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Subject Index

Subject Index

Pages 244-247 | Published online: 04 Nov 2013

acidosis, 173

activated microglia, 1

adaptation, 25

adult-onset, 154

advanced care planing (ACP), 18, 68, 72

Africa, 141

African American, 137

airway management, 60

ALS, 20, 68, 69, 71, 82, 134, 136, 153, 156

disease progression, 24

patients, 170

registry, 137

-CBS, 98

-FTD continuum, 30

alsin, 186

-PDC mixed case, 142

-plus, 123

FRS-R, 78, 131, 142

alternative augmentative communication, 81

alternative splicing, 199, 204

ambulatory model of care, 62

AMPA receptor, 197

AMPK, 196, 214

amyloid, 200

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 76, 118, 120, 122, 155, 189

anabolic steroids, 190

Anakinra, 232

anatomy, 185

androgen, 176, 190

androgen receptor, 190

anti-inflammatory macrophage (M2), 175

antisense, 15, 16, 17, 63

anti-SOD1 antibody, 184

arterial carbon dioxide pressure, 86

assessment, 102, 129

astrocyte(s), 49, 50, 189, 211, 231, 232

activation, 213

ataxin-2 (ATXN2), 156

attachment style, 104

atypical features, 134

automated imaging, 15

autonomic dysfunction, 121

autophagy, 58, 180, 200, 214

avulsion, 222


integrity, 192

protection, 191

axonopathy, 2

bacterial artificial chromosome, 195

balloon-based manometry, 88

behaviour, 11

behavioural assessment, 101

behavioural changes, 12, 102

benign fasciculations, 112

bereavement, 65

biarsenical labelling, 57

bioinformatics analyses, 154

biomarker(s), 37, 38, 46, 54, 105, 106, 115, 116, 117, 127, 148, 221, 230, 235


-brain barrier, 233

-spinal cord barrier, 197

BMAA, 227

body mass index (BMI), 84, 85, 182

bone marrow-derived cell, 220

brain computer interface, 96

diseases, 19

mapping, 110

branched chain amino acids (BCAA), 84

breaking bad news, 70

breathing, 89

breath-stacking, 87

Bulbar, 53, 92

function, 74

symptoms, 73

bvFTLD, 130

C. elegans, 194

C9ORF72, 8, 15, 17, 29, 33, 34, 128, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 179

calcium homeostasis, 25

channel blocker, 16

signaling, 201

caloric balance, 59

calreticulin, 206

cannabinoid receptor type 2 ligand, 32

care, 65, 71

caregiver, 66, 104

case management, 65

catalase activity, 174

CBT, 70

ceftriaxone, 229

cell(s), 48

death, 231

-penetrating peptides, 231

cellular trafficking, 169

central venous catheter, 229

cerebellar substructures, 30

cerebellum, 31

cerebrospinal fluid, 101, 124

cgrp, 188

chart review, 66, 112

chest physical therapy, 76

Chinese, 161, 162

CHMP2B, 180

CHOP, 206

choroid plexus, 19

chromatin, 43, 49

clinical, 46, 143

phenotype, 122

prediction, 131

psychology, 103

research, 131

tool, 30, 165

trial(s), 45, 46, 52, 53, 125, 127, 228

CLIP-seq, 208

cluster, 139

clusterin, 198


culture, 49, 210, 216

occurrence, 134

cognition, 11, 12, 99, 100, 109, 110

cognitive, 11

dysfunction, 98

evaluation, 95

impairment, 95, 100, 101

coherence, 38

cohort study, 146

communication, 81, 132

complicated grief, 104

conflicts, 18

continuity of care, 67

control, 72

coordination, 71

coordinator, 67


coping, 65, 133

corpus callosum, 99, 107, 108

cortical connectivity, 222

thickness, 106

corticospinal tract, 2

cost, 66

cough, 87, 88

creatine, 125

kinase, 120

creatinine, 37, 127

CRMP4, 156

crowd-sourcing, 131

CST, 186

C-terminals, 186

cycle ergometer, 128

cyclosporin A, 224

Cys111Tyr mutation, 153

cystatin C, 214

cytokines, 183

cytoskeleton, 157

data mining, 131

de novo mutation, 43

death receptor 6, 211

decision criteria, 61

-making, 6, 72

deglutition, 82, 88, 132

delay in diagnosis, 102

dementia, 123

denervation, 189

depression, 6, 73, 102, 103

dexpramipexole, 46, 125, 126, 127, 227

dHMN, 162

diagnosis, 37, 133, 135

diagnostic biomarker, 123

criteria, 133

diaphragm, 62

fluoroscopy, 93

pacing, 62, 78, 93

dicer, 208

diet, 23, 84

diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), 29, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111

