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Original Article

Implementation and Validation of an Extraction Course Using Mannequin Models for Undergraduate Dental Students

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Pages 80-87 | Received 18 May 2010, Accepted 16 Aug 2010, Published online: 27 Sep 2010


Objective. There is a gap in the education of dental undergraduate students between theoretical knowledge and the practical procedure of tooth extraction. It was the aim of this study to implement and validate an undergraduate course for oral extraction using mannequin models, in order to enhance practical competence in this field of dentistry. Material and methods. A one-term oral extraction course was implemented as part of the oral surgery curriculum for undergraduate dental students, including 4 h of theoretical education, followed by 4 h of practical training in tooth extraction on mannequin models, with the students divided into small groups. Forty-nine students attending this extraction course were asked to validate their training in dental extraction using a questionnaire (TRIL-mod; University of Trier, Trier, Germany). The students' practical competence in oral extraction was assessed by a senior supervisor at the end of the course, using a standardized checklist. Results. All questionnaires were returned. Overall, the course was rated with an average score of 4.7 (rating range: 1–6; 1 = worst/6 = best). The assessment of practical skills yielded a successful and complete performance of tooth extraction by 94% of the students. Conclusions. A tooth extraction course using a mannequin model is appreciated by dental students and can achieve a sufficient level of competence in tooth extraction with reasonable educational efforts.

Declaration of interest: The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper.

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