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Web Papers: AMEE Guides

Theoretical insights into interprofessional education: AMEE Guide No. 62

, , &
Pages e78-e101 | Published online: 30 Jan 2012


In this Guide, we support the need for theory in the practice of interprofessional education and highlight a range of theories that can be applied to interprofessional education. We specifically discuss the application of theories that support the social dimensions of interprofessional learning and teaching, choosing by way of illustration the theory of social capital, adult learning theory and a sociological perspective of interprofessional education. We introduce some of the key ideas behind each theory and then apply these to a case study about the development and delivery of interprofessional education for pre-registration healthcare sciences students. We suggest a model that assists with the management of the numerous theories potentially available to the interprofessional educator. In this model, context is central and a range of dimensions are presented for the reader to decide which, when, why and how to use a theory. We also present some practical guidelines of how theories may be translated into tangible curriculum opportunities. Using social capital theory, we show how theory can be used to defend and present the benefits of learning in an interprofessional group. We also show how this theory can guide thinking as to how interprofessional learning networks can best be constructed to achieve these benefits. Using adult learning theories, we explore the rationale and importance of problem solving, facilitation and scaffolding in the design of interprofessional curricula. Finally, from a sociological perspective, using Bernstein's concepts of regions and terrains, we explore the concepts of socialisation as a means of understanding the resistance to interprofessional education sometimes experienced by curriculum developers. We advocate for new, parallel ways of viewing professional knowledge and the development of an interprofessional knowledge terrain that is understood and is contributed to by all practitioners and, importantly, is centred on the needs of the patient or client. Through practical application of theory, we anticipate that our readers will be able to reflect and inform their current habitual practices and develop new and innovative ways of perceiving and developing their interprofessional education practice.

About the Guide


The aims of this Guide are to:

  • support the need for theory in the practice of interprofessional education;

  • highlight that a range of theories that can be applied to interprofessional education;

  • discuss specifically the application of theories that support the social dimensions of interprofessional learning and teaching;

  • explore the practical application of these theories in an interprofessional education case scenario.


In this Guide, we follow up some of the work started during an UK Economic and Social Research Council funded seminar series Evolving Theory in Interprofessional Education (Hean et al. Citation2009a).Footnote1 Our experience as members of the convening group for the seminar series enabled us to further develop our understanding of the use and importance of theory, generally, and in particular for policy makers, curriculum developers, teachers and students involved in interprofessional education. We believe that theoretical models and concepts have a dual value for staff involved in interprofessional education: first by enabling the articulation and development of their teaching practices and second by providing ways for interprofessional facilitators to help students understand reasons for, and attributes of, collaborative and interprofessional practice.

Throughout the Guide, we discuss how theory can be used to articulate and further understand practice. This can be seen as the raison d’être of the Guide: to be of use to interprofessional education practitioners and thus of value to their students. Through the use of a case study about the development and delivery of interprofessional education for pre-registration healthcare sciences students, we show how theory translates into practice and enables the informed development of practice. This may imply, incorrectly, that the theory practice link is unidirectional. Our contention is that theory comes from practice, or at the very least, is informed by practice: ideas and understandings flow from one to the other and what we are in fact doing here is rearticulating our practice. Put another way, theory does not originate and procreate in a vacuum; it comes from our observations of practice and is confirmed by our practice.


Interprofessional education today

A recent press release by the UK Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (http://www.caipe.org.uk/news/) stated that:

The quality of service delivery in health and social care, plus patient, client and service user safety, depends upon an effective workforce practising collaboratively.


Interprofessional education can bring about the changes needed for the development of such a workforce. Practitioners need to learn together in order to be able to work across professional, organisational, and agency boundaries. Quality education that enables interprofessional learning in classroom and practice contexts is key to efficient and effective workforce development.

Drivers for interprofessional education are international and national. Internationally, the interest in interprofessional education is high, encouraged by the publication of the WHO Framework for Action on Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (WHO Citation2010). This offers the following definitions:

  • ‘Collaborative practice in healthcare occurs when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds provide comprehensive services by working with patients, their families, carers and communities to deliver the highest quality of care across settings’.

  • ‘Interprofessional education occurs when two or more professions learn about, from and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes’ (WHO Citation2010, p. 13).

National drivers come from central government. In the UK, for example, see Department of Health (Citation2000a, Citation2000b, Citation2001, Citation2002, Citation2008). Drivers also come through regulatory bodies. In the UK, these include the General Medical Council (GMC), the Health Professions Council (HPC), the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and the General Social Care Council (GSCC). Each of these regulatory bodies introduced interprofessional education into their policies, guidelines and requirements, evidencing their commitment to interprofessional education (GSCC Citation2002, GMC Citation2003, NMC Citation2004, HPC Citation2005a, Citation2005b, British Medical Association Citation2006). For example, the GMC (Citation2009, pp. 27–28) stated that a doctor should be able to:

  • Understand and respect the roles and expertise of health and social care professionals in the context of working and learning as a multi-professional team.

  • Understand the contribution that effective interdisciplinary team working makes to the delivery of safe and high quality care.

  • Work with colleagues in ways that best serve the interests of patients, passing on information and handing over care, demonstrating flexibility, adaptability and a problem-solving approach.

  • Demonstrate ability to build team capacity and positive working relationships and undertake various team roles including leadership and the ability to accept leadership by others.

Similarly, the HPC, which determines current requirements for the education of allied healthcare professionals (AHPs), states that AHPs should be able to:

  • Work, where appropriate, in partnership with other professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers.

  • Contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi-disciplinary team.

  • Demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers.

  • Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user.

(HPC Citation2009, pp. 6–7).Footnote2

The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) benchmarking statements for pre-registration programmes in the UK are considered to have had the greatest impact on interprofessional education (Barr Citation2007). These benchmark statements form one of the external reference points for judging quality and standards of provision in higher education at subject level, operating within an integrated Quality Assurance (QA) policy framework (Hargreaves & Christou Citation2002, Laugharne Citation2002). They were approved for social work (QAA Citation2000), all healthcare subjects (see, for example, QAA Citation2001) and medicine (QAA Citation2002). These statements, underpinning the major review process, include the directive that students must be prepared to adopt multi-professional, interprofessional and multi-agency approaches to health and social care (Carpenter & Dickinson Citation2008). Therefore, interprofessional education had to be offered by UK universities to all pre-qualifying health and social care students (Department of Health and QAA Citation2006, Pollard Citation2008).

In 2006, the QAA published a statement of common purpose for health and social care professions. This was developed by a multi-professional and multi-disciplinary team to facilitate the integration of service delivery and continuing growth in interprofessional education. Their work was in keeping with the emphasis that Barr (Citation2007) makes about the challenge being not to merge one discipline or professional activity into another but to integrate perspectives to make the most of their combined benefits. The statement of common purpose stipulates that health and social care staff should respect and encourage the skills and contributions which colleagues in their own and other professions bring to the care of patients (QAA Citation2006, Barr Citation2007). The statement serves to support colleagues within their working environments and develop their professional knowledge, skills and performance. Furthermore, it emphasises that colleagues are not expected to take on responsibilities that are outside their level of knowledge, skills and experience.