dignity therapy, 13

diptheria toxin, 191

disability, 78

disease cell model, 202

progression, 37, 52, 113, 115, 121, 124, 135, 142

distal degeneration, 191

lower motor neuron disease, 155

SMA, 135

DJ-1, 172

DNA, 163

analysis, 159

damage response, 204

methylation, 182

dorsal root ganglia, 185

double transgenic mice, 56

doubly-labeled water, 87

Drosophila, 198

drug delivery, 233

discovery, 193, 214

screening, 221

DTI, 111

dysarthria, 82

dysphagia, 82, 89, 119

dyspnea, 92

Edaravone, 228

El Escorial Criteria, 126

electric shocks, 22, 146

electroconvulsive therapy, 22

electromyography (EMG), 112, 114

electrophysiology, 54

ELISA, 116

elongator, 178

emotional functioning, 145

EMPOWER, 125, 126

end of life, 18, 71, 72, 73,

endocannabinoid system, 73, 226

endogenous neuroprotection, 2

endoplasmic reticulum (ER), 168, 206

stress, 2, 206, 230

Golgi transport, 27

endoplasmic reticulum, 168

endoscopy, 132

endosomal markers, 58

endurance, 76

energy requirements, 120

enteral, 59, 85

environmental, 138, 227

eosinophil-derived neurotoxin, 115

eosinophilic-associated diseases, 227

ependymal stem cells, 217

ephrinb2, 232

epidemiology, 5, 22, 23, 24, 138

epigenetic(s), 10, 33, 49, 182

erythropoietin, 45, 189

essential tremor, 143

ethnic groups, 141, 135

ethnicity, 137, 140

evaluation, 132

ex post facto approach, 106

excitability, 2

excitotoxicity, 2, 192, 212

executive function(ing), 97, 100

exercise, 128

therapy, 76

tolerance, 130

exome sequencing, 43

expansion, 151, 156

eye-tracking, 81, 96, 128

facial nerve, 222

FACS, 219

familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS), 158

familial, 205

fasciculation potentials, 112

fat metabolism, 182

fatigue, 80

fatty acids, 182

FDG-PET, 183

FGGY gene, 162

fiber tracking, 107, 108

fibroblasts, 25

fibronectin, 114

FLJ10986, 162

fluency, 96

fMRI, 105


foetal neural stem cells, 47

food intake, 223

Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), 62, 90, 121

fractional anisotropy, 111

frail terminality, 71

France, 139


assessment battery, 98

lobe, 99

fronto-executive dysfunction, 101

frontotemporal (Dementia) (FTD), 11, 52, 95, 168

-MND continuum, 100

FrSBe, 101

FTLD, 163

-U, 27

function, 69

functional benefit, 45

near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIR), 97

recovery, 192

functionality, 77

decline, 61

FUS, 8, 10, 160, 193, 203, 204, 205

/TLS, 204

G - group I metabotrophic glutamate receptors, 188

G147C, 152

gastrostomy, 86

gender, 130, 185

gene mutation, 171

therapy, 21, 197, 235

-expression, 148

genetic(s), 5, 22, 52, 149, 157, 158, 159, 161, 163, 234

analysis, 151

background, 41, 178

counselling, 5, 148

genetic epidemiology, 152

mouse model, 188

testing, 5, 42


-wide association study (GWAS), 42

-wide SNP analysis, 160

genomics, 35

ghrelin, 223

glia, 49

GLT-1B, 196

glutamate receptors, 16

release, 212

uptake, 235

glutamate, 50, 213

-mediated excitotoxicity, 188

gluten sensitivity, 39

glycogen, 173

grief response, 65

growth factors, 216

hormone, 26

Guam, 142

guidelines, 64

hand function, 83

handedness, 122

HCA, 221

