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Perspectives on evaluation in financial education: Landscape, issues, and studies

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  • Agarwal, S., G. Amromin, I. Ben-David, S. Chomsisengphet, and D. D. Evanoff. 2010. Learning to cope: Voluntary financial education programs and loan performance during a housing crisis. American Economic Review 100 (2): 495–500.
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  • Calcagno, R., and C. Monticone. 2015. Financial literacy and the demand for financial advice. Journal of Banking & Finance 50 (C): 363–80.
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  • Grinstein-Weiss, M., S. Guo, V. Reinertson, and B. Russell. 2015. Financial education and savings outcomes for low-income IDA participants: Does age make a difference? Journal of Consumer Affairs 49 (1): 156–85.
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  • Peng, T. C. M., S. Bartholomae, J. J. Fox, and G. Cravener. 2007. The impact of personal finance education delivered in high school and college courses. Journal of Family and Economic Issues 28 (2): 265–84.
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  • Schmeiser, M., C. Stoddard, and C. Urban. 2016. Does salient financial information affect academic and borrowing behavior among college students? Working paper. Bozeman, MT: Department of Economics, Montana State University. http://www.montana.edu/urban/StudentLoanLetters_April_CS_MS.pdf.
  • Sherraden, M. S., L. Johnson, B. Guo, and W. Elliott. 2010. Financial capability in children: Effects of participation in a school-based financial education and savings program. Journal of Family and Economic Issues 32 (3): 385–99.
  • Shim, S., B. L. Barber, N. A. Card, J. J. Xiao, and J. Serido. 2010. Financial socialization of first-year college students: The roles of parents, work, and education. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 39 (12): 1457–70.
  • Skimmyhorn, W. 2016. Assessing financial education: Evidence from boot camp. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 8 (2): 322–43.
  • Skimmyhorn, W., E. R. Davies, D. Mun, and B. Mitchell. 2016. Assessing financial education methods: Principles vs. rules-of-thumb approaches. Journal of Economic Education 47 (3): 193–210.
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  • Walstad, W. B., K. Rebeck, and R. A. MacDonald. 2010. The effect of financial education on the financial knowledge of high school students. Journal of Consumer Affairs 44 (2): 336–57.
  • Way, W. L., and K. C. Holden. 2009. Teachers' background and capacity to teach personal finance: Results of a national study. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning 20 (2): 64–78.
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  • Xiao, J. J., and B. O'Neill. 2016. Consumer financial education and financial capability. International Journal of Consumer Studies 40 (6): 712–21.

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