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Systemic-functional linguistics in China (2010–2016)



  • Bu, Zhanting (布占廷). 2013. Appraisal analysis of linguistics book review headlines (基于评价理论的语言学书评标题研究). Foreign Languages and Their Teaching (⟪外语与外语教学) 4. 53–57.
  • Chen, Yang (陈旸). 2010a. A functional discourse analysis of English translations of analects of confucius (⟪论语⟫英译本研究的功能语篇分析方法). Foreign Language and Literature (⟪外国语文⟫) 1. 105–9.
  • Chen, Yumin (陈瑜敏). 2010b. Modality analysis of multimodal EFL pedagogic discourse (情态分析在多模态外语教材研究中的应用探析). Foreign Language Education (⟪外语教学⟫) 1. 69–72.
  • Chen, Yumin (陈瑜敏). 2010c. A contrastive study of the attitudinal resources in Chinese culture textbooks aimed at foreign learners (对外汉语文化教材话语态度分析). Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies (⟪语言教学与研究⟫) 6. 1–7.
  • Chen, Yumin (陈瑜敏). 2013a. An empirical study on teacher talk in college English classroom: Based on teaching resource platform (外向型英汉文化教材话语态度介入策略比较). Foreign Language in China (⟪中国外语⟫) 4. 55–60.
  • Chen, Wenkai (陈文凯). 2013b. Multimodal study of speech sounds and multimodal L2 speech acquisition (语音多模态研究与多模态二语语音习得). Computer-Assisted Foreign Language Education (⟪外语电化教学⟫) 4.
  • Chen, Xinren (陈新仁). 2014. A pragma-cognitive account of grammatical metaphor (语法隐喻的认知语用解读). Journal of Foreign Languages (⟪外国语⟫) 2. 33–41.
  • Chen, Xiaoyan (陈晓燕). 2015. Conversational structure: A socio-semiotic study of Chinese instant messaging discourse (⟪会话结构研究的功能语言学路径:以汉语即时通讯语篇为例⟫). Guangzhou (广州): Sun Yat-sen University Press (中山大学出版社).
  • Chen, Jing (陈静). 2016. Applying Sydney school genre-based approach to EAP writing in China (⟪基于悉尼学派语类读写法的中国学术英语写作教学研究⟫). Guangzhou (广州): Sun Yat- sen University Press (中山大学出版社).
  • Chen, Yumin (陈瑜敏), and Guowen Huang (黄国文). 2010. A review on James R. Martin’s discourse studies (马丁的语篇分析观). Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies (⟪当代外语研究⟫) 10. 23–28.
  • Chen, Yumin (陈瑜敏), and Guowen Huang (黄国文). 2014. On the readability of original literary work and simplified versions: A grammatical metaphor perspective (语法隐喻框架下英语文学原著与简写本易读度研究). Foreign Language Teaching and Research (⟪外语教学与研究⟫) 6. 853–64.
  • Chen, Songyun (陈松云), and Jinsong Yang (杨劲松). 2014. The integration of the three dimensions of meaning, expression and structure: A philosophical view of multimodal metaphor meaning construction (意义、表达与结构的三维统一–—— 论多模态隐喻意义建构的哲学思维). Computer-Assisted Foreign Language Education (⟪外语电化教学⟫) 3. 14–19.
  • Cong, Yingxu (丛迎旭). 2014. On the contribution and problem of grammatical metaphor in systemic functional linguistics (系统功能语言学语法隐喻理论的贡献与问题). Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages (⟪解放军外国语学院学报⟫) 5. 73–81.
  • Cong, Yingxu (丛迎旭), and Hongyang Wang (王红阳). 2013. Recategorization of ideational grammatical metaphors based on semantic change (基于语义变化的概念语法隐喻模式与类型). Modern Foreign Languages (⟪现代外语⟫) 1. 33–39.
  • Dai, Fan (戴凡). 2011. The stylistic meaning and translation of temporal conjunctions in Three Days to See (时间衔接在Three Days to See中的文体意义与翻译). Chinese Translators Journal (⟪中国翻译⟫) 6. 60–63.
  • Dai, Fan (戴凡), and Dairong Lv (吕黛蓉). 2013. Functional stylistics studies (⟪功能文体理论研究⟫). Beijing (北京): Foreign Language Teaching and Research (外语教学与研究出版社).
  • Deng, Renhua (邓仁华). 2012. The systemic functional approach to the existential clauses in English (⟪系统功能语法的存在句研究⟫). Guangzhou (广州): Sun Yat-sen University Press (中山大学出版社).
  • Deng, Yunrong (邓玉荣). 2013. Grammatical metaphor in mutual translation between English and Chinese (英汉互译中的语法隐喻). Journal of Northeast Normal University (⟪东北师大学报⟫) 3. 235–37.
  • Deng, Renhua (邓仁华). 2015a. A systemic functional study of Chinese existential clauses (汉语存在句的系统功能语法研究). Modern Foreign Languages (⟪现代外语⟫) 1. 37–46.
  • Deng, Qinghuan (邓庆环). 2015b. Finite clause complexes in English and knowledge construction: A case study of university textbooks (⟪英语限定性小句复合体与知识建构:以大学教科书为例⟫). Xiamen (厦门): Xiamen University Press (厦门大学出版社).
