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The confirmation of Becket's primacy: In apostolice sedis, Lateran, 8 April 1166

Pages 197-209 | Published online: 15 Dec 2009


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  • PUE Vol. iii , 199
  • PUE Vol. iii , 194
  • PUE Vol. ii , 325 – 7 . no. 134), the initial protocol ends ‘salutem et apostolicam benedictionem’, the text contains the ‘Si qua igitur’ clause, and the final protocol is that of a solemn privilege, with subscriptions and extended date. Cf. n. 67 below
  • 5 January 1167 . Ad hoc universalis , 5 January , Venice : S. Salvatore .
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  • MTB Vol. v , 328 – 9 . no. 172
  • MTB Vol. vi , 469 – 76 . nos. 441‐4. He asked particularly that York and its archbishop be subordinated to his primatial jurisdiction: ‘Praeterea precamur attentius . . . ut praecipiatur archiepiscopo et ecclesiae Eboracensi ut nobis obedientiam tanquam primati suo exhibeant’ (ibid., vi. 470)
  • PL Vol. clxiii , 119 JL 5955
  • PUE Vol. ii , 191 – 2 . no. 43
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  • Foreville . L'Églhe et la royauté 46
  • Gibson . Lanfranc 116 – 31 .
  • Cheney . “ ‘Acta of Theobald and Thomas’ ” . 480 – 1 .
  • MTB Vol. v , 326

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