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Patients’ beliefs about adherence to oral antidiabetic treatment: a qualitative study [Corrigendum]

Page 1709 | Published online: 03 Oct 2017
This article refers to:
Patients’ beliefs about adherence to oral antidiabetic treatment: a qualitative study

Guénette L, Lauzier S, Guillaumie L, Giguère G, Grégoire JP, Moisan J. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2015;9:413–420.

On page 414, Data collection and variables section, 1st paragraph, “We used a modified version of the validated French version18 of the 4-item Morisky medication adherence scale (MMAS-4).19” should have been “We used a modified version of the validated French version18 of a 4-item self-report medication adherence scale (SR-4).19

On page 415, Results section, 1st paragraph, “Based on the MMAS-4, 18 participants (40%) were considered adherent (score =4/4) and the mean score was 3.16/4.” should have been “Based on the SR-4, 18 participants (40%) were considered adherent (score =4/4) and the mean score was 3.16/4.”

On page 415, Table 1, the last column heading should have been “Adherent according to SR-4.” The Abbreviation list for this table should have been “Abbreviation: SR-4, 4-item self-report medication adherence scale”.

On page 416, Results section, last paragraph, “Forgetfulness was also observed in the MMAS-4 results. Among the 27 nonadherent participants, 17 (63%) identified forgetfulness (the first question in the MMAS-4 questionnaire) as the only reason for being nonadherent.” should have been “Forgetfulness was also observed in the SR-4 results. Among the 27 nonadherent participants, 17 (63%) identified forgetfulness (the first question in the SR-4 questionnaire) as the only reason for being nonadherent.”