  • Di, Yanhua (狄艳华), and Jin Liu (柳锦). 2016. An analysis of disclaim resources in counterterrorism discourses from the perspective of engagement system of appraisal theory (评价理论介入视角下的反恐语篇否认资源分析). Journal of Northeast Normal University (⟪东北师大学报⟫) 3. 125–30.
  • Dong, Min (董敏), and Dezheng Feng (冯德正). 2013. Appraisal prosody in narrative structure and communicative function of multimodal narrative discourse (叙事结构的评价韵律与多模态叙事语篇的交际功能). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语学刊⟫) 4. 33–38.
  • Fang, Hongmei (房红梅). 2014. On the contributions of appraisal theory to systemic functional linguistics (论评价理论对系统功能语言学的发展). Modern Foreign Languages (⟪现代外语⟫) 3. 303–12.
  • Fawcett, R. P. 1974. Some proposals for systemic syntax. Cardiff: Department of Behavioural and Communication Studies. Polytechnic of Wales.
  • Fawcett, R. P. 2000. A theory of syntax for systemic functional linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
  • Fawcett, R. P. 2011. Functional syntax handbook: Analyzing English at the level of form. London: Continuum.
  • Feng, Dezheng (冯德正). 2011. The construction and categorization of multimodal metaphor: A systemic functional perspective (多模态隐喻的构建与分类——系统功能视角). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语研究⟫) 1. 24–29.
  • Feng, Dezheng (冯德正), and Yujie Qi (亓玉杰). 2014. The multimodal construction of attitudinal meaning: An analytical model based on cognitive appraisal theory (态度意义的多模态建构——基于认知评价理论的分析模式). Modern Foreign Languages (⟪现代外语⟫) 5. 585–96.
  • Gao, Shengwen (高生文). 2016. Translation studies from the perspective of register: Comparison between the translations of Lun Yu (the Analects) by James Legge and Ku Hung-ming (⟪语域视角下的翻译研究-理雅各和辜鸿铭<论语>英译比较⟫). Beijing (北京): University of International Business and Economics Press (对外经济贸易大学出版社).
  • Han, Jian (韩健). 2013. Comparative analysis on legal texts from the perspective of functional linguistics (⟪功能语言学视阈下的法律文本对比分析⟫). Shanghai (上海): Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press (上海交通大学出版社).
  • He, Wei (何伟). 2010a. Functional studies of the English tense (⟪功能时态理论研究⟫). Beijing (北京): Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (外语教学与研究出版社).
  • He, Wei (何伟). 2010b. Tense in the non-finite clause (非限定性小句中的时态研究). Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing (⟪北京科技大学学报⟫) 1. 96–107.
  • He, Qingshun (何清顺). 2013. Rethinking transfer dimensions of grammatical metaphor (语法隐喻的转移向度研究). Journal of Northeastern University (⟪东北大学学报⟫) 2. 205–10.
  • He, Wei (何伟), and Yaohua Duan (段耀华). 2013. Functional structure of Chinese quality groups (汉语性质词组的功能结构研究). Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing (⟪北京科技大学学报⟫) 5. 1–8.
  • He, Wei (何伟), and Shengwen Gao (高生文). 2011. Studies of functional syntax (⟪功能句法研究⟫). Beijing (北京): Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (外语教学与研究出版社).
  • He, Wei (何伟), and Shengwen Gao (高生文). 2013. The realization of process meaning: The Sydney grammar vs. the Cardiff grammar (小句过程意义的体现形式:悉尼语法vs.加的夫语法). Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages (⟪解放军外国语学院学报⟫) 1. 8–13.
  • He, Wei (何伟), and Shengwen Gao (高生文). 2015a. Functional syntactic analysis of Chinese (⟪汉语功能句法分析⟫). Beijing(北京): Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (外语教学与研究出版社).
  • He, Wei (何伟), and Jianhui Gao (高建慧). 2015b. Phase in modern Mandarin Chinese: A systemic functional approach (现代汉语时相之系统功能视角研究). Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing (⟪北京科技大学学报⟫) 6. 26–36.
  • He, Wei, and Nanzhu Hong. 2014. The functions of de in Chinese nominal groups (“的”在汉语名词词组中的功能研究). Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages (⟪解放军外国语学院学报⟫) 5. 82–90.
  • He, Wei (何伟), and Xue Hua (滑雪). 2013. The Chinese character “Shi”: A functional approach (现代汉语”是”字的功能研究). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语学刊⟫) 1. 51–59.
  • He, Wei (何伟), Xue Hua (滑雪), and Jingyuan Zhang (张敬源). 2013. A functional syntactic study of the modern Chinese “auxiliary” Yao (现代汉语典型助动词”要”字的句法功能研究). Shandong Foreign Language Teaching Journal (⟪山东外语教学⟫) 3. 35–40.
  • He, Wei (何伟), and Yi Lv (吕怡). 2015. Chinese tense: A systemic functional approach (现代汉语时态之系统功能视角研究). Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing (⟪北京科技大学学报⟫) 4. 9–18.
  • He, Wei (何伟), and Xiaodi Pan (潘晓迪). 2015. A functional study of the Chinese function word “Deng” from the perspective of Cardiff grammar (现代汉语虚词”等”的功能视角研究). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语学刊⟫) 3. 22–28.