heat factor-1, 229

proteins, 16

hematology, 227

hematopoietic stem cell, 219

hemochromatosis, 23

hereditary motor neuropathy, 154

hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP), 150

heritability, 42

heterogeneity, 152

heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleic acids, 58

high content screening, 214

fat diet, 39, 214

penetrance, 43

-resolution ultrasound, 113

histone post-translational modifications, 182

historical placebo, 127

hnRNP, 28

hnRNPA, 158

hnRNP K, 8

hnRNPA3, 8

home care, 71, 73

ventilation service, 90

homozygosity, 149

HRT, 130

Hsp70, 214

HSPB1, 162

human antibodies, 20

induced pluripotent stemcells, 15

urine, 116

wild-type SOD1, 56

human, 235

hydration, 85

hyperalimentation, 84

hypnosis, 13

hypothesis, 124

identity-by-descent, 160

IL-1 receptor antagonist, 232

imaging, 111

immune activation, 175

immunofluorescence, 194

immunohistochemistry, 173

immunomodulation, 19, 175

immunotherapy, 20, 184

impact, 86

in vitro pharmacology, 214

in vivo, 225

incidence, 137, 138, 139

inclusion, 153, 208

(bodies), 168

individual level analysis, 107

infection, 229

inflammation, 189, 216, 224

initial dosage, 79

innate immunity, 19

insulin resistance, 26

interactome, 199

interneurons, 3

intractable neurological disease, 67

intravenous immunoglobulin, 233

iPSC(s), 16, 170, 171, 201, 219

irisin, 117

iron, 190, 224

metabolism, 23, 116

juvenile ALS, 144

Kii ALS/PDC, 228

language, 12

late-onset, 162

L-BMAA, 139

leucine, 84

lifestyle, 140

limb dominance, 122

lipids, 39, 181

lithium, 223

locked-in, 81

longitudinal study, 75

loss, 72

of function, 179

lower motor neuron, 135, 154

L-Serine, 227

lymphoblasts, 163

lymphocyte, 36

magnetic fields, 22, 146

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 4, 29, 113

mainland of China, 41

malnutrition, 59, 87

MAMs, 209

management, 59

MAPT mutations, 155

mechanical in-exsufflator, 87

mesenchymal, 48, 175, 216, 218

meta-analysis, 42, 95

metabolic equivalent, 130

metabolism, 26, 84, 172, 173, 181

metabolomics, 38, 124, 210

methylation, 33, 178

MGF, 222

mice, 55

microarray, 148, 194

microglia, 149, 189, 220

microRNA(s), 10, 123, 149, 157, 208, 217

microtubule(s), 2, 27

migration, 105

mindfulness, 103

MIP, 121

misdiagnosis, 134

misfolded, 225

mitochondria, 26, 172

dysfunction, 171, 172

function, 25

model, 9

modifiers, 41, 178

modulator, 178

molecular basis, 159

modeling, 161

monocytes, 19

morphine, 68, 79

mosaicism, 156

motor neuron(s), 21, 34, 49, 170, 209, 216

culture, 215

motor nerve biopsy, 4

death, 50

disease, 140

disorders, 124

phenotype, 52

protection, 192

unit number, 117

mouse (model), 41, 55, 178, 179, 180, 195, 224

MRI, 29, 113

mRNA, 170

mtDNA, 25

multidisciplinary, 6, 66, 69, 74

multifocal motor neuropathy, 233

multinational research, 69

multiple sclerosis, 153

multisystem proteinopathy, 159

muscle biopsy, 36

progenitor cells, 171, 172, 176, 200, 220

mutation analysis, 158, 161

mutation, 43, 151, 152, 154, 155, 161

myelin, 195

myocardal infarction, 121

myosin VI, 169

NADPH oxidase, 187, 228

nanobody, 20

