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Original Articles

Joyce Allan (1896–1966)

Obituary, Bibliography and Index of Her New Scientific Names

Pages 50-58 | Published online: 25 Jun 2013


  • The carrier shell. Austr. Mus. Max., 3 (2), April–June 1927, p. 57 & figure
  • Shell ornamentation. Austr. Mus. May., 4 (2), April–June 1930, pp. 45–48, 6 figs
  • Mollusca [Title of MS. only, never published]. By Tom Iredale & J. K. Allan, for proposed Handbook Fauna & Flora of Sydney District. Austr. Mus. Ann. Rept. 1930–31 (1931), p. 10
  • Sea slugs. Austr. Mus. Mag., 4 (5), Jan.–Mch. 1931, pp. 156–195, 6 figs
  • Australian nudibranchs. Austr. Zool., 7 (2), Feb. 5, 1932, pp. 87–105, pls. 4–5, text-figs. 1–2
  • Cowries. Austr. Mus. Mag., 4 (9), Jan.–Mch. 1932, pp. 291–297, 9 figs
  • Snails. Austr. Mus. Mag., 4 (10), April 1932, pp. 355–360, 4 figs
  • A new genus and species of sea-slug, and two new species of sea-hares from Australia. Rec. Austr. Mus. 18 (6), April 20, 1932, pp. 314–320, pls. 34–35
  • Australian sea-slugs. Vict. Nat., 49 (5), Sept. 1932. pp. 119–125, coloured pl. 7. Reprinted in Sydney Harbour Trust Officers Journal, 8 (9), 1933, pp. 27–34
  • Sea-hares. Austr. Mus. Mag., 4 (12), Oct.–Dec. 1932, pp. 419–425, 7 figs
  • Opisthobranchs from Australia. Rec. Austr. Mus. 18 (9), Jan. 10, 1933, pp. 443–450, pl. 56
  • The octopus and its allies. Vict. Nat. 49 (10), Feb. 1933, pp. 235–242, pl. 15
  • Our native slug. Austr. Mus. Mag., 5(1), Jan.–Mch. 1933, pp. 3–6, 3 figs
  • Shells in the Waterhouse Collection, Austr. Mus. Mag., 5 (2), April–June 1933, pp. 39–43 & frontispiece
  • Habits of the Sydney octopus (Octopus cyaneus) in captivity. (By A. S. Le Souef & J. K. Allan). Austr. Zool., 7 (5), Aug. 22, 1933, pp. 373–376, pl. 20
  • Egg-cases of sea-snails and sea-slugs. Vict. Nat., 50, Feb. 1934, pp. 229–235, p). 39
  • Tyrian purple, an ancient industry. Austr. Mus. Mag., 5 (5), Jan.–Mch. 1934, pp. 147–151, 5 figs
  • Pearl from a freshwater mussel, and notes on the occurrence of pearls. Vict. Nat. 51 (7), Nov. 1934, pp. 166–169, 2 figs
  • Silk from shells, an ancient industry. Austr. Mus. Mag., 5 (7), July–Sept. 1934, pp. 220–223, 4 figs
  • Australian shells: slit shells and false limpets. Austr. Mus. Mag., 5 (8), Oct.–Dec. 1934, pp. 277–282, 6 figs
  • Australian shells: ear shells and wide-mouthed shells. Austr. Mus. Mag., 5 (9), Jan.–Mch. 1935, pp. 320–324, 5 figs
  • Australian shells: top, turban, pheasant and dolphin shells. Austr. Mus. Mag., 5 (10), April–June 1935, pp. 332–339, frontispiece & 4 figs
  • Shellfish poisoning. Austr. Mus. Mag., 5 (11), July 16, 1935, pp. 393–394 & fig
  • Australian Shells: the Iiotias, wheel shells, nerites, cap, sugar and true limpets. Austr. Mus. Mag., 5 (11), July 16, 1935. pp. 395–400, 8 figs
  • Economics of the marine shells of Australia and New Zealand. [Title only] Rept, 22nd. (Melbourne, 1935) meeting A.N.Z.A.A.S. (Melbourne: Govt. Printer, 1935), p. 165
  • Poisonous shellfish. Med. J. Austr., 2 (16), Oct. 19, 1935, pp. 554–555, figs. 1–6 [Cones]
  • Australian shells: winks, rissoids, rissoinids and stump shells. Austr. Mus. Mag., 5 (12), Oct.–Dec. 1935, pp. 420–424, 6 figs
  • Australian shells: the slipper, cup-and-saucer, cap and horse-hoof limpets, horn shells and triphoras. Austr. Mus. Mag., 6 (1), Jan.–Mch. 1936, pp. 26–31, 5 figs
  • Australian shells: screw, blind, hairy-keeled and worm shells, violet snails, earner shells and others. Austr. Mus. Mag., 6 (2), April–June 1936, pp. 64–69, 6 figs
  • Mysticoncha, a new generic name for Caledoniella Basedow, non Souverbie. Rec. Austr. Mus., 19 (6), Oct. 7, 1936, pp. 391–396, plS. 25–26 & fig. in text; and Austr. Mus. Ann. Rept., 1937, p. 11
  • Australian shells: strombs, scorpion or spider shells, sea butterflies and ladder shells. Austr. Mus. Mag., 6 (4), Oct.–Dec. 1936. pp. 121–126, 6 figs
  • The opisthobranchiate fauna of New Zealand, a comparison with the Australian fauna. Rept. 23rd (Auckland. 1937) meeting A.N.Z.A.A.S. (Wellington: Govt. Printer, 1937), p. 134
  • Sea-slugs. Subclass Opisthobranchia. Austr. Zool. 8 (4), March 12, 1937, pp. 261–263 & fig. [Middleton Reef species.]