  • He, Wei (何伟), and Zhenhua Yan (闫振华). 2012. Exploration of discontinuity in verbal group from a systemic functional approach (从功能视角看英语”动词词组”及其在句法中的不连续现象). Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing (⟪北京科技大学学报⟫) 1. 25–33.
  • He, Wei (何伟), and Jiao Zhang (张娇). 2013. The intralingual translation model for the controversial chapters in Lun Yu (the analects) (⟪论语⟫疑难章句的语内翻译模式). Foreign Language Education (⟪外语教学⟫) 6. 95–98.
  • He, Wei (何伟), and Jiao Zhang (张娇). 2014a. “Overt tenor” and “covert tenor” in the translation of Chinese classics: A case study of chapter 2 (6) of the analects (典籍英译中的”显性语旨”和”隐性语旨”——以⟪论语·为政篇第六⟫为例). Foreign Language in China (⟪中国外语⟫) 1. 78–84.
  • He, Wei (何伟), and Jinyuan Zhang (张敬源). 2014b. Special issues of English and Chinese functional syntax (⟪英汉功能句法专题研究⟫). Beijing (北京): University of International Business and Economics Press (对外经济贸易大学出版社).
  • He, Wei (何伟), and Cunyu Zhang (张存玉). 2016. Transitivity of clauses expressing meteorological meanings: A systemic functional typological approach (表达气象意义小句的及物性研究:系统功能类型学视角). Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages (⟪解放军外国语学院学报⟫) 1. 36–44.
  • He, Wei (何伟), Jinyuan Zhang (张敬源), Jiao Zhang (张娇), and Peipei Jia (贾培培). 2015. Functional syntactic analysis of English (⟪英语功能句法分析⟫). Beijing (北京): Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (外语教学与研究出版社).
  • He, Yuanxiu (何远秀), and Bingjun Yang (杨炳钧). 2014. Halliday’s Marxist philosophy and methodology of language (韩礼德的马克思主义语言哲学观与方法论). Southeast Academic Research (⟪东南学术⟫) 5. 20–25.
  • Hu, Zhuanglin (胡壮麟). 2010. The growth and development of multimodal texts (多模态小品的问世与发展). Computer-assisted Foreign Language Education (⟪外语电化教学⟫) 4. 3–9.
  • Hu, Wenhui (胡文辉), and Zhangya Yu (余樟亚). 2015. The philosophy basis of appraisal theory (语言评价理论的哲学基础). Jiangxi Social Sciences (⟪江西社会科学 ⟫) 3. 31–35.
  • Hu, Yongjin (胡永近), and Delu Zhang (张德禄). 2013. An experimental study on the function of multimodality in teaching listening to English majors (英语专业听力教学中多模态功能的实验研究). Foreign Language World (⟪外语界⟫) 5. 20–25.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 1994. Enhanced theme in English: Its structures and functions. PhD. Thesis, Cardiff University.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2000. Systemic-functional linguistics in China (系统功能语言学在中国20年回顾). Foreign Languages and Their Teaching (⟪外语与外语教学⟫) 5.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2002a. Hallidayan linguistics in China. World Englishes 21(1). 281–90. doi: 10.1111/1467-971X.00248
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2002b. A functional discourse analysis of eight translated versions of a Tang poem (对唐诗⟪寻隐者不遇⟫英译文的功能语篇分析). Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages (⟪解放军外国语学院学报⟫) 5. 67–70.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2002c. A linguistic analysis of reported speech in translated versions of Tang poems (唐诗英译文中的引述现象分析). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语学刊⟫) 3. 1–6.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2002d. A metafunctional-experiential analysis of Du Mu’s poem “Qingming” (功能语言学分析对翻译研究的启示——⟪清明⟫英译文的经验功能分析). Foreign Languages and Their Teaching (⟪外语与外语教学⟫) 5. 1–6.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2002e. An interpersonal analysis of Du Mu’s “Qingming” and its translated versions (⟪清明⟫一诗英译文的人际功能探讨). Foreign Language Education (⟪外语教学⟫) 3. 34–38.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2003a. Enhanced theme in English: Its structures and functions. Taiyuan: Shanxi Education Press.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2003b. A systemic functional analysis of a Tang poem by Wang changling (汉英语篇对比研究的语言学尝试——对唐诗⟪芙蓉楼送辛渐⟫及其英译文的功能分析). Foreign Languages and Their Teaching (⟪外语与外语教学⟫) 2. 21–25.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2003c. Formal equivalence as a criterion in poetry translation (从⟪天净沙·秋思⟫的英译文看”形式对等”的重要性). Chinese Translators Journal (⟪中国翻译⟫) 2. 21–23.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2003d. Use of tenses in translated poems of ancient Chinese (古诗英译文里的时态分析). Journal of Sichuan International Studies University (⟪四川外语学院学报⟫) 1. 95–100.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2007. Aims and principles for systemic functional syntax analysis (系统功能句法分析的目的和原则). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语学刊⟫) 3. 39–45.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2009a. The analysis of grammatical metaphor in translation studies (语法隐喻在翻译研究中的应用). Chinese Translators Journal (⟪中国翻译⟫) 1. 5–9.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文) (ed.) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. Studies in functional linguistics and discourse analysis (I-V) (⟪功能语言学与语篇分析研究⟫(第1-5辑)). Beijing (北京): Higher Education Press (高等教育出版社).
