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The Ørsted-Ritter partnership and the birth of Romantic natural philosophy

Pages 153-185 | Received 14 Dec 1993, Published online: 23 Aug 2006

  • See Appendix I
  • See Appendix II
  • Newton , Isaac . 1687 . “ Principia Mathematica ” . In Regulæ Philosophandi 357 – 360 . London and Opticks (London, 1718), pp. 370–72.
  • Crosland , Maurice P. 1967 . The Society of Arceuil London
  • This was not only the criticism by Kant, but also the self-criticism by Newton himself. Newton wrote to R. T. Bentley, ‘You sometimes speak of gravity as essential and inherent to matter. Pray, do not ascribe that notion to me; for the cause of gravity is what I do not pretend to know, and therefore would take more time to consider it’, and Pemberton, a pupil of Newton, added, ‘To acquiesce in the explanation of any appearance by asserting it to be a general power of attraction, is not to improve our knowledge in philosophy, but rather to put a stop to our farther search.’ Newton's second letter to Richard Bentley 1692–1693, The Works of Richard Bentley London 1838 210 210
  • Kant . 1968 . “ Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft ” . In Immanuel Kant Werke, vol. ix. Kritik der Urteilskraft und naturphilosophische Schriften Vol. I , 36 – 36 . Frankfurt in
  • Various evaluations of this outcome have been made, see Kant's Philosophy of Physical Science The University of Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science Butts Robert E. Dordrecht 1986 33 Butts finds that the metaphysical reflection on the concept of fundamental force is a valuable contribution to philosophy in itself, see ibid p. 195. The heuristic value is emphasized by Philip Kitcher, ibid. p. 213. Michael Friedman argues that the Kantian attempt was no improvement upon Newtonian physics at all, ibid. pp. 56–7. This point of view is shared and deplored by Gordon G. Brittan, jr. and Howard Duncan, ibid. pp. 90–1 and p. 303 respectively, whereas Gerd Buchdahl receives the negative result stoically, pointing to the merits of subsequent exploitation of Kant's epistemology, ibid. pp. 146–7.
  • Kraft , Jens . 1754 . “ Betænkninger over Newtons og Cartesii Systemata, tillage med nye Anmærkninger over Lyset ” . In Skrifter som udi det Kongelige Videnskabers Selskab ere fremlagde, og nu til Trykken befordrede (Proceedings of the Royal Society of Science Vol. 6 , 213 – 296 . Copenhagen (‘Reflections on the Newtonian and the Cartesian Systems, and new Considerations on Light’) in now in print + 3 tables. See also Olaf Pedersen, ‘Newton versus Ørsted: The Delayed Introduction of Newtonian Physics into Denmark’, in Newton and the New Direction in Science, Proceedings of the Cracow Conference 25–28 May 1987, edited by G. V. Coyne, S. J., M. Heller, and J. Zycinski, Specola Vaticana (Citta del Vaticano, 1988), pp. 135–53. Pedersen emphasizes the lack of competence in Newtonian physics at the University of Copenhagen, 1674–1886.
  • For example Abildgaard, Viborg, Bugge, Kratzenstein, Hauch, Manthey, Cappel
  • de Laplace , Pierre Simon . 1796 . Exposition du système du monde Vol. 2 , Paris an vii It is noteworthy, perhaps, that while Ørsted was writing his attack on Newtonian physics, Thomas Bugge, professor of astronomy at the University of Copenhagen and from 1801, the successor of P. C. Abildgaard as secretary of the Royal Society of Science, was in Paris as the Danish representative at the ‘International’ Commission of Weights and Measurements, see Science in France in the Revolutionary Era, described by Thomas Bugge, edited by Maurice P. Crosland (Cambridge, Mass. and London, 1969).
  • Ørsted , Hans Kristian . 1799 . “ Grundtrækkene af Naturmetaphysiken—tildeels efter en nye Plan. Foranlediget ved Herr Oberhofmarschal Hauchs Begyndelsesgrunde af Naturlæren ” . In Naturvidenskabelige Skrifter Vol. I , 33 – 78 . Copenhagen (‘Fundamentals of Natural Metaphysics—partly according to a new plan. Occasioned by Lord Steward Hauch's “First Principles of Natural Philosophy”’) in [hereafter N.S.]
