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Selling with Prejudice: Social Enterprise and Caste at the Bottom of the Pyramid in India


  • Anjaria, Jonathan Shapiro. 2009. Guardians of the Bourgeois City: Citizenship, Public Space, and Middle-Class Activism in Mumbai 1. City & Community, 8(4):391–406.
  • Anjaria, Jonathan Shapiro & Ursula Rao. 2014. Talking Back to the State: Citizens’ Engagement After Neoliberal Reform in India. Social Anthropology, 22(4):410–427.
  • Arnold, David. 2011. Global Goods and Local Usages: The Small World of the Indian Sewing Machine, 1875–1952. Journal of Global History, 6:407–429.
  • Bear, Laura, Karen Ho, Anna Tsing & Silvia Yanagisako. 2015. Gens: A Feminist Manifesto for the Study of Capitalism. Cultural Anthropology, 30.
  • Besnier, Niko. 2004. Consumption and Cosmopolitanism: Practicing Modernity at the Second-Hand Marketplace in Nuku'alofa, Tonga. Anthropological Quarterly, 77(1):7–45.
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  • Blowfield, Michael & Catherine Dolan. 2014. Business as a Development Agent: Evidence of Possibility and Improbability. Third World Quarterly, 35:22–42.
  • Brown, Laura. 2014. A Public Backstage: The Pleasures and Possibilities of Roadside Shop Talk in Tamil Nadu, India. Language and Communication, 34:35–45.
  • Cahn, Paul. 2006. Building Down and Dreaming Up. American Ethnologist 33:126–142.
  • Cahn, Peter. 2008. Consuming Class: Multilevel Marketeers in Neoliberal Mexico. Cultural Anthropology 23:429–452.
  • Callon, Michel. 2005. Why Virtualism Paves the Way to Political Impotence: A Reply to Daniel Miller's Critique of "The Laws of the Market". Economic Sociology: European Electronic Newsletter, 6:3–20.
  • Callon, Michel, Cécile Méadel & Vololona Rabeharisoa. 2002. The Economy of Qualities. Economy and Cociety, 31(2):194–217.
  • Chandra, Vikram. 2013. Geek Sublime: Writing Fiction, Coding Software. Faber & Faber.
  • Clark, Colin & Trevor Pinch. 2014. The Hard Sell: The Language and Lessons of Streetwise Marketing. Sociografica.
  • Collier, Stephen, Peter Redfield, Jamie Cross & Alice Street. 2017. Little Development Devices/Humanitarian Goods. Limn #9:https://limn.it/issues/little-development-devices-humanitarian-goods/.
  • Cross, Jamie. 2010. Neoliberalism as Unexceptional: Economic Zones and the Everyday Precariousness of Working Life in South India. Critique of Anthropology 30:355–373.
  • Cross, Jamie. 2013. The 100th Object: Solar Lighting Technology and Humanitarian Goods. Journal of Material Culture, 18(4):367–387.
  • Cross, Jamie. 2014. Dream Zones: Anticipating Capitalism and Development in India. London: Pluto Press.
  • Cross, Jamie. 2017. Current. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 40(2):291–293.
  • Cross, Jamie. 2018. Solar Basics. Limn #9. https://limn.it/articles/solar-basics/.
  • Cross, Jamie & Declan Murray. 2018. The Afterlives of Solar Power: Waste and Repair off the Grid in Kenya. Energy Research and Social Science, 44:100–109.
  • Cross, Jamie & Alice Street. 2009. Anthropology at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Anthropology Today 25:4–9.
  • Dolan, Catherine. 2012. The New Face of Development: The ‘Bottom of the Pyramid’ Entrepreneurs. Anthropology Today, 107:36–40.
  • Dolan, Catherine & Mary Johnstone-Louis. 2011. Re-siting Corporate Responsibility: The Making of South Africa’s Avon Entrepreneurs. Focaal, 21–33. 2011.
  • Dolan, Catherine & Dinah Rajak. 2016. Remaking Africa’s Informal Economies: Youth, Entrepreneurship and the Promise of Inclusion at the Bottom of the Pyramid. The Journal of Development Studies, 52:514–529.
  • Dolan, Catherine & Dinah Rajak. 2018. Speculative Futures at the Bottom of the Pyramid, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 24(2):233–255.
  • Dolan, Catherine & Linda Scott. 2009. Lipstick Evangelism: Avon Trading Circles and Gender Empowerment in South Africa. Gender & Development, 17:203–218.
  • Elyachar, Julia. 2012. Next Practices: Knowledge, Infrastructure, and Public Goods at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Public Culture, 24:109–130.
  • Errington, Frederick, Tatsuro Fujikura & Deborah Gewertz. 2012. Instant Noodles as an Antifriction Device: Making the BOP with PPP in PNG. American Anthropologist, 114:19–31.
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  • Heslop, Luke. 2016. Catching the Pulse: Money and Circulation in a Sri Lankan Marketplace. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 22(3):534–551.
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  • Miller, Daniel. 2002. Turning Callon the Right way up. Economy and Society, 31:218–233.
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  • Mosse, David. 2018. Caste and Development: Contemporary Perspectives on a Structure of Discrimination and Advantage. World Development, 110:422–436.
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  • Pinch, Trevor & Colin Clark. 1986. The Hard Sell:Patter Merchanting’and the Strategic (Re) Production and Local Management of Economic Reasoning in the Sales Routines of Markt Pitchers. Sociology, 20(2):169–191.
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  • Schiffauer, Leonie. 2018a. Let’s get Rich: Multilevel Marketing and the Moral Economy in Siberia. Critique of Anthropology, 38(3):285–302.
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  • Scott, Linda, Catherine Dolan, Mary Johnstone-Louis, Kimberly Sugden & Maryalice Wu. 2012. Enterprise and Inequality: A Study of Avon in South Africa. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 36(3):543–568.
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  • Wilson, Ara. 1999. The Empire of Direct Sales and the Making of Thai Entrepreneurs. Critique of Anthropology, 19(4):401–422.