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2010a. A systemic functional analysis of John is easy/eager to please (英语”John is easy/eager to please”的系统功能语法分析). Foreign Language Teaching and Research (⟪外语教学与研究⟫) 4. 261–67.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2010b. Discourse analysis within the framework of systemic functional linguistics (语篇分析与系统功能语言学理论的建构). Foreign Languages and Their Teaching (⟪外语与外语教学⟫) 5. 1–4.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2011a. A systemic functional syntactic analysis of the “V+to+V” construction in English (英语”V+to+V”结构的功能句法分析). Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing (⟪北京科技大学学报⟫) 1. 8–13.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2011b. The textual structure of Confucius Lun Yu (The analects) in relation to the English translation of the book title and chapter headings (⟪论语⟫的篇章结构及英语翻译的几个问题). Foreign Language in China (⟪中国外语⟫) 6. 88–95.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2012a. A systemic functional analysis of two types of perspective phrases (两类英语介词短语的功能语法分析). Foreign Language Teaching and Research (⟪外语教学与研究⟫) 6. 815–21.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2012b. A unique feature of translating ancient Chinese works: From intralingual translation to interlingual translation (典籍翻译:从语内翻译到语际翻译——以⟪论语⟫英译为例). Foreign Language in China (⟪中国外语⟫) 6. 64–71.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2015a. Translation meaning and translating underlying meaning: A systemic functional interpretation (“译意”和”译味”的系统功能语言学解释). Foreign Language Teaching and Research (⟪外语教学与研究⟫) 5. 732–42.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文). 2015b. The appropriate interpretation and selective use of notes on Chinese classics as source texts in the process of translation (对原文注释的理解与取舍:典籍外译的一个重要过程——以”子罕言利与命与仁”为例). Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies (⟪当代外语研究⟫) 8. 1–5.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文), and Chenguang Chang (常晨光). 2010–2014. Annual review of functional linguistics. Vols. 1–5. (⟪功能语言学年度评论⟫(第1-5卷)). Beijing (北京): Higher Education Press (高等教育出版社).
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文), Chenguang Chang (常晨光), and Haiqing Liao (廖海青). 2010, 2011, 2013. Forum on systemic functional linguistics studies (Vol. 1, 2, 3) (⟪系统功能语言学研究群言集⟫第1,2,3辑). Beijing (北京): Higher Education Press (高等教育出版社).
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文), and Yang Chen (陈旸). 2014a. Metafunctional equivalence in translation studies (翻译研究中的”元功能对等”). Foreign Language in China (⟪中国外语⟫) 2. 97–102.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文), and Ying Chen (陈旸). 2014b. The English translation of the Analects from the perspective of variation (从变异看⟪论语⟫的英语翻译). Foreign Languages and Their Teaching (⟪外语与外语教学⟫) 3. 61–65.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文), and Zhiying Xin (辛志英). 2014. ⟪什么是功能语法⟫. Shanghai (上海): Foreign Language Education Press (上海外语教育出版社).
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文), and Juan Yu (余娟). 2015. A functional discourse approach to explicitation in translation studies (功能语篇分析视角下的翻译显化研究). Foreign Language Teaching and Research (⟪外语教学与研究⟫) 3. 41–47.
  • Huang, Guowen (黄国文), and Ruihua Zhao (赵蕊华). 2013. A semiotic approach to the indeterminacy in the identifying clause in English (英语识别小句中的不确定性特征——基于系统功能语言学的符号视角). Foreign Language in China (⟪中国外语⟫) 2. 42–49.
  • Jiang, Ting (蒋婷). 2015. On interpersonal meanings in arbitrators’ mediation discourse (⟪仲裁员调解话语的人际意义研究⟫). Beijing (北京): Science Press (科学出版社).
  • Jiang, Wangqi (姜望琪). 2014. Grammatical metaphor: Its origin, stages of development, and nature (语法隐喻理论的来龙去脉及实质). Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages (⟪解放军外国语学院学报⟫) 5. 63–72.
  • Jiang, Ting (蒋婷), and Bingjun Yang (杨炳钧). 2013. On translation of modal operators in Chinese legislative texts through parallel corpora (基于平行语料库的中国立法语篇情态操作语的英译探析). Journal of Foreign Languages (⟪外国语⟫) 3. 86–93.
  • Lan, Xiaoyan (蓝小燕). 2011. Evaluation strategies in English academic book reviews – An ATTITUDE analysis from the appraisal theory perspective (英语学术书评的评价策略分析——评价理论之态度视角). Shandong Foreign Language Teaching Journal (⟪山东外语教学⟫) 2. 13–20.
  • Lei, Qian (雷茜), and Delu Zhang (张德禄). 2014. Multimodal stylistics: A new method of stylistics (多模态文体学: 一种文体研究新方法). Foreign Language Education (⟪外语教学⟫) 5. 1–4.
  • Li, Zhanfang (李占芳). 2010. The true story of Ah Q in the appraisal context (评价理论视角下的 ⟪阿Q正传⟫). Journal of Hebei Normal University (⟪河北师范大学学报⟫) 4. 101–4.