Internationally, a similar commitment to interprofessional education within health and social care curricula can be observed. For example, the Australian federal, state and territory governments recognised the importance of establishing a health workforce that is adaptable and able to effectively work in teams and across discipline and sector boundaries, facilitating health reforms (Dunston et al. Citation2009). The organisation, Learning and Teaching for Interprofessional Practice, Australia (L-TIPP, Aus), recently developed an agenda for national development, enhancing interprofessional practice capabilities in four interrelated areas these included:

  • Informing and resourcing curriculum development.

  • Embedding interprofessional practice as a core component of health professional practice standards and where appropriate, in registration and accreditation processes.

  • Establishing and implementing a program of research to support and inform development.

  • Establishing an interprofessional education/interprofessional learning and interprofessional practice knowledge management system (Dunston et al. Citation2009, p. 21).

Such national and international requirements show commitment to interprofessional education and interprofessional practice, and illuminate an appreciation of the value of being interprofessional. The aim is to equip students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to collaborate interprofessionally in practice settings, contributing to positive client outcomes (Carpenter & Dickinson Citation2008). These include improved communication; efficiency, cost-effectiveness and patient centredness of the healthcare team (Dunston et al. Citation2009, WHO Citation2010). Here, we argue that the development, delivery and evaluation of interprofessional curricula that lead to effective interprofessional practice benefit from a theoretical foundation and interrogation.

The role of theory

Theory is a set of propositions/hypotheses linked by a rational argument (Jary & Jary Citation1995). The use of theory is not simply an academic exercise. As humans, we constantly formulate theories that later underpin our actions even at the simplest of levels. To cross a road in our local community, for example, we put together a range of propositions: a car may approach from the right; it is likely that a car may also come from the left. If one looks left and right, the approach of car will be observed early enough to take avoiding action. We test out these hypotheses, each time we cross the road and find that in most cases these prove true. The ‘look left look right theory’ then allow us to transfer our experiences of local roads to new contexts, e.g. a road in the busy city centre.

Similarly, theory has a central role for us as practitioners, guiding us when we engage with new health and social care practices. Theory can help us articulate, reflect and potentially reinterpret our existing/habitual practices. It provides a tool with which to engage in second-order reflection in which we can stand outside of ourselves looking in on our daily practices with a critical eye (Wackerhausen Citation2009). We focus in this Guide on how this may be achieved in the field of interprofessional education. Our task is to take some established theories that have explained social action in other contexts and translate these into an illustrative practice scenario about the development and delivery of interprofessional education. This case study approach shows how these theories, and theory in general, are relevant for students, facilitators and curriculum developers, how they help us reach conclusions about our practices based on logical argument and how hypotheses may be generated that we are able to test either informally in our every day working practices or more rigorously through empirically based research.

Which theory?

At the planning stages of our writing, it became clear that we would have to make choices about which theories to write about in the relatively limited space of this publication. Our decisions were informed first, by the need to differentiate between theories that have application to the field of interprofessional education versus those relevant to interprofessional practice. We recognise that any attempt to write about interprofessional education theories in which we exclude theories that help our understanding of collaborative practice could raise the comment that we are separating the inseparable. We would agree but nevertheless, for practical purposes we focus here on how theory can extend our understanding of interprofessional education, not least because it is a rather neglected subject.

Systematic reviews (Cooper et al. Citation2001, Freeth et al. Citation2002, Barr et al. Citation2005) highlighted that few studies directly refer to a particular theoretical framework for interprofessional education. Of those that did, most were primarily based around adult learning theory, psychological theories of group behaviour and teamwork approaches (Cooper et al. Citation2001, Freeth et al. Citation2002, Barr et al. Citation2005) and learning organisations (Freeth et al. Citation2002). The task then is one of increasing scholarship within the interprofessional education community of practice in this area and the creation of opportunities to discuss, apply and reflect on the use of appropriate theories, using theory, as we say above, as an artefact with which we reconnect to practice. The findings of the ESRC seminar series (Hean et al. Citation2009a) agree with Barr et al. (Citation2005) and Meads et al. (Citation2003) that a single theoretical orientation is insufficient in such a complex field, where different groups of learners meet for a variety of purposes at different stages of their professional development. This presents the general dilemma for education practitioners: which theory to use at a particular time and, for us, the specific problem: which theories to elaborate on within this Guide. To the more general issue first:

Participants at the ESRC seminar series agreed that a tool box approach to theory application in interprofessional education is required. Theories are drawn from a number of academic disciplines, including sociology, psychology, education and management are available. An example of the content of such a tool box can be seen in .

Table 1.  Some exemplars of tools in the theory tool box that have been applied in interprofessional education

The key is to select a theory from the tool box for its suitability to articulate or improve understanding of interprofessional education in a particular context. Prioritisation of a single theory is inappropriate as individual theory users have very different preferences and familiarities for different theories dependent on their own unique professional and academic histories. Neither are theories mutually exclusive and during the seminar series we found overlap between a number of the theories discussed.

From a grounded theory approach, it could be argued that borrowing from the theories established in, say, psychology or sociology, may limit our ability to use theory to articulate interprofessional education more rigorously. There is a case for looking outside the tool box and developing theory that has originated from interprofessional education experience specifically.

It is also important to recognise that some theories are more popular than others, possibly because of their profile in the academic literature. Usually, but not always, these theories have a history of use and come to dominate. This can lead to potentially useful but less accessible theories being overlooked. Bourdieu's (Citation1984) theory of habitus may come into this category.

The plethora of theories available, and the overlap between many of these, makes the theory tool box a potential zone of confusion. We need to develop structures that classify and inter-relate theories to help us make sense of what is available to us. Here, we propose one system with which to do this; a system that focuses on the context in which a theory might best be applied. A range of dimensions should be considered when deciding when, why and how to use a particular theory from the tool box in a particular context ( and ).

Figure 1. Summary of the dimensions/categories into which theories may fall.

Figure 1. Summary of the dimensions/categories into which theories may fall.

Table 2.  A range of dimensions to consider when deciding which, when, why and how to use a theory

In the following and main part of this Guide, we have confined ourselves to three theories that we believe illustrate some of the dimensions described in . We specifically chose theories that have a clear social dimension to them as this is a key factor that differentiates uniprofessional from interprofessional education (Hean et al. Citation2009b). However, please note that the theories chosen reflect our interests and are not the only ones that could be used in the contexts addressed. Further, space does not permit a full critical debate of the chosen theories and readers are directed to sources where this debate is available.

