

Museum, Science, London 176, 189

Mussolini 61

Mylne, Robert 199, 201, 202, 230

Nagasaki 33, 34, 119, 120, 122, 123, 126

Nakaosaka Iron Works 132, 133–135

Napoleon III 3, 23

Nash, John 199–202, 207–9, 211, 214, 216, 225

National Economic Development Council 307

National Grid 254

National Heritage Ironwork Group 264

National Trust 265, 269, 271

Navy, Royal 253

NEI Thompson 182

Nemi, Lake 60

Nendrum 72–74, 77–81, 84, 87

Neo-Rationalism 300–3

Neptune Bank Power Station 253

Nevskij, Aleksandr 142

New Dale 168

New Guinea-New Britain theatre 288

New Willey Company 169

New Zealand 254

Newcastle Chronicle 216, 218, 222, 223

Newcastle-upon-Tyne 253

Newcomen Society 277, 278

Newcomen, Thomas 259

Newcomen’s engine 96, 103

Newton, Isaac 147, 301

Niagara Falls 117

Nicholson, lithographer 220

Nikolaev Naval Academy 146, 151

Nil Desperandum Auspice Deo 207, 217, 237, 239

Nixon, Edward 228, 231, 236

Norbury Watch Co 46

Northampton Mercury 11

Northfleet 81–84

Northrup, John Knudsen 291

Norwich 251

nuclear power 254

Observations and Remarks on the [Sunderland] Bridge 199, 207

Observatory, Imperial Magnetic 146

Old Furnace 176, 190

Oldham 19

Operating conserved artefacts 263

Orfordness 34, 38

Osaka Mint 126–128, 130

Osborne Naval College 253

Paddington 196, 197, 205

Paddles secured to hubs 74

Paddles with felloes at outer ends 73

Paddles, flat 72, 81, 87–89

Paddles, spoon-shaped 72, 81, 87–89

Paine, Thomas 195–7, 200, 202–5, 207, 224, 245

Pann (Fields), Sunderland 207, 208, 234, 235

Papin, Denis 66

Paris Exhibitions 1850/60s 2, 4

Paris Mint 106

Paris, British Embassy 307

Paris 194, 195, 196

Paris, Rue de Rivoli 303

Parkinson, Adam 108

Parsons, Sir Charles A. 253, 254

Parsons, Sir Charles 259

Patent infringement 96, 97

Patent Licences 97

Patent Office, London 300

Patent: Burdon and Wilson’s arch with cast iron blocks 228

Patent: Burdon’s cast iron blocks 214

Patent: CTRC for an automatic sub-totalling device 300

Patent: Fothergill for rope-making 227

Patent: Meikle’s threshing machine. 202

Patent: Nash’s bridge 202

Patent: Paine’s bridge 196

Patent: Raistrick’s churn 202

Patent: Raistrick’s sailcloth 206

Patent: Wilkinson’s guns, cannons 172

Patents for punched card readers 300

Paul, Lewis 105

Peckham, Andrew 300–3

Pedometers 99

Penney, William 33, 36, 37

Penny Illustrated Paper 24

Percival Aircraft 40

Perret, Auguste 300, 303

Perronet 196, 212

Perry, George 179

Peto-Scott 42

Philippines 123, 125

Philips, Williams 185

Phillips, James 176, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 194

Philosophical Magazine 98, 169

Phipps, George Henry 210, 215, 217, 237

Pickernell, Jonathan 212, 216

Picture Gallery, Exhibition 1862 4, 23

Platt Brothers 19, 23

Plessey 41

Plutonium 33, 34, 35, 43, 47, 48, 51

Pneumatic medicine 101

Poisson, Siméon Denis 145–7

Poland 175

Ponts et Chaussées, Corps des 194, 196

Porter, Charles T 19, 20, 21, 24

Pottery 97, 100

Pottery, decorated 226

Potting 46

Pre-fabrication 6

Preston 34

Prince Albert’s Road 4, 9

Pritchard, Thomas Farnolls 169, 170, 171, 188

Production machinery and equipment 97

Prosser, R.B 100, 105

Puddling process 96

Pugin, A.C. 201

Pumping engines 97

Punched-Card Systems 298–300

Quakers 168, 171, 227, 230

Quarterly Review 25

Racle, Leonard 195

RAF Barnham 45, 49

RAF Faldingworth 49

RAF Wittering 33, 48

Raffield, John 219, 220, 221

Railway, Great Northern of France 14

Railway, London & Birmingham 237

Railway, Stockton & Darlington 227

Railway, Tuledo & Bilbao 15

Railways, Treatise on Mechanical Engineering of 8, 9

Ramelli, Agostino 87

Randolph Elder & Co 119, 121, 123

Range Finder 253

Rastrick, John 199, 200, 202, 203, 205 222–5

Rationalism 300–3

Rector’s Gill 207

Rennie, John 97, 99, 102, 107

Rennie, Sir John 202, 205, 209, 226, 227, 231