  • Li, Yuanke (李元科). 2012. Cohesion in text and text aboutness (⟪语篇中的衔接和语篇主旨大意的关系⟫). Guangzhou (广州): Sun Yat-sen University Press (中山大学出版社).
  • Li, Jun (李君). 2013a. A study of the attitudinal features in movie review (⟪影评的态度评价特征研究⟫). Jinan (济南): Shan Dong University Press (山东大学出版社).
  • Li, Manliang (李满亮). 2013b. A study of the English nominal group in systemic functional linguistics (⟪英语名词词组之系统功能语言学研究⟫). Hohhot(呼和浩特) : Inner Mongolia University Press (内蒙古大学出版社).
  • Li, Dezhi (李德志). 2013c. A visual grammar analysis of AD hypertext’s multimodality (广告类超文本多模态的视觉语法分析). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语学刊⟫) 2. 7–11.
  • Li, Xuejiao (李雪娇). 2016a. Grammatical metaphor in the scale of text – the organization mode of marked texts (语篇级阶上的语法隐喻——标记性语篇组织方式). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语学刊⟫) 6. 39–42.
  • Li, Fagen (李发根). 2016b. A study of translation based on genre (语类翻译探究). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语学刊⟫) 4. 115–18.
  • Li, Zhanzi (李战子), and Danyun Lu (陆丹云). 2012. Multimodal semiotics: Theory, approaches and development (多模态符号学:理论基础,研究途径与发展前景). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语研究⟫) 2. 1–8.
  • Li, Meixia (李美霞), and Erchun Song (宋二春). 2010. A multimodal discourse analysis of meaning Co-construction: A case study of a piece of traditional Chinese painting (从多模态语篇分析角度解读意义共建——以一幅中国古代山水写意画为例). Foreign Language Education (⟪外语教学⟫) 2. 6–10.
  • Liao, Haiqing (廖海青). 2013. Television interview discourse in Larry King Live: Negotiating support and confrontation (⟪电视访谈语篇合作与对抗的协商:以Larry King Live访谈节目为例⟫). Guangzhou (广州): Sun Yat-sen University Press (中山大学出版社).
  • Lin, Zhengjun (林正军), and Kefei Wang (王克非). 2012. A probe into cross-linguistic grammatical metaphor (跨语言语法隐喻探讨). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语学刊⟫) 1. 59–63.
  • Lin, Zhengjun (林正军), and Zhong Yang (杨忠). 2010. A study of semantic relations and Rankshift directions in grammatical metaphor (语法隐喻的语义关系与转级向度研究). Foreign Language Teaching and Research (⟪外语教学与研究⟫) 6. 403–10.
  • Lin, Zhengjun (林正军), and Zhong Yang (杨忠). 2016. On the pragmatic motivation of grammatical metaphor (语法隐喻的语用发生理据). Modern Foreign Languages (⟪现代外语⟫) 6. 763–72.
  • Liu, Lihua (刘立华). 2010a. Studies of appraisal theory (⟪评价理论研究⟫). Beijing (北京): Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (外语教学与研究出版社).
  • Liu, Xiaolin (刘晓琳). 2010b. Translation study: An appraisal perspective-A case on comparative study of two English versions of Hong Lou Meng (评价系统视域中的翻译研究——以 ⟪红楼梦⟫ 两个译本对比为例). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语学刊⟫) 3. 161–63.
  • Liu, Shizhu (刘世铸). 2012. A model of translation process within appraisal theory (评价理论观照下的翻译过程模型). Shandong Foreign Language Teaching Journal (⟪山东外语教学⟫) 4. 24–28.
  • Liu, Zhe (刘喆). 2014. The functional stylistics of literary narrative: A case study of Katherine Mansfiel’s short stories (⟪文学叙事的功能文体学研究: 以凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德短篇小说为例⟫). Kaifeng (开封): Henan University Press (河南大学出版社).
  • Liu, Xiaolin (刘晓琳). 2015. The study on the multimodal narrative discourse analysis (⟪多模态叙事语篇研究⟫). Harbin (哈尔滨): Harbin Engineering University Press (哈尔滨工程大学出版社).
  • Liu, Shisheng (刘世生), and Chengfang Song (宋成方). 2010. Studies in functional stylistics (功能文体学研究). Foreign Language Education (⟪外语教学⟫) 6. 14–19.
  • Liu, Xiuli (刘秀丽), Delu Zhang (张德禄), and Yibo Zhang (张宜波). 2013. Correlation between the teacher’s multimodal discourse and the students’ learning enthusiasm (外语教师多模态话语与学生学习积极性的关系研究). Computer-assisted Foreign Language Education (⟪外语电化教学⟫) 3. 3–9.
  • Long, Minghui (龙明慧). 2015. A functional analysis of English translation of the classic of tea (功能语言学视角下的⟪茶经⟫英译研究). Shandong Foreign Language Teaching Journal (⟪山东外语教学⟫) 2. 98–106.
  • Long, Rijin (龙日金), and Xuanwei Peng (彭宣维). 2012. Studies in modern Chinese transitivity (⟪现代汉语及物性研究⟫). Beijing: Peking University Press (北京大学出版社).