  • Abildgaard and Viborg , E. 1800 . Indledning til almindelig Naturkyndighed for Dyrlœger bestemt til Brug ved Underviisningerne i den Kongelige Danske Dyrlœgeskole (‘Introduction to General Natural Philosophy for Veterinaries, intended for Instruction at the Royal Danish Veterinary College’) Copenhagen Around 1800, A. W. Hauch shelved his scientific activities, and P. C. Abildgaard died, so Thomas Bugge became the influential head of science in Denmark. Ørsted felt that Bugge was using his influence to damage Ørsted's academic career. When Ørsted took over the position as secretary of the Royal Society of Sciences in 1815, upon the death of Bugge, Ørsted demonstrated his disrespect by refusing him an obituary.
  • This metaphor is borrowed from Strawson P.F. The Bounds of Sense. An Essay on Kant's Critique of Pure Reason London 1975 24 24
  • Newton , Isaac . 1718 . Opticks 383 – 383 . London In things which Sense cannot discover, Analogy is the great Rule of Probability
  • Laplace . Exposition du système du monde Vol. II , 198 – 198 .
  • Fox , Robert . 1974 . The Rise and Fall of Laplacian Physics . Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences , 4 : 89 – 136 . (p. 95)
  • Berthollet , C.L. 1803 . Essai de statique chimique Vol. 2 , Paris an xi
  • Pera , Marcello . 1988 . “ Radical Theory Change and Empirical Equivalence, The Galvani-Volta Controversy ” . In Revolutions in Science, Their Meaning and Relevance Edited by: Shea , William R. 138 – 149 .
  • Ørsted , H.C. Forsøg og Bemærkninger over den Galvaniske Elektricitet af Doktor H. K. Ørsted (Experiments and Comments on Galvanic Electricity by Doctor H. K. Ørsted) Vol. I , 106 – 106 . in N.S.
  • Ritter , J.W. 1798 . Beweiß, daß ein beständiger Galvanismus den Lebensproceß in Thierreich begleite Weimar including his speech delivered on 29 October 1797 to the Society of the Natural Sciences in Jena, entitled ‘Über den Galvanismus; die Entdeckung eines in der ganzen lebenden und toten Natur sehr tätigen Princips’.
  • Ørsted , H.C. 1805 . “ Recension over Saxtorphs Electricitetslære (‘Review of Saxtorph's Principles of Electricity’) ” . In N.S. 87 – 87 . Copenhagen in III
  • Gower , Barry . 1973 . “ Speculation in Physics: The History and Practice of Naturphilosophie ” . In Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science Vol. 3 , 301 – 356 . Probably the best monograph on Ritter is Walter D. Wetzels, ‘Johann Wilhelm Ritter: Physik im Wirkungsfeld der deutschen Romantik’, Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte der germanischen Völker, 59 (183), (New York, 1973). Walter D. Wetzels, ‘Johann Wilhelm Ritter: Romantic physics in Germany’, in Romanticism and the Sciences (see Appendix I), pp. 199–212, including a list of literature.
  • Steffen and Dietzsch , Birgit , eds. 1810 . Johann Wilhelm Ritter, Fragmente aus dem Nachlasse eines jungen Physikers. Ein Taschenbuch für Freunde der Natur 67 – 67 . Hanau 1984 Ørsted would be in complete agreement on this point. He, too, reduces matter to force, writing ‘… the dynamical system is founded on the preposition that matter is nothing but the fundamental forces.’ Quoted from H. C. Ørsted, ‘Slutningen af Recensionen over Begyndelsesgrunde til Naturlæren’ (The End of the Review of General Principles of Natural Philosophy’) N.S. iii, p. 45.
  • 1986 . Ostwalds Klassiker der exakten Wissenschaften 117 – 127 . Leipzig No. 271 See also Walter Kaiser, ‘Symmetries in Romantic Physics’, Symmetries in Physics (1600–1980). 1st International Meeting on the History of Scientific Ideas, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Catalonia, Spain, September 20–26, 1983, edited by Manuel G. Doncel, Armin Hermann, Louis Michel, and Abraham Pais (Seminari d'Història de les Ciencies, Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona, 1987), pp. 77–102. Ultraviolet light was originally called ‘chemical rays’.
