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surgical History

Leuven: Birthplace of Modern Skeletology, thanks to Andreas Vesalius, with the Help of Gemma Frisius, his Friend and Fellow-physician

Pages 89-105 | Published online: 11 Mar 2016

References and notes

  • Vesalius A. De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem, Basileae, Joh. Oporinus, 1543, pp. 155–162.
  • Lint J. G. de. Atlas van de geschiedenis der geneeskunde: de ontleedkunde, Amsterdam: S.L. Van Looy-Menno Hertzberger, 1925, 96 pp.
  • Carlino A. ‘The Birth of an Anatomical Icon’ in IDEM, Paper Bodies: A Catalogue of Anatomical Fugitive Sheets 1548–1687, in Medical History, Supplement No. 19, London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1999, 352 pp., ill.; see p. 81.
  • Mortimer F. ‘Manuscript Anatomic Illustration of the Pre-Vesalian Period’ in J. L. Choulant, History and Bibliography of Anatomic Illustration, Cambridge (MA): Maurizio Martino, [ca. 1917], pp. 49–87, ill.; see opposite p. 58.
  • Mortimer F. Op. cit.; see opposite p. 62.
  • Mortimer F. Op. cit.; see opposite p. 68.
  • Mortimer F. Op. cit.; see opposite p. 71.
  • Lint J. G. de. Op. cit., p. 35.
  • Mortimer F. Op. cit., p. 163.
  • ‘Gersdorff, Hans von’ in Historical Anatomies on the Web, found on 30 October 2010 at <www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/historicalanatomies/gersdorff_bio. html>
  • Benedictos A. Anatomice sive historia corporis humani, Eucharius, 1527, [five books], see Book V, Chapter 23; republished as Alessandro Benedetti. Historia corporis humani sive Anatomice, Ed. Giovanni Ferrari (Bibliotheca della Scienza Italiana, 21), Florence: Giunti Gruppo, 1998, 365 pp.
  • Lindberg S. G. ‘Chrestien Wechel and Vesalius: twelve unique medical broadsides from the sixteenth century’ in Lychnos, Lärdomshistoriska Samfundets Arsbok 1953, Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells, 1954, 50–74.
  • Carlino A. ‘Anatomical Fugitive Sheets: Printing, Prints and the Spread of Anatomy in the Sixteenth Century’ in Idem, Paper Bodies: A Catalogue of Anatomical Fugitive Sheets 1548–1687, in Medical History, Supplement No. 19, London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1999, 352 pp., ill.
  • Roth M. Andreas Vesalius Bruxellensis, Berlin: G. Reimer, 1892, viii, 500 pp.; see p. 462.
  • Huard P. Léonard de Vinci: dessins anatomiques (anatomie artistique, descriptive et fonctionnelle), Paris: Roger Dacosta, 1968, 269 pp., ill.
  • Estienne Ch. La dissection des parties du corps humain divisee en trois liures, Paris: Simon de Colines, 1546, 405 pp., ill.
  • Lambert S. W. ‘The initial letters of the anatomical treatise, De humani corporis fabrica, of Vesalius’ in S. W. Lambert, W. Wiegand, W. M. Ivins Jr., Three Vesalian essays to accompany the Icones anatomicae of 1934, New York: Macmillan, 1952, pp. 3–24.
  • Kornell M. ‘Vesalius’ method of articulating the skeleton and a drawing in the collection of the Wellcome Library’ in Medical History, 2000, 44: 97–110, ill.
  • Vesalius A. Op. cit., p. 44.
  • Vesalius A. Op. cit., p. 159.
  • Huizinga J. Herfsttij der Middeleeuwen, Groningen: H.D. Tjeenk Willink, 1975, 398 pp., ill.; English trans.: The Waning of the Middle Ages, New York: Dover Publications, 1998.
  • Vesalius A. Op. cit., p. 159–160; Trans.: Daniel Garrison & Malcolm H. Hast in their English translation of Andreae Vesalii De Humani Corporis Fabrica in <http://vesalius.northwestern.edu>
  • Rijksarchief Leuven. Archives de l’ancienne Université de Louvain, inventory H. De Vocht, no. 23: Liber Tertius intitula-torum.
  • Vocht H. De. A. Schillings, Matricule de l’Université de Louvain, Tome III (3.08.1485–31.08.1527), Bruxelles: Palais des Académies, 1962, p. 756. Transcription.