  • Lu, Danyun (陆丹云). 2010. On the semantic potentials of English ditransitive structure (英语双及物结构的多义性探析——系统功能语言学的视角). Journal of Foreign Languages (⟪外国语⟫) 3. 41–51.
  • Luo, Zaibing (罗载兵), and Yuhong Jiang (蒋宇红). 2015. A model of semantic wave of grammatical metaphor (语法隐喻的语义波建构模式). Foreign Languages Research (⟪外语研究⟫) 3. 24–29.
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  • Ouyang, Qianhua (欧阳倩华). 2015. A systemic-functional grammar approach to the evaluation of meaning interpretation: An empirical research on students’ interpretation performance (系统功能语法视域下的口译意义评估——一项面向学生口译表现的实证研究). Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages (⟪解放军外国语学院学报⟫) 4. 120–29.
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  • Peng, Xuanwei (彭宣维). 2010b. Engagement and graduation phenomena in Chinese (汉语的介⼊与级差现象). Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies (⟪当代外语研究⟫) 10. 59–67.
  • Peng, Xuanwei (彭宣维). 2011a. A survey of esthetic stance by appraisal categories: Reconstructing history of western literary criticism (西方文学批评史重构——以评价范畴为依据的审美立场综观). Journal of Beijing Normal University (⟪北京师范大学学报⟫) 4. 69–81.
  • Peng, Xuanwei (彭宣维). 2011b. An introduction to language and linguistics: A systemic functional grammar of Chinese (⟪语⾔与语⾔学概论:汉语系统功能语法⟫). Beijing (北京): Peking University Press (北京大学出版社).
  • Peng, Xuanwei (彭宣维). 2012a. Appraisal meanings in Aristotle’s works: Appraisal theory perspective (从评价理论反观亚里士多德有关思想). Shandong Foreign Language Teaching Journal (⟪山东外语教学⟫) 1. 16–20.
  • Peng, Xuanwei (彭宣维). 2012b. Story organization functions of acknowledgment elements: A case in The Bridges of Madison County (小成分之大视野——⟪廊桥遗梦⟫宣称成分的故事组织功能). Foreign Language and Literature (⟪外国语文⟫) 3. 37–40.
  • Peng, Xuanwei (彭宣维). 2013a. Essentials in categorization studies of Shuowen Jiezi from a cognitive-functional perspective (中国传统语⾔学的当代视⾓——⟪说⽂解字⟫范畴化研究的认知–功能框架、可⾏性及相关原则). Journal for Foreign Languages (⟪外国语⟫) 2. 22–32.
  • Peng, Xuanwei (彭宣维). 2013b. Where do Robert Kincaid’s charms lie? A stylistic analysis of capacity elements in The Bridges of Madison County (罗伯特·金凯的魅力何在?——从⟪廊桥遗梦⟫可靠性成分看男主人公的刻画方式). Foreign Language Education (⟪外语教学⟫) 1. 19–23.
  • Peng, Xuanwei (彭宣维). 2013c. What linguistic evidences for Kincaid and Francesca to attract each other – stylistic nature of reaction elements in The Bridges of Madison County (金凯与弗朗西丝卡相互吸引的语言学依据——⟪廊桥遗梦⟫反应性鉴赏成分的文体特点). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语学刊⟫) 6. 18–24.
  • Peng, Xuanwei (彭宣维). 2014. “Author-Text-Reader” unity: From the perspective of cultural convention based on working memory (“作者—⽂本—读者”–体化解读机制——以⼯作记忆为基础的⽂化规约视⾓). Journal of Foreign Languages (⟪外国语⟫) 5. 73–80.
  • Peng, Xuanwei (彭宣维). 2015a. Three fundamental principles underlying appraisal stylistics (一维过程性、轨迹在线性与层次结构性——评价文体学⟫建构的三个基本原则). Foreign Language Education (⟪外语教学⟫) 1. 7–12.
  • Peng, Xuanwei (彭宣维). 2015b. Legico-semantic relations in Chinese categorizations in Shuowen Jiezi: The blending theory perspective (运算加⼯与特征整合——⟪说⽂解字⟫词义范畴形成的功能—认知解释). Journal of Beijing Normal University (⟪北京师范⼤学学报⟫) 1. 83–96.
  • Peng, Yi (彭漪), and Tonwen Chai (柴同文). 2010. Systemic functional linguistics and discourse analysis (⟪功能语篇分析研究⟫). Beijing (北京): Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (外语教学与研究出版社).
  • Peng, Xuanwei (彭宣维), and Xiaotang Cheng (程晓堂). 2013. Problems and solutions in appraisal stylistics construction: A case of non-autonomicality of “theory in application” (理论之于应用的非自足性——评价文体学建构中的理论问题与解决方案). Foreign Languages in China (⟪中国外语⟫) 1. 27–35.
  • Peng, Xuanwei (彭宣维), Xiaojun Yang (杨晓军), and Zhongqing He (何中清). 2012. Chinese-English parallel corpus of appraisal meanings (汉英对应评价意义语料库). Computer-Assisted Foreign Language Education (⟪外语电化教学)⟫) 5. 3–10.
