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Technical Papers

Emission Reductions from Woody Biomass Waste for Energy as an Alternative to Open Burning

, , , , &
Pages 63-68 | Published online: 10 Oct 2011


Woody biomass waste is generated throughout California from forest management, hazardous fuel reduction, and agricultural operations. Open pile burning in the vicinity of generation is frequently the only economic disposal option. A framework is developed to quantify air emissions reductions for projects that alternatively utilize bio-mass waste as fuel for energy production. A demonstration project was conducted involving the grinding and 97-km one-way transport of 6096 bone-dry metric tons (BDT) of mixed conifer forest slash in the Sierra Nevada foothills for use as fuel in a biomass power cogeneration facility. Compared with the traditional open pile burning method of disposal for the forest harvest slash, utilization of the slash for fuel reduced particulate matter (PM) emissions by 98% (6 kg PM/BDT biomass), nitrogen oxides (NOx) by 54% (1.6 kg NOx/BDT), nonmethane volatile organics (NMOCs) by 99% (4.7 kg NMOCs/BDT), carbon monoxide (CO) by 97% (58 kg CO/BDT), and carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) by 17% (0.38 t CO2e/BDT).Emission contributions from biomass processing and transport operations are negligible. CO2e benefits are dependent on the emission characteristics of the displaced marginal electricity supply. Monetization of emissions reductions will assist with fuel sourcing activities and the conduct of biomass energy projects.


Economic considerations frequently dictate the disposal of woody biomass wastes by open burning. The alternative use for energy provides significant reduction in criteria air pollutant and greenhouse emissions. Valuing these reductions will improve the economic viability and increase the use of biomass for energy as well as assist with forest and agricultural management objectives.


Woody biomass waste material is generated as a byproduct throughout Placer County portions of the Sacramento Valley, foothills, and Sierra Nevada mountains from forest management projects, defensible space clearing, tree trimming, construction/demolition activities, and agricultural operations.

Forest management projects that produce woody bio-mass byproducts (tree stems, tops, limbs and branches, and brush) include fuel hazard reduction, forest health and productivity improvement, and traditional commercial harvest. These projects take place on private land and lands managed by various public agencies including the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), Bureau of Land Management, and state/federal parks. Forest fuel hazard reduction activities involving selective, targeted thinning treatments are implemented to lessen wildfire severity and improve forest-fire resiliency through reducing hazardous fuel accumulations resulting from a century of successful wildfire suppression efforts. Commercial timber harvests include thinning to improve health and productivity, and intensive management to optimize the yield of merchantable material for lumber production.

Defensible space clearings and fuel breaks in an expanding wildland urban interface area, including residential and commercial structures, produce woody biomass that typically includes deciduous and coniferous trees and brush.

Agricultural operations such as fruit and nut orchards and grape vineyards are a source of biomass wastes from annual pruning and periodic removal and replacement with more productive varieties or growing stock.

Open burning (in piles or broadcast burning) near the site of generation is the usual method of disposal for a significant quantity of the excess woody waste biomass throughout much of the western United States. A forest slash pile burn in the Lake Tahoe Basin is shown in The cost to collect, process, and transport biomass waste is often higher than its value for fuel or wood products because of the distance of the forest treatment activity location from the end user (e.g., mill, biomass energy facility), lack of infrastructure, and/or economics of bio-mass energy compared with fossil fuel generation. This limits the feasibility of using biomass waste for energy production although such use has significant environmental benefits.

Figure 1. Open pile burn of forest fuel treatment woody biomass in Lake Tahoe Basin.

Figure 1. Open pile burn of forest fuel treatment woody biomass in Lake Tahoe Basin.

The Placer County Air Pollution Control District (PCAPCD), with responsibility for managing air quality in Placer County, shares regulatory authority over open burning with local fire agencies. Open burning is problematic because of the limited time of year it can be conducted, subsequent monitoring of smoldering piles for days after they are lit, and the production of significant quantities of air pollutant emissions and esthetically unpleasing residuals (blackened logs and woody debris). The PCAPCD expends significant resources reviewing smoke management plans, issuing burn permits, inspecting burn piles, and responding to complaints from smoke.

