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Quiet unity: salience, politicisation and togetherness in the EU’s Brexit negotiating position

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  • Biermann, Felix, and Stefan Jagdhuber (2022). ‘Take It and Leave It! A Postfunctionalist Bargaining Approach to the Brexit Negotiations’, West European Politics, 45:4, 793–815.
  • Bijsmans, Patrick, Charlotte Galpin, and Benjamin Leruth (2018). ‘“Brexit” in Transnational Perspective: An Analysis of Newspapers in France, Germany and The Netherlands’, Comparative European Politics, 16:5, 825–42.
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  • De Wilde, Pieter, Anna Leupold, and Henning Schmidtke (2016). ‘Introduction: The Differentiated Politicisation of European Governance’, West European Politics, 39:1, 3–22.
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  • Martill, Benjamin, and Uta Staiger (2022). ‘Prisoners of the Own Device: Brexit as a Failed Negotiating Strategy’, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 24:4, 582–97.
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  • Statham, Paul, and Hans-Jörg Trenz (2015). ‘Understanding the Mechanisms of EU Politicization: Lessons from the Eurozone Crisis’, Comparative European Politics, 13:3, 287–306.
  • Taggart, Paul, Kai Oppermann, Neil Dooley, Aleks Szczerbiak, and Susan Collard (2023). ‘Drivers of Consensus: Responses to Brexit in Germany, France, Ireland and Poland’, German Politics, 1–25.
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  • Wolff, Sarah, and Stella Ladi (2020). ‘European Union Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic: Adaptability in Times of Permanent Emergency’, Journal of European Integration, 42:8, 1025–40.