The first of the chosen theories is the concept of social capital. We believe this to be useful in both defending the importance and need for interprofessional education and to determine what an effective curriculum might look like. Second, we explore the usefulness of the more commonly used social learning theories applied to adult learning. These show their value in the development of learning and teaching activity and the planning and delivery of interprofessional education. Third, we believe educating health and social care practitioners interprofessionally involves changing ways of constructing knowledge as well as changes in learning experiences and working practices. Looking at curricula through a sociological theoretical lens, as we have done here, can help us understand and explain social processes happening within learning groups. One of the sociology's central tenets is a view of knowledge as socially constructed, i.e. developed, codified and transmitted through social processes and organisations, including professional curricula, professional regulation and higher education institutions. Sociology's scepticism encourages questioning of the aims of policies and activities supporting interprofessional learning and working from the standpoint of different social institutions and actors (different interest groups, agencies and agents).

A case study approach

In the following sections, we summarise each of the chosen theories and explore their utility, by applying them to a case study that describes the work of a fictional but typical interprofessional curriculum lead. The main case study material is presented in Case Study Boxes throughout the Guide. Each of the four sections deals with a different element of the interprofessional leadership role along a continuum of time and is written in the voice of an educator in such a role. We have also included Comment Boxes which focus on ways in which learning about theory deepens the thinking of characters from the case study. You will also find Thinking Points and Suggested Further Reading lists.

Case Study Box 1. Being an interprofessional education lead: working with others

Case Study Box 2. Being an interprofessional education lead: designing interprofessional learning

Case Study Box 3. Being an interprofessional education lead: responding and rethinking

Case Study Box 4. Being an interprofessional education lead: a theory informed curriculum

In , our interprofessional lead has recognised that designing and delivering interprofessional modules may present some challenges. Scepticism is one of these, a common response to a new initiative that promises to introduce new material into what can seem an already crowded curriculum. As Hammick and Anderson (Citation2009) remind us, introducing interprofessional education means that ‘we need to align language, learning approaches and curriculum time tables … and arguably the most challenging, we need to align people’ (p. 219). Our interprofessional lead is sure that having someone speak about why interprofessional education is vital in an undergraduate programme, using ideas from another academic discipline, in this case, social capital from the field of social psychology, will go some way to achieving this alignment, injecting the necessary intellectual debate and enthusiasm she hopes for her committee.

Social capital and its application to interprofessional education

Social capital is a heuristic concept used to describe, understand and measure the advantages gained by individual(s) who are part of a social network (Hean et al. Citation2003). Social capital became popular in the healthcare field to describe the health advantages of being part of a social network and social inequalities in health (Gillies Citation1997). It is underutilised, however, as a tool to understand the advantage and processes involved in interprofessional working and education. We focus on social capital as a tool to help reconceptualise the social network represented in the interprofessional student learning group and explore the potential advantage gained by students who participate within an interprofessional curriculum using this type of activity. Our contention is that students in these groups learn to build personal social capital and invest in an interprofessional team. They are hence being better prepared to collaborate on entry into practice.

Social capital can also be used to describe the dynamic and accumulative effect of being part of these learning groups and the potential inequalities that may arise from being excluded from that network. In this way, social capital theory helps us articulate the potential structures and processes within an interprofessional learning network and the advantage that this type of learning may facilitate.

There is a central social advantage from being part of an interprofessional learning group or network: knowledge transfer between group members. Acquiring this knowledge leads to an increased understanding of the role of other professionals, an increased ability to articulate one's own professional role and a gain in the competencies needed to work in an interprofessional team. When this is established in training, learning within practice is more easily facilitated and interprofessional knowledge and competence accumulates in a way that would not be possible if the student had not been part of an interprofessional learning group during their initial education. Much of the above is common sense but the theory of social capital gives us the vocabulary with which to mount a defence of interprofessional education and its importance and advantage alongside uniprofessional education.

Attributes of social capital

The social

A concept analysis of social capital (Hean et al. Citation2004) highlighted some of its global attributes and component characteristics. Social capital combines two concepts. The first is the social component. This exists in or through the quality, quantity and context of relationships (e.g. Coleman Citation1988, Vimpani Citation2000, Mitchell & Harrison Citation2001). In interprofessional education, the social capital that may accumulate within an interprofessional team in practice is mimicked, or in fact begins, in the interprofessional learning group. The level of social capital generated is dictated by the quality of the relationships formed between student practitioners in their learning interactions. In particular, in interprofessional education, this happens during the experience of learning about, from and with each other.

The capital

The second concept relates to the capital of social capital. A Marxist understanding of capital sees it as both a dynamic and durable phenomenon. Bourdieu describes social capital as ‘an unceasing effort of sociability, a continuous series of exchanges in which recognition is endlessly affirmed and reaffirmed’; an ‘aggregate of the actual or potential resources which are linked to possession of a durable network’ (Bourdieu Citation1997, pp. 51–52). As interprofessional education learning groups are of limited duration and disband at the end of the interprofessional education intervention, the durability of any advantage gained within an interprofessional learning group may at first be questioned. However, the learning, skills and trust of other professional groups created within the interprofessional education network, if managed correctly, encourages the student practitioner to reinvest in future collaborations when joining interprofessional teams in practice. In this way, interpersonal trust in interprofessional learning group members becomes generalised trust of other professional groups in practice, and the advantages of working in a team accumulates. Greater detail on the concepts of the dynamic nature of social capital in formal groups, such as an interprofessional education group, and ideas of investment and reinvestment in formal social networks is available in Hean et al. (Citation2003).

Capital is also a concept that enables us to explore issues of power differentials and social inequality. The exclusion of the patient from active participation in the interprofessional network means that, whilst they are essentially the reason for collaboration, interprofessional working may enhance the lives of professionals (see column 2, ), but excludes the patient from the potential advantages of active group membership. Similarly, if a student does not participate in an interprofessional education learning network (because interprofessional education is not offered, because it is not a compulsory part of the curriculum or if a student is ostracised from the learning network by other student members), the advantage gained through this social network is afforded to some but denied others. Similarly, not all professionals come to the interprofessional education learning group on a level playing field. Students may bring in social capital (and other forms of capital also, e.g. human capital) from their professional groups (or other networks) that afford them greater status, skills and/or experiences. This enables them to take advantage of the knowledge transfer that takes place in the interprofessional education group to a greater degree than other students denied these networks.

Table 3.  Assumptions underlying ALT or ‘Andragogy’

Social capital is a dynamic concept that describes the investment and reinvestment in social networks and the accumulation of social capital through this process. In the interprofessional education context, students transfer their learning from the social network of interprofessional education to the social network of the interprofessional team. In social capital terms, this can be articulated as students reinvesting the interprofessional skills and interprofessional trust built in interprofessional education into the practice network and accumulating greater social capital as a result. There may be numerous reasons why this reinvestment is blocked breaking the capital generation cycle.