PCAPCDCitation1,Citation2 and othersCitation3,Citation4 report that the utilization of woody biomass waste for energy as an alternative to open burning can provide significant air emissions mitigation for criteria pollutants, air toxics, and greenhouse gases, along with energy benefits through production of renewable energy in a well-controlled conversion process. To quantitatively value these benefits, PCAPCD is developing an emission reduction accounting framework and has sponsored several biomass waste-for-energy field operations to evaluate alternatives to minimize open burning.


The emission reduction framework is intended to provide a basis for financial support for the utilization of biomass wastes for energy in which the biomass waste under “baseline, business as usual” conditions would have been open-burned. This requires an evaluation of the economics of the biomass management alternatives and institutional and regional practices to demonstrate that the bio-mass waste would be open-burned without the additional financial contributions from a biomass project proponent. Biomass must also be shown to be a byproduct of forest or agricultural harvest projects that meet local, state, and federal environmental regulations, including the National Environmental Policy Act, the California Environmental Quality Act, and/or Best Management Practices. The biomass must also be demonstrated to be excessive to ecosystem needs.

Net emission reductions are considered to be the difference between the biomass energy project and the open burning baseline. As shown in , the biomass project boundary includes processing (loading and chipping), transport, and the energy conversion plant. The baseline considers biomass open burning and the marginal generation of energy that was displaced by the biomass project. details the project activities and data requirements for emissions reduction determinations that are real, permanent, quantifiable, verifiable, and enforceable.

Table 1. Project data and monitoring

Figure 2. Biomass-for-energy project emission reduction procedure.

Figure 2. Biomass-for-energy project emission reduction procedure.

Emissions from the forest management projects and agricultural operations that generate the excess biomass waste (e.g., chain saws and yarders) are not considered in the accounting framework because biomass removal is required for management purposes and will occur regardless of which biomass disposal option is pursued. Biomass waste that falls under the framework must have economic value that is less than the cost to process and transport (it must be a disposal burden). The biomass removal operations must be required for reasons (e.g., fire hazard reduction, forest management, timber production, or food production) that are unrelated to any potential biomass value. Furthermore, emission contributions from the bio-mass removal operations are minor compared with processing, transport, or open burning.Citation3,Citation4

Emissions from operations to process and transport fossil fuels, which are used in the baseline to provide equivalent energy and in the biomass project to facilitate wood chip transport and biomass processing/loading equipment, are not considered because of the difficulty of accurately defining their energy usage and emission characteristics.

It is anticipated that reductions resulting from bio-mass utilization projects may be banked or sold for air emissions and/or greenhouse gas mitigation obligations.


PCAPCD and the County of Placer Biomass Program teamed with USFS, Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI), and the Sierra Nevada Conservancy to sponsor an on-the-ground biomass waste-for-energy demonstration project. The project targeted woody biomass waste piles that were originally generated from two USFS fuel reduction steward-ship contracts implemented in 2007 on the Tahoe National Forest, American River Ranger District, which is located above Foresthill, CA. The stewardship contracts involved the thinning treatment of over 1215 ha of mixed conifer and ponderosa pine stands with 500-1000 trees/ha (preharvest). The thinning prescription had a target of 180–250 trees/ha at 7.6-m spacing through selected removal of trees 10–51 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH). Removed biomass that was greater than 15 cm DBH and greater than 3.1 m long was transported to a sawmill for processing into lumber products. The steward-ship contracts called for unmerchantable slash to be piled at the site for later open burning, the traditional method of disposal.

For the demonstration project, a forest products contractor, Brushbusters, Inc., was retained to process and transport the woody biomass waste piles for use as fuel in a cogeneration facility located at a SPI lumber mill in Lincoln, CA. At each landing slash pile location, excavators were used to transfer the piles into a horizontal grinder. Wood chips from the grinder were conveyed directly into chip vans and transported to the SPI Lincoln mill, a 97-km one-way trip. Equipment and engines used for the chipping and transport operations are described in .

Table 2. Equipment and engines for biomass processing and transport

The SPI Lincoln sawmill facility includes a wood-fired boiler that produces steam for use in lumber drying kilns and a steam turbine that produces up to 18 MW of electricity. The boiler is a McBurney stoker grate design with a firing rate capacity of 88 MW that produces 63,560 kg of steam at 90 bar and 510 °C. It is fueled by biomass wastes including lumber mill wood wastes generated on-site (primarily sawdust), agricultural wastes including nut shells and orchard removals and prunings, wood waste from timber operations, and urban wood waste (tree trimmings and construction debris). The boiler utilizes selective non-catalytic reduction for control of nitrogen oxides (NOx), multiclones, and a three-field electrostatic precipitator for particulate matter (PM) control. The net boiler heat rate is 16.8 MJ of heat input per kWh electric net, a net efficiency of 22%.

