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Science and philosophy in early modern Europe: The historiographical significance of the work of Charles B. Schmitt

Pages 507-517 | Received 22 Apr 1987, Published online: 23 Aug 2006


  • Kretzmann , N. , Kenny , A. and Pinborg , J. , eds. 1982 . The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy from the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Disintegration of Scholasticism, 1100–1600 4 – 6 . Cambridge 519–92, 995–1035. An earlier version of this article was read in October, 1986, at the Pittsburgh meeting of the History of Science Society in a session chaired by Professor P. O. Kristeller. Two other papers honouring Charles Schmitt were read by A. Grafton and E. Grant; J. Murdoch served as commentator.
  • Ayers , M. and Garber , D. 1986 . The Cambridge History of Seventeenth Century Philosophy: Prospectus and Notes for Contributors 3 – 4 . Cambridge
  • Schmitt , C.B. 1985 . ‘Curriculum vitae’ and ‘List of Publications’ London
  • Schmitt , C.B. 1981 . Studies in Renaissance Philosophy and Science London The Aristotelian Tradition and Renaissance Universities (London, 1984).
  • Schmitt , C.B. 1983 . “ Aristotle and the Renaissance ” . In Martin Classical Lectures Vol. XXVII , Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Schmitt , C.B. 1979 . “ Filosofia e scienza nelle università italiane del XVI secolo ” . In Il Rinascimento: Interpretazioni e problemi 397 – 397 . Bari ‘In conclusione vorrei ancora una volta sottolineare un fattore che ritengo centrale nell' opera di Eugenio Garin e dei suoi molti discepoli e seguaci, e cioè la stretta relazione tra filosofia e scienze durante il Rinascimento e il primo periodo moderno. E fin troppo facile per noi del XX secolo fare una distinzione netta tra scienza e filosofia, sulla scia delle tendenze influenzate da Wittgenstein e dal circolo da Vienna’; C. B. Schmitt and C. Webster, ‘Marco Aurelio Severino and his Relationship to William Harvey: Some Preliminary Considerations’, in Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance, edited by A. G. Debus (New York, 1972), II, 71.
  • Schmitt , C.B. 1967 . “ Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola (1469–1533) and his Critique of Aristotle ” . In International Archive of the History of Ideas Vol. 23 , The Hague C. B. Schmitt and Dilwyn Knox, Pseudo-Aristoteles Latinus: A Guide to Latin Works Falsely Attributed to Aristotle before 1500, Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts, 12 (London, 1985).
  • Schmitt . 1983 . “ Aristotle and the Renaissance ” . In Martin Classical Lectures Vol. XXVII , 7 – 7 . Cambridge, Massachusetts 91; ‘Towards a Reassessment of Renaissance Aristotelianism’, History of Science, 11 (1973), 159, 162, 165, 167; ‘William Harvey and Renaissance Aristotelianism: A Consideration of the Praefatio to “De generatione animalium” (1651)’ in Humanismus und Medizin, Acta humaniora: Mitteilung XI der Kommission für Humanismusforschung, edited by R. Schmitz and G. Keil (Weinheim, 1984), p. 119.
  • Schmitt . 1983 . “ Aristotle and the Renaissance ” . In Martin Classical Lectures Vol. XXVII , 3 – 5 . Cambridge, Massachusetts ‘Reassessment’ (footnote 8), pp. 160–61, 167; ‘Philosophy and Science in Sixteenth-Century Universities: Some Preliminary Comments’ in The Cultural Context of Medieval Learning, edited by J. E. Murdoch and E. D. Sylla (Dordrecht, 1975), pp. 488–89.
  • Schmitt . 1983 . “ Aristotle and the Renaissance ” . In Martin Classical Lectures Vol. XXVII , 14 – 14 . Cambridge, Massachusetts 89–109; ‘Reassessment’ (footnote 8), p. 160; ‘Harvey’ (footnote 8), pp. 120–21.
  • Schmitt . 1983 . “ Aristotle and the Renaissance ” . In Martin Classical Lectures Vol. XXVII , 3 – 3 . Cambridge, Massachusetts 12; ‘Reassessment’ (footnote 8), pp. 163–64, 167; ‘Harvey’ (footnote 8), p. 119; ‘Preliminary Comments’ (footnote 9), p. 514.