  • 1986 . Ostwalds Klassiker der exakten Wissenschaften 64 – 66 . Leipzig No. 271 Wilhelm Ostwald, (Appendix II) I, pp. 170–76. Wilhelm Ostwald, ‘Johann Wilhelm Ritter’, Johann Wilhelm Ritter, Fragmente … (footnote 23), pp. 321–43, pp. 337–38). H. C. Ørsted, ‘Experiences sur un appareil a charger d'électricité’ N.S., i, pp. 214–37 (p. 221). Stored voltage was used by Ritter and others as a parlour game. A ‘galvanized’ coin could be identified among ordinary coins by a conjuring trick, using its capability to irritate the thigh of a frog.
  • This discussion, it is important to notice, should not be mixed up with the dichotomy between the ‘noumenal’ and ‘phenomenal’. The forces belonged to the phenomenal world, and the noumenal has no place in science, but e.g. in ethics, like ‘God’, see Körner S. Kant Harmondsworth 1987 91 96
  • Harding , M.C. , ed. 1920 . H.C. Ørsted Correspondance avec divers savants Vol. 1–2 , 9 – 9 . Copenhagen II (Ritter to Ørsted 9 December 1801). [Hereafter Correspondance …]
  • Ørsted , Mathilde , ed. 1870 . Breve til og fra H. C. Ørsted (Letters to and from H. C. Ørsted) 141 – 141 . Copenhagen [Hereafter Breve …]
  • Crosland . 1967 . The Society of Arceuil 20 – 25 . London
  • The report of the National Institute on Ørsted's emonstration uses the orthodox Laplacian terminology, such as ‘écoulement du fluide’ to describe electricity. Procès-verbaux des séances de l'Académie des Sciences tenues depuis la fondation de l'Institut jusqu'au mois d'août 1835 Hendaye 1910–1922 10 11 15 III
  • 1804 . “ Expériences sur un Appareil a Charger d'électricite par la colonne électrique de Volta, par M. Ritter, a Jéna ” . In Journal de physique, de chimie, d'histoire naturelle et des arts Vol. 57 , 345 – 368 . Paris ‘Expériences avec la pile électrique, faites par M. Ritter, a Jéna; communiquées par M. Ørsted. ibid., pp. 401–405. ‘Expériences sur le Magnétisme par M. Ritter, Jéna, communiquées par Ørsted, Docteur a l'université de Copenhague’, ibid., pp. 406–409. Expériences sur la lumière, par M. Ritter, a Jéna, communiquées par Ørsted, Docteur a l'Université de Copenhague’, ibid., pp. 409–11.
  • Ritter to Ørsted 20 Correspondance … 1803 May II 32 41
  • von Klinckowstroem , Carl . 1922 . “ Johann Wilhelm Ritter und Elektromagnetismus ” . In Archiv für die Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik Vol. 9 , 68 – 85 . Leipzig (pp. 80–2). However, it is beyond the scope of this essay to scrutinize Ørsted's dependence on Ritter in this respect.
  • See The Society of Arceuil London 1967
  • 1805 . Om Overensstemmelsen mellem de Elektriske Figurer og de Organiske Former (‘On the concordance between Electric Figures and Organic Forms’) Vol. III , 96 – 105 . lecture delivered to the Scandinavian Society of Literature N.S.
  • 1805 . Om Overensstemmelsen mellem de Elektriske Figurer og de Organiske Former (‘On the Concordance between Electric Figures and Organic Forms’) Vol. III , 96 – 96 . lecture delivered to the Scandinavian Society of Literature N.S. The statement is not completed with a question mark, but with an exclamation mark, and must consequently be understood as a declarative statement. It is probably a deliberate reformulation of Galileo's metaphor: the book of nature is written in mathematical symbols’, see Kaiser (footnote 24), pp. 77–92.
