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Research Article

Prevalence, comorbidity and stability of post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety and depression symptoms after exposure to physical assault: An 8-year prospective longitudinal study

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Pages 69-80 | Accepted 16 Sep 2012, Published online: 06 Nov 2012


Background: There is a lack of prospective longitudinal studies focusing specifically on the victims exposed to physical violence by a perpetrator other than a family member. Aims: To assess the prevalence and comorbidity of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety and depression symptoms and the stability of symptoms, in a population of victims of non-domestic physical violence through 8 years. Method: This study had a single group longitudinal design with four repeated measures—the first as soon as possible after the exposure (n = 143 at T1), the second 3 months later (n = 94 at T2), the third after 1 year (n = 73 at T3) and the fourth after 8 years (n = 47 at T4). Questionnaires used were Impact of Event Scale—15 and 22 (IES-15 and 22), Post Traumatic Symptom Scale—10 (PTSS-10) and the Hopkins Symptoms Check List (HSCL-25). Results: Probable PTSD cases measured with IES-15 were 33.6% at T1, 30.9 at T2, 30.1% at T3 (12 months) and 19.1% at T4 (8 years), while probable anxiety and depression cases measured with HSCL-25 were 42.3% at T1, 35.5% at T2, 35.6% at T3 and 23.4% at T4. The estimated probability of recovery from PTSD symptoms during the 8 years is 52%, whereas the corresponding finding concerning anxiety and depression is 43%. Conclusion: The consequences of exposure to physical assault by strangers need to be given more attention as a severe risk of chronic mental health problems.


We thank the local police and the local outpatient workers in Bergen and Oslo for assisting with the recruitment of victims of violence. The authors acknowledge Irmelin B. Christensen for her contribution to making contact with the participants again, after 8 years. Most of all, we thank the participants.

Declaration of interest: The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper.

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