  • Schmitt Aristotle and the Renaissance Martin Classical Lectures CambridgeMassachusetts1983 XXVII 164 165 ‘Reassessment’ 177, 179; ‘Preliminary Comments’ (footnote 9), p. 489; ‘Experience and Experiment: A Comparison of Zabarella's View with Galileo's in De Motu', Studies in the Renaissance, 16 (1969), 82; (footnote 5), pp. 98–101; cf. ‘Reappraisals in Renaissance Science,’ History of Science, 16 (1978), 205–08.
  • Schmitt . 1983 . “ Aristotle and the Renaissance ” . In Martin Classical Lectures Vol. XXVII , 3 – 5 . Cambridge, Massachusetts 106–07; ‘Reassessment’ (footnote 8), pp. 164, 179–80; ‘Experimental Evidence for and against a Void: The Sixteenth-Century Arguments’, Isis, 58 (1968), 352–66; ‘Changing Conceptions of Vacuum (1500–1650),’ Actes du XIe congrès international d'histoire des sciences (Warsaw, 1968), III, 340–43.
  • Schmitt . 1983 . “ Aristotle and the Renaissance ” . In Martin Classical Lectures Vol. XXVII , 12 – 13 . Cambridge, Massachusetts ‘Reassessment’ (footnote 8), pp. 178–79; ‘Preliminary Comments’ (footnote 9), p. 507; ‘Harvey’ (footnote 8), pp. 119–20; ‘Experience and Experiment’ (footnote 12), pp. 136–38.
  • Schmitt . 1983 . “ Aristotle and the Renaissance ” . In Martin Classical Lectures Vol. XXVII , 14 – 14 . Cambridge, Massachusetts 29, 52, 63–64, 93–94; ‘Reassessment’ (footnote 8), pp. 169–70, 173–74; Pseudo-Aristoteles (footnote 7), pp. v–viii, 1–5; ‘Preliminary Comments (footnote 9), p. 508.
  • Schmitt , C.B. 1979 . “ Renaissance Averroism studied through the Venetian editions of Aristotle-Averroes (with particular reference to the Giunta edition of 1550–2) ” . In L'Averroismo in Italia 121 – 124 . Rome 131–33, 141; (footnote 5), pp. 22–23, 47–48.
  • Schmitt , C.B. 1972 . The Recovery and Assimilation of Ancient Scepticism in the Renaissance . Rivista critica di storia della filosofia , 27 : 379 – 379 . 383; ‘Experience and Experiment’ (footnote 12), pp. 93–94, 124–29; ‘Harvey’ (footnote 8), pp. 126–27; ‘Renaissance Averroism’ (footnote 16), pp. 134–35. Among Schmitt's many contributions to the history of scepticism, see especially, in addition to Gianfrancesco Pico (footnote 7): ‘Giulo Castellani (1528–86): A Sixteenth-Century Opponent of Scepticism’, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 5 (1967), 15–39; ‘An Unknown Seventeenth-Century French Translation of Sextus Empiricus’, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 6 (1968), 69–76; Cicero Scepticus: A Study of the Influence of the Academica in the Renaissance, International Archives of the History of Ideas, 52, (The Hague, 1972); ‘An Unstudied Fifteenth-Century Latin Translation of Sextus Empiricus by Giovanni Lorenzi (Vat. Lat. 290)’, in Cultural Aspects of the Italian Renaissance: Essays in Honor of Paul Oskar Kristeller, edited by C. H. Clough (Manchester, 1976), pp. 244–61; ‘Filippo Fabri and Scepticism: A Forgotten Defence of Scotus’ in Storia e cultura al Santo di Padova fra il XIII il XX secolo (Vicenza, 1976), pp. 309–12.
  • Schmitt . 1983 . “ Aristotle and the Renaissance ” . In Martin Classical Lectures Vol. XXVII , 95 – 101 . Cambridge, Massachusetts ‘Preliminary Comments’ (footnote 9), pp. 500–501, 505; ‘Experience and Experiment’ (footnote 12), p. 136; John Case and Aristotelianism in Renaissance England, McGill-Queen's Studies in the History of Ideas, 5 (Kingston and Montreal, 1983), pp. 164–67, 189, 218–21; see also: ‘Reappraisals’ (footnote 12); ‘Perennial Philosophy: From Agostino Steuco to Leibniz’, Journal of the History of Ideas, 27 (1966), 505–32; ‘Prisca Theologia e Philosophia Perennis: due temi del Rinascimento italiano e la loro fortuna’ in Atti del V Convegno internazionale del centro di studi umanistici: Il pensiero italiano del Rinascimento e il tempo nostro (Florence, 1979), pp. 211–36; ‘Introduction’ to Augustinus Steuchus, De perenni philosophia (London, 1972), v–xiv.