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  • Shen, Jirong (沈继荣). 2010. Mechanism and functions of grammatical metaphors in journal texts (新闻语篇中语法隐喻的工作机制及功能). Contemporary Rhetoric (⟪当代修辞学⟫) 2. 85–91.
  • Shi, Lin (石琳). 2015. A critical interpretation of the appraisal meaning in the academic history texts (历史学术语篇评价意义的批评解读). Foreign Languages Research (⟪外语研究⟫) 5. 31–36.
  • Si, Xianzhu (司显柱). 2007. Translation studies: A functional linguistics approach-constructing A translation quality assessment model (⟪功能语言学与翻译研究---翻译质量评估模式建构⟫). Beijing (北京): Beijing University Press (北京大学出版社).
  • Si, Xianzhu (司显柱). 2011. The innovation of paradigm in translation studies: A perspective of systemic-functional linguistics (论翻译研究范式创新:系统功能语言学视阈). Foreign Languages in China (⟪中国外语⟫) 2. 98–103.
  • Si, Xianzhu (司显柱). 2016. The translation quality assessment: A model revisited (翻译质量评估模式再研究). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语学刊⟫) 3. 84–94.
  • Si, Xianzhu (司显柱), and Mingyu Lu (卢明玉). 2012. (系统功能语言学视角下的翻译文本与文化关系研究———以⟪文学兴国策⟫为例). Chinese Translators Journal (⟪中国翻译⟫) 5. 15–18.
  • Si, Xianzhu (司显柱), and Yang Tao (陶阳). 2014. A decade of systemic-functional linguistics approach to translation studies in China: Retrospect and prospect (中国系统功能语言学视角翻译研究十年探索:回顾与展望). Foreign Languages in China (⟪中国外语⟫) 3. 99–105.
  • Song, Chengfang (宋成方). 2015. Exploring affective meaning from the perspective of appraisal theory (⟪评价理论视角下的情感意义研究⟫). Beijing (北京): University of International Business and Economics Press (对外经济贸易大学出版社).
  • Song, Chengfang (宋成方), and Shisheng Liu (刘世生). 2015. New developments in functional stylistics (功能文体学研究的新进展). Modern Foreign Languages (⟪现代外语⟫) 2. 278–86.
  • Sun, Yinghui (孙迎晖), Xuanwei Peng (彭宣维), and Xiaotang Cheng (程晓堂). 2016. Abstracts of thesis of Chinese functional linguistics (⟪中国功能语言学学位论文摘要汇编⟫). Beijing (北京): Higher Education Press (高等教育出版社).
  • Tan, Wanjun (谭万俊). 2014. A functional approach to grammatical metaphor in scientific discourse (科技语篇中语法隐喻的功能研究). Foreign Language and Literature (⟪外国语文⟫) 4. 86–89.
  • Tian, Guisen (田贵森), Xuanwei Peng (彭宣维), and Xiaotang Cheng (程晓堂). 2016. Catalogue of research papers on functional linguistics (1977-2007) (⟪1977-2007中国功能语言学研究论文摘要汇编⟫). Beijing (北京): Higher Education Press (高等教育出版社).
  • Tian, Hailong (田海龙), and Xiangjing Zhang (张向静). 2013. Meanings in images and ideologies of media: A multimodal discourse analysis (图像中的意义与媒体的意识形态:多模态语篇分析视角). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语学刊⟫) 2. 39–40.
  • Wang, Zhenhua (王振华). 2001. Appraisal systems and their operation: A new development in the systemic functional linguistics (评价系统及其运作——系统功能语言学的新发展). Journal of Foreign Languages (⟪外国语⟫) 6. 13–20.
  • Wang, Dongfeng (王东风). 2006. Functional linguistics and translation studies (⟪功能语言学与翻译研究⟫). Guangzhou (广州): Sun Yat-sen University Press (中山大学出版社).
  • Wang, Zhenhua (王振华). 2010a. An analysis of conflicts over Obama’ s nobel peace prize for 2009: Attitude perspective (从态度系统考量奥巴马获2009年度诺贝尔和平奖引发的争议). Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies (⟪当代外语研究⟫) 3. 11–15, 50, 65.
  • Wang, Yajing (王亚静). 2010b. The appraisal analysis of interpretation of literary works: A case study of The Last Leaf (评价理论对文学作品的解读浅析——以⟪最后一片叶子⟫为例). Journal of Shanxi Normal University (⟪山西师大学报⟫) S3. 40–42.
  • Wang, Yanhua (汪燕华). 2010c. Social semiotic motivation of multimodal discourse analysis (多模态语篇分析的社会符号学理据). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语学刊⟫) 6. 145–47.
  • Wang, Hongyang (王红阳). 2010d. Systemic functional linguistics studies in the Chinese context. Beijing(北京): China Ocean Press (海洋出版社).
  • Wang, Yanhua (汪燕华). 2011. Genre-graphic type configuration in multimodal discourse (多模态话语中语类和图类的配置). Foreign Languages and Their Teaching (⟪外语与外语教学⟫) 3. 25–28.
  • Wang, Mei (王梅). 2012. A multimodality-based study on cultivating students’ multi-cultural literacy ability (多模态与多元文化读写能力培养实证研究). Foreign Language Education (⟪外语教学⟫) 1. 66–69.