Repertory of Arts and Manufactures 98

Repton, Humphrey 200

Reverberatory furnaces 103, 110

Reversible processes 265

Revolution, American 195

Reynolds, William 101, 173, 174

RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects 301

Richards Indicator 22, 23, 24

Richards, Dr GJ 38

Richardson, John 99

Rights of Man 203

Rio de Janeiro 302

Risk of damage 261, 262

River Harlem 195

River Severn 168, 170, 173, 175, 189

River Teme 172

River Tyne 202

River Wear 197, 199, 203, 209, 225, 239

Roads & Bridges Gallery 189

Robert, Nicholas Louis 109

Robertson, George 187

Robinson, Albert 116, 119–121, 123, 125, 127, 133–136

Robinson, Henry Oliver 119, 123, 125, 132, 134, 135, 136

Robinson, James/Richard 117

Robinson, Sir Hercules George Robert 119

Robinson’s Beam Engine 273, 275

Rochefoucauld brothers 175, 176

Rocket Engine explosions 289

‘Rocket’ locomotive 237

Roebuck, John 100

ROF Elstow 50

Rogers, John 133

Rolling of materials 105

Rooker, Michael Angelo 179, 183, 184, 185, 187

Rotherham 196, 197, 202, 204, 205, 209, 216, 223, 224, 243

Rowlands, John 47, 48, 49

Royal Academy Lectures 228

Royal Academy of Sciences 196

Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough 287

Royal Institution of Naval Architects 141, 152

Royal Library at Windsor Castle 182

Royal Mint 106

Royal Ordnance Factory (ROF) Chorley 47

Royal Ordnance Factory (ROF) 42

Royal Society of London 98, 100,146, 151, 196, 220

Royal Society of Arts (see also Society of Arts) 171, 172, 176, 189

Russell, Ben 303

Russell, John 183, 184

Russell, William 218

Russian and Soviet science and technology 141

Russian Navy 141, 146, 148, 153

Rutherford, Ernest 253

Ryhope 206

Ryukyu Islands 121, 122

Saccarometer 99

Sadler & Green’s pottery in Liverpool 108

Safety in working museums 277

Sandby, Thomas 182, 183

Sanderson, Thomas 208, 210

Satsuma 122, 126

Saw, mechanical 98

Scaffold for bridges 176, 177, 178, 190

Scarborough, Earl of, Quay 207

Scarth and Grimshaw 212

Scarth, Michael 205, 206, 218, 220, 224–8

Schaub, Dr. F. 146

Scheidhauer, Heinz 291

Schmidt, Hans 300, 303

Schmiedeknecht, Torsten 300–3

Schnell, Angelika 300, 303

School of Military Engineering at Chatham 237

Science Museum, London 228, 304

Scoresby, Rev. Dr. William 145

Scotland 250, 255, 256

Sechenov, I.MI. 142

Sempukan 129

Senate House, London 302

Shanacashel 79

Shanghai 87, 119, 120, 135

Shaw, George Bernard 253

Shepton Mallet 135

Shinagawa 132, 134, 135

Ship magnetism 145, 146

Ship stability 153

Ship theory 140, 141

Shoreham 32, 48

Shout, Robert 197–200

Shrewsbury Chronicle 172, 173, 177

Siberian iron 197

Sivewright, J & R 232

Slitting mills 105

Small Boy 33

Smart, Robert. 217

Smeaton, John 97, 201, 202, 212

Smith, Archibald 146, 147, 151

Smith, Thomas 168

Smithson, Alison and Peter 303

Smyth, Sir Robert 204, 211

Snuff box 182, 183

Soane Museum/Collection 198, 203, 208, 212

Soane, Sir John 199–202, 228, 232, 235, 301

Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, see SPAB

Society of Arts (see also under Royal) 220

Society of Arts 3

Soho House, Birmingham 101, 104, 107

Sorocold, George 98

Southern, John 95, 99, 102, 107

Southwick, see Suddick

Soviet Union 32

SPAB 263, 264, 277

Spanish Civil War 286, 287

Spinning, powered 95, 97

Spode, Josiah 108

Springfields 34, 35

St James’s Magazine 13

St Katharine’s Docks 302

St Rollox Works 100

St. Petersburg 142–4, 148, 151, 153

Standard, The 6

Standards Institute, British 263

Stanislaw, King of Poland 175

Statute Lottery for Burdon’s Bridge holdings 232

Statute Sunderland Bridge Act 1792 206–8, 232

Steam engine manufacture 304

Steam engine, low-pressure 96

Steam heating 99

Steam power 6, 9, 12, 13, 23,

Steamships 117

Stephenson, George 228

Stephenson, Robert 231, 236, 237

Stevens, Jocelyn 187

