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Scientific instruments in Russia from the middle ages to Peter the Great

Pages 367-384 | Received 17 Jul 1990, Published online: 23 Aug 2006

  • Sobol' , S.L. 1949 . Istoriia mikroskopa i mikroskopicheskie issledovaniia v Rossii v XVII veke Moscow and Leningrad A brief survey of this subject based on Sobol' is W. F. Ryan, ‘Some Russian Contributions to the History of the Microscope’, Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society, II (1967), 362–5.
  • Chenakal , V.L. 1953 . Russkie priborostroiteli pervoi poloviny XVIII veka Moscow
  • Pamiatniki russkoi kul'tury pervoi chetverti XVIII veka v sobranii Gosudarstvennogo ordena Lenina Ermitazha Leningrad and Moscow 1966 143 154 [hereafter Pamiatniki] illustrated
  • Czenakal [Chenakal] , V.L. 1968 . The Astronomical Instruments of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries in Museums of the U.S.S.R. . Vistas in Astronomy , 9 : 53 – 77 . illustrated
  • Chenakal , V.L. 1972 . Watchmakers and Clockmakers in Russia from 1400 to 1850 , Antiquarian Horological Society Monograph no. 6 London This has a historical introduction.
  • Maistrov , L.E. 1974 . Pribory i instrumenty istoricheskogo znacheniia. Mikroskopy Moscow Historical essay, illustrated catalogue, bibliography.
  • Maistrov , L.E. 1968 . Nauchnye pribory Moscow Historical essays, illustrated catalogue, bibliography.
  • In addition to Chenakal's description mentioned above, see also Matveev V. Iu Solnechnye, lunnye i zvezdnye chasy iz sobraniia Ermitazha Leningrad 1983 A small exhibition catalogue of the dials in the collection.
  • Berezhnaia , N.L. 1989 . “ Nauchnye pribory iz sobraniia muzeia-usad'by ≪Arkhangelskole≫ ” . In Pamiatniki nauki i tekhniki, 1987–1988 61 – 74 . Moscow
  • Gorodinskaia , R.B. 1986 . “ Zritel'nye truby XVII–XVIII vv. v Muzee M. V. Lomonosova ” . In Pamiatniki nauki i tekhniki, 1985 16 – 19 . Moscow
  • Khromov O.R. Astronomiia i astrologiia v Drevnei Rusi Estestvennonauchnye predstavleniia Drevnei Rusi Moscow 1988 290 310 in (pp. 306–7)
  • See Longworth Philip Alexis, Tsar of All the Russias London 1984
  • Just as the ‘alkhimiki’ in Muscovy were, in fact, apothecaries, so the ‘matematiki’ turn out to be doctors and astrologers: see Simonov R.A. Rossiiskie pridvornye «matematiki» XVI–XVII vekov Voprosy istorii 1981 1 76 84 J. H. Appleby, ‘Arthur Dee and Johannes Bánfi Hunyades: Further Information on their Alchemical and Professional Activities’, Ambix, 24 (1977), 96–109 (p. 99) notes that ‘It is a curious fact that several British doctors, besides Arthur Dee, were connected both with Russia and alchemy’. Dr Timothy Willis, who was sent on a diplomatic mission to Moscow in 1599, reported on his return: ‘…before my coming thether the great duke had procured 3 or 4 physitiones to be provided him in germanie: which wear not come when I departed from Moskovie, because they demannded great soms of prest monie and a greater yearlie pensione then he useth to give to his physitions. It is thowght that the duke will satisfie them in all, the rather bycause some of them profes great power in nigromancie and conjuring.’ (Norman Evans, ‘Doctor Timothy Willis and his Mission to Russia, 1599’, Oxford Slavonic Papers, new series 2 (1969), 40–61 (p. 61).)
  • For a note and bibliography, see Ryan W.F. Aristotle and Pseudo-Aristotle in Kievan and Muscovite Russia Pseudo-Aristotle in the Middle Ages: The Middle Ages: The Theology and Other Texts Kraye Jill Ryan W.F. Schmitt C.B. London 1986 97 109 in Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts XI (pp. 97, 107 n.2)
  • For convenient surveys, see Grmek M.D. Les Sciences dans les manuscrits slaves orientaux du moyen ˆage Conférences du Palais de la Decouverte, série D, no. 66 Paris Moscow and Leningrad 1959 1940 Ihor ˇSevˇcenko, ‘Remarks on the Diffusion of Byzantine Scientific and Pseudo-Scientific Literature among the Orthodox Slavs’, Slavonic and East European Review, 59 (1981), 321–45. The standard Russian history is still T. Rainov, Nauka v Rossii XI–XVII vekov
  • On Kirik see Slovar' knizhnikov i knizhnosti drevnei Rusi Leningrad 1987 I s.v. Kirik Novgorodets, and R. A. Simonov, Matematicheskaia mysl' Drevnei Rusi (Moscow, 1977). For the text see V. P. Zubov, ‘Primechanie k «Nastavleniiu, kak cheloveku poznat’ schislenie let» Kirika Novgorodtsa’, Istorikomatematicheskie issledovaniia, 6 (Moscow, 1953), 173–212. On the Russkaia pravda, see Simonov, pp. 44–62.
