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Original Scientific Reports

The inverted Batman incision: A new incision in transcolumellar incision for open rhinoplasty

, , , , &
Pages 472-475 | Accepted 07 Nov 2012, Published online: 16 Apr 2013


Columellar and nostril shapes often present irregularity after transcolumellar incision for open rhinoplasty, because of the contracture of the incised wound. The present study introduces a new technique to prevent this complication, and verifies its efficacy in improving cosmetic appearance. In our new method, a zig-zag incision with three small triangular flaps is made on the columella and in the pericolumellar regions of the bilateral nostril rims. Since the shape of the incision resembles the contour of an inverted “batman”, we term our new method the “Inverted Batman” incision. To verify the effectiveness of the Inverted Batman incision, aesthetic evaluation was conducted for 21 patients operated on using the conventional transcolumellar incision (Conventional Group) and 19 patients operated on using the Inverted Batman incision (Inverted Batman Group). The evaluation was performed by three plastic surgeons, using a four-grade scale to assess three separate items: symmetry of bilateral soft triangles, symmetry of bilateral margins of the columella, and evenness of the columellar surface. The scores of the two groups for these three items were compared using a non-parametric test (Mann-Whitney U-test). With all three items, the Inverted Batman group patients present higher scores than Conventional Group patients. The Inverted Batman incision is effective in preserving the correct anatomical structure of the columella, soft triangle, and nostril rims. Hence, we recommend the Inverted Batman incision as a useful technique for open rhinoplasty.

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