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Research Article

Global health education for medical students: New learning opportunities and strategies

Pages e58-e63 | Published online: 17 Jan 2012


Background: A new course was offered to introduce basic global health concepts to all first year Johns Hopkins medical students, that took advantage of new distance learning capacity to connect medical students in Baltimore with students and faculty in Uganda, Ethiopia, Pakistan and India.

Aims: Lessons learned from the launch of this new course will optimize the conduct of future global health courses at JHUSOM and may be of value to other institutions.

Methods: Feedback from the Hopkins students was obtained through an on-line structured course evaluation questionnaire. Unstructured student and faculty feedback from partners institutions was solicited via email.

Results: Students reported high levels of satisfaction with the course content and format, as well as achievement of course competencies and objectives.

Conclusions: Distance learning can support unique, high-quality medical educational experiences that leverage technology and global connectivity, but also the power of group learning and “South-to-North” capacity building.


With more than 40 million foreign-born people living in the US and over one million immigrants each year (Barr Citation2010), it is important for all US medical students to receive training in global health. US physicians need an understanding of the multiple cultural, environmental and genetic factors that influence the risk for and effective management of diseases among their patients. In addition, the rapid, worldwide distribution of infectious diseases such as SARS, H1N1 influenza and multi-drug resistant TB, highlight the need for US physicians to have a global understanding of health issues. US medical students have also “voted with their feet” for more global health education, with more than 25% opting for at least one international health experience, prior to graduation (Drain et al. Citation2007). The opportunity for an “international health” experience has been associated with higher USMLE exam scores (Gupta et al. Citation1999), a greater appreciation of the relationship between culture and health (Chiller et al. Citation1995), greater confidence with history and physical examination skills (Thompson et al. Citation2003), as well as increased interest in careers in primary care and underserved US communities (Quinn Citation2008).

In response to the increasing recognition of the importance of global health, medical schools have introduced a wide range of educational approaches to include global health in their curricula. These strategies include the incorporation of global health content in required pre-clinical course work, optional global health courses, international rotations and global health educational “tracks” for medical students. For many years, Johns Hopkins, like many US medical schools, provided optional opportunities for students to take global health courses in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, as well as for international rotations. However, in February 2010, with the launch of the new “Genes to Society” curriculum, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (JHUSOM) established its first mandatory global health course. This new, four day, intensive global health course leveraged Information Technology (IT) infrastructure and long-standing partnerships with medical schools around the world, to provide 120 first year medical students with a unique global health education experience. This new course provided an opportunity to explore new approaches and strategies to provide global health education for US medical students, including the engagement of medical students and faculty from other countries in interactive group learning. The lessons learned from the launch of this new course have been valuable for optimization of future global health courses at JHUSOM and may be of value to other institutions.

Global health curriculum development

The 2009–2010 academic year marked the beginning of a new curriculum, “Genes to Society,” (GTS) at JHUSOM. One central component was the combination of basic science courses with multidisciplinary content (Wiener et al. Citation2010). Core biomedical courses are organized by organ system such as hematology/oncology, neuroscience and endocrinology and are combined with intercessions based on cross-cutting themes, including pain management, healthcare disparities, disaster medicine and global health. GTS acknowledges the variability of genetic, environmental and societal influences in determining health outcomes. The global health intersession was taught immediately following an eight-week microbiology and immunology course. Students were able to draw upon their background knowledge in infectious diseases, anatomy, immunology, biochemistry and pharmacology to discuss the clinical cases. The purpose of the intersession was to introduce general concepts in global health such as the major determinants of health and to examine the impact that global health issues can have on clinical practice in the US. This course was designed as an introduction to global health for all of the first year students, regardless of their interests or future professional goals. The global health course competencies and learning objectives are shown in and were based primarily on recommendations of the Global Health Education Consortium (GHEC) (Heck and Pust Citation1993) and, in part, based on the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) Medical School Objectives Project as shown in . Core competencies recommended by the American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (Houpt et al. Citation2007), including knowledge of the global burden of diseases, and issues related to immigrant and travelers health, were also considered. This course was a required course for the first year medical students at Hopkins. Participation in the live case discussions was offered to medical students in the partner institutions, as an optional activity.

