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Original Articles

Motives and Agency in Forced Marriage among the Urban Poor in Tanzania


  • Anitha, Sundari & Aisha Gill. 2009. Coercion, Consent and the Forced Marriage Debate in the UK. Feminist Legal Studies, 17(2):165–184. doi: 10.1007/s10691-009-9119-4
  • Archambault, Caroline. 2011. Ethnographic Empathy and the Social Context of Rights: “Rescuing” Maasai Girls From Early Marriage. American Anthropologist, 113(4):632–643. doi: 10.1111/j.1548-1433.2011.01375.x
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  • Deane, Kevin & Joyce Wamoyi. 2015. Revisiting the Economics of Transactional Sex: Evidence from Tanzania. Review of African Political Economy, 42(145):437–454. doi: 10.1080/03056244.2015.1064816
  • Deutscher, Irwin & Linda Lindsey. 2005. Preventing Ethnic Conflict: Successful Cross-National Strategies. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
  • Ertürk, Yakin. 2011. Foreword. In Forced Marriage: Introducing a Social Justice and Human Rights Perspective, edited by Aisha Gill and Anitha Sundhari, xi–xvi. London: Zed Books.
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  • Gangoli, Geetanjali, Khatidja Chantler, Marianne Hester & Ann Singleton. 2011. Understanding Forced Marriage: Definitions and Realities. In Forced Marriage: Introducing a Social Justice and Human Rights Perspective, edited by Aisha Gill and Anitha Sundhari, 25–45. London: Zed Books Ltd.
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  • Halley, Meghan. 2012. Negotiating Sexuality: Adolescent Initiation Rituals and Cultural Change in Rural Southern Tanzania (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. https://etd.ohiolink.edu/rws_etd/document/get/case1327594508/inline.
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  • Mahmood, Saba. 2006. Feminist Theory, Agency and the Liberatory Subject: Some Reflections on the Islamic Revival in Egypt. Temenos, The Finnish Society for the Study of Religion, 42(1):31–71.
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  • Mulumeoderhwa, Maroyi. 2016. ‘A Girl Who Gets Pregnant or Spends the Night with a Man is No Longer a Girl’: Forced Marriage in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Sexuality and Culture, 20(4):1042–1062. doi: 10.1007/s12119-016-9373-y
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  • Ndezi, Tim. 2009. The Limit of Community Initiatives in Addressing Resettlement in Kurasini Ward, Dar Es Salaam. Environment and Urbanization 21(1):77–88. doi: 10.1177/0956247809103005
  • Nyang’oro, Julius. 2004. Ethnic Structure, Inequality and Governance of the Public Sector in Tanzania. Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
  • Plummer, Mary Louisa & Daniel Wight. 2011. Young People’s Lives and Sexual Relationships in Rural Africa: Findings From a Large Qualitative Study in Tanzania. Dar es Salaam: Mkuki Na Nyota.
  • Sabbe, Alexia, Marleen Temmerman, Eva Brems & Els Leye. 2014. Forced Marriage: an Analysis of Legislation and Political Measures in Europe. Crime, Law and Social Change, 62(2):171–189. doi: 10.1007/s10611-014-9534-6
  • Setel, Philip. 1999. A Plague of Paradoxes: AIDS, Culture, and Demography in Northern Tanzania. Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press.
  • Silberschmidt, Margrethe. 2004. Masculinities, Sexuality and Socio-Economic Change in Rural and Urban East Africa. In Rethinking Sexualities in Africa, edited by Signe Arnfred, 233–248. Uppsala: Nordic Africa Institute.
  • Silberschmidt, Margrethe. 2011. Sexuality as a Taboo or Burning Issue: Experiences from Qualitative Data Collection in Urban Uganda and Tanzania. In Studying Intimate Matters: Engaging Methodological Challenges in Studies on Gender, Sexuality and Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa, edited by Barbara Ann Barrett and Christian Groes-Green, 120–145. Kampala: Fountain Publishers.
  • Stark, Laura. 2013. Transactional Sex, Mobile Phones and Social Trust in a Tanzanian Slum. Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 1:12–36.
  • Stark, Laura. 2016. Transactional Sex, Early Marriage, and Parent-Child Relations in a Tanzanian Slum. Ethnologia Europaea, 46(1):76–90.
  • Stark, Laura. 2017. Cultural Politics of Love and Provision among Poor Youth in Urban Tanzania. Ethnos 82(3):569–591. doi: 10.1080/00141844.2015.1080749
  • Stark, Laura. 2018. Early Marriage and Cultural Constructions of Adulthood in two Slums in Dar es Salaam. Culture, Health and Sexuality 20(8):888–901. doi: 10.1080/13691058.2017.1390162
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  • Wamoyi, Joyce, Daniel Wight, Mary Plummer, Gerry Hilary Mshana & David Ross. 2010. Transactional Sex Amongst Young People in Rural Northern Tanzania: An Ethnography of Young Women’s Motivations and Negotiation. Reproductive Health, 7(2). http://www.reproductive-health-journal.com/content/7/1/2/abstract.
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