national registry, 137

near infrared spectroscopy, 110

neck weakness, 146

Neulasta, 219

neural stem cell (NSC), 215, 218

neuregulin, 186

neuro degeneration, 117, 177, 179, 207

degenerative disease, 25

filament heavy chain, 115

inflammation, 1, 46, 115, 183, 187, 188, 225, 228, 232, 233

muscular junction, 191

muscular remodeling, 177

pathology, 57, 167

peptide(s), 183, 188, 235

protection, 218, 225, 226

neuroprotective compounds, 215

psychiatric symptoms, 12, 102

psychiatry, 99

psychological assessment/tests, 96, 100, 128

trophic factors, 213, 220

neutron activation analysis, 140

new susceptibility loci, 42

NFkB, 211

nocturnal pulse oximetry, 93

non invasive ventilation, 61, 62

-cell autonomous, 49, 50, 211

-human primates, 21

-invasive ventilation (NIV), 61, 92

-pathogenic, 43

NIV, 92

nonsense-mediated mRNA decay, 203

normative data, 96

nosological significance, 142

NRF2, 207, 235

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 124

nuclear stress bodies, 209

nutritional, 85

nutrition, 83

occupation, 138

occupational exposures, 146

ocular motor apraxia, 123

oligodendrocytes, 49

oligogenic, 152

optineurin, 169

OPTN, 160

oral secretions, 60

outcome measure(s), 53, 131

oxidative stress, 23, 24, 26, 174, 190, 206, 207, 210

P2X7 receptor, 149, 187

P62, 168

p62/SQSTM1, 180

pain, 129

palatal plate, 82

palliative care, 18, 68, 79

partners, 70

pathological lesion selectivity, 229

pathology, 3, 35

pathophysiology, 170

patient data, 52

decision-making, 6

services, 133

-reported outcome measure, 145

patients’/perspective, 65

PDI, 230

percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, 86

periodic limb movements, 94

peripheral nerve, 4

peripherin, 196

personality, 99

PFN1, 157

pgc-1a, 117

pharmacology, 230

phase 1 clinical trial, 47

phenotype(s), 106, 134

phenotyping, 180

phosphorylated Smad2, 201

phrenic nerve conduction, 93

motor response, 91

physical activity, 144, 145

actvities, 130

function, 129

impairment, 73, 145

therapy, 76

PINK1, 172

place of death, 73

planning, 72

plasma, 114, 123

PLS, 113

polyadenylation, 203

polyglutamine, 41

polyglutamine-induced motor neuron disease, 229

polyunsaturated fatty acids, 23

pooling of data, 106

population-based, 138, 142

Positron Emission Tomography (PET), 31, 32, 95

power wheelchair, 80

PP2A, 196

presynaptic mGlu1/mGlu5 receptors, 212

prevalence, 137

primary lateral sclerosis, 109, 112, 133

primitive reflexes, 98

Pringle criteria, 133

prion, 55

-like, 55, 158, 159

PROACT database, 127

profilin, 157, 158

prognosis, 39, 120, 135, 136, 143

prognostic factor(s), 120, 146

biomarker, 36

prognostication, 114

progranulin, 101, 202

progression, 6

progressive muscular atrophy (PMA), 233

proinflammatory macrophage (M1), 175

propagated protein misfolding, 55

propagation, 198

protein aggregation, 57, 170

degradation, 168

misfolding, 200, 213

stability, 56

psychological intervention(s), 13, 102, 103

well-being, 7

factors, 74

support, 13

q-ball imaging, 108

quality of life (QoL), 6, 7, 13, 64, 69, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 91, 103, 219