  • Johannisson , Karin . 1988 . “ Magic, Science, and Institutionalization in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries ” . In Hermeticism and the Renaissance. Intellectual History and the Occult in Early Modern Europe Edited by: Merkel , Ingrid and Debus , Allen G. 251 – 261 . London and Toronto
  • Bertholon invented an electro-vegetometer to measure the impact of electricity on plant roots and growth, see Dulieu Louis L'Abbé Bertholon Cahier lyonnais d'histoire de la médicine Lyon 1961 6 No. 2 These experiments were reported by C. G. Rafn, the Kantian plant physiologist in the Royal Society of Science, see ‘Physiologisk Undersøgelse over Livskræfterne i den organiske Natur, især med Hensyn til det vegetative Liv’ (‘Physiological Investigation of Life-Forces of the Organic Nature, Particularly Regarding Vegetative Life’), Det kongelige danske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter, 3 (Copenhagen, 1805), 253–76. Sir Humphry Davy was of similar opinion, writing in A Course of Lectures on the Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, pp. 38–9 (London, 1821) (and earlier editions), ‘… it is probable, that the various electrical phænomena occurring in our system, must influence both the germination of seeds and the growth of plants.’ J. W. Ritter wrote extensively to Ørsted on this subject, and Ørsted's cosmology, as referred above, is by and large a loan from Ritter's Das elektrische System der Körper (Leipzig, 1805), a copy of which he sent to Ørsted, after having described in great detail the contents of the book in his letters to Ørsted, see Correspondance, p. 93. Later, in 1809, Ritter took up his experiments on plant physiology and electricity, see ‘Elektrische Versuche an der Mimosa pudica L. in Parallele mit gleichen Versuchen an Fröschen’ (München, 1811), in Ostwalds Klassiker der exakten Wissenschaften 271, (Leipzig, 1986), 104–16, and Ritter's letter of 22 July 1809 to Ørsted, Correspondance, ii, p. 231.
  • Ostwald , W. (Appendix II) 176 – 181 . J. W. Ritter, Das elektrische System der Körper (Leipzig, 1805).
  • Ørsted , H.C. 1803 . Materialien zu einer Chemie des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts Vol. I , 133 – 210 . Regensburg also in N.S.
  • Ørsted , H.C. 1803 . Uebersicht der neuesten Fortschritte der Physik Vol. I , 130 – 131 . published in Friedrich Schlegel's journal Europa in N.S.
  • The search after ‘Andronia’, the most audacious hypothesis of the ‘explicandum’ of world galvanism, occupied a great deal of Ørsted's and congenial physicists’ time. It was suggested by the Hungarian chemist, Winterl, but never found to exist. See Partington J.R. History of Chemistry London 1962 III 599 600 4 vols
  • Ørsted , H.C. 1805 . Nye Undersøgelser over det Spørgsmaal: Hvad er Chemie? (‘New Investigations of the Question: What is Chemistry?’) . Proceedings of the Scandinavian Society of Literature . 1805 , Copenhagen. Vol. III , pp. 105 – 116 . in N.S. claiming that chemistry must include and explore the unity of the dynamical forces (heat, light, electricity and magnetism). H. C. Ørsted, ‘Forsøg til en nye Theorie af Selvantændelserne’ (‘Experiments on a new Theory of Spontaneous Combustion’) (Copenhagen, 1805), N.S., iii, pp. 116–30, claiming that heat is not explicable by Lavoisier's ‘caloric’ particles, but must be a fundamental dynamical force like electricity, and be produced chemically by oxygen (i.e. water charged positively). Heating (in the form of combustion) takes place spontaneously and continuously
  • Ørsted , H.C. 1808 . Forsøg over Klangfigurerne (‘Experiments on Acoustic Patterns’) Vol. II , 11 – 34 . Copenhagen speech delivered to the Royal Society of Science see N.S. but already described by Ørsted in 1804, see ‘Schreiben des Hrn. Dr. Oersted zu Kopenhagen an Hrn. I. W. Ritter zu Jena, Chladni's Klangfiguren in elektrischer Hiensicht betreffend’, N.S., i, p. 261
  • Ørsted , H.C. 1807–1808 . Forsøg over Klangfigurerne (‘Experiments on Acoustic Patterns’) Vol. II , 29 f – 29 f . Copenhagen N.S. See also Ryan D. Tweney, ‘Stopping Time: Faraday and the Scientific Creation of Perpetual Order’, Physis, 29 (1992), 149–64.
