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Interpersonal and Biological Processes
Volume 85, 2022 - Issue 3


  • Addington, J., Penn, D., Woods, S. W., Addington, D., & Perkins, D. O. (2008). Social functioning in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 99(1–3), 119–124.
  • Addington, J., Piskulic, D., Liu, L., Lockwood, J., Cadenhead, K. S., Cannon, T. D., Cornblatt, B. A., McGlashan, T. H., Perkins, D. O., & Seidman, L. J. (2017). Comorbid diagnoses for youth at clinical high risk of psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 190, 90–95.
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  • Cannon, T. D., Cadenhead, K., Cornblatt, B., Woods, S. W., Addington, J., Walker, E., Seidman, L. J., Perkins, D., Tsuang, M., & McGlashan, T. (2008). Prediction of psychosis in youth at high clinical risk: A multisite longitudinal study in North America. Archives of General Psychiatry, 65(1), 28–37.
  • Cannon, T. D., Yu, C., Addington, J., Bearden, C. E., Cadenhead, K. S., Cornblatt, B. A., Heinssen, R., Jeffries, C. D., Mathalon, D. H., & McGlashan, T. H. (2016). An individualized risk calculator for research in prodromal psychosis. American Journal of Psychiatry, 173(10), 980–988.
  • Chang, W. C., Strauss, G. P., Ahmed, A. O., Wong, S. C. Y., Chan, J. K. N., Lee, E. H. M., Chan, S. K. W., Hui, C. L. M., James, S. H., Chapman, H. C., & Chen, E. Y. H. (2020). The latent structure of negative symptoms in individuals with attenuated psychosis syndrome and early psychosis: Support for the 5 consensus domains. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 47(2), 386–394.
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  • Ekman, P., Friesen, W. V., O’sullivan, M., Chan, A., Diacoyanni-Tarlatzis, I., Heider, K., Krause, R., LeCompte, W. A., Pitcairn, T., & Ricci-Bitti, P. E. (1987). Universals and cultural differences in the judgments of facial expressions of emotion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53(4), 712.
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  • Gupta, T., Cowan, H. R., Strauss, G. P., Walker, E. F., & Mittal, V. A. (2021). Deconstructing negative symptoms in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis: Evidence for volitional and diminished emotionality subgroups that predict clinical presentation and functional outcome. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 47(1), 54–63.
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  • Joa, I., Bjornestad, J., Johannessen, J. O., Langeveld, J., Stain, H. J., Weibell, M., & Hegelstad, W. T. V. (2021). Early detection of ultra high risk for psychosis in a norwegian catchment area: The two year follow-up of the prevention of psychosis study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 193.
  • Joa, I., Gisselgard, J., Bronnick, K., McGlashan, T., & Johannessen, J. O. (2015). Primary prevention of psychosis through interventions in the symptomatic prodromal phase, a pragmatic Norwegian Ultra High Risk study. BMC Psychiatry, 15(1), 89.
  • Joa, I., Johannessen, J. O., Auestad, B., Friis, S., McGlashan, T., Melle, I., Opjordsmoen, S., Simonsen, E., Vaglum, P., & Larsen, T. K. (2008). The key to reducing duration of untreated first psychosis: Information campaigns. Schizophrenia Bullentin, 34(3), 466–472.
  • Lee, J., Jimenez, A. M., Reavis, E. A., Horan, W. P., Wynn, J. K., & Green, M. F. (2019). Reduced neural sensitivity to social vs nonsocial reward in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 45(3), 620–628.
  • Marder, S. R., & Galderisi, S. (2017). The current conceptualization of negative symptoms in schizophrenia. World Psychiatry, 16(1), 14–24.
  • McGlashan, T. H., Walsh, B. C., Woods, S. W., Addington, J., Cadenhead, K., Cannon, T., & Walker, E. (2001). Structured interview for psychosis-risk syndromes. Yale School of Medicine.
  • McGorry, P. D., Hartmann, J. A., Spooner, R., & Nelson, B. (2018). Beyond the “at risk mental state” concept: Transitioning to transdiagnostic psychiatry. World Psychiatry, 17(2), 133–142.
  • Miller, T. J., McGlashan, T. H., Woods, S. W., Stein, K., Driesen, N., Corcoran, C. M., Hoffman, R., & Davidson, L. (1999). Symptom assessment in schizophrenic prodromal states. Psychiatric Quarterly, 70(4), 273–287.
  • Monte, R. C., Goulding, S. M., & Compton, M. T. (2008). Premorbid functioning of patients with first-episode nonaffective psychosis: A comparison of deterioration in academic and social performance, and clinical correlates of Premorbid Adjustment Scale scores. Schizophrenia Research, 104(1–3), 206–213.
  • Moritz, S., Gawęda, Ł., Heinz, A., & Gallinat, J. (2019). Four reasons why early detection centers for psychosis should be renamed and their treatment targets reconsidered: We should not catastrophize a future we can neither reliably predict nor change. Psychological Medicine, 49(13), 2134–2140.
  • Osborne, K. J., Kraus, B., Curran, T., Earls, H., & Mittal, V. A. (2021, June 10). An event-related potential investigation of early visual processing deficits during face perception in youth at clinical high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin.
  • Pelletier-Baldelli, A., & Holt, D. J. (2019). Are negative symptoms merely the “Real World” consequences of deficits in social cognition? Schizophrenia Bulletin, 46(2), 236–241.
  • Piskulic, D., Addington, J., Cadenhead, K. S., Cannon, T. D., Cornblatt, B. A., Heinssen, R., Perkins, D. O., Seidman, L. J., Tsuang, M. T., & Walker, E. F. (2012). Negative symptoms in individuals at clinical high risk of psychosis. Psychiatry Research, 196(2–3), 220–224.
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  • van Os, J., Schaub, A., & Carpenter, W. T. (2021). Resurrection of the follow-back method to study the transdiagnostic origins of psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 47(3), 583–585.
  • Webb, J. R., Addington, J., Perkins, D. O., Bearden, C. E., Cadenhead, K. S., Cannon, T. D., Cornblatt, B. A., Heinssen, R. K., Seidman, L. J., Tarbox, S. I., Tsuang, M. T., Walker, E. F., McGlashan, T. H., & Woods, S. W. (2015, September). Specificity of incident diagnostic outcomes in patients at clinical high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 41(5), 1066–1075.
  • Weibell, M. A., Joa, I., Bramness, J., Johannessen, J. O., McGorry, P. D., Ten Velden Hegelstad, W., & Larsen, T. K. (2013, November 27). Treated incidence and baseline characteristics of substance induced psychosis in a Norwegian catchment area. BMC Psychiatry, 13(1), 319.
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