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Drug Use, Community Action, and Public Health: Gay Men and Crystal Meth in NYC

, , , &
Pages 368-380 | Published online: 15 Apr 2010


In 2004, GLBT and HIV/AIDS service providers in NYC mobilized against use of crystal methamphetamine among gay men. Both drug use and mobilization were shaped by the history of HIV, particularly the institutions, action repertoires, and social networks forged in earlier AIDS work. This paper is based on qualitative research conducted from 2007 to 2009 with advocates, service providers, and men who have sex with men recruited from diverse venues in NYC gay communities. The crystal use epidemic among gay men in NYC indicates the importance of social and historical context in shaping drug use and antidrug mobilization, including the potential for public health responses to drug use.


La consommation de drogues, l'action communautaire et de santé publique: les homosexuels et le crystal meth in NYC

En 2004, les organismes qui offrent des services aux comunidades LGBT et VIH / sida à New York sont mobilisés contre l'utilisation du crystal meth chez les hommes gais. La consommation de drogues et la mobilisation ont été touchés par l'histoire du VIH, notamment les institutions, les approches politiques et les groupes interconnectés d'amis et de relations professionnelles établi durant les premiers jours d'activisme sur le VIH / sida. Cet article utilise les données qualitatives recueillies 2007-09 entre les défenseurs, les prestataires de services, et des membres des communautés gay à New York. Le cristal meth épidémie chez les hommes gais à New York, montre l'importance du contexte social et de la compréhension historique de la drogue et la lutte anti-drogue, y compris les réponses possibles de santé publique à la toxicomanie.


El consumo de drogas, la acción comunitaria y salud pública: los hombres gay y la metanfetamina de cristal en la ciudad de Nueva York

En 2004, las agencias que proporcionan servicios a los communidades GLBT and HIV/AIDS en Nueva York movilizaron contra el uso de la metanfetamina de cristal entre los hombres homosexuals. El consumo de drogas y la movilización fueron impactados por la historia del VIH, en particular las instituciones, los métodos de acción y las grupos interconectados de amigos y relaciones profesionales creadas durante los primeros días de activismo en VIH / SIDA. Este artículo utiliza los datos cualitativos recogidos entre 2007-09 de los defensores, proveedores de servicios, y los miembros de las comunidades gay de Nueva York. La epidemia de metanfetamina de cristal entre los hombres homosexuales en Nueva York indica la importancia del contexto social e histórico en la comprensión de consumo de drogas y los movimientos anti-drogas, incluyendo el potencial de respuestas de salud pública al consumo de drogas.


Naomi Braine is an assistant professor of Sociology at Brooklyn College, City University of New York. She has published in Social Networks, AIDS Education and Prevention, Culture Health and Sexuality, and other public health and social science journals. Her primary research interests include HIV and drug use, the social construction of gender and sexuality, and social policy.

Caroline Jean Acker is an associate professor of History at Carnegie Mellon University. She is the author of Creating the American Junkie: Addiction Research in the Classic Era of Narcotic Control (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002) and a coeditor, with Sarah W. Tracy, of Altering American Consciousness: The History of Alcohol and Drug Use in the United States, 1800-2000 (University of Massachusetts Press, 2004).

Laurens G Van Sluytman, M.A., M.S.W., is a doctoral candidate at the Graduate School and University Center at the City University of New York, and a licensed psychotherapist. His research focuses on identifying and exploring network risk and resiliency among Black MSM (BMSM). Laurens has consulted on program evaluation with local HIV Community Based Organizations. He is a member of the National Association of Social Workers and the Society for Social Work Research.

Samuel R. Friedman, Ph.D. (sociology), is a senior research Fellow in the Institute for AIDS Research at National Development and Research Institutes, Inc., and the director of the Interdisciplinary Theoretical Synthesis Core in the Center for Drug Use and HIV Research, New York City. Dr. Friedman is an author of about 400 publications on HIV, STI, and drug use epidemiology and prevention, including pieces in Nature, Science, Scientific American, the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, the American Journal of Epidemiology, and the American Journal of Public Health. He is a published poet whose publications include two chapbooks (Murders most foul: Poems against war by a World Trade Center survivor, Central Jersey Coalition against Endless War, 2005, and Needles, drugs, and defiance: Poems to organize by, North American Syringe Exchange Network, 1999) and a book of poetry (Seeking to make the world anew: Poems of the Living Dialectic, 2008).

Don C. Des Jarlais, Ph.D., is the director of research for the Baron Edmond de Rothschild Chemical Dependency Institute at Beth Israel Medical Center, a research fellow with the National Development and Research Institutes, Inc., and a professor of Epidemiology with the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health of Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. Dr. Des Jarlais has published extensively on these topics in journals such as, the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association, Science, and Nature. Dr. Des Jarlais is currently working on research studies in 20 different countries, and has accumulated over three million frequent flier miles doing AIDS research.

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