  • See Ørsted Forsøg over Klangfigurerne (‘Experiments on Acoustic Patterns’) Copenhagen 1807–1808 II 31 31 N.S.
  • Ørsted . 1807–1808 . Forsøg over Klangfigurerne (‘Experiments on Acoustic Patterns’) Vol. II , 34 – 34 . Copenhagen N.S. The Chladni acoustic patterns are the object of a dialogue on aesthetic theory in H. C. Ørsted, ‘Om Grunden til den Fornøielse, Tonerne frembringe’ (‘On the Reason of the Pleasure produced by Music’) (Copenhagen, 1808), S.E.S., iii, pp. 67–99, where ‘Alfred’ expresses the view of Ørsted.
  • Wetzels , Walter D. 1973 . Johann Wilhelm Ritter, Physik im Wirkungsfeld der deutschen Romantik 98 – 98 . New York
  • Ørsted , H.C. 1803 . Uebersicht der neuesten Fortschritte der Physik Vol. I , 112 – 131 . Frankfurt published in Friedrich Schlegel's journal Europa N.S. Ritter's experiments are critically related by Dorothee Hüffmeier, Johann Wilhelm Ritter (1776 bis 1810) und sein Beitrag zur Physiologie seiner Zeit (dissertation) (Münster, 1961). Ostwalds Klassiker der exacten Naturwissenschaften, No. 291 (Leipzig, 1986), ‘Reizexperimente an Sinnesorganen’, pp. 86–96.
  • Kant . 1968 . “ Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft ” . In Immanuel Kant Werke, vol. ix. Kritik der Urteilskraft und naturphilosophische Schriften Vol. I , 135 – 135 . Frankfurt in My translation.
  • Ørsted , H.C. Hvad er Chemie? (‘What is Chemistry?’) Vol. III , 114 – 114 . N. S.
  • Ørsted , H.C. Hvad er Chemie? (‘What is Chemistry?’) Vol. III , 115 – 115 . N.S.
  • See Hesse Mary The Explanatory Function of Metaphor Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science Brighton 1980 111 124
  • See above Hesse Mary The Explanatory Function of Metaphor Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science Brighton 1980 22 22
  • This was Ørsted's judgement as well. Breve 115 115
  • Fox . 1974 . The Rise and Fall of Laplacian Physics . Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences , 4 : 135 – 135 .
  • Richter , Klaus , ed. 1988 . Der Physiker des Romantikerkreises Johann Wilhelm Ritter in seinen Briefen an den Verleger Carl Friedrich Ernst Frommann Weimar
  • Correspondance Vol. II , passim
  • Wetzel , Walter D. Appendix I 63 – 63 .
  • Correspondance Vol. II , 33 – 33 .
  • Correspondance Vol. II , 115 – 115 .
  • Meyer , K. “ The Scientific Life and Works of H. C. Ørsted ” . In N.S. Vol. I , xxxii – xxxii . However, almost everything Ørsted wrote before 1809 (leaving Kant and Winterl out of the picture) seems to be derived from Ritter's Beweis, daß ein beständiger Galvanismus den Lebensproceß in dem Thierreich begleite, (1798), Das elektrische System der Körper (1805), and Die Physik als Kunst (1806). To this should be added Ritter's letters. Ørsted never strutted in borrowed plumes, but was always loyal to Ritter, and lavish in references to his friend.
  • In 1769 the Royal Society of Agricultural Economy was founded by adherents of the enlightened reform movement, and there was considerable interaction both in terms of substance and in terms of personnel between this society and the Royal Society of Science. By 1800, natural philosophers of the University of Copenhagen had adapted themselves to the utilitarian tasks, originally motivating the revival of Sorø Academy Kraft Jens Forelesninger over Mekanick (Lectures on Mechanics) Sorø 1763–64 1–2 was the textbook used by Thomas Bugge, who lectured extensively on topics of mechanical philosophy and engineering. The chair in physics mainly served the purposes of medicine. And Thomas Bugge, the astronomer, was responsible for the comprehensive works of geodesy, prompted by land reform. He was also the representative of the Danish Government in the International Commission of Weight and Measurement summoned in Revolutionary France, and his extensive diaries from his travels in France amply testify to the fact that science and technology were conceived as coherent activities, see footnotes 2, 3, 5 and 8.
