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Review essay

American labor in recent soviet historiography

Pages 407-432 | Published online: 03 Jul 2008

  • Ivanov , V.V. 1976 . “Marksistsko‐leninskii istorizm i issledovanie sovremennosti”; (Marxist‐Leninist Historicism and the Study of the Present) . Kommunist ,
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  • Askol'dova . 1976 . Formirovanie ideologii amerikanskogo tred‐iunionizma (The Formation of the Ideology of American Trade Unionism) Moscow
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  • Dement'ev . 1973 . Ideinaia bor'ba v SShA po voprosam ekspansii na rubezhe XIX‐XX vv (The Ideological Struggle in the U.S.A. over Expansion at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries) Moscow
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  • Ias'kov . 1972 . “Dvizhenie za nezavisimye politicheskie deistviia trudiashchikhsia v SShA, 1921–1923”; (The Movement for Independent Political Action by the Working People in the U.S.A., 1921–1923) ” . In Problemy novoi i noveishei istorii (Problems of Modern and Recent History) Moscow
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  • Kozenko , B.D. 1965 . Rabochee dvizhenie SShA v gody pervoi mirovoi voiny (The Labor Movement of the U.S.A. in World War I) Saratov
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  • Stashevskii , D.N. 1969 . Progressivnye sily SShA v bor'be za priznanie Sovetskogo gosudarstva, 1917–1933, (The Progressive Forces of the U.S.A. in the Struggle for the Recognition of the Soviet State, 1917–1933) Kiev
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  • Nadzhafov . 1969 . Narod SShA‐protiv voiny i fashizma, 1933–1939 (The People of the U.S.A. Against War and Fascism, 1933–1939) Moscow
  • Iaz'kov , E.F. 1962 . Stachechnoe dvizhenie sel’ skokhoziaistvennogo proletariata SShA v 1929–1935 (The Strike Movement of the Agricultural Proletariat of the U.S.A. in Years 1929–1935) Moscow
  • Sivachev , N.V. 1966 . Politicheskaia bor'ba v SShA v seredine 30‐kh godov XX veka (The Political Struggle in the U.S.A. in the Middle of the 1930s) Moscow
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  • Mal'kov . "Novyi kurs”; v SShA....(The New Deal in the U.S.A.....) 359
  • 1961 . Voprosy sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo kommunisticheskogo i rabochego dvizheniia (Problems of the Contemporary International Communist and Worker's Movement) Moscow
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  • Sivachev , N.V. 1971 . “Problema stachek v rabochem dvizhenii SShA v 1941–1945 godakh”; (The Problem of Strikes in the Labor Movement of the U.S.A. in the 1941–1945 Years) . Voprosy istsorii (Problems of History) ,
  • Sivachev . 1974 . Rabochaia politika pravitel'stva SShA v gody vtoroi mirovoi voiny (The Labor Policy of the Government of the U.S.A. in World War II) Moscow
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  • Moroz , V.N. 1971 . Demokraitcheskaia partiia i rabochii klass SShA (The Democratic Party and the Working Class of the U.S.A.) Kiev
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