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Power to the people? Populism, democracy, and political participation: a citizen's perspective



  • Abts, Koen, and Stefan Rummens (2007). ‘Populism versus Democracy’, Political Studies, 55:2, 405–24.
  • Akkerman, Agnes, Cas Mudde, and Andrej Zaslove (2014). ‘How Populist Are the People? Measuring Populist Attitudes in Voters’, Comparative Political Studies, 47:9, 1324–53.
  • Akkerman, Agnes, Andrej Zaslove, and Bram Spruyt (2017). ‘We the People’ or ‘We the Peoples’? A Comparison of Support for the Populist Radical Right and Populist Radical Left in The Netherlands’, Swiss Political Science Review, 23:4, 377–403.
  • Anduiza, Eva, Marc Guinjoan, and Guillem Rico (2019). ‘Populism, Participation, and Political Equality’, European Political Science Review, 11:1, 109–24.
  • Ansell, Christopher, and Jane Gingrich (2003). ‘Reforming the Administrative State’, in Bruce Cain, Russell J. Dalton, and Susan Scarrow (eds.), Democracy Transformed: Expanding Political Opportunities in Advanced Industrial Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 164–191.
  • Aslanidis, Paris (2017). ‘Populism and Social Movements’, in Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser, Paul Taggart, Paulina Ochoa Espejo, and Pierre Ostiguy (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Populism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 305–325.
  • Bächtiger, André, John S. Dryzek, Jane Mansbridge, and Mark E. Warren (2018). ‘Deliberative Democracy: An Introduction’, in André Bächtiger, John S. Dryzek, Jane Mansbridge, and Mark E. Warren (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 35–54.
  • Barr, Robert R. (2009). ‘Populists, Outsiders and Anti-Establishment Politics’, Party Politics, 15:1, 29–48.
  • Brown, Mark B. (2018). ‘Deliberation and Representation’, in André Bächtiger, John S. Dryzek, Jane Mansbridge, and Mark E. Warren (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Deliberative. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 171–186.
  • Cain, Bruce E., and Russel Dalton and Susan Scarrow, eds. (2003). Democracy Transformed? Expanding Political Opportunities in Advanced Industrial Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Canovan, Margaret (1999). ‘Trust the People! Populism and the Two Faces of Democracy’, Political Studies, 47:1, 2–16.
  • Canovan, Margaret (2002). ‘Taking Politics to the People: Populism as the Ideology of Democracy’, in Yves Mény and Yves Surel (eds.), Democracies and the Populist Challenge. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 25–44.
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  • Curato, Nicole, John S. Dryzek, Selen A. Ercan, Carolyn M. Hendriks, and Simon Niemeyer (2017). ‘Twelve Key Findings in Deliberative Democracy Research’, Daedalus, 146:3, 28–38.
  • Della Porta, Donatella, ed. (2009a). Democracy in Social Movements. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
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  • Della Porta, Donatella, and Mario Diani (2020). Social Movements: An Introduction. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Della Porta, Donatella, and Nicole Doerr (2018). ‘Deliberation in Protests and Social Movements’, in André Bächtiger, John S. Dryzek, Jane Mansbridge, and Mark E. Warren (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 392–406.
  • Diani, Mario (2004). ‘Networks and Participation’, in David A. Snow, Sarah A. Soule, and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 339–359.
  • Diani, Mario, and Ann Mische (2015). ‘Network Approaches and Social Movements’, in Donatella della Porta, and Mario Diani (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 306–325.
  • Elstub, Stephen, Selen Ercan, and Ricardo F. Mendonça (2016). ‘Editorial Introduction: The Fourth Generation of Deliberative Democracy’, Critical Policy Studies, 10:2, 139–51.
  • Geurkink, Bram, Andrej Zaslove, Roderick Sluiter, and Kristof Jacobs (2019). ‘Is Populism About More Than Discontent?’, LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog, available at https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2019/08/21/is-populism-about-more-than-discontent/ (accessed 4 may 2020).
  • Geurkink, Bram, Andrej Zaslove, Roderick Sluiter, and Kristof Jacobs (2020). ‘Populist Attitudes, Political Trust, and External Political Efficacy: Old Wine in New Bottles?’, Political Studies, 68:1, 247–67.