During the period of April 14, 2008 through December 12, 2008, on 86 separate work days, 6096 bone-dry metric tons (BDT) (9537 green tons [GT]) of forest slash were collected, processed, and transported. A total of 444 separate chip vanloads were delivered to the SPI boiler, with each delivery averaging 13.7 BDT (21.5 GT).

The biomass processing machines (a grinder and two excavators) each worked a total of 265 hr and produced biomass fuel at the rate of 36.3 GT per hour of equipment operation. Diesel engine fuel consumption for the grinder and two excavators averaged 2.92 and 0.79 L/GT, respectively. This is comparable with the grinder fuel usage of 2.1 and 3.1 L/GT reported in other studies.Citation3,Citation4 Chip trans port truck/trailer diesel fuel usage averaged 1.9 km/L over the 193-km round trip (4.6 L/GT), also comparable to other studies.Citation3,Citation4

Biomass fuel delivered to the boiler had an average heating value of 20.9 MJ/kg, a moisture content of 36.1%, and an ash content of 2% dry weight. The boiler produced 7710 MWh of electricity utilizing biomass fuel from this project.

The biomass project significantly reduced the utilization of fossil fuels. The project required 511 MJ of diesel/ BDT, but it displaced the need for 9806 MJ of natural gas/BDT for electricity generated by the biomass-fired co-generation facility. Energy benefits would be greater if the fossil fuel energy required to collect, refine, and deliver fossil fuel to market (with added fossil fuel energy penalty on the order of 20%) was considered.Citation3

shows the emission factors used to calculate project and baseline operations, including NOx, PM, carbon monoxide (CO), nonmethane volatile organics (NMOCs), methane (CH4), and carbon dioxide (CO2). Open pile burning factors considering numerous laboratory-, pilot-, and full-scale studies on conifer biomass are compiled in .Citation5–21 The burn pile emission factor was used with a burn pile consumption efficiency rate of 95%. Diesel engine combustion, chipping, and unpaved road travel emission factors are from the California Air Resources Board and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).Citation24–28 Biomass boiler factors are from annual manual method stack sampling test programs and continuous emission monitors that are required by PCAPCD to demonstrate compliance with permit limits.Citation22 Electricity production factors are from the displacement of marginal power from a local utility natural gas combined cycle 120-MW plant that uses selective catalytic reduction and oxidation catalysts for NOx and CO control.Citation23 For comparison, overall California state electricity generation emissions factors are also shown.Citation28

Table 3. Emission factors for project and baseline operations

Table 4. Emission factors for open pile burning of woody biomass

compares biomass project emissions with baseline (open pile burning) emissions. The project reduced PM emissions by 98% (6 kg PM/BDT biomass), NOx emissions by 54% (1.6 kg NOx/BDT), NMOC emissions by 99% (4.7 kg NMOCs/BDT), CO emissions by 97% (58 kg CO/BDT), and CO2 equivalent (CO2e; determined as CO2 + 21 x CH4) emissions by 17% (0.38 t CO2e/BDT).

Table 5. Emissions comparison: open pile burning vs. biomass energy

The cost to process and transport the piles to the SPI cogeneration facility averaged $64.40/BDT, including $33/BDT to process and $31/BDT to transport the piles. The competitive market value at the time of the project for biomass sourced from timber harvest residual in the central Sierra Nevada region was approximately $33/BDT. The cost to dispose of the biomass wastes at the site of generation with open pile burning is relatively small. Thus, the demonstration program operated with a cost deficit of $31.30/BDT biomass processed.

For the demonstration project to be economically viable, the cost to process and deliver the biomass must be reduced, the price paid at the cogeneration facility must be increased, and/or emission reduction credits must be sold. To break even, emission reduction credits would need to be valued for CO2e at $83/t CO2e, NOx at $19,570/t NOx, or at a lower price if a combination of pollutant credits is sold. Biomass market fuel prices are trending upward partly because of an increased demand for renewable energy (resulting from the California Renewable Portfolio Standard).