Social capital as a function

Social capital is also defined by its function (Coleman Citation1988), exemplified by facilitation, co-operation, learning (e.g. copying and pooling of skills) and generation of trust, gossip, reputation or regulation (e.g. Coleman Citation1988, Collier Citation1998, Kilpatrick Citation2003). It may serve several purposes simultaneously (e.g. Coleman Citation1988, Putnam Citation1993, Astone et al. Citation1999). For example, social capital generated in an interprofessional learning group where students working on a common task may lead them to learning about the roles of the other practitioners and developing academic or practice-based skills.

Social capital as a multidimensional concept

Social capital is multidimensional, a factor that, along with its capital nature, differentiates it from many of its related concepts such as social support. Part of the construct's strength is that together the dimensions provide a heuristic and encompassing view of the social advantage that may develop within the interprofessional learning group. An exploration of these dimensions, as seen below, can help curriculum developers pinpoint where interprofessional learning interactions can be enhanced.

Network characteristics

A first dimension in this pluralistic framework is the description of the social network in which social capital is generated. The type of network is of interest, and can range from membership in the informal (e.g. family, friend and neighbourhood networks) to the formal (e.g. sports clubs, farming associations). An interprofessional learning group is an example of a formal social network created and legitimised through the interprofessional education curriculum. The features of this network can be partitioned into the physical (e.g. network size; heterogeneity, horizontality – Tijhuis et al. 1995, Veenstra & Lomas Citation1999, Cattell Citation2001) and affective characteristics (e.g. social cohesion; feelings of solidarity – Kawachi & Berkman 2000, Kilpatrick Citation2003). Behavioural measures of frequency and level of participation in the network may also alter the amount of advantage obtainable from the network (Putnam Citation1993, Citation1995, Baum et al. Citation1999, Veenstra & Lomas Citation1999, Veenstra Citation2000). These network characteristics can be used to describe the nature of the interprofessional learning group. Curriculum developers need to consider how these network characteristics can be optimised to maximise the social advantage that learning in an interprofessional group can achieve. Some of the propositions from our hypothetical Curriculum Development Committee in relation to this dimension are presented in .

Comment Box 1. Some propositions from the curriculum development committee on the composition of interprofessional learning groups based on social capital theory


Another component attribute of social capital is trust. Two forms exist, depending on whether or not the person to be trusted is known personally to the respondent (Baum et al. Citation1999, Veenstra Citation2000, Mitchell & Harrison Citation2001). In interprofessional education, interpersonal trust is exemplified by the trust that builds between students in the interprofessional learning group. When students rely on a fellow student to pull their weight in the team task that is an example of interpersonal trust in action. Trust, however, in those with whom individuals have no first-hand knowledge, i.e. generalised trust (Cox Citation1997) is to a degree a more important phenomenon. Trusting in the goodwill and professional ability of other professional groups facilitates the working of teams that may be geographically dispersed or transient; and the health and welfare system as a whole. It is the transfer of interpersonal trust developed in fellow group members through interprofessional education into the generalised trust in others in different professional groups in general and with whom neophyte practitioners will collaborate in the future, that is a key strength of interprofessional education. Facilitators and curriculum developers should pay attention to the way curricula can be developed to include tasks and a process of group facilitation that can build interprofessional trust both at a personal but more importantly at a generalised level.


Another attribute of the network important to the generation of social capital are the resources the social network offers to its members (Vimpani Citation2000). Two forms of resource are relevant: those external and those internal to the individual (Cowley & Billings Citation1999). External resources exist outside of the individual. They are accessible only through interaction with others within that same network. They take both physical (e.g. financial and other material resources) and abstract forms, e.g. a collective skill base of people in the network, willingness of network members to offer assistance (Tijhuis et al. Citation1995, Cattell Citation2001). In the interprofessional student group, one external resource is the knowledge that each member holds of their individual profession, that they can share with other members of the group if so requested.

Coleman (Citation1988) describes the importance of social capital to the generation of human capital. Human capital describes the changes in a person brought about by increased skill/knowledge leading to new behaviours. The example he uses is the potential of a highly educated family network (high in human capital) to foster higher educational attainment (and transfer of human capital) to their children. This is compared to families in which human capital (in this case education) is lower. However, for this transfer to occur, a strong social relationship and contact between the child and the parent is required (social capital). This translates well into the interprofessional education student group. Students come to the interprofessional education learning group with a wealth of human capital (the knowledge and skills from their own professional group); However, if the interprofessional education student group does not communicate effectively, does not cooperate with each another, is unwilling to spend time with each other to explore each other's professions, then learning with from and about each other does not happen. If the social capital is missing from the interprofessional education group, no human capital (increased skills and knowledge of other professional groups) will accrue.

Resources internal to the individual are also worthy of consideration. These are necessary in many instances to help the individual access external resources resident in the network. Internalised knowledge of whom, when and where to go for help, if required, is an example of this (Bourdieu Citation1997, Kilpatrick Citation2003).

Norms and rules

The final attributes of social capital are the norms and rules governing the social network. Norms are those unstated rules or standards that often govern actions during informal or spontaneous social relations. Whilst deviation may be punished by socially imposed sanctions enforced by other group members, compliance with these norms may promote spontaneous co-operation between individuals (Cox Citation1997, Collier Citation1998, Fukuyama Citation1999). Such cooperation either restricts or facilitates individual and group action for the benefit of the whole (Coleman Citation1988).

The norms and rules in the interprofessional learning groups are not well understood. Complaints of freeloading, especially when the interprofessional learning group is assessed as a group, are often mentioned in the interprofessional education student groups, as in any team. A curriculum developer needs to consider the rules of interaction that should be prescribed when designing interprofessional education activities, or the degree to which norms should be allowed to develop naturally within the group as they begin to work together.

Some practical questions and solutions that arise from the discussion of the trust, resources, norms and rules dimensions of social capital by our hypothetical curriculum committee can be seen in .

Comment Box 2. Some propositions by the Curriculum Development Committee on building Trust, Resources and Norms of engagement within the interprofessional learning group

In conclusion, social capital is a concept that was can be used by our curriculum lead and her committee to convince sceptics of the advantages of learning in a group and learning in an interprofessional group. They applied dimensions of social capital practically to produce some suggestions about how the curriculum could be designed and delivered with this theoretical underpinning. There is much scope to apply this theory further, not only to defend the form of delivery but also as a tool with which to explore/evaluate the processes and short and long term outcomes of the curriculum.