  • Australian shells: the tritons, warped shells, frog shells and sand snails. Austr. Mus. Mag., 6 (7), July–Sept. 1937, pp. 230–236, 9 figs
  • Breeding habits of a female octopus (By A. S. Le Souef & J. K. Allan). Austr. Zool. 9 (1), Nov. 12, 1937, pp. 64–67, pls. 6–7
  • Exhibit of shells commensal-parasitic on starfish, sea-urchins, mantis shrimps, and bêche de mer. Abstr. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales 500, Aug. 27, 1937, p. [2]: Proc., 62, 1937, pp. xlii–xliii
  • Australian shells: helmet, tun, fig and eggshells, and the cowries. Austr. Mas. Mag., 6 (8), Oct.–Dec. 1937, pp. 280–288, 7 figs
  • Australian shells: volutes and melon shells, olives, rice, harp, margin and cross-barred shells. Austr. Mus. Mag., 6 (9), Jan–Mch. 1938, pp. 309–315, frontispiece & 7 figs
  • Australian shells: augur and cone shells. Austr. Mus. Mag., 6 (10), April–June 1938, pp. 328–336, 8 figs
  • Australian shells: spindle and band shells, whelks and the false trumpet shell. Austr. Mus. Mag., 6 (12), Oct.–Dec. 1938, pp. 417–422, 5 figs
  • Australian shells: mitres. Austr. Mus. Mag., 7(1), June–Aug. 1939, pp. 13–16, 3 figs
  • Australian shells: dog whelks, dove shells, ivory shells and small whelks. Austr. Mus. Mag., 7 (2), Sept.–Nov. 1939, pp. 67–72, 6 figs
  • A review of the relationships of the mollusca of Lord Howe Island (By J. Allan & Tom Iredale). Rept. 24th (Canberra, 1939) meeting A.N.Z.A.A.S., (Sydney: Austr. Med. Publ. Co., Dec. 1939), p. 113. [See also no. 52, below.]
  • Australian shells: rock shells, smoke shells and trophons. Austr. Mus. Mag., 7 (3), Dec. I, 1939, pp. 81–86, 5 figs
  • [Book review:] “A collection of Japanese shells …”, by Shintaro Hirase. Austr. Mus. Mag., 7 (3), Dec. 1, 1939, p. 108
  • A rare stalk-eyed squid (Bathothauma Iyromma Chun) new to Australian waters. Rev. Austr. Mus., 20 (5), March 15. 1940, pp. 320–324, figs. 1–7
  • Australian shells: the purples and their near relatives. Austr. Mus. Mag., 7 (4), March I, 1940, pp. 140–144, 5 figs
  • Cleaning and polishing shells. Austr. Mus. Leaflet, 12, April 1940, 2 pages
  • Australian shells: bubble and allied shells. Austr. Mus. Mag., 7 (5). June 1, 1940, pp. 174–178, 7 figs
  • The production of natural history films. Red Tape, June 25, 1940, pp. 437–439 & fig
  • Australian shells: ear and siphon shells, brackish water slugs and snails. Austr. Mus. Mag., 1 (6), Sept. 2, 1940, pp. 197–201, 4 figs
  • A review of the relationships of the mollusca of Lord Howe Island (By J. K. Allan & Tom Iredale). Austr. Zool., 9 (4), Dec. 9, 1940, pp. 444–451, map. [See also no. 43, above.]
  • Australian sea-hares and tailed sea-slugs. Vict. Nat., 57 (10), Feb. 1941, pp. 178–182, figs. 1–11
  • New parts for old in the shellfish world. Austr. Mus. Mag., 7 (8), March 10, 1941, pp. 280–285, 6 figs
  • Capsules or girdles? Austr. Mus. Mag., 7 (9), June 10, 1941, pp. 291–296, frontispiece & 4 figs
  • Any port in a storm. Austr. Mus. Mag., 7 (10), Sept. 1, 1941, pp. 345–346, fig
  • Uninvited guests. Austr. Mus. Mag., 7 (11), Dec. 15, 1941, pp. 373–376, 4 figs. [Shells parasitic on echinoderms, etc.]