  • Letters of recommendation from Thomas Bugge 13 June 1811, et al., attached to Ole Winstrup's application 20 January 1816 to King Frederik VI, Danske Cancelli, 2. Departement Register (1816), enclosure no. 347, RA (Public Record Office) Copenhagen. Ashton T.S. The Industrial Revolution 1760–1830 London 1948 16 16
  • Steffens's letter to Thomas Bugge dated Jena, April 1799, KB [Royal Library, Copenhagen], Steffens talks to Ritter and Schelling. He is evasive on the practical uses of chemistry. Ørsted's letters to Manthey, explaining away his omission to visit porcelain factories in France, and his decision to ignore British industry altogether. Ørsted dedicated all his time to the development and defence of dynamical philosophy. See Breve. 151 151 p. 154, and pp. 155–7.
  • Breve. , 161 – 161 . The emphasis is Ørsted's.
  • Ørsted , H.C. 1802–1803 . Electricitetslære, grundet på Erfaring og Forsøg, og sammenlignet med de meest bekjendte hypoteser, af Friderich Saxtorph Vol. I–II , 1287 – 1287 . Copenhagen Recension over (‘Review of “Principles of Electricity, based on Experiments, and compared with the most well known Hypotheses' by F. Saxtorph”’), N. S., III, pp. 79–96.
  • Gillispie , Charles C. 1957 . The Natural History of Industry . Isis , 48 : 398 – 407 . Fox (footnote 16), p. 134.
  • Berman , Morris . 1978 . Social Change and Scientific Organization. The Royal Institution (1799–1844) London On Ørsted's invitation, see M. C. Harding, Selskabet for Naturlœrens Udbredelse (‘The Society for the Diffusion of Natural Philosophy’) (Copenhagen, 1924), p. 21. See also Gillispie (footnote 68).
  • 1820 . Chemien anvendt paa Kunster og Nœringsdrift af Grev J. A. Chaptal, forhen Minister for det Indre i Frankrig. En oversœttelse gjennemseet og forsynet med Anmœrkninger ved H. C. Ørsted, Professor og Ridder af Dannebrogen (‘Chemistry applied on the Crafts by Count J. A. Chaptal, formerly Home Secretary of France. A Translation revised and annotated by H. C. Ørsted, Professor and Knight of Dannebrog’) Copenhagen Complaints about the theoretical preponderance of the lectures, see Landhuusholdningsselskabets arkiv (Archives of the the Royal Society of Agricultural Economy) responsum 17 May 1821, journalsag 164/1821, EA (Record Office of Industry and Commerce) Aarhus.
  • A more detailed version of the foundation of the Polytechnic Institution is given in Christensen Dan Ch. Naturvidenskabelig og teknologisk udvikling i socio-økonomisk sammenhæng. En analyse af H. C. Ørsteds virke (‘The Development of Science and Technology in a socio-economic Context. An analysis of H. C. Ørsted's Career’) Humanistisk Årbog Roskilde 1986 2 5 62 A less detailed account, in English, is found in Christensen, Transferring Science and Technology. Denmark during the Agricultural and Industrial Revolution, University of Durham Public Lecture 1989 (Durham, 1990). See also Michael F. Wagner, ‘Danish Technical Education between Handicraft and Science’, European Historiography of Technology, edited by Dan Ch. Christensen (Odense, 1993), pp. 146–63.
  • Universitetsdirektionens Arkiv (Archive of University Board of Governors), Journalsager Nos. 1605/1827 (Ursin) and 1155/1829 (Ørsted), RA (Public Record Office) Copenhagen. On the history of the Polytechnic Institution, see Steen Adolph Den polytekniske Lœreanstalts første halvhundrede Aar 1829–1879 (‘The first Half-century of the Polytechnic Institution’) Copenhagen 1879 which, as far as the foundation is concerned, is preferable to J. T. Lundby, Den polytekniske Lœreanstalt 1829–1929 (‘The Polytechnic Institution’) (Copenhagen, 1929).
