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Original Article

Socio-cultural aspects of oral health among the Fulani in Ferlo (Senegal): A qualitative study

, , , &
Pages 1290-1295 | Received 19 May 2012, Accepted 14 Dec 2012, Published online: 16 May 2013


Objectives. Health is a subjective concept that considers the social, cultural, environmental and behavioural problems of the individual. This study was conducted with the objective of better understanding the sociocultural aspects related to the oral health of the Fulani populations of Ferlo, Senegal. Methods. The study was qualitative and based in the area of the Great Green Wall (GGW) in the region known as Ferlo, northern Senegal. Data were collected by semi-structured interviews in a sample of the population and through discussions with a focus group. It concerned health and aesthetics of the teeth, care and traditional herbal recipes, teeth and superstitions. Results. It appears that people were using the toothpick, the chewing stick and/or charcoal to clean their teeth. Confusion persisted with respect to the types of food consumed that were implicated in the occurrence of dental caries: tea, rice, ‘jumbo' (a seasoning spice) and tobacco. ‘Borom bop', which means ‘master of the head', was the most commonly reported cause of caries. Healthy, beautiful teeth were attributes of beauty and elegance, enhanced by tattoos and crafted crowns in the Fulani. Their health problems were generally managed by healers or traditional practitioners who based their practices on empirical and ‘handed down' knowledge. Socio-anthropological meanings were given to children with neonatal teeth. Conclusions. It is therefore important to consider the sociocultural aspects in oral health projects and programmes; the place of herbal medicine in dentistry should be recognized and maybe researched in the region of the Great Green Wall.


The authors wish to thank the Presidents of Tessekere and Widou villages and their nursing assistant staff for their support and for facilitating access to the participants.

Declaration of interest: The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper.

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