Thinking point

Suggested further reading

Using education theory to inform the design of an interprofessional curriculum

The second section of our case study shows that our lead has quite a task ahead of her if she is to get agreement about the design and content of the interprofessional education modules by the Interprofessional Education Curriculum Planning Committee. This may not be surprising given their different backgrounds and interests in the initiative. She decides that convincing the most sceptical members will be easier if the options she presents reflect good scholarship. She is also aware that some members might find academic language off putting; so, whatever she writes needs to be informed by evidence and written in accessible language. Her aim is that they should work towards developing a theoretically rich curriculum design, underpinned by evidence and accompanied by a clear, agreed and long-term resource plan (Hammick & Anderson Citation2009).

On review of the literature review she selects two recently published papers (Mann et al. Citation2009, Charles et al. Citation2010) that reported how two different education theoretical frameworks were used in the development and design of interprofessional education initiatives. Her plan includes making a list of the benefits of each theoretical framework and factors that need to be considered in the context of the University and Faculty they all work in. She will also outline instructional approaches used in each of the interprofessional education models and summarise how they were implemented at each respective higher education institution. Our lead hopes that these examples will help any of her colleagues who find reading about theory a challenge, enabling them to see how theory can be used effectively to underpin interprofessional education curriculum development. She believes that this will be a good point to start discussions at the Interprofessional Education Curriculum Planning Committee's next meeting.

Adult learning and scaffolding in interprofessional education: views from the literature

Adult learning theory (ALT) or andragogy, developed by Knowles (Citation1984, Citation1990), has tended to be the theory most often associated with interprofessional education (Craddock et al. Citation2006, Carpenter & Dickinson Citation2008). ALT is useful to curriculum developers, facilitators and students and the key principles underpinning this theory are presented in .

The successful application of ALT has been identified as a key mechanism for well-received interprofessional education (Hammick et al. Citation2007). It encourages students, as learners, to move through a series of developmental stages to achieve the ability to engage in transformative learning (Merriam Citation2004, Mezirow Citation2004). This is referred to as the highest potential for understanding, emphasising the importance of interprofessional education curriculum developers’ roles to draw on education theory to create learning opportunities that enable students to become more reflective and critical, more open to the perspectives of others, less defensive, and more accepting of new ideas (Stone Citation2006). Furthermore, it illuminates the crucial role of facilitators, facilitating interprofessional education effectively initiatives to enhance students’ learning experiences (Miller et al. Citation2006, O’Halloran et al. Citation2006). Facilitators therefore need to have a good knowledge of education and group learning theories, be able to manage group dynamics; have practical skills in problem-solving and encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning. They need to be able to think interprofessionally with experience and confidence (Glen & Reeves Citation2004, Bjorke & Haavie Citation2006).

In the interprofessional education context, ALT commonly appears as a pool of pedagogical approaches that encourage students to activate prior knowledge and build on existing conceptual knowledge frameworks (Kaufman Citation2003, Wood Citation2003). Summaries of commonly used pedagogical approaches, available for curriculum developers to use, and key references for further reading to illuminate their utility in interprofessional education are presented in Appendix (). However, there is a need for curriculum developers to recognise and articulate the constructivist roots of ALT (Dewey Citation1966, Piaget Citation1973, Vygotsky Citation1978), underpinning the rationale for interprofessional education curriculum development decisions. It is therefore posited that adult learning applied to interprofessional education should be viewed as a context in which constructivist learning theories are applied as opposed to a theory in isolation (Hean et al. Citation2009b).

ALTs may be usefully applied at the outset of curriculum development, for all pre- and post-qualifying interprofessional education initiatives, following the agreement of learning outcomes. Such application guides the selection of pedagogical approaches appropriate for students’ levels of study. For example, students studying in the first year of a pre-registration programme (i.e. Further and Higher Education Qualification [FHEQ] level 4) or early pre-clinical medical studies tend to absorb material without too much thought as to where the knowledge is taking them (Biggs & Tang Citation2007). Curriculum developers may therefore use structured interprofessional education tasks, encouraging students to begin to participate actively in their learning. Furthermore, students studying on a continuing professional development programme (FHEQ7) or during clinical studies should be encouraged to engage actively in the management of their own learning (Ibid.). Interprofessional education curriculum developers may therefore use a problem-based learning approach when developing post-qualifying programmes.

Constructivist learning theories have a key role to play in both campus-based and practice-based interprofessional education. The location of interprofessional education initiatives is influenced by logistical issues, including overstretched workloads, pressures on service provision, students’ lack of practice experience and financial constraints (Guest et al. Citation2002, Robson & Kitchen Citation2007). It is believed that placement-based interprofessional learning opportunities are preferable to campus-based opportunities as it enables students’ learning to be embedded in a relevant context (Guest et al. Citation2002, Reeves & Freeth Citation2002, Young et al. Citation2007). However, where placement-based learning is not logistically viable, there is widespread agreement that stimulus materials used in campus-based interprofessional education initiatives should be linked to practice settings, helping to bridge the theory–practice gap (Cooper & Spencer-Dawe Citation2006, Wright & Lindqvist Citation2008, Pulman et al. Citation2009). Constructivism can therefore be effectively used to inform decisions regarding the learning and teaching methods used, enabling students to learn and work interprofessionally in practice settings; or learn interprofessionally in campus-based settings, using case-based stimuli.

Constructivism considers the process of learning and includes both cognitive constructivism and social constructivism, both of which have utility in interprofessional education. Cognitive constructivism is concerned with the process of how learners learn in relation to development stages and learning styles (Dewey Citation1966, Piaget Citation1973). A key component of cognitive constructivism is self-directed learning, facilitating the integration of new knowledge and understanding into the personal and professional context of the individual (Chastonay et al. Citation1996, Wood Citation2003). This enables students to develop lifelong learning skills and emphasises (1) curriculum developers’ roles in organising learning and teaching, so that learning is within the learners’ control; and (2) facilitators’ roles in facilitating interprofessional education learning opportunities.

By enabling learners to become active participants in interprofessional education interventions, a deep approach to learning is encouraged (Spencer & Jordan Citation1999, Kaufman Citation2003, Wood Citation2003). This facilitates the transfer of learning, enabling students to extend learning from one context to new contexts (D’Eon Citation2005).

Thinking point

However, it is social constructivism, embedded within the context of adult learning that is believed to have greater use in interprofessional learning (interprofessional learning) (Hean et al. Citation2009a, Citation2009b). Influenced by Vygotsky (Citation1978, Citation1986), social constructivism emphasises that learning is mediated by the environment, and social interactions help cognitive development and shape learners’ knowledge and comprehension (Young Citation2007). Learning in interprofessional education is conceptualised as something that occurs interprofessionally and which is specific to its social, cultural and historic context. Here, learners share their knowledge and understanding, participating in collaborative interprofessional learning activities to negotiate meaning. Knowledge and understanding is therefore developed not as individuals but as a group (Maddux et al. Citation1997).