  • Adam M. ‘Gemma Frisius’ in IDEM, Vitae Germanorum Medicorum: qui seculo superiori, et quod excurrit, claruerunt: congestae et an annum usque MDCXX deductae, Haidelbergae, impens. Heredum J[onae] Rosae, [Excudit Johannes Georgius Geyder], 1620, pp. 73–75.
  • Vesalius A. Op. cit., p. 19.
  • O’Malley Ch. D. Andreas Vesalius of Brussels 1514–1564, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1964, 8°, XV-480 pp.; see pp 188–189 + note 8 p. 449.
  • Waterbolk E. H. ‘The "reception" of Copernicus’s teachings by Gemma Frisius (1508–1555)’ in Lias, 1974, 2, pp. 225–242.
  • Vanpaemel G. ‘Gemma Frisius’ in T. Padmos and G. Vanpaemel, De Geleerde Wereld van Keizer Karel. Catalogus Tentoonstelling Wereldwijs. Wetenschappers rond Keizer Karel, Leuven: Universitaire Pers, 2000, pp. 214–219, ill.
  • Ortroy F. van. Bio-bibliographie de Gemma Frisius fondateur de l’école belge de géographie, de son fils Corneille et de ses neveux les Arsenius, Bruxelles: Lamertin & Hayez, 1920, 418 pp., ill.; see p. 220 ff. and p. 320.
  • Kish G. Medicina-Mensura . Mathematica. The Life and Works of Gemma Frisius, 1508–1555, (The James Ford Bell Lectures no. 4), Minneapolis: The Associates of the James Ford Bell Collection, 1967; see pp. 3–17.
  • Broeckx C. Prodrome de l’histoire de la faculté de médecine de l’ancienne université de Louvain depuis son origine jusqu’à sa suppression, Anvers: J.-E. Buschmann, 1865, pp. 42–43.
  • Van der Aa A.J. ‘Gemma Frisius’ and ‘Gemma (Cornelius)’ in Biographisch Woordenboek der Nederlanden, Vol. 5, Haarlem: J.J. Van Brederode, 1862, p. 29.
  • Coppens Ch. ‘Gemma Frisius’ oeuvre te Leuven’ in Meten en weten: Gemma Frisius, 1508–2008, Leuven, n.a.v. de tentoonstelling ... in de Universiteitsbibliotheek K.U.Leuven 29 mei-10 juli 2008, 2008, pp. 40–45, ill.
  • Eloy N. Fr. J. ‘Bruhesius, ou van Bruhezen (Pierre)’ in Dictionnaire historique de la médecine ancienne et moderne, Vol. I, Mons: H. Hoyois, 1778, pp. 462–463.
  • Vander Meersch A. ‘Bruhesen (Pierre van) ou Bruhesius’ in Biographie nationale, Bruxelles: H. Tiry, 1872, pp. 109–110.
  • Meyer I. De. ‘Van Bruhese (Pierre)’ in Suite aux analectes médicaux, Oedelem: de Pelikaan, 1964, pp. 84–85.
  • Ortroy F. van. Op. cit., p. 342.
  • Leca A.-P. ‘La goutte. I.-le mot’ in Idem, Histoire illustrée de la rhumatologie, Paris: Roger Dacosta, 1984, pp. 13–15.
  • Garet(IUS) H. De Arthritidis Praeservatione et Curatione, Clarorum Doctissimorumque Nostrae Aetatis Medicorum, Consilia, Francofurti, apud Ioannem Wechelum & Petrum Fischerum consortes, 1592. See ‘Epistola XI’, pp. 56–66; own translations.
  • Stadsarchief Leuven, Fonds Cuvelier 3990. (Trans.) ‘On 13 January 1543, during the common session, doctor Gemma Frisius asked to be admitted to the college of physicians. Post deliberation of all gentemen present in the college he was admitted to the college with a favourable and special benevolence and he was admitted without any objection on behalf of the promovendi and according to the terms of the statutes.’ Comp. F. Hallyn. ‘Een vierde nota over Gemma Frisius’ in Scientiarum Historia, 1966, 22 (no. 2): 98–100; Hallyn reaches the same conclusion on other grounds.
  • Goddeeris Th. E-mail message, 14 December 2010.
  • ‘Johannes Dantiscus’ in Wikipedia, found on 23 November 2010 in <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johannes_Dantiscus>
  • Own translation.
  • Ortroy F. van. Op. cit., p. 408 and pp. 406–407; own translations.
  • Own translation.