Stockholm 177

Stour Valley 105

Stratosphere Cabinets 47

Structures, deterioration of 261, 264

Structures, maintenance of 261

Suddick (Southwick) 200, 208, 234, 235

Sugar machinery 117, 118, 121–123, 125, 136

Sugar Mill 16, 17, 18

Sulphuric acid manufacture 95, 100, 102

Sumner, John 250, 251

Sunderland Bridge over River Wear 193–249

Sunderland Museum 238

Sunderland Tramways Company 238

Surtees banking family 231, 233

Suspension in Aircraft 40

Svedenstierna ET 232

Sweeping forward of aircraft wings 291

T-34, Soviet Tank 285

Tahilla 72

Takashima 123, 125

Tallboy 47

Tamworth 73, 82, 83

Tanks, Military 164

Tann, Jennifer 94–114

Tar kilns 101

Tea machinery 123, 124

Technical collaboration, international 154

Technology Transfer 94–114

Technology, Ministry of 307

Telford, Thomas 169, 170, 184, 209, 226, 302

Tennant, Charles 100

Tesla, Nikola 253

Textile machinery 97

Theatre Royal, Haymarket 184

Thomas, Samuel 170

Thompson, Mark 237

Thomson, J.J. 253

Thomson, William 146, 253

Time, An Experiment with 291

Times, The 13

Timewatch, BBC2 programme 178

Timing fuzes 32

Tintern 105

Tipton 100

Tokyo 120, 128, 130

Tolls 234–6, 245

Tomlinson 227

Toulouse 194–6

Tower Mint 106

Tredgold, Thomas 169, 170

Trigatron 44, 45, 46, 47

Trinity College, Cambridge 253

Turbine, Gas 254

Turbine, Steam 253

Tyne Ironworks 232

Ucelli, Guido 61

Ueno, Kagenori 122, 126

Ulster Museum 79

UNESCO 262, 303

Uppark House 261

Urals bombers 286, 287

US Atomic Energy Commission 33

USSR 254

Valais region of Switzerland 75, 80

Vases, encaustic 97

Vaucanson, Jacques 103

Vaughan, William 226

Vazie, William 235

V-Bombers 33, 39, 42, 46, 47, 49

V-1, V-2 bombs 290

Venice Charter 1964 262

Vickers 36

Victoria, Queen 2

Vivares, Francis 168

Vivers, Meg 115–139

Volta Foundation 290

Volunteers in conservation 266

Voussoirs, cast iron 195, 197

Wairakei plant 254

Wake, Mr, incompetent Wear navigator 236

Walker, Joseph 202, 203

Walkers, ironmasters 196, 197, 199, 200, 202, 204, 205, 209, 214, 216, 220, 223–5, 227, 243

Wall, Dr John 108

Wallis, G.J.O. 259–284

Walton, Thomas 133

Ward, Joshua 100

Wars in Europe, mid-nineteenth century 3

Washington Charter, 1987 262

Watermill repair 264, 271

Waters, Ernest 133

Waters, Helena 119, 125, 127

Waters, John Albert Robinson 116, 119, 123, 125, 131, 133, 135

Waters, Joseph Henry Ernest 116

Waters, Lucy 119, 135

Waters, Thomas James 115, 116, 119, 120, 122–128, 130–136

Water-wheel, horizontal 70–93

Waterwheels 272–4

Waterworks, London Bridge 98

Watt engine 103

Watt, James 95, 96, 98, 100, 101, 107, 259, 304–5

Wawm, John Twizell MP 217

Wearmouth 200, 212, 222

Wedgwood, Josiah 96, 98, 100, 104

Welshampton church 186

Westernisation of Japan 115–139

Westinghouse 163, 251

Westland Pterodactyl 291

Weybridge 32, 36, 38, 42

Wheatstone Bridge 253

Whip twisting machine 98

Whitbread, Samuel 99

Whitby 212

White, John 169, 170

Whiteley Electrical Radio Co 46, 47

Whittle, Sir Frank 290

Wilkinson, ironfounders 195, 196, 304

Wilkinson, John 104, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172

William and Mary College 293

Williams, William 179, 180, 183, 185, 187

Wilson, Thomas 205–7, 209, 210, 212, 213, 215, 216, 220, 225–8, 231, 236, 237, 243

Wind Tunnel 38

Windmill repair 264, 268–270

Windscale 34, 35

Windsor Castle 261

Windsor 182

Wings, swept 290, 291

Wood, James 217

Woodworking 70–93

Woolwich 32, 33, 34, 37, 41, 42, 43, 47

World Heritage Site 262, 272, 273, 303

Worsted 97

wrought iron in buildings 159

Wyatt, John 105

Wyatt, Samuel 226

Wyke & Green 99

Yates, William (‘Billy’) 204, 205, 220, 225

Yeoman, Thomas 105

Yokohama 119–121, 133

York Courant 218

Yorkshire Stingo public house 196

Zhukovskij, Nikolaj Egorovich 144

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