These interprofessional learning activities use instructional approaches including problem-solving (Craddock et al. Citation2006) and anchored instruction (Barab et al. Citation2000) to situate learning in realistic problems, enabling students to experience the same professional dilemmas facing health and social care practitioners in practice. In interprofessional education anchored instruction through the use of case-based learning or problem-based learning which has been tailored to professions represented in the interprofessional learning group, encourages students to become actively engaged in learning. Maddux et al. (Citation1997) emphasised the need for instructional materials used to include rich resources which students can access to collaboratively explore how to solve the problem. The use of anchored instruction is an emphasis of both cognitive and social constructivists. The former emphasises the need to give students interprofessional education opportunities to consider and work on problems; and the latter emphasises the need for members of interprofessional learning groups to work together to solve problems.

Vygotsky (Citation1978) felt that students’ learning was mediated via socio-cultural tools such as language or a peer. He introduced the concept of the ‘zone of proximal development’ (ZPD), which argues that students can, with support, master concepts and ideas that they cannot comprehend in isolation (Jarvis et al. Citation2003, Hean et al. Citation2009b). Such development employs the use of support systems (scaffolding). For example, facilitators, more experienced peers and computer-based technology support sharing, negotiating and constructing knowledge in an interprofessional context. However, concerns have been reported that some facilitators may have limited experiences of guiding rather than directing student learning in interprofessional education initiatives (Miller et al. Citation2006, Rees & Johnson Citation2007). Facilitator training sessions are therefore needed to prevent ‘cultural lag’ (Colyer Citation2008) and reinforce the philosophy behind interprofessional education, providing a forceful argument in favour of the need for more staff training opportunities.

The facilitator may be seen as a socio-cultural tool with which to encourage social learning, but so too is the computer. Computer-based technology, as a support system, can facilitate socially constructed learning and provides fundamental tools with which to accomplish interprofessional education goals. Simultaneously, its use has the potential to overcome intra-institutional barriers relating to, for example, timetabling and shift incompatibility, and issues of geography and work, both clinically and educationally, which can be a major obstacle to introducing workable interprofessional education initiatives (Finch Citation2000, McPherson et al. Citation2001, Morison et al. Citation2003, Charles et al. Citation2006). Indeed, there have been examples of innovative strategies used to overcome such logistical issues, including the use of blended learning via a simulated web-based community learning resource (Wessex Bay), introduced within an interprofessional education curriculum at Bournemouth University (Pulman et al. Citation2009). Miers et al. (Citation2007) and Wright and Lindqvist (Citation2008) also illuminated the value of online learning to, in part, facilitate learning across different sites as well as provide a scenario-based context for learning. Success, however, is reliant on the development of real interactive case scenarios linked to practice settings, and facilitators and students’ knowledge and skills levels around learning technologies (Miers et al. Citation2007, Pulman et al. Citation2009). This reinforces the importance of training for facilitators and preparation for students in order to maximise the potential of e-learning as scaffolding, leading to the social construction of meaning (ibid.).

Thinking point

In social constructivism, completing interprofessional education tasks enables students to go beyond their ‘actual developmental level’ and into the ZPD (Jarvis et al. Citation2003). This allows students to increase their existing knowledge base and accommodate new knowledge (Hean et al. Citation2009b) in a learning environment that encourages students to develop reflective skills and attitudes that contribute to effective problem-solving and critical skills (Maddux et al. Citation1997). As students develop a comprehensive understanding and become independent learners, these scaffolding systems are no longer needed and can be slowly removed (Vygotsky Citation1978, Jarvis et al. Citation2003, Hean et al. Citation2009b). Vygotsky's concept of ZPD is utilised by D’Eon (Citation2005) who provided an account of student-centred learning tasks with ‘scaffolding’ support to facilitate the transfer of learning. He explained how such tasks become progressively more complex; for example, moving from simple case observations in realistic or authentic settings involving two disciplines through to very complex cases in realistic or authentic settings involving more than four disciplines. This enables students to transfer their learning to new and different situations, building on successes and enhancing their prior knowledge.

Suggested further reading

Understanding the challenges of teaching and learning interprofessionally through a theoretical lens

As you can read, the interprofessional education event in our case study has been partially successful. Despite best efforts things still go wrong, even if theoretically sound. Nothing can prepare you for the complexity of interprofessional education as some of the facilitators recognised: it is a matter of continuing to learn in a different way for everyone involved. Poor student evaluations and a lack of enthusiasm by facilitators mean that our interprofessional lead is struggling to know what to do next.

Our contention is that explanation and understanding of practical problems in education can often be found by looking at what went wrong from a theoretical perspective. In other words, rather than simply addressing each criticism or problem in a reactive way, it is better to search for the reasons why the students felt aggrieved and the facilitators struggled. Our lead decides to take this approach as she feels that it might also be the way to encourage the facilitators to work with her in the future.

Her first task is to convince the Interprofessional Education Curriculum Planning Committee that using theory to guide the response to the students’ criticisms and facilitators’ potential withdrawal is the way forward. She is aware that some members will just want to change the delivery mode, perhaps to make it an on-line module; others will blame the problems on differences in the students’ experiences of the workplace and suggest a different mix within each learning group. She knows from listening to colleagues who lead interprofessional education in other universities that making these changes may be necessary but they may not be sufficient to provide future students with a good enough experience of learning and staff facilitating interprofessional education with the support they need.

Our lead sets aside a morning to search for theories to help her understand why not all the students and facilitators enjoyed learning or facilitating interprofessionally. She is aware that ‘barriers to IPE will not disappear by simply being ignored, but they can be managed and overcome’ (McPherson et al. Citation2001, p. 46). Her plan is to write a short paper and a list of discussion points for the Interprofessional Education Curriculum Planning Committee to inform their collective decision about revisions to the interprofessional modules for delivery the following year. Her search leads her to literature about the creation of professional knowledge, the concept of professionalism and onto Bernstein's theory about how knowledge is classified and the role of power in pedagogic practices.

The task is not an easy one. The paper must appeal to colleagues who have been quite vocal in the past about how they are practical people, understanding theory is for academics. Her aim is that the development of the modules should be related to the theory and perhaps this will encourage more theory informed education initiatives across the faculty.

Professionalism and the organisation of knowledge: what can theory tell us?

In the Western world, the professions first gained, and now maintain their roles and status, via the specialist knowledge that underpins the services they offer. The ascendancy of professional knowledge marked a transition from societies in which any query about received knowledge was seen as a challenge to ‘moral orthodoxy and a threat to the all important social cohesion’ (Macdonald Citation1995, p. 158). Possession of their own knowledge and thus the ability to do their work confers a social value on members of a given profession. This permits them, and only them, to respond to market demands for their work. In return, society permits self-regulation and other key features commonly accepted as constitutive of a profession. These include the right to independent thought and, in the UK and USA, minimal (though some would say increasing) state control of professional practices.

