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Use of Alcoholic Beverages and Other Psychoactive Substances Among Women in Turkey: Medical, Biological, and Social Consequences. A Pilot Study

, &
Pages 1060-1076 | Published online: 04 May 2010


This research was planned for determining the genitourinary health problems of alcohol and other psychoactive substance-dependent women. This research was conducted using a descriptive method at the Alcohol-Substance Research, Treatment and Education Center (ASRTEC). The research sample comprised 126 women who presented at ASRTEC clinic between September 15, Citation and March 15, 2007, and were diagnosed as being alcohol/drug dependent according to DSM-IV. The data were collected using an Addicted Women's Genitourinary Health Evaluation Form and the Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale. In this study 37.3% of the women were alcohol dependent and 62.7% were substance dependent. It was determined that alcohol and other psychoactive substance-dependent women experience a high rate of genitourinary health problems, such as unprotected sexual intercourse with multiple partners, irregular menstrual cycles, sexual dysfunction, unwanted pregnancies, and abortions.



Cette recherche fut planifiée afin de déterminer la santé de reproduction chez les femmes alcooliques et toxicomanes. Cette recherche fut réalisée par la méthode descriptive dans le centre de Formation (AMATEM) basée sur la recherche Alcool/Drogue, Traitement. Le centre d’AMATEM d’Istanbul est le plus important centre pour les toxicomanes qui se trouvent en Turquie. Le paradigme de la recherche fut constitué de 126 femmes qui sont reconnus être toxicomane selon DSM-IV et qui se sont présentées à la cinique AMATEM entre le 15 Septembre Citation et le 15 Mars 2007. Les données furent obtenues selon le formulaire d’évaluation de la santé de reproduction des femmes toxicomanes et de l’échelle de la vie sexuelle d’Arizona. 37,3% des femmes qui ont participé à la recherche furent reconnus comme étant alcooliques et 62,7% toxicomanes. Il fut déterminé que les femmes alcooliques ou toxicomanes ont vécu de graves problèmes de santé de reproduction tels que souffrir de la violence, la polygamie, relation sexuelle sans prévention, irrégularité des règles, dysfonctionnement sexuel, grossesse involontaire et curetage.

Les mots clés: La santé féminine, L’alcoolisme, La toxicomanie, La santé de reproduction, La santé sexuelle.



Esta investigación fue planeada para determinar los problemas de salud de fecundidad maternal de las mujeres que son alcohólicas y sufren de adicción a las sustancias. La investigación ha sido realizada aplicando el método explicativo en el Centro de Investigaciones, de Alcohol/Sustancias y su Tratamiento y Educación (AMATEM). AMATEM es el centro de tratamiento más importante para dependencias de alcohol/sustancias en Turquía. La mostraría de esta investigación estaba constituida por 126 mujeres que se presentaron a la Clínica de AMATEM entre 15 de setiembre del Citation y 15 de marzo del 2007 y las cuales fueron reconocidas como dependientes de alcohol/sustancias según DSM-IV. Los datos fueron obtenidos de acuerdo los formularios para la evaluación de salud de fecundidad maternal de las mujeres y los parámetros de Vida Sexual de Arizona. Las investigaciones determinaron que el 37.3% de las mujeres sufrían del alcoholismo y el 62.7% eran dependientes de sustancias. También se determinaron que estas mujeres alcohólicas y dependientes de sustancias, en alto grado viven problemas de maltrato psicológico y físico, poligamia, relaciones sexuales sin prevenciones, desorden de menstruación, disfunción sexual, embarazos no deseados y abortos.

Palabras claves: Salud de la mujer, estar dependiente del alcohol, estar dependiente de las sustancias, Salud de fecundidad maternal, Salud sexual.


Melike Dişsiz, MS, finished the Vocational School of Health, Muğla in 1996 and graduated from the Bakırköy School of Health, Istanbul University in 2002. She has worked as an obstetrician in the Artvin city from 1997–1998. She has been working as a nurse in ASRTEC at Bakirkoy Resesarch and Training Hospital for Psychiatry, Neurology and Neurosurgery since 1998. She has completed her Master's degree in Education in 2007 at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, Florence Nightingale School of Nursing, Istanbul University and started her doctoral study in the same institution in 2008. Her main academic areas of interests are perinatology, reproductive health, sexual health, and alcohol/substance addiction.

Ümran Yeşiltepe Oskay, MA, graduated from Florence Nightingale School of Nursing, Istanbul University in 1987. She has worked as a nurse at the gynecology services of the International Hospital from 1987–1992. She has started to work as a research assistant in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, Florence Nightingale School of Nursing, Istanbul University in 1993, completed Master's in Education in 1995, and received PhD in 2001. She has been working as an Assistant Professor in the same institution since 2004. Her main academic areas of interests are perinatology, menopause, and sexual health. She has a large number of papers published on these subjects.

Nezihe Kızılkaya Beji, PhD, graduated from Florence Nightingale School of Nursing, Istanbul University in 1985. She has worked as a nurse at the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation, Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Istanbul University from 1984–1986 and completed her Master's in Education in 1987. She has worked as a research assistant at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, Branch of Nursing in Health Occupation High-School of Elazığ, Fırat University from 1986–1990 and worked as Head Nurse in Surp Agop Armenian Catholic Hospital from 1990–1991. She has worked as a research assistant at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, Florence Nightingale School of Nursing, Istanbul University from 1991–1996 and received PhD from the same institute in 1994. She had worked as Assistant Professor in 1996, Associate Professor in 1999, and Professor in Citation2005. She has been holding the Department Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, Florence Nightingale School of Nursing, Istanbul University since 2002. Her main academic areas of interests are uro-gynecology, infertility, sexual health, gynecologic oncology, and reproductive health. She has a large number of papers published on these subjects.


1 The journal's style utilizes the category substance abuse as a diagnostic category. Substances are used or misused; living organisms are and can be abused. Editor's note.

2 The reader is referred to Hills's criteria for causation would be helpful. These were developed in order to help assist researchers and clinicians determine if risk factors were causes of a particular disease or outcomes or merely associated. (Hill, A. B. (1965). The environment and disease: associations or causation? Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 58: 295–300.).

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