  • Andreas V. Fasti academici studii generalis Lovaniensis, Lovanii, apud Hieronymum Nempaeum, 1650, 407 pp., see p. 233; cf. Idem. Bibliotheca Belgica: de Belgis vita scriptisque claris. Praemissa topographica Belgii totius seu Germaniae inferioris descriptione. Editio renovata, et tertia parte auctior, Lovanii, Jacobus Zegers, 1643, (16), 900 pp.; see p. 258–259.
  • Nowlan R. A. Regnier Gemma Frisius, found on 25.10.2010 at <www.robertnowlan.com/pdfs/Frisius,%20Regnier%20Gemma.pdf>
  • Broeckx C. Op. cit., p. 42–43.
  • Second J. Oeuvres complètes, Tome III, Paris: Honoré Champion, 2007; seee pp. 242–243 and notes of [LXV].
  • Atkinson N. ‘Astronomers ‘Time Travel’ to 16th Century Supernova’, 3 December 2008, found on 17 January 2011 at www.universetoday.com/21799/astronomers-time-travel-to-16th-century-supernova
  • De Ram P.F.X. Les quatorze livres sur l’histoire de la ville de Louvain du docteur et professeur en théologie Jean Molanus, Première partie, Bruxelles: M. Hayez, 1861; see p. 569.
  • Andreas V. Op. cit., pp. 233, 236 and 237.-Comp. Fernand Van Ortroy, Op. cit., pp. 117–129; and Hiro Hirai. Cornelius Gemma. Cosmology, Medicine and Natural Philosophy in Renaissance Louvain, Bruniana & Campanelliana, Supplimenti XXIV, Pisa and Roma: Fabrizio Serra, 2008, 160 pp., ill. See also Rijksarchief Leuven, Archives de l’ancienne université de Louvain, Inventaire H. De Vocht, no. 693.
  • Steeno O, Biesbrouck M. ‘Ghysbrecht Colen, alias Gisbertus Carbo, een Leuvense vriend van Andreas Vesalius’ in L. Missotten (ed.), Omtrent Andreas Vesalius, Antwerpen-Apeldoorn: Garant, 2007, pp. 21–40, ill.
  • Steeno O, Biesbrouck M. ‘Ghysbrecht Colen, alias Gisbertus Carbo, Andreas Vesalius’s friend from Leuven (Louvain)’ in Acta Internationalia Historiae Medicinae-Vesalius, 2007, 13 (no. 2): 75–76, ill.
  • Roegiers J. Personal e-mail to Omer Steeno on 25 February 2008.
  • Leuven City Archive: Fonds Cuvelier, inventory no. 7.469: Akten van de Schepenbank, d.d. 28.09.1575, f° 132v-134r.
  • Spielmann M. H. The iconography of Andreas Vesalius (André Vésale) anatomist and physician 1514–1564. Paintings, pictures, engravings, illustrations, sculptures, medals. With notes critical, literary, and bibliographical, Wellcome Historical Medical Museum. Research Studies in Medical History no. 3, London: John Bale, Sons and Danielsson, Ltd., 1925, xxviii, 244 pp.
  • Burggraeve Ad. ‘Vésale’ in L. Alvin, A. Baron, F. Bogaerts (eds.), Les Belges illustres (Panthéon national), Bruxelles: A. Jamar and Ch. Hen, 1845, vol. 3, pp. 43–65, ill.
  • Figuier L. ‘André Vésale’ in Idem, Vies des savants illustres depuis l’antiquité jusqu’au dix-neuvième siècle. Savants de la Renaissance. Paris: Hachette et Cie, 1870, pp. 283–311. Later edition: Idem, Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1876–81, 5 vols.
  • Vesalius A. [Tabulae anatomicae sex], Imprimebat Venetiis B[ernardinus]. Vitalis Venetus sumptibus, Ioannis Stephani Calcarensi. Prostrant [sec] vero in officina D. Bernardi. A. 1538. See f° 1r; own translation.
  • Roth M. Andreas Vesalius Bruxellensis, Berlin: G. Reimer, 1892, viii, 500 pp., 30 pl.; see p. 89.
  • Velut St. Les gestes de Vésale dans la dissection de l’encéphale (Fabrica, livre VII). Dir. J. Vons, 50ème Colloque International d’Etudes Humanistes: Pratique et pensée médicales à la Renaissance-Centre d’Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance, Tours: Cream, Video ca. 30m, 3 July 2007; see <www.canalc2.tv/video.asp ?idVideo=6840>
  • Vesalius A. Epistola, rationem modumque propinandi radicis Chynae decocti, ..., pertractans, Basileae, ex officina Ioannis Oporini,1546; see p. 202; own translation.
