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Research Article

Young people and alcohol in Italy: An evolving relationship

Pages 99-122 | Published online: 08 Mar 2010


In Italy, commonly held opinions and interpretations about the relationship between young people and alcohol are often expressed as generalizations and approximations. In order to further understanding of the relationship between young people and alcohol in contemporary Italy, we have gathered, compared and discussed all the available data, both in relation to their approach to and consumption of alcoholic drinks and also to risk behaviours. Analysing this data highlights the dangers of a simplistic interpretation of youth alcohol consumption and confirms its complexity and cultural specificity. The globalization processes of contemporary society have led to a homogenization of consumption styles, but despite this, typical elements of drinking cultures that traditionally characterize the specific social and cultural contexts seem to persist in Europe, even among young people. By comparing the data it can be argued that the level of risk among young Italians appears to be lower than in other countries. Nevertheless, from the same research data emerges that can be interpreted as an indicator that this is changing. This data highlights a dual risk for political decision makers and health promoters and practitioners: on the one hand, the risk of excessive and counterproductive alarmism and, on the other, the equally dangerous reappraisal and understating of the changes taking place.

Declaration of interest: The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper. Franco Prina wrote the second section and the conclusion, Franca Beccaria the other sections.



[1] French and Swiss researchers, gathered together in an association with the symbolic name of ‘Penombre’, have for several years been pondering on the false evidence of numbers and measurements given to the public about the questions mentioned. See: http://penombre.assoc.free.fr/public/

[2] See Scafato et al., I consumi alcolici in Italia. Report 2004 sui consumi e le tendenze (1998–2001), www.epicentro.iss.it

[3] ‘Alcol in Italia, la prima Relazione del Ministro della Salute al Parlamento’, 29 January 2004, http://www.ministerosalute.it/dettaglio/pdPrimoPiano.jsp?id=204&sub=1&lang=it

[4] See Scafato et al., ‘L’influenza dei comportamenti familiari sul consumo di alcol, 2006’ (‘The influence of family behaviours on alcohol consumption, 2006’), www.epicentro.iss.it

[5] Report of the Health Minister to Parliament concerning the actions carried out according to law 30 March 2001, No. 125, data regarding the year 2003, Rome, 30 December 2004, page 9.

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