  • Hawkins, Kirk A. (2009). ‘Is Chávez Populist? Measuring Populist Discourse in Comparative Perspective’, Comparative Political Studies, 42:8, 1040–67.
  • Hawkins, Kirk, Scott Riding, and Cas Mudde (2012). ‘Measuring Populist Attitudes’, Committee on Concepts and Methods: Working Paper Series No. 55, available at www.concepts-methods.org/Files/WorkingPaper/PC_55_Hawkins_Riding_Mudde.pdf
  • Houle, Christian, and Paul D. Kenny (2018). ‘The Political and Economic Consequences of Populist Rule in Latin America’, Government and Opposition, 53:2, 256–87.
  • Huber, Robert A., and Saskia P. Ruth (2017). ‘Mind the Gap! Populism, Participation and Representation in Europe’, Swiss Political Science Review, 23:4, 462–84.
  • Hutter, Swen, and Hanspieter Kriesi (2013). ‘Movements of the Left, Movements of the Right Reconsidered’, in Jacquelien van Stekelenburg, Conny Roggeband, and Bert Klandermans (eds.), The Future of Social Movement Research: Dynamics, Mechanisms, and Processes. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 281–298.
  • Immerzeel, Tim, and Mark Pickup (2015). ‘Populist Radical Right Parties Mobilizing “the People”? The Role of Populist Radical Right Success in Voter Turnout’, Electoral Studies, 40:4, 347–60.
  • Jacobs, Kristof, Agnes Akkerman, and Andrej Zaslove (2018a). ‘The Voice of Populist People? Referendum Preferences, Practices and Populist Attitudes’, Acta Politica, 53:4, 517–41.
  • Jacobs, Kristof, Marijn van Klingeren, Henk van der Kolk, Koen van der Krieken, Matthijs Rooduijn, and Charlotte Wagenaar (2018b). Het Wiv-referendum: Nationaal Referendum Onderzoek 2018, available at https://kennisopenbaarbestuur.nl/media/255931/wiv-referendumonderzoek-2018.pdf.
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  • Jagers, Jan, and Stefaan Walgrave (2007). ‘Populism as Political Communication Style: An Empirical Study of Political Parties’ Discourse in Belgium’, European Journal of Political Research, 46:3, 319–45.
  • Kioupkiolis, Alexandros (2016). ‘Podemos: The Ambiguous Promises of Left-Wing Populism in Contemporary Spain’, Journal of Political Ideologies, 21:2, 99–120.
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  • Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristóbal (2012). ‘The Ambivalence of Populism: Threat and Corrective for Democracy’, Democratization, 19:2, 184–208.
  • Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristóbal (2014). ‘The Responses of Populism to Dahl’s Democratic Dilemmas’, Political Studies, 62:3, 470–87.
  • Rummens, Stefan (2017). ‘Populism as a Threat to Liberal Democracy’, in Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser, Paul Taggart, Paulina Ochoa Espejo, and Pierre Ostiguy (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Populism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 554–570.
  • Scarrow, Susan E. (2003). ‘Making Elections more Direct? Reducing the Role of Parties in Elections’, in Bruce Cain, Russell J. Dalton, and Susan Scarrow (eds.), Democracy Transformed? Expanding Political Opportunities in Advanced Industrial Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 44–58.
  • Schaap, Linze, Frank Hendriks, Niels Karsten, Julien van Ostaaijen, and Charlotte Wagenaar (2019). ‘Ambitieuze en Ambivalente Vernieuwing Van de Lokale Democratie in Nederland’, Bestuurswetenschappen, 73:2, 47–69.
  • Schwander, Hanna, Dominic Gohla, and Armin Schäfer (2020). ‘Fighting Fire with Fire? Inequality, Populism and Voter Turnout’, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 61:2, 261–83.
  • Spruyt, Bram, Gil Keppens, and Filip Van Droogenbroeck (2016). ‘Who Supports Populism and What Attracts People to It?’, Political Research Quarterly, 69:2, 335–46.
  • Stavrakakis, Yannis, and Giorgos Katsambekis (2014). ‘Left-Wing Populism in the European Periphery: The Case of SYRIZA’, Journal of Political Ideologies, 19:2, 119–42.
  • Taggart, Paul (2002). ‘Populism and the Pathology of Representative Politics’, in Yves Mény and Yves Surel (eds.), Democracies and the Populist Challenge. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 62–80.
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