  • For detail, see Huttenbach Henry R. Muscovy's Calendar Controversy of 1491–1492 Science and History. Studies in Honor of Edward Rosen Studia Copernicana, XVI 1978
  • Maistrov . 1968 . Nauchnye pribory 11 – 19 . Moscow plates 1–43 (most of these are fairly modern and of non-Russian, Baltic origin).
  • The Russian term bezmen was originally a weight (2·5 funt) but was applied to steelyards from the seventeenth century onwards. The device itself is much older in Russian use but extant specimens do not permit a history. The earliest textual reference is 1396. See Fasmer [Vasmer] M. Etimologicheskii slovar'russkogo iazyka Moscow 1964–73 s.v.
  • See Maistrov Nauchnye pribory Moscow 1968 25 41
  • For a discussion of coin-balances of the tenth to fourteenth centuries in Byelorussia, see Bektineev Sh. I. Vesy i gir'ki-raznovesy X–XIV vv. iz Belorussii Sovetskaia arkheologiia 1987 1 231 238
  • For the St. Luke with dividers and a similar St. Mark with dividers from the Mstislav Gospel of the early twelfth century, see Popova O. Russian Illuminated Manuscripts London 1984 nos. 2 and 5. See also I. S. Nikolaev, Tvorchestvo drevnerusskikh zodchikh (Moscow, 1978), p. 25, for some discussion of dividers and compasses in illuminations.
  • Rybakov , B.A. 1957 . Arkhitekturnaia matematika drevnerusskikh zodchikh . Sovetskaia arkheologiia ,
  • Titts , A.A. 1978 . Zagadki drevnerusskogo chertezha 19 – 21 . Moscow
  • Murray , H.J.R. 1952 . A History of Board-Games other than Chess Oxford especially p. 38
  • Shchapova Iu. L. Elementy znanii po khimii neorganicheskikh soedinenii v Drevnei Rusi Estestvennonauchnye znaniia v Drevnei Rusi Moscow 1980 15 22 in (p. 22)
  • See Williams Edward V. The Bells of Russia. History and Technology Princeton 1985 especially pp. 38–41
  • Chenakal . 1972 . Watchmakers and Clockmakers in Russia from 1400 to 1850 , Antiquarian Horological Society Monograph no. 6 7 – 7 . London
  • Chenakal . 1972 . Watchmakers and Clockmakers in Russia from 1400 to 1850 , Antiquarian Horological Society Monograph no. 6 7 – 7 . London
  • Chenakal V.L. Prakticheskaia astronomiia v Rossii dopetrovskogo i petrovskogo vremeni Voprosy geografii petrovskogo vremeni Belova M.I. Leningrad 1975 39 59 in (p. 43)
  • Chenakal . 1972 . Watchmakers and Clockmakers in Russia from 1400 to 1850 , Antiquarian Horological Society Monograph no. 6 25 – 25 . London
  • Spasskii , I.G. 1965 . “ Proiskhozhdenie i istoriia russkikh schetov ” . In Istoriko-matematicheskie issledovaniia Vol. V , 269 – 420 . Moscow On the possible earlier use of the antique abacus in Kiev Rus', see most recently R. A. Simonov, ‘Uchebnye zadachi dlia abaka po pereschetu natury na den'gi Russkoi Pravdy' in Drevnosti slavian i Rusi (Moscow, 1988), pp. 279–86. See also Maistrov (footnote 7), pp. 88–98.
  • See Ryan W.F. John Tradescant's Russian Abacus Oxford Slavonic Papers 1972 V 83 88 new series and idem, ‘Bead Calculator’, in Tradescant's Rarities, edited by A. MacGregor (Oxford, 1983).
  • See Kosheleva O.E. Simonov R.A. Novoe o pervoi russkoi knige po teoreticheskoi geometrii XVII veka i ego avtora Kniga. Issledovaniia i materialy Moscow 1981 42 63 73
  • Belyi , Iu.A. 1982 . Ob istochnike izobrazheniia astronomicheskikh instrumentov v russkoi matematicheskoi rukopisi nachala XVII veka . Istoriko-astronomicheskie issledovaniia , XXV : 180 – 186 .
  • Maistrov . 1968 . Nauchnye pribory 109 – 109 . Moscow
  • Maistrov . 1968 . Nauchnye pribory 109 – 109 . Moscow The ukaz also mentions the need for an instrument-making trade to overcome the necessity to import expensive instruments.
