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Regulation of RUNX3 Expression by DNA Methylation in Prostate Cancer [Retraction]

Pages 9421-9422 | Published online: 30 Dec 2021
This article refers to:
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Regulation of RUNX3 Expression by DNA Methylation in Prostate Cancer

Yang X, Wang S, Reheman A. Cancer Manag Res. 2020;12:6411–6420.

At the authors request, the Editor and Publisher of Cancer Management and Research wish to retract the published article. The authors have informed the journal that parts of the article were copied directly from the thesis of another researcher without their knowledge. The subject of the thesis was the regulation of CAMK2N1 gene expression and shared no relationship to the study described in the published article. The authors altered the information taken from the thesis and added it to the results presented in the article. The specific parts of the article taken from thesis were:

  • Figure 1B, 1C, 1D and 1E

  • Figure 2C

The authors accept data falsification is a serious issue and is in breach of the journal’s editorial polices and requested to retract the article. The authors wish to apologise for this action.

Our decision-making was informed by our policy on publishing ethics and integrity and the COPE guidelines on retraction.

The retracted article will remain online to maintain the scholarly record, but it will be digitally watermarked on each page as “Retracted”.