  • 1829–1842 . “ Den polytekniske Læreanstalts arkiv ” . In Archive of the Polytechnic University Journalregistratur Journalsager No. 28, 1830, and No. 38–18, RA (Public Record Office), Copenhagen.
  • Ørsted , H.C. 1851–1856 . “ Folket og dets Videnskabsmænd, en Samtale (‘The People and their Scholars, a Dialogue’) ” . In Samlede og Efterladte Skrifter (Collected and Posthumous Works) Edited by: Ørsted , H.C. Vol. i–ix , Copenhagen [hereafter S.E.S.], VIII, p. 135. It is not to be understood ironically! This hierarchical view was contested by N. F. S. Grundtvig, who in a dialogue on the same relation, reversed the order. The farmers were justified in expecting services from the scientists they fed by their work. Grundtvig encouraged farmers to establish their own high schools, to appoint scholars to serve their demands, whether educational or technological, to examine the professors and dismiss them if their answers were not satisfactory! Grundtvig: To Dialoger om Højskolen (‘Grundtvig, Two Dialogues on High Schools’), edited by Dan Ch. Christensen and Susanne Errebo (ODIN, Holbæk, 1984).
  • Ørsted , H.C. Naturvidenskaben, betragtet som en af Grundbestanddelene i Menneskets Dannelse (‘Natural Philosophy considered one of the Basic Elements in the Education of Man’) , V 131 – 142 . S.E.S. quoting Fr. Schiller's The three Ages of Nature: ‘The fables gave life to nature, the schools deprived her of her soul. The creative arts will restore reason to her.’
  • Shaffer , Elinor S. 1990 . “ Romantic philosophy and the organization of the disciplines: the founding of the Humboldt University of Berlin ” . In Romanticism in the Sciences Edited by: Cunningham , Andrew and Jardin , Nicholas . 38 – 54 . Cambridge
  • Ørsted , H.C. Om den dannende Virkning, Naturvidenskabens Anvendelse maa udøve; tale ved den polytekniske Læreanstalts Indvielse, den 5te November 1829 i Kong Frederik den Sjettes Overværelse Vol. II , 61 – 61 . (‘On the Educative Effect of Natural Philosophy; Lecture delivered at the Inauguration of the Polytechnic University, 5 November 1829, in the Presence of King Frederik VI’), S.E.S., (on research obligations)
  • N.S. Vol. III , 135 – 135 .
  • Store Kredsløb! Intet deelt! Alt omfavnet til et Heelt, from Oehlenschlägers Poetiske Skrifter, udgivet af Holbergselskabet af 23. Sept. ved Tuxen Poul Poetical Works by Oehlenschläger Copenhagen 1926 September 1 204 204 edited by the Holberg Society of 23
  • Ørsted , H.C. Naturvidenskaben betragtet som Religionsudøvelse. En Tale, holden ved Universitetsfesten for den lutherske Reformation 1814 (‘Natural Philosophy regarded as a Religious Practice. Lecture delivered at the University Celebration of the Lutheran Reformation 1814’) Vol. I , 135 – 144 . S.E.S. emphasizing autonomy, harmony, enthusiasm, aesthetics and ethics, reverence for Nature, etc.
  • Ørsted , H.C. 1808 . “ Samtale over Mysticismen (‘Dialogue on Mysticism’) ” . In S.E.S. Vol. V , 41 – 105 . Copenhagen Says ‘Alexander’, ‘You must admit, that the relation between the mystical sign and the signified consists in a concord of reason; but of a kind, that is but intelligible to a few. To those few the sign is no longer mystical. Only to the uninitiated does it drift in sacred darkness. The advantage of such mystical signs is, that they express a multitude of thoughts in one and the same image …’, p. 59.
  • 1988 . The Correspondence of Charles Darwin Vol. 4 , 488 – 488 . Cambridge [DAR 128:3], reading notebook 11 May 1852. Thanks to David Knight for drawing my attention to this reference.
  • Grundtvig , N.F.S. 1850 . Danskeren (‘The Dane’) 785 – 800 . Copenhagen

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