  • The watering-pot shell. Austr. Mus. Mag., 7 (12), March 15, 1942, p. 425, fig
  • Showy shells from the South Pacific. Austr. Mus. Mag., 8 (7), March–May 1944, pp. 219–223, frontispiece & 6 figs
  • Our front cover. The garden snail. Austr. Mus. Mag., 8 (8), June–Aug. 1944, p. 251, front cover
  • Our front cover. Branched murex shell. Austr. Mus. Mag., 8 (9), Sept.–Nov. 1944, p. 287, front cover
  • Lights under the sea. Jewelled squids. Austr. Mus. Mag., 8 (10), Feb. 1945, pp. 341–345, 6 figs
  • Planktonic cephalopod larvae from the eastern Australian coast. Rec. Austr. Mus., 21 (6), June 25, 1945, pp. 317–350. pls. 24–27 and map
  • Observations on the egg-case and young of the baler shell, Melo umbilcata Brod. (By J. Allan & T. C. Middleton.) Vict. Nat., 62, Feb. 1946, pp. 172–177, pls. 8–11
  • Bivalve shells of a sandy ocean beach. Austr. Mus. Mag., 9 (1), March 1, 1946, pp. 17–23, 7 figs
  • Our front cover. The long spined thorny oyster. Austr. Mus. Mag., 9 (2), June 1, 1946, p. 37, front cover
  • An introduced tree snail becomes a pest. Art Gall. Mus. Assoc. Austr. N. Zeal. News Bull. 1, Feb. 1947, pp. 7–8 [Achatina panthera var. leucostyla]
  • The present position of the Australian molluscan fauna [Title only]. Rept. 25th. (Adelaide, 1946) meeting A.N.Z.A.AS. (Adelaide: Govt. Printer, 1947), p. 102
  • The Trochus. Fisheries Newsletter, 6 (2). April 1947, pp. 20–21 & 23, 3 figs. [Miss Allan also identified Swain Reefs Trochus shells in Fisheries Newsletter 11 (1), Jan. 1952, p. 23, 2 figs.]
  • Bivalve shells of a tidal fiat, 1. Austr. Mus. Mag., 9 (4). April 30, 1947, pp. 122–126, 5 figs
  • Book review: “South Australian Shells”, by Bernard C. Cotton. Austr. Mus. Mag., 9 (4), April 30, 1947, p. 126
  • Nudibranchia from the Clarence River heads, north coast. New South Wales. Rec. Austr. Mus., 21 (8), May 9, 1947, pp. 433–463, pls. 41–43 and map
  • Onchidium associated with dead coral (By J. Allan & Philip J. Bell). Austr. Nat., 11 (6), July 1947, pp. 149–157, figs. 1–4 on unnumbered plate
  • Bivalve shells of a tidal flat, II. Austr. Mus. Mag., 9 (5), Aug. 30, 1947, pp. 155–159, 3 figs
  • Left or right turn. Austr. Mus. Max., 9 (6), Dec. 31, 1947, pp. 207–210, 5 figs
  • A rare giant squid. Austr. Mus. Mag., 9 (9), Dec. 31, 1948, pp. 306–308, 2 figs., and in Fisheries Newsletter, 7 (6), Dec. 1948, p. 25, fig
  • Brachiopods–shelled sea creatures. Austr. Mus. Mag., 9 (10), March 30, 1949, pp. 333–336, 4 figs
  • Giant African snail–a crop destroying traveller. Austr. Mus. Mag. 9 (11), June 30, 1949, pp. 374–377, fig
  • Our frontispiece. Austr. Mus. Mag., 9 (12), Sept. 30, 1949, p. 419 & frontispiece [Thorny oyster and angel’s wings shells]
  • Our front cover. Austr. Mus. Mag., JO (1), Dec. 1949, p. 1, front cover [Perspective sundial shell]
  • Land shells of Australia. Part I. Austr. Mus. Mag., 10 (2), March 1950, pp. 50–54, 5 figs
  • Mollusca. Australian Fisheries (Handbook of 2nd meeting of Indo-Pacific Council) (Sydney: Halstead Press), April 1950, pp. 37–41
  • Australian shells, with related animals living in the sea, in freshwater and on the land. (Melbourne: Georgian House), 1950, pp. i–xix+1–470, illustr. (some plates in colour), mans. An Australiana Society Publication. The same: Revised edition, Melbourne: Georgian House, 1959, pp. i–xxi+1–487. The same: Reprinted, 1962
  • Land shells of Australia, Part II. Austr. Mus. Mag., 10 (3), Sept. 1950, pp. 80–83, 4 figs
