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The rhetorical contestation of populism in four European parliaments (2010–2020)



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References to our original dataset

  • Bundestag. 2016a. Klaus Ernst, 22/09/2016, id 3045.
  • Bundestag. 2016b. Tom Koenings, 16/12/2016, id 3282.
  • Bundestag. 2018. Albrecht Glaser, 13/02/2018, id 3552.
  • Bundestag. 2019. Kay Gottschalk, 14/03/2019, id 3615.
  • Camera. 2010.Simone Baldelli, 30/07/2018, id 336.
  • Camera. 2015. Alessio Villarosa, 21/07/2015, id 780.
  • Camera. 2019a. Federico Conte, 18/02/2019, id 1139.
  • Camera. 2019b. Mario Morgoni, 06/12/2019, id 1263.
  • Congreso. 2017a. Carlos Aragones, 11/01/2017, id 1843.
  • Congreso. 2017b. Joan Tardà, 15/03/2017, id 1869.
  • Congreso. 2017c. Juan Zoido, 18/07/2017, id 1930.
  • Congreso. 2018. Jose Garcia, 07/02/2018, id 2015.
  • House of Lords. 2019. Lord Wallace of Saltaire, 02/10/2019, id 4728.

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