One barrier to interprofessional learning is the tradition of separate professional education. The history of non-medical healthcare sciences professional education has often been one of the gaining independence from the medical profession by limiting medical control over curricula, examinations and professional registration. Professional education, however, is not just a process of gaining professional knowledge and skills: it is a process of socialisation into the values and characteristics of a particular profession.

Modern society has increasingly demanded a variety of services so that now no one profession can meet demands in traditionally defined fields of practice, e.g. law and medicine. One reason for this is the exponential growth of knowledge in the nineteenth to twenty-first centuries, creating the need for, and some might say allowing, different professions to create their own collection of knowledges and of practitioner know-how or competences. This industry of knowledge and skill management demands from each profession a pedagogical system of reproduction and production.

Thinking point

In universities, knowledge reproduction and production is translated as teaching others what professional practitioners know and undertaking research for new knowledge. Most usually, both these types of work (teaching and research) are carried out in distinct departments staffed by academic members of a single profession. These reflect the distinctive roles in the work setting of each profession not only in healthcare but also in other agencies that have responsibilities for the health and well-being of individuals and the community. Beattie's (Citation1995) discussion of tribal boundaries in healthcare highlights how this socio-anthropological concept helps our understanding of how and why ‘domains of knowledge’ (p. 15) are kept apart. He draws upon Bernstein's (Citation1971) distinction between curriculum types naming them as either collection code or integrated code.

Code in this instance denotes the way in which meaning is realised in a particular context, in other words how we come to understand something, or to know it. For a full explanation, see Bernstein (Citation1996, p. 111). Beattie asserts that the collection code, where knowledge is accumulative and new knowledge is built on past knowledge, dominates health science professions curriculum typologies. He argues for curricula based on the integration code, i.e. curricula that encourage learning from other disciplines, accepting that it is possible to understand something in more than one way or from more than one perspective. In this way, the curricula (in places) have enhanced relevance and flexibility and are more able to permit the redrawing of knowledge boundaries between the professions. This redrawing of knowledge is what is sought during interprofessional learning. In other words, after learning about each other and from each other, the separate professional knowledges about a particular patient/client or practice issue are bought together in a learning with from diverse expertise and experiences. The ultimate aim of this is effective collaborative practice since, as McPherson et al. (Citation2001, p. 46) remind us, ‘whether or not the caregivers see themselves as part of a team, each patient depends on the performance of the whole’. This need to work collaboratively or, put another way, to be an interprofessional practitioner, presents learners with the challenge of integrating some of their knowledge with that of colleagues from another profession.

This approach is not to advocate the merger of different professional curricula, or ‘to remove differences or blur boundaries between what a nurse and doctor might do, or how an occupational therapist and psychologist might approach management. Rather, we need to clarify and understand the different ways of thinking and combine the different knowledge and skills in a way that will benefit patients (McPherson et al. Citation2001, p. 48).

Curricula need to foster interprofessional learning of knowledge that needs to be shared between certain teams of healthcare practitioners (and those from other agencies) in addition to promoting uniprofessional learning essential for each professional practice. It is arguable whether the experience of learning with is in itself sufficient for capability as an interprofessional practitioner. But programmes of learning that focus on integrating topics around a client group, accessible by learners from appropriate professions, form a foundation for interprofessional practice for newly qualified practitioners. Similarly, continued professional development and service delivery improvement initiatives are usefully modelled on this concept. The learning together from the integrated code then leads (in theory) to working better together: supporting the transition from practice that simply acknowledges the role of others to ways of working that embrace and celebrate the different perspectives (or knowledges) of all members of the team bring to the world of meeting the needs of a particular service user.

With the proliferation of professions, and ignoring only for lack of space the distinctions made between all those occupations that now enjoy such a title – see Freidson (Citation1994) for a full discussion of this – effective and efficient public services (e.g. healthcare, social care and well-being services) now depend on practitioners from a range of professions. Importantly and increasingly most commentators agree that effectiveness also depends upon the capability of these practitioners to collaborate in service delivery. They also agree that one key attribute of effective collaborative working is the willingness of staff from different professions to share their specialist knowledge with others and to recognise and respect the knowledge of staff from other professions.

Post-registration and continuing professional development programmes with integrated code curricula in interprofessional education are not always well received. Despite government policy drivers and committed efforts by senior managers (e.g. the Dean in our case study), professionally labelled initial undergraduate programmes find interprofessional education difficult as the case study shows. Insights into these dilemmas are explored next by first looking at another of Bernstein's curriculum classification systems and then briefly returning to the role of professional socialisation.

Hammick (Citation1998) argues that we can better understand the challenges of learning to be interprofessional by drawing on Bernstein's model of the categorisation of knowledge. In this model, there are collections of specialist knowledge known as singulars (e.g. anatomy), and those known as regions. Regions are several singulars bought together and as a result look towards a field of practice (e.g. physiotherapy). Hammick (Citation1998) argues that interprofessional knowledge arises from the transition of several regions into a ‘new terrain of knowledge’ (p. 326). This can happen in a team of practitioners from different professions and when students from different professions collaborate in an enquiry-based learning: it is essentially what happens during the experience of learning with. As previously argued, the creation of a terrain of knowledge is much more likely to happen where the curriculum model follows the integrated code rather than the collection code, encouraging learners to draw widely on different types of knowledge rather than (just) collecting knowledge from the heritage of their own profession.

Ideally, interprofessional education is organised, so that students are encouraged and enabled to learn with those from different professions and, consequently, to effectively form new terrains of knowledge alongside the conceptual frameworks of their professions’ knowledge. Moving regions of knowledge into the new terrains challenges the moral orthodoxy and threatens the social cohesion of each profession. Learning and working interprofessionally means acknowledging the need for less thinking in our own regions of knowledge and more learning from the collaboratively created terrains of knowledge that must also include what the user of services knows.

So, for example, in the care of an older person (Amy) with dementia, several regions of knowledge are required to ensure effective and efficient patient and family care. The need is for a terrain of professional and personal knowledge, possibly specific to a particular patient and their family, built from the different professional and personal knowledge regions involved in that person's care. In order to do this, the learner (or the practitioner) needs to understand their own profession's knowledge region, to understand how their region fits in with the knowledge regions of others, and to value and respect the contribution all the regions make to the new terrain. shows this for one person recently diagnosed with dementia. In this Venn diagram, each practitioner or person's individual region of knowledge remains: the terrain is made from a part of those regions shown as a snapshot at one point in time. We suggest that the terrain will change shape as the chronology of caring for Amy proceeds. Other practitioners and different agencies may become involved in Amy's care; other members of her family (and friends) will be involved – each new collaborative team will contribute to and need to recognise these changes.

Figure 2. An example of the creation of a terrain of care formed through the overlap of five regions of knowledge.

Figure 2. An example of the creation of a terrain of care formed through the overlap of five regions of knowledge.