  • Lavrent'ev , A.V. 1988 . “ «Zapiska gosudarevym mernym verstam i stanom togo Krymskogo pokhodu po verstam mernomu kolesu» 1689 ” . In Estestvennonauchnye predstavleniia Drevnei Rusi 208 – 219 . Moscow in
  • The measurement of land areas in northern Russia in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was carried out by arithmetical methods using measuring cords of fixed length; neither plane tables nor anglemeasuring instruments seem to have been in common use. See Maistrov L.E. Vervlenie v XVII i XVIII vekakh Travaux de la 2e Conference internationale sur la métrologie historique, Rijeka, 19–21. XI 1973 199 205
  • Chenakal Prakticheskaia astronomiia v Rossii dopetrovskogo i petrovskogo vremeni Voprosy geografii petrovskogo vremeni Belova M.I. Leningrad 1975 39 59 in (p. 42)
  • As late as the eighteenth century many sailors even in the North Sea possessed no charts: See Davids C.A. On the Diffusion of Nautical Knowledge from the Netherlands to North East Europe 1550–1850 From Dunkirk to Danzig. Shipping and Trade in the North Sea and the Baltic, 1350–1850. Essays in Honour of J. A. Faber Hilversum 1988 217 236 (p. 225)
  • Chenakal . 1975 . “ Prakticheskaia astronomiia v Rossii dopetrovskogo i petrovskogo vremeni ” . In Voprosy geografii petrovskogo vremeni Edited by: Belova , M.I. 43 – 43 . Leningrad in
  • Ryan , W.F. 1968 . “ Some Observations on the History of the Astrolabe and of Two Russian Words: astrolabija and matka ” . In Studies in Slavic Linguistics and Poetics in Honor of Boris O. Unbegaun 155 – 164 . New York and London
  • Pamiatniki russkoi kul'tury pervoi chetverti XVIII veka v sobranii Gosudarstvennogo ordena Lenina Ermitazha Leningrad and Moscow 1966 143 154 [hereafter Pamiatniki] pl. 52
  • See Turner G.L'E. Levere T.H. Van Marum's Scientific Instruments in Teyler's Museum, vol. IV of Martinus Van Marum: Life and Work Lefebvre E. de Bruijn J.G. Leiden 1973 188 191 figs. 84–6. The instruments are fully described by Gerard Turner and illustrated.
  • This lodestone is part of the Lewis Evans collection. It was described by Lewis Evans in his notes to a small exhibition of lodestones presented on the occasion of a paper on lodestones and eagle stones given at the Society of Antiquaries in 1909 by Albert Hartshorne. The latter also presented a Russian lodestone, the inscription on which he described as a ‘mystical inscription in Greek letters and Arabic figures’. See Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries 22 512 560 second series (190) In the plate facing p. 516 the lodestone is shown upside-down. I am indebted to Mr A. V. Simcock of the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, for this and other references.
  • 1981 . Khudozhestvennyi metall v Rossii XVII—nachala XX veka 69 – 70 . Leningrad
  • See Sobol' S.L. Opticheskie instrumenty i svedeniia o nikh v dopetrovskoi Rusi Trudy Instituta istorii estestvoznaniia AN SSSR 1949 3 138 138
  • Maistrov . 1968 . Nauchnye pribory 55 – 55 . Moscow pl. 6
  • Maistrov . 1968 . Nauchnye pribory 55 – 55 . Moscow pl. 8
  • See Chenakal V.L. The Astronomical Instruments of John Rowley in 18th-century Russia Journal for the History of Astronomy 1972 3 illustrated; V. Iu. Matveev, ‘Solnechnye chasy Dzhona Rauli’, Pamiatniki nauki i tekhniki 1987–1988 (Moscow, 1989), pp. 35–45; this also publishes the text and contemporary translation of Rowley's instructions ‘The description and use of a new sundial’.
  • Maistrov . 1968 . Nauchnye pribory 57 – 57 . Moscow no. 25
  • See Ryan W.F. Peter the Great's English Yacht: Admiral Lord Carmarthen and the Russian Tobacco Monopoly The Mariner's Mirror 1983 69 65 87
  • See Chenakal V.L. Iakov Vilimovich Brius, russkii astronom nachala XVIII vela Astronomicheskii zhurnal 1951 28 1 14 (p. 8). For a full account of Bruce in English see V. Boss, Newton and Russia (Cambridge, Mass., 1972), especially pp. 15–18 ‘Newton and Bruce’; pp. 29–32 ‘Bruce and “Ivan Kolsun”’; ch. 3 ‘Russia's First Newtonian’; ch. 6 ‘Bruce as Translator and Instrument Maker’.