  • Wang, Chenling (王辰玲). 2015. The graduation of grammatical metaphor: The cline of ideational metaphor and interpersonal metaphor (语法隐喻的级差:概念隐喻与人际隐喻的渐进性研究). Foreign Languages and Their Teaching (⟪外语与外语教学⟫) 5. 49–54.
  • Wang, Zhenhua (王振华). 2016. Systemic functional linguistics: A course book (⟪新编系统功能语言学教程⟫). Shanghai (上海): Journal of Northeast Normal University (东北师范大学出版社).
  • Wang, Zhenhua (王振华), and Chengbo Liu (刘成博). 2014. Attitudinal bonding in construing interpersonal harmony (作为社会过程的法律语篇——态度纽带与人际和谐). Foreign Languages in China (⟪中国外语⟫) 3. 19–25.
  • Wang, Zhenhua (王振华), and Yang Lu (路洋). 2010. A reflection on engagement systems (“介入系统”嬗变). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语学刊⟫) 3. 51–56.
  • Wang, Yang (王扬), and Yi Xiao (肖祎). 2012. The role and relation of lexical metaphor and grammatical metaphor in lexical meaning transference (词汇隐喻与语法隐喻在词汇转义中的角色及关系). Foreign Language and Literature (⟪外国语文⟫) 1. 79–81.
  • Wang, Yong (王勇), and Jie Xu (徐杰). 2011. Systemic functional linguistics and language typology (系统功能语言学与语言类型学). Journal of Foreign Languages (⟪外国语⟫) 3. 40–48.
  • Wang, Zhenhua (王振华), and Qingbin Zhang (张庆彬). 2012. Interpersonal meaning of the modern Chinese Ge in its Non-typical pattern (现代汉语”个”在其非典型结构中的人际意义). Shandong Foreign Language Teaching Journal (⟪山东外语教学⟫) 1. 21–26.
  • Wang, Zhenhua, and Qingbin Zhang. 2013. A corpus-based study of Chinese and western university mottoes: An appraisal perspective (基于语料库的中外大学校训意义研究—”评价系统”视角). Foreign Language Education (⟪外语教学⟫) 6. 7–12.
  • Wang, Zhenhua (王振华), and Qingbin Zhang (张庆彬). 2015. Legal discourse as a social process and its textual meaning (作为社会过程的法律语篇及其谋篇语义). Foreign Language Education (⟪外语教学⟫) 1. 1–6.
  • Wang, Zhenhua (王振华), Daqun Zhang (张大群), and Xiangang Zhang (张先刚). 2012. James R. Martin’s perspective on discourse semantics (马丁对语篇语义的研究). Contemporary Foreign Language and Literature Studies (⟪当代外语研究⟫) 10. 47–53, 67.
  • Wang, Hongyang (王红阳), and Xiancheng Zhou (周先成). 2011a. An empirical study of the information structure in CET-4 listening test (信息结构在听力理解中的应用的实证研究). Foreign Language in China (⟪中国外语⟫) 6. 59–64.
  • Wang, Yong (王勇), and Yingfang Zhou (周迎芳). 2011b. A typological study of the subject in the existential construction (存在句主语的类型学研究). Foreign Language Teaching and Research (⟪外语教学与研究⟫) 2. 163–82.
  • Wang, Yong (王勇), and Yingfang Zhou (周迎芳). 2013. The grammar of weather: With special reference to English and Chinese weather forecast text (关于天气的语法:以英汉天气预报语篇为例). Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing (⟪北京科技大学学报⟫) 5. 9–17.
  • Wang, Yong (王勇), and Yingfang Zhou (周迎芳). 2014. Event-existentials in modern Chinese (现代汉语中的事件类存在句). Journal of Foreign Languages (⟪外国语⟫) 3. 71–82.
  • Wu, Junli (吴军俐). 2015. ⟪功能语言学与外语听说和阅读⟫. Kunming (昆明): Yunnan University Press (云南大学出版社).
  • Xiao, Yi (肖祎), and Chengyu Liu (刘承宇). 2014. Semogenesis in the framework of systemic functional linguistics: Retrospect and prospect (系统功能语言学中的语义发生理论:回顾与展望). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语学刊⟫) 6. 17–21.
  • Xie, Cuiping (谢翠平), and Chengyu Liu (刘承宇). 2015. The application of the theory of complex adaptive system in systemic functional linguistics (系统功能语言学中的复杂自适应系统思想探析). Modern Foreign Languages (⟪现代外语⟫) 1. 48–57.
  • Xin, Zhiying (辛志英). 2012. Interpersonal projection clauses and the discursive construction of intersubjectivity (⟪人际投射小句与主体间性的语篇建构⟫). Xiamen (厦门): Xiamen University Press (厦门大学出版社).
  • Xin, Zhiying (辛志英), and Guowen Huang (黄国文). 2010a. The methodology of systemic functional linguistics (系统功能语言学研究方法论). Foreign Languages Research (⟪外语研究⟫) 5. 1–5.
  • Xin, Zhiying (辛志英), and Guowen Huang (黄国文). 2010b. Systemic functional typology: Theory, objective and methodology (系统功能类型学:理论、目标与方法). Foreign Language Research (⟪外语学刊⟫) 5. 50–55.
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