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Professor Peter Vedsted will take over as Editor-in-Chief of the Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care by the end of June 2011. Peter has been our Danish national editor since 2008. He knows the Journal well - but also has new ideas for the future development of the Journal!

Peter Vedsted works at the Research Unit of General Practice in Aarhus, Denmark. In recent years his research has focused on the diagnostic process and delay for cancer patients. His publication list, however, demonstrates a very broad research experience, including other groups of patients in general practice and the organisation and functions of primary care.

As the retiring Editor-in-Chief I would like to thank readers, authors, editors, our publisher and the Nordic Federation of General Practice for cooperation in the past seven and a half years. The Journal is primarily a platform for GP research in Scandinavia and it is financially supported by the five Nordic societies for general practice. Today the Journal has open access, a strong economy and the journal impact factor places it among the most prestigious in primary health care. It has been a privilege to work with you.

The editorial office moves from Odense to Aarhus and Lise Stark will stop as editorial secretary. Special thanks to her for her dedicated work!