  • Vesalius A. De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem, Basileae, Joh. Oporinus, 1543; see Book V, Chapter 9, p. 512; own translation.
  • Vesalius A. Fabrica (1543); see Book I, Chapter 17, p. 78; trans. by D. Garrison & M.H. Hast. Op. cit.
  • Roth M. Op. cit.; see p. 87 n. 6 and p. 88.
  • O’Malley Ch. D. Op. cit.; see pp. 137–138 and 441 n. 102.
  • Driessche A. van. ‘Het Vesaliusskelet te Bazel’ in Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 1948, 4: 1040–1049.
  • Roth M. Op. cit.; see pp. 129–130.
  • Cushing H. A bio-bibliography of Andreas Vesalius, New York: Schuman’s, 1943, xxvii, 229 pp., ill.; see p. xix; own translation.
  • Roth M. ‘Andreas Vesalius in Basel’ in Beiträge zur vaterländischen Geschichte, Neue Folge-Band II, Heft 2, Basel: H. Georg’s Verlag, 1886, pp. 159–182; see p. 173.
  • Roth M. Andreas Vesalius Bruxellensis, Berlin: G. Reimer, 1892, viii, 500 pp., 30 pl.; see p. 462, cf. p. 189.
  • Corsini A. ‘Nuovi documenti riguardanti Andrea Vesalio e Realdo Colombo nello Studio Pisano’ in Rivista di Storia Critica delle Scienze Mediche e Naturale, 1918, 9 (no. 5–6): 507–512.
  • Vesalius A. Epistola, rationem modumque propinandi radicis Chynae decocti, ..., pertractans, Basileae, ex officina Ioannis Oporini,1546. See pp. 203–205. Trans. by D. Garrison & M. H. Hast. Op. cit.
  • Vesalius A. Fabrica (1543); see Book I, Chapter 39, p. 162. Trans. by D. Garrison & M.H. Hast. Op. cit.
  • Columbus R. De re anatomica libri XV, Venetiis, ex typographia Nicolai Bevilacquae, 1559. Photographic reprint by Culture et Civilisation, Brussels, 1983; see p. 113. In the 1562 edition (Parisiis, In officina Ioannis Foucherii Iunioris) this reads as ‘idque ut medulla universa exeat, quae retenta ossa denigrat, ... Vesalius ...’; own translation.
  • Columbus R. Op. cit., see p. 114; own translation.
  • Vesalius A. Fabrica (1543); see Book I, Chapter 39, p. 157. Trans. by D. Garrison & M.H. Hast. Op. cit.
  • Franco P. Traité des hernies, Lyon: Thibauld Payan, 1561, 554 pp., ill.; see pp. 548–554.
  • Roth M. Op. cit.; see p. 472 and n. 4.
  • Bidloo G. Anatomia humani corporis, Amstelodami, sumptibus Viduae Joannis à Sommeren, Haeredum Joannis à Dyk, Henrici & Viduae Theodori Boom, 1685. Reissued Paris: Roger Dacosta, 1972; see plate 97, fig. 1 and 2 and plate 105, fig. 1 and 2.
  • Lyser M. Culter anatomicus, Lugduni Batavorum, apud Conradum Wishoff, 1731.
  • As a rule, all modern washing powders for coloured clothes contain enzymes, usually proteinases. As these are proteins, they are rendered inactive at temperatures above sixty degrees Celsius. Washing powders for whites usually do not contain enzymes, but a bleaching agent.
  • Saunders J. B., O’Malley Ch. D. ‘The preparation of the human skeleton by Andreas Vesalius of Brussels’ in Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 1946, 20: 433–460.
  • O’Malley Ch. D. Op. cit., p. 270 and H. Cushing. Op. Cit., p. 90.
  • Roegiers J. E-mail to Omer Steeno on 25 February 2008.
  • See ref. 57.
  • Roth M. Op. cit.; see pp. 231–237 and n. 1 on p. 232.
  • Vesalius A. De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem, Basileae: Joh. Oporinus, 1555, p. 192. Trans. by D. Garrison & M. H. Hast. Op. cit.
  • Vesalius A. Fabrica (1555), p. 196. Trans. by D. Garrison & M. H. Hast. Op. cit.
  • Vesalius A. Fabrica (1555), p. 197. Trans. by D. Garrison & M. H. Hast. Op. cit.

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