Table 1.  Hopkins global health course for medical students competencies and learning objectives

Table 2.  Recommended GHEC and AAMC competencies related to Global Health

Global health course content and format

As shown in , the 4-day global health intersession utilized four main instructional components, including clinical case conferences utilizing a live videoconference with faculty and students from medical schools in Uganda, Ethiopia, Pakistan and India (). These were supplemented with faculty lectures, small group discussions and optional activities. The live case discussions included presentations of two clinical cases of the same condition, in two different settings, facilitating a faculty-guided student discussion and comparison of the risk factors, clinical presentation and management of the cases. Faculty leaders at Hopkins and the partner institutions were selected based on their areas of expertise (pediatricians led child health discussion, OB/GYN physicians led the maternal health discussion, etc.). The theme for Day 1 was maternal health and included discussion of cases of high-risk pregnancy in Baltimore and Addis Ababa. The theme for Day 2 was child health and included discussion of cases of community acquired pneumonia in Baltimore and Kampala. Day 3 focused on emerging diseases and included discussion of cases of MDR-TB in Baltimore and Karachi. The theme for the final day was chronic diseases and included two South Asian patients with coronary disease, one in the US and one in Pune, who were both present to discuss their clinical presentation and management with the students in the US and India.

Figure 1. Clinical case discussion of childhood pneumonia in the US and Uganda Faculty and students of the Johns Hopkins University and Makerere University Schools of Medicine.

Figure 1. Clinical case discussion of childhood pneumonia in the US and Uganda Faculty and students of the Johns Hopkins University and Makerere University Schools of Medicine.

Table 3.  Overview of the Hopkins Global Health Course for medical students

Each day also included small group activities of 20 students each, as well as a faculty leader, which were designed to reinforce and build on the issues raised during the clinical case discussions. These included an exercise on Day 1 focused on measuring the burden of diseases, that required the students to estimate, compare and critique various metrics for estimating the burden of maternal and infant health, as well as compare the causes of maternal and infant mortality, in the US and Ethiopia. On Day 2 the theme for the small group session was multi-sector prevention of disease and students were divided into three focus groups (clinical, public health and research) and were asked to indentify and compare strategies within each area, for reducing childhood mortality from pneumonia in the US and Uganda. On Day 3, students were provided three clinical cases of international travelers with zoonotic, water-born and vector born emerging diseases and were required to develop a differential diagnosis and to discuss the importance of geography and environment in the epidemiology, clinical presentation and management of these conditions. On Day 4, the small group activities focused on international research ethics and the students were engaged in a structured debate of the ethics of a proposal to conduct a randomized clinical trial for the treatment of diabetes in India. Students at Hopkins and the partner institutions were provided a large amount of background material prior to each case, including general information about the health systems and health status of the countries (WHO reports, Ministry of Health Reports, etc). In addition, background papers and references were provided about the specific clinical cases that were discussed. The Hopkins students were first year medical students with limited clinical training/experience. So, basic references about clinical presentation and management of the cases discussed (maternal health, childhood pneumonia, MDRTB, cardiac disease, etc) were provided in advance, using the online “Blackboard” platform at Hopkins and by email to the overseas students. Many of the background resources for the students were provided by the faculty experts in the partner institutions.

Student satisfaction and feedback

The Hopkins students were asked to complete an online end-of-course evaluation and 73 of 120 (61%) responded, among whom 81% reported that the overall quality of the course was “very good” or “excellent.” In general, the student responses about the quality of the live videoconference case discussions reflected a high degree of satisfaction. Additional comments confirmed satisfaction with this format, with a number of students recommending that more time be scheduled for these sessions than the 1.5 hours, to allow for more time for interaction with their colleagues in other countries. This opinion was best reflected by one student who wrote “[v]ery effective use of the technological capacity … The opportunity to experience an open forum with students in other nations was very exciting. Slightly more information about the location … before the sessions would have been interesting. A little more time for questions between students would have been very much appreciated too.”

