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Research Papers

Facilitators and barriers to engagement in physical activity for people with multiple sclerosis: a qualitative investigation

, , , &
Pages 625-642 | Published online: 09 Aug 2010


Purpose. To explore the barriers and facilitators to engagement in physical activity from the perspective of people with multiple sclerosis (MS).

Method. This study adopted a qualitative descriptive design, using semi-structured interviews. Participants were recruited through local MS Societies and one District Health Board as part of a larger study. Ten people with a definite diagnosis of MS were purposefully selected aiming for diversity on a range of characteristics.

Results. A number of factors were identified that seemed to interact and work to tip the decisional balance regarding physical activity engagement for people with MS. The most prominent themes included beliefs about physical activity; related emotional responses; and the role of fatigue in the decision to take part in physical activity. One of the most striking findings was the apparent tension surrounding the decision to take part in physical activity which seemed to be related to the co-existence of conflicting beliefs.

Conclusions. For people with MS, the decision to engage in physical activity (or not) is complex, fluid and individual; made more complex by the unpredictable nature of MS. Rehabilitation professionals attempting to engage people with MS in a physical activity programme should consider adopting an individualised approach to barrier management which takes into account personal beliefs and perceptions regarding physical activity engagement.


We thank all the participants for taking the time to share their stories. We would also like to thank Gary McMahon and Tina French from MS Auckland and MS Specialist Nurses from the District Health Board for their assistance and support, the Health Research Council of New Zealand for funding, Dr. Harry McNaughton for involvement in the proposal development and Marta Leete who worked as a research assistant on this project.

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