Opportunities were identified to significantly reduce future biomass waste processing costs through maximizing equipment productive work time (minimizing equipment downtime and mobilization) by careful formation of piles, creation of larger piles, and efficient scheduling and coordination of truck transport and grinding equipment. In particular, the grinder (the most expensive cost center) was frequently idle while waiting for the arrival of chip truck transport. Cost reductions can be achieved through operating the grinder closer to full time by using additional chip trucks or grinding into piles that are subsequently loaded into chip trucks at a later time with less expensive equipment such as front-end loaders.

The largest source of uncertainty in the emissions determinations is from the biomass open pile burning emissions factor. Open pile burn emission factors vary depending on woody biomass chemical composition (moisture, ash), physical characteristics (pile packing size and arrangement, biomass particle size), and atmospheric conditions (temperature, humidity, wind speed). Variability in the biomass open pile burn emissions factor will impact the magnitude of the emission reductions, but it will not alter the conclusion that emissions from the biomass energy project are lower compared with open pile burning. Variability for emissions from the diesel engines, biomass boiler, and displaced electricity grid operations are not significant to the project results because emissions factors from the processes are well established, process operating rates are accurately measured and monitored, the processes are inherently steady, and contributions from these sources are generally much smaller than those from open pile burning.

The demonstration project results are readily applicable to a very broad range of potential forest sourced bio-mass projects throughout the West and the entire United States. The biomass energy recovery boiler design, operation, and performance used for the demonstration project are representative of existing plants that are in commercial service throughout the United States. Emission contributions from biomass processing and transport are very small in comparison with traditional open pile burning. Thus variations in grinding efficiency, transportation distance, and engine emission characteristics will have very little impact on emission reductions. Transportation distance has a significant impact on the economic viability of biomass energy projects, adding approximately $0.13/ BDT per additional kilometer traveled, but it has very little impact on emission benefits.

CO2 benefits are strongly dependent on the CO2 emissions profile from the displaced marginal electricity source. Reductions will be much greater than achieved in the demonstration project for biomass projects in areas where coal firing is prevalent, whereas benefits will be minimal in areas where production is from lower CO2- emitting sources such as hydroelectric and/or nuclear sources.

NOx benefits are somewhat dependent on biomass boiler performance. NOx reductions will be significantly greater than in the demonstration program for low NOx- emitting systems including emerging energy conversion technologies such as gasification, pyrolysis, and fuel cells and recently constructed or modified biomass boilers that use selective catalytic reduction.


A framework is developed to quantify air emission reductions for projects that utilize woody biomass waste as fuel for energy production as an alternative to open burning. A demonstration project was conducted involving the grinding and 97-km transport of forest slash in the Sierra Nevada foothills for use in a biomass-fired cogeneration boiler. Significant air emission benefits were obtained: PM emissions were reduced by 98% (6 kg PM/BDT), NOx emissions by 54% (1.6 kg NOx/BDT), NMOC emissions by 99% (4.7 kg NMOC/BDT), CO emissions by 97% (58 kg CO/BDT), and CO2e emissions by 17% (0.38 t CO2e/BDT).

PM, NOx, CO, and volatile organic emission reductions result from the utilization of biomass wastes in an energy conversion process that provides efficient combustion and uses add-on control methods for PM and NOx emissions compared with the inefficient and uncontrolled disposal of biomass wastes using traditional open burning techniques. CO2e benefits result from the production of renewable energy that displaces marginal supply and elimination of CH4 emissions from open burning.

Biomass processing (grinding) and transport operations have a significant cost burden on the biomass energy project but a negligible contribution to air emissions. CO2e benefits are strongly dependent on the CO2e emission characteristics of the displaced marginal energy generation; benefits will be much greater for projects in regions where coal firing is predominant. Recognition of the value of emission benefits through sale of emission reduction credits will improve the financial performance of biomass power generation facilities and allow them to access more forest- and agricultural-sourced biomass waste fuel.


Project success was the result of the extraordinary efforts of Ben Wing and Carson Conover (Brushbusters, Inc.), Karen Jones (retired; USFS Tahoe National Forest), Mark Pawlicki and David Harcus (SPI), and Julie Griffith-Flatter (Sierra Nevada Conservancy).


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