The course also received strong favorable feedback from students from the other four partners institutions. The ability to interact with each other through live video conferencing enriched the global health learning experience for all (Bollinger Citation2010). However, the use of this high tech distance-learning platform also provided many wonderful opportunities to discuss the limitations of technology. The Hopkins students, who were attentively engaged by their open laptops during the class, were challenged by questions about why they needed to use their cell phones and laptops during the class, from the Ethiopian students, who were focused and engaged in the discussion without the help these devices. For subsequent sessions, noticeably fewer laptops and cell phones were in view at Hopkins. The Ugandan medical students asked the Hopkins students whether they were taught to use stethoscopes, during the discussion of the two pediatric pneumococcal pneumonia cases, when the diagnostic work up of the child in Baltimore was described and included CT scan of the chest, as well as multiple sub-specialty consultations and a 14 day hospital course. The child from Uganda, with the same diagnosis, the same antibiotic treatment and the same successful clinical outcome, was diagnosed with an excellent physical exam and CXR. He also was discharged home from the hospital after two inpatient days on oral antibiotics. The use of distance learning technology to facilitate these discussions of global health issues provided a tremendously valuable opportunity for the Hopkins students to learn from their colleagues in Ethiopia, Uganda, Pakistan and India about the limits of technology, as well as the importance of a good physical exam.

The small group activities were also ranked as “satisfactory” or better by >70% of respondents, with Session 1 (Measuring the Burden of Disease) receiving the lowest rating (72% ranked it “satisfactory” or better) and the other three small group activities were rated as “satisfactory” or better by 86–92% of respondents. The in-class workload for this global health course was ranked as “just right” by 73% of respondents, with 10% and 4% responding that there was “not enough” or “too much” in-class time required, respectively. Eighty-eight percent of the respondents said the out-of-class workload was “just right”, with only 6% responding that the out-of-class workload was not enough and none of the students reporting that the work load was “too much.”

Overall, students reported high levels of achievement of course competencies and goals, with 89–93% of students reporting proficiency in each of four of the main course goals (Goals 1–4 in .) There was a wider distribution with regards to knowledge of the six major global determinants of health (Goal 5). While 96% of students reported that they were able to “identify, describe and discuss” the global burden of disease as a result of completing the intersession, only 77% reported the same level of understanding with regards to health and human rights. Levels of understanding of the other 4 determinants of health varied from 79% for healthcare delivery systems, 81% for health policy and programs, 85% for the environment and health, and 88% for the social determinants of health.

Lessons learned

Since the course was designed for first year Hopkins medical students and only 4 days in duration, it was obviously limited in scope. However, it was intended as an introduction to global health issues for first-year medical students that would encourage some students with specific interest in global health to pursue additional opportunities and international electives. It was also intended to provide an appreciation for the relevance of global health issues for the other students who are destined for a domestic career in medicine. The use of distance education technology to facilitate group learning and engagement of US medical students with students and faculty from other countries was an innovative and valuable component of this course. The opportunity for our US medical students to learn with and from students and faculty from Ethiopia, Uganda, Pakistan and India was invaluable and greatly enhanced the learning experience. While the technical and logistical challenges to optimize the reliability and quality of these live video links were difficult and required intensive planning and planning, as well as sufficient IT infrastructure, this type of learning platform is feasible for many US medical schools and partner institutions around the world. For future courses, it will be important to obtain more structured feedback from students and faculty at partner institutions, to compare responses of the students from different settings, as well as to optimize the educational experience for students in all of the participating institutions. Based on our experience at Hopkins, we would encourage greater use of distance learning technology to enhance global health education for medical students in the US and beyond.

Practice points

  • Increases in international trade, travel and immigration make global health education an important part of medical education.

  • The use of communications technologies, such as computer-based videoconferencing, allows medical schools from different countries to engage in collaborative learning.

  • Global health education enhances medical students' knowledge of population-based medicine.


We would like to thank the students and faculty of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Addis Ababa University School of Medicine, the Indus Hospital and the BJ Medical College for their participation in this course and for providing constructive feedback. We would also like to thank Matthew Williams, Gail Jessop, Johns Steele, Theo Karpovich and Dr. Patricia Thomas for their support of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Global Health Intercession.

Declaration of interest:

1. Funding/Support: The Global Health Intersession Course was supported by institutional funds of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the Johns Hopkins Center for Clinical Global Health Education.

2. Other conflicts of interest: None

3. Disclaimer: The views expressed within this paper are solely those of its authors and may not represent those of the Johns Hopkins University's administration, staff or faculty.

4. Previous presentations: A limited one paragraph description of this course was included in a chapter describing use of IT to support international clinical education, that is under-review with the Infectious Diseases Clinics of North America. If this manuscript is accepted for publication, it will be added as a reference to this book chapter.


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