  • An early-eighteenth-century engraving of this instrument, which is similar to Scheiner's design, is reproduced in Istoriia estestvoznaniia v Rossii Moscow 1957 I 1 1 p. 300
  • Chenakal , V.L. 1975 . “ Prakticheskaia astronomiia v Rossii dopetrovskogo i petrovskogo vremeni ” . In Voprosy geografii petrovskogo vremeni Edited by: Belova , M.I. 52 – 52 . Leningrad in
  • Iakovleva , L. 1985 . Chasy, prinadlezhavshie A. D. Menshikovu . Soobshcheniia Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha , 50 : 11 – 14 .
  • For the most recent account, see Ryan W.F. Navigation and the Modernization of Petrine Russia: Teachers, Textbooks, Terminology Russia in the Age of the Enlightenment: Essays for Isabel de Madariaga London 1990 75 105 in
  • For a detailed account see Ryan Navigation and the Modernization of Petrine Russia: Teachers, Textbooks, Terminology Russia in the Age of the Enlightenment: Essays for Isabel de Madariaga London 1990 75 105
  • Elagin , S. 1866 . Materialy dlia istorii russkogo flota 293 – 293 . St. Petersburg letter of A. A. Kurbatov to Golovin, 16 July 1702.
  • On Nartov, see most recently Gize M.E. Nartov v Peterburge Leningrad 1988 A. K. Nartov became a skilled turner in the workshop attached to the Moscow Navigation School, spent some time studying turning in England, and rose to be for a while the head of the St. Petersburg Academy.
  • See Danilevskii V.V. Russkaia tekhnicheskaia literatura pervoi chetverti XVIII veka Moscow and Leningrad 1954 fig. 39.
  • Chenakal , V.L. 1973 . John Bradlee and his Sundials . Journal for the History of Astronomy , 4 : 159 – 167 . illustrated.
  • Worked in St. Petersburg from 1733 to 1751: see Chenakal Watchmakers and Clockmakers in Russia from 1400 to 1850 Antiquarian Horological Society Monograph no. 6 London 1972 53 53
  • Scientific instrument maker to the Russian Admiralty from 1772 to 1801: see Chenakal Watchmakers and Clockmakers in Russia from 1400 to 1850 Antiquarian Horological Society Monograph no. 6 London 1972 43 43 A rather indifferent dial signed by Morgan, but probably by an assistant or apprentice, is in the Museum of the History of Science in Oxford.
  • Chenakal . 1972 . Watchmakers and Clockmakers in Russia from 1400 to 1850 , Antiquarian Horological Society Monograph no. 6 24 – 27 . London
  • Short provided, among other instruments, a number of telescopes ordered by the Russian Academy for observing the transit of Venus in 1769. See Chenakal V.L. Dzhems Short i russkaia astronomiia XVIII veka Istoriko-astronomicheskie issledovaniia 1959 5
  • See Chenakal V.L. Astronomicheskie instrumenty Dzhona Berda v Rossii XVIII v. Istorikoastronomicheskie issledovaniia 1960 6
  • Chenakal . 1972 . Watchmakers and Clockmakers in Russia from 1400 to 1850 , Antiquarian Horological Society Monograph no. 6 London s.v.
  • See, in particular Kniajetskaia E.A. Chenakal V.L. Pierre le Grand et les fabricants français d'instruments scientifiques Revue d'histoire des sciences 1975 28 243 258
  • Pamiatniki russkoi kul'tury pervoi chetverti XVIII veka v sobranii Gosudarstvennogo ordena Lenina Ermitazha Leningrad and Moscow 1966 143 154 [hereafter Pamiatniki] pl. 52
  • For a survey, see Kniazhetskaia E.A. Nauchnye sviazi Rossii i Frantsii pri Petre I Voprosy istorii 1981 5 91 100
  • Reproduced in Raikov B.E. Ocherki po istorii geliotsentricheskogo mirovozzreniia v Rossii Moscow and Leningrad 1937 119 119
  • Published as figure 23 in Bykova T.A. Gurevich M.M. Opisanie izdanii, napechatannykh kirillitsei 1689—ianvar' 1725 Moscow and Leningrad 1958 294 294 facing
  • Published in Bykova T.A. Gurevich M.M. Opisanie izdanii grazhdanskoi pechati 1708—ianvar' 1725 Moscow and Leningrad 1955 203 203 fig. 20
  • Published in Danilevskii Russkaia tekhnicheskaia literatura pervoi chetverti XVIII veka Moscow and Leningrad 1954 figures 23 and 24
  • Gomzina , O.N. 1975 . Knigi petrovskogo vremeni v nauchnoi biblioteki Ermitazha . Trudy Ermitazha , 16 : 102 – 128 . (p. 113)

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