The theories discussed above show that considerable change is at the heart of an interprofessional education curriculum. The process of learning to be a particular practitioner and of being socialised into a particular profession will inevitably be altered with the introduction of a more integrated curriculum delivered to learners from two or more professions that seek to create new terrains of knowledge and enables learners to form interprofessional social groups. Introducing educational change brings the responsibility to use theory to help students and staff better understand the complexity of the new curriculum and their reactions to this new way of learning.

Putting theory into practice

The paper our interprofessional lead has written for her colleagues discusses some theories which can help to explain why well-planned interprofessional education modules may not be well received by all the students and staff involved. It has drawn on some complex ideas that help in understanding why even well-intentioned and well-planned interprofessional education needs on-going scrutiny to permit its acceptance by all those involved. We selected theories for their utility in helping staff gain a deeper understanding of the challenges that interprofessional education makes to professional identity and theories with the ability to shed light on how interprofessional education is working at the micro-level (students learning to be interprofessional) and the macro-level (staff organising and assisting the facilitation of interprofessional education). These theories are demanding; we think they are appropriate when explanation of why well-planned interprofessional education modules do not go according to plan is needed. In other words, they are timely theories to use post hoc. This may not, of course be the only time they are useful; it is worth considering their utility in your particular interprofessional education context.

We contend that an essential element of the process of becoming an interprofessional practitioner and facilitator includes learning how knowledge is produced and reproduced in your profession and how this leads to views of the world of practice through a particular professional lens. It is vital to recognise powerful influence of primary professional socialisation on individuals who are then required, or indeed personally decide, to work with others interprofessionally. Working in this way demands a willingness to learn about others (possibly of minimal difficulty) also from others (probably a greater challenge) and finally with each other to produce a new terrain of knowledge. It is this that is the most demanding; requiring acceptance that the gap in what we know can only be filled by collaborating with others to create that terrain.

Putting into practice what we learn from theories of professional socialisation and the ways professional knowledge is created is another matter. Our argument is that collaborative learning and working demand some mediation of professional socialisation, some give and take when it comes to whose knowledge and values are important and acknowledgment of the importance of sharing knowledge to achieve effective collaboration and care. To achieve this, the concept of give and take in this context needs to be discussed openly during interprofessional learning by staff and students. Issues that may arise in such discussions include who takes lead responsibility in a particular team, sharing of documentation and matters relating to data protection and how different models of care can best be used to fully understand the patient/clients needs. These, and other areas of potential conflict amongst the diverse staffing groups delivering public services, need to be seen within a context where power differentials are still determined by tradition and complex hierarchies exist within agencies and organisations.

Being able to give up a particular professional view of the patient/clients situation and take in the professional knowledge of others is at the heart of working interprofessionally. As Hammick et al. (Citation2009) point out that this requires (amongst other qualities) having respect for our colleagues and confidence in what they know, a self-confidence about what we know and what we do not know, being willing to engage with others and to share knowledge as the way towards the best possible outcome for patient/client. Discussions about how to achieve interprofessional socialisation needs to be facilitated in ways that allow everyone's views to be heard; including what the potential negative consequences are thought to be. The discussion points for the case study away day in suggest some areas worth exploring in more detail.

Comment Box 3. Using ALT models to develop an interprofessional education curriculum

Comment Box 4. For discussion at the interprofessional education curriculum development committee's away day

Suggested further reading

Conclusions and reflections

Using theory to inform and shape interprofessional education

We have illustrated in this Guide, through our case study, that theory is a strong tool to be utilised by educators to articulate and develop our practice in the development and delivery of an interprofessional education curriculum.

The use of social capital can help to defend the need for an interprofessional curriculum and provided guidance as to what the learning groups could look like and how they and the activities within it could be structured. It also helps us think about the sustainability of the trust students have of other practitioners on entering practice and potential power differentials within the learning groups. Many of the propositions created by our mythical interprofessional education committee need to be tested through empirically sound research into the dimensions and dynamic nature of the social capital generated in an interprofessional student learning group. For example, by testing some of the propositions, we discuss in and .

Table 4.  Seamless care model (Mann et al. Citation2009)

Table 5.  University of British Colombia Model of Interprofessional Education (Charles et al. Citation2010)

Many health and social care educationists may be more familiar with ALTs. Our choices here of cognitive and social constructivist theories are particularly useful with some excellent examples of their application available in the literature. Even with an interprofessional curriculum that is theoretically sound, its introduction and delivery within traditional professional programmes may still be contested. We have shown that an understanding of the socio-political dimensions of interprofessional education can help curriculum developers and delivers work through the challenges that working interprofessionally across departments of professional education can bring. We have to continually develop staff to enable then to reflect on and explore their own discomfort with participating in interprofessional learning. Evaluation that is theory led is essential to assess changes like we identified in the case study as is basing further improvements on the evidence this produces. Identifying the nature of the terrains of knowledge created by the student's work and using these as examples to help future students and staff understand the nature of interprofessional learning is key to the continuing success of interprofessional education developments.

The case study has illustrated the effort that goes into the design and delivery of an interprofessional education curriculum and the need for considerable preparation and support for staff involved. It has shown that planning and delivering interprofessional education with theoretical sophistication is an intellectually challenging and time consuming exercise. It is, however, as essential a part of sound interprofessional curriculum design as team management, political skills and insightful leadership.

We wish you all the very best in your interprofessional education practice and welcome comments on your experience of the application of theory to practice.


We would like to thank all those colleagues who participated in the ESRC seminar series Evolving Theory in Interprofessional education (2007–2009) for their input to the debates and discussions that took place during the four seminars. Participating in these influenced our thinking about theory and interprofessional education and enabled us to write with confidence on a complex topic. In particular, our thanks go to the other members of the convening group (Hugh Barr, Cath O’Halloran, Alan Borthwick and Margaret Miers) for their scholarly contribution to the planning meetings. Thanks go to Alan Borthwick and Margaret Miers for permission to use excerpts from their contributions to the sociology paper, written with Marilyn Hammick, for the seminar series. Thanks also to other members of the International Interprofessional Theory Network (IITN) Committee (Kath Pollard, Richard Pitt, Cath O‘Halloran) for their comments on early drafts of this Guide.

Declaration of interest: The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the article.


1. This seminar series aimed to develop an overview of theories introduced into the Interprofessional Education field, and to compare, contrast and apply these to interprofessional education and research to improve the quality of research and practice. A description and key outcomes of this seminar series can be accessed at http://eprints.bournemouth.ac.uk/11965/1/FINAL_REPORT_RES-451-26-0360.pdf

2. HPC (Citation2010) has recently consulted on proposed changes to the generic standards of proficiency. The Centre for Advancement in Interprofessional Education responded to this advocating most strongly the inclusion of explicit reference to collaboration with other professions for effective patient care and safe practice (CAIPE Citation2010).


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Table A. 1. Pedagogical approaches and application in interprofessional education

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