quantitative PCR (qPCR), 166, 219

RAN translation, 8

rare variant discovery, 160

RBM45, 209

RBPs, 207

recessive variant, 149

referral, 90

register, 139

rem sleep behaviour disorder, 94

remote clinics, 64

repeat expansion(s), 33, 162, 164

respiration, 114

respiratory aspects, 77

function, 91, 93

impairment, 91

Resting Energy Expenditure (REE), 90

resting state fMRI, 29, 109, 110, 113

retrograde transport, 220

retrospective, 66

RIPK1, 211

risk, 144

factor(s), 5, 22, 156

RNA binding proteins, 207, 209

dysregulation, 9

foci, 17

processing, 204

toxicity, 9, 15, 167, 208

binding protein, 10, 194, 208

rodents, 232

ROS, 228

rs6690993, 162

rs6700125, 162

safety, 125

saliva, 59

satisfaction, 81

Sativex, 226

SBMA, 119, 176

SCD-1, 181

Schwann cells, 191

screening, 193

segmental trunk Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (stBIA), 90

selective vulnerability, 222

semantic, 100

sensitivity, 31

sensory nervous system, 185

sequestration, 167

serum ferritin, 116

serum lipid, 118

SETX gene, 143

SETX, 195

shoulder pain, 77

Sigma-1 receptor, 209, 225

single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), 162

size dependent axon loss, 2

skeletal muscle activator, 45

skin, 26, 173

sleep, 77, 94

slow progression, 137

spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), 134, 177, 186, 223, 234

SMN, 27, 166, 177, 204, 205

SMNdelta7 mouse, 223

snRNA, 166

soccer, 145

social support, 6

SOD1 (superoxide dismutase 1), 1, 55, 214

aggregates, 56

G93A, 224

gene, 161

misfolding, 184

mouse, 20, 28, 37, 56, 152, 153, 154, 160, 172, 179, 180, 183, 184, 185, 191, 213, 223, 224, 225, 230, 234

/H67D, 190

somatic instability, 164

southern blot analysis, 164

sp. coeliac, 39

specificity, 31

spectroscopy, 38

speech intelligibility, 80

subsystems, 53

synthesis, 79, 12, 80

SPG27, 150

SPIOn, 105

splicing, 34, 166, 203

sport, 145

spreading of pathology, 57, 220

stem cell(s)

therapy, 105, 219, 221

derived motor neurons, 48, 216, 234

steroid injection, 77

strength, 53

stress, 205

granules, 10

superoxide dismutase 1, 55, 214

support for staff, 103

supportive care, 70

suprapubic tract, 78

survey, 5, 68, 80

survival analysis, 120

prognosis, 86

time, 12, 53, 61, 62, 69, 85, 92, 93, 118, 122, 140, 215

susceptibility, 162

swallowing, 88, 89

symptom(s), 59, 112

synaptic proteins, 212

T lymphocyte, 1, 175, 184,

tailor-made patient care, 70

Tako-Tsubo, 121

tamoxifen, 125


tauopathy, 155

TDP 8, 9, 10, 27, 28, 43, 49, 50, 56, 57, 167, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 215

knockout mice, 197

mislocalization, 195

telehealth, 66

therapeutic(s), 15, 46, 193, 234

therapy, 230

threshold-tracking transcranial magnetic stimulation, 108

thymus, 184

thyroid hormone, 122

timing, 86

TONiC study, 7, 73, 74, 75

total energy expenditure, 87

toxicity, 55, 200

tractography, 107, 109

transcranial magnetic stimulation, 110

transcriptome, 34, 35, 164

transcript-specific, 166

transcutaneous capnography, 61

transforming growth factor-beta, 201

transgenic(s), 3, 234

transglutaminases, 39

transitional metals, 140

translational profiling, 34, 194

transplantation, 47, 218, 221

TRAP, 34

treatment, 45, 132

trophic factor, 218, 221

tropics, 141

truncation, 205

tube feeding, 83

Turkey, 159

UBQLN2, 144, 160, 206

uchl1, 185

UCP3, 171

ulnar nerve, 113

ultrastructure, 197

United States, 138

upper motor neuron(s) (UMN), 2, 31, 38, 54, 186, 222

uric acid, 136

urinary tract, 78

vaccination, 19

valocin-containing protein (VCP), 155, 160, 173

VAPB, 143, 206

ventilation, 90, 91

VFI, 96

videoendoscopic evaluation of swallowing, 82

videofluorography, 119

Visual Rating Scale, 30, 165

vitamin D, 215


output communication aids, 79

reconstruction, 79

voxel-based morphometry (VBM), 30, 105, 108, 110

water turnover, 85

weaning, 91

whole-brain MRS, 31

XBP-1, 206

young onset ALS, 143

zebrafish, 179, 193

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