  • Australian shells. Austr. Junior Encyclopaedia, 2, 1951, pp. 875–88), colour-plate facing p. 892 and text-figs. (Melbourne: Georgian House). A Sydney edition in 1956: vol. 3, pp. 875–881, illustr. (Sydney: Austr. Educational Foundation)
  • Harold Sutcliffe Mort, B.Sc. B.E. Proc. Roy. Zool. Soc. N.S.Wales, 1949–50 (April 2, 1951), p. 10
  • [Book review:] “Opisthobranchs of Sagami Bay.” Proc. Roy. Zool. Soc. N.S.Wales, 1949–50 (April 2, 1951), pp. 72–73
  • Aftermath of rain. Austr. Mas. Mag., 10 (6), June 1951, pp. 200–202, fig
  • [Book review:] “A Beginner’s Guide to South African Shells” by K. H. Barnard. Austr. Mus. Mag., 10 (10), June 1952, p. 340
  • Divine for pearls. The Times (London) 52685. July 28, 1953, p. 7, map
  • Introduced grey slug. Austr. Mus. Mag., 11 (6), June 1954, pp. 175–176, fig
  • A man and a museum—Sir Hans Sloane, Bart. Austr. Mus. Mag., 11 (7), Sept. 1954, pp. 215–218, 3 figs
  • Book review: Copenhagen Decisions on Zoological Nomenclature. Proc. Roy. Zool. Soc. N.S.Wales, 1952–53 (1954), pp. 42–43=Marine Zoologist 1 (2), 1954, pp. 42–43
  • Book review: “American seashells”, by R. Tucker Abbott. Austr. Mus. Mag., 11 (8), Dec. 15, 1954, p. 271
  • A masterpiece of shell architecture. Austr. Mus. Mag., 11 (9), March 15, 1955, p. 274, fig. [Thatcheria mirabilis.]
  • The kraken—legendary terror of the seas. Austr. Mus. Mag., 11 (9), March 15, 1955, pp. 275–278, 2 figs
  • Shell shapes. Austr. Mus. Mag., 11 (10), June 1955, pp. 320–321, 10 figs
  • More about the kraken. Austr. Mus. Mag., 11 (11), Sept. 1955, p. 372
  • Shells. Austr. Mus. Mag., 11 (11), Sept. 1955, p. 373
  • Shells. Austr. Mus. Mag., 12 (1), March 1956, p. 26
  • What is the difference between the Cypraea Umbilia hesitata and Umbilia hesitata beddomei Malac. Club Vict. Newsletter, 4 (12), Jan. 30, 1956, pp. [4–5.]
  • The reappearance of a rare Australian volute shell, Amoria grossi Iredale (Mollusca: Gastropoda), a new record for New South Wales. Proc. Roy. Zool. Soc. N.S.Wales, 1954–55 (April 10, 1956), pp. 48–49, fig. 1
  • Cowry shells of world seas. (Melbourne: Georgian House), May 15, 1956, pp. i–x+1–170, pls. 1–15, some in colour. An Australiana Society Publication
  • Congratulations on … B. C. Cotton’s ‘Thaididae’. Malac. Soc. Austr. Newsletter, 4 (15), Oct. 29, 1956, p. 5
  • Shells of a tidal flat. Austr. Mus. Leaflet, 33, April 1957, 4 pp., figs 1–8. Reprinted, Dec. I960, 4 pp., figs. 1–8, and Oct. 1964 4 pp., 10 figs, by B. Bertram
  • Some Opisthobranchia (Class Gastropoda) new to Australia or otherwise of interest. J. Malac. Soc. Austr., 1, Sept. 13, 1957, pp. 3–7, figs. 1–3
  • Obituary [Mrs. Leone (Lee) Woolacott]. J. Malac. Soc. Austr., 1, Sept. 13, 1957, p. 48,
  • Lee Woolacott. Proc. Roy. Zool. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1956–57 (June 27. 1958), p. 81 [Obituary notice]
  • Some species of Lamellariidae (Class Gastropoda) from the eastern Australian coast. J. Malac. Soc. Austr., 2, Nov. 1958, pp. 48–57, pls. 10–12
  • The sea-horse and its relatives (By G. P. Whitley & J. K. Allan). (Melbourne: Georgian House), Dec. 22, 1958, pp. i–x+1–84, coloured frontispiece & text-figs. 1–24
  • Australwinks. Austr. Encyclopaedia, ed. 2, 1, 1958, p. 341
  • Mollusca. Austr. Encyclopaedia, ed. 2, 6, 1958, pp. U7–135, coloured plate 124A and text-figs
  • Trochus shell. Austr. Encyclopaedia, ed. 2, 9, 1958, p. 39

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