  • Schmitt . 1983 . “ Aristotle and the Renaissance ” . In Martin Classical Lectures Vol. XXVII , 6 – 6 . Cambridge, Massachusetts 27, 41, 52, 104–5; ‘Reassessment’ (footnote 8), pp. 171, 174–5, 189; ‘Preliminary Comments’ (footnote 9), p. 489.
  • Schmitt . 1983 . “ Aristotle and the Renaissance ” . In Martin Classical Lectures Vol. XXVII , 26 – 26 . Cambridge, Massachusetts 32; ‘Reassessment’ (footnote 8), pp. 160, 163, 179; ‘Filosofia e scienza’ (footnote 6), pp. 355–67, 390–94; ‘Preliminary Comments’ (footnote 9), pp. 493–94, 497, 513; ‘Experience and Experiment’ (footnote 12), pp. 127; ‘Filippo Fabri's Philosophia naturalis Io. Duns Scoti and Its Relation to Paduan Aristotelianism’ in Regnum hominis et regnum dei, edited by C. Bérubé (Rome, 1978), II, 303–12.
  • Schmitt . 1983 . “ Aristotle and the Renaissance ” . In Martin Classical Lectures Vol. XXVII , 29 – 33 . Cambridge, Massachusetts 41–43; ‘Filosofia e scienza’ (footnote 6), pp. 387–91; ‘Preliminary Comments’ (footnote 9), pp. 490–92, 509, 513–14.
  • Schmitt . 1979 . “ Filosofia e scienza nelle università italiane del XVI secolo ” . In Il Rinascimento: Interpretazioni e problemi 367 – 387 . Bari in
  • Schmitt . 1969 . “ Experience and Experiment: A Comparison of Zabarella's View with Galileo's ” . In De Motu', Studies in the Renaissance Vol. 16 , 93 – 100 . 104–05, 124, 127; (footnote 5), pp. 10–11, 18; ‘Reassessment’ (footnote 8), pp. 171–72; ‘Aristotle among the Physicians’ in The Medical Renaissance of the Sixteenth Century, edited by A. Wear, R. K. French and J. M. Lonie (Cambridge, 1985), pp. 8–9.
  • Schmitt . 1983 . “ Aristotle and the Renaissance ” . In Martin Classical Lectures Vol. XXVII , 27 – 28 . Cambridge, Massachusetts ‘Experience and Experiment’ (footnote 12), pp. 106–124, 126, 128; ‘Harvey’ (footnote 8) 132–34.
  • Schmitt . 1984 . “ William Harvey and Renaissance Aristotelianism: A Consideration of the Praefatio to “De generatione animalium” (1651) ” . In Humanismus und Medizin, Acta humaniora: Mitteilung XI der Kommission für Humanismusforschung Edited by: Schmitz , R. and Keil , G. 117 – 118 . Weinheim 121, 124–25, 132; (footnote 5), 106–07.
  • Schmitt . 1973 . “ Towards a Reassessment of Renaissance Aristotelianism ” . In History of Science Vol. 11 , 165 – 166 .
  • Schmitt . 1983 . “ John Case and Aristotelianism in Renaissance England ” . In McGill-Queen's Studies in the History of Ideas Vol. 5 , 6 – 6 . Kingston and Montreal 193–216, 265–93; ‘John Case on Art and Nature’, Annals of Science, 33 (1976), 543–59.
  • Schmitt . 1983 . “ Aristotle and the Renaissance ” . In Martin Classical Lectures Vol. XXVII , 11 – 11 . Cambridge, Massachusetts 18, 96, 106–07, 120, 134–148; ‘Perennial Philosophy’ (footnote 18); ‘Some Notes on Jacques Dalechampius and his Translation of Theophrastus (Manuscript BN lat. 11, 857)’, Gesnerus, 26 (1969), pp. 36–53; ‘Prisca Theologia’ (footnote 18); Schmitt and C. Webster, ‘Harvey and M. A. Severino: A Neglected Medical Relationship’, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 45 (1971), 49–75; ‘Severino’ (footnote 6); ‘Introduction’ (footnote 18); Schmitt, ‘Girolamo Borro's Multae sunt nostrarum ignorationum causae (MS Vat. Ross. 1009),’ in Philosophy and Humanism: Renaissance Essays in Honor of Paul Oskar Kristeller, edited by E. P. Mahoney (Leiden, 1976), pp. 462–76; ‘Fabri and Scepticism’ (footnote 17); ‘The Correspondence of Jacques Daléchamps (1513–88)’, Viator, 8 (1977), 399–434; ‘Fabri's Philosophia naturalis’ (footnote 20); ‘Filippo Fantoni, Galileo Galilei's Predecessor as Mathematics Lecturer at Pisa’ in Science and History: Studies in Honor of Edward Rosen, edited by P. Czartoryski (Wroclaw, 1978), pp. 53–62; Schmitt and J. Bono, ‘An Unknown Letter of Jacques Daléchamps to Jean Fernel: Local Autonomy versus Centralized Government’, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 53 (1979), pp. 100–27; Schmitt, Cesare Cremonini: un aristotelico al tempo di Galilei, Centro tedesco di studi veneziani, quaderno n. 16 (Venice, 1980); ‘Cesare Cremonini’, Dizionario biografico degli italiani, XXX, 618–22.
  • Schmitt . 1979 . “ Filosofia e scienza nelle università italiane del XVI secolo ” . In Il Rinascimento: Interpretazioni e problemi 397 – 397 . Bari ‘A differenza di molti colleghi, non credo che un fenomeno storico cos`i rilevante come la rivoluzione scientifica … possa essere messo in relazione con una particolare tendenza storica, che sia il platonismo, l'ermetismo, il recupero della matematica greca, la nascita del secolarismo edonistico, o uno degli altri movimenti intelletuali, mistici o intuitivi. Io sono, piuttosto, sempre pi`u convinto che la nascita della scienza moderna … pu`o essere collegata a diverse tradizioni intelletuali che si mescolarono insieme a fornire l'ambiente pi`u adatto perché emergesse un particolare modo di pensare’.
  • Of Charles's many books and articles, those most relevant to the foregoing but uncited are: Aristotle as a Cuttlefish: The Origin and Development of A Renaissance Image Studies in the Renaissance 1965 12 60 72 ‘A Fresh Look at Mechanics in Sixteenth Century Italy’, Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, 1 (1970), 161–75; ‘Experience and Experiment in Galileo's De Motu’, Actes du XIIe Congrès international d'historie des sciences (Paris, 1970), II, 101–03; A Critical Survey and Bibliography of Studies on Renaissance Aristotelianism, 1958–69 (Padua, 1971); ‘The Faculty of Arts at Pisa at the Time of Galileo,’ Physis, 14 (1972), 243–72; ‘The University of Pisa in the Renaissance’, History of Education, 3 (1974), 3–17; ‘Science in the Italian Universities of the Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries’ in The Emergence of Science in Western Europe, edited by M. P. Crosland (London, 1975), pp. 35–36; ‘L'Introduction de la philosophie platonicienne dans l'enseignement des universités à la Renaissance’ in Platon et Aristote à la Renaissance (Paris, 1976), pp. 93–104; ‘Thomas Linacre and Italy’ in Linacre Studies, edited by F. R. Maddison et al. (Oxford, 1976), pp. 35–76; ‘La cultura scientifica in Italia nel Quattrocento: problemi d'interpretazioni’, Studi filosofici, 3 (1982), 55–70; Schmitt and W. F. Ryan, Pseudo-Aristotle, The Secret of Secrets; Sources and Influences, Warburg Institute Surveys, IX (London, 1983); ‘Recent Trends in the Study of Medieval and Renaissance Science’ in Information Sources in the History of Science and Medicine, edited by P. Corsi and P. Weindling (London, 1983), pp. 221–40; ‘L'Aristotelismo nel Veneto e le origini della scienza moderna: alcuni considerazioni sul problema della continuità’ in Aristotelismo veneto e scienza moderna, edited by L. Olivieri (Padua, 1983), pp. 79–123; ‘Galilei and the Seventeenth Century Text-Book Tradition’ in Novita celesti e crisi del sapere, edited by P. Galluzzi (Florence, 1983), pp. 217–28; F. E. Cranz, A Bibliography of Aristotle Editions, 1501–1600, revised edition (Baden-Baden, 1984); Schmitt and Katherine Park, ‘Introduction’ to Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola, Über die Vorstellung (De Imaginatione) (Munich, 1984).

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