CrossRef citations to date
Symposium: European Politics after the Invasion (Part V)

Turning assertive? EU rule of law enforcement in the aftermath of the war in Ukraine


  • Anders, Lisa H., and S. Sonja Priebus (2021). ‘Does It Help to Call a Spade a Spade? Examining the Legal Bases and Effects of Rule of Law-Related Infringement Procedures against Hungary’, in Astrid Lorenz and Lisa H. Anders (eds.), Illiberal Trends and Anti-EU Politics in East Central Europe. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 235–62.
  • Bárd, Petra, and Dimitry Kochenov (2022). ‘War as a Pretext to Wave the Rule of Law Goodbye? The Case for an EU Constitutional Awakening’, European Law Journal, 27:1-3, 39–49.
  • Bárd, Petra, and Viktor Zoltán Kazai (2022). ‘Enforcement of a Formal Conception of the Rule of Law as a Potential Way Forward to Address Backsliding: Hungary as a Case Study’, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 14:2-3, 165–93.
  • Beach, Derek (2022). ‘Process Tracing Methods in the Social Sciences’, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.176
  • Blatter, Joachim, and Markus Haverland (2014). ‘Case Studies and (Causal-) Process Tracing’, in Isabelle Engeli and Christine Rothmayr Allison (eds.), Comparative Policy Studies. Research Methods Series. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 59–83.
  • Boese, Vanessa A., et al. (2022). ‘Democracy Report 2022 Autocratization Changing Nature?’, V-DEM.
  • Closa, Carlos (2019). ‘The Politics of Guarding the Treaties: Commission Scrutiny of Rule of Law Compliance’, Journal of European Public Policy, 26:5, 696–716.
  • Closa, Carlos, and Dimitry Kochenov (2016). Reinforcing Rule of Law Oversight in the European Union. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Collier, David (2011). ‘Understanding Process Tracing’, PS: Political Science & Politics, 44:4, 823–30.
  • Coman, Ramona (2022). The Politics of the Rule of Law in the EU Polity: Actors, Tools and Challenges. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Elman, Colin, and Diana Kapiszewski (2014). ‘Data Access and Research Transparency in the Qualitative Tradition’, PS: Political Science & Politics, 47:01, 43–7.
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  • Falkner, Gerda (2001). ‘The EU14’s “Sanctions” against Austria: Sense and Nonsense’, ECSA Review, 14:1, 14–5.
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  • Heisenberg, Dorothee (2005). ‘The Institution of ‘Consensus’ in the European Union: Formal versus Informal Decision-Making in the Council’, European Journal of Political Research, 44:1, 65–90.
  • Herman, Lise E., Julian Hoerner, and Joseph Lacey (2021). ‘Why Does the European Right Accommodate Backsliding States? An Analysis of 24 European People’s Party Votes (2011–2019)’, European Political Science Review, 13:2, 169–87.
  • Hernández, Gisela (2022). ‘European Commission Launches Rule of Law Conditionality Mechanism against the Hungarian Government’, UKICES, Commentary, 18 April 2022.
  • Holland, Alisha C. (2016). ‘Forbearance’, American Political Science Review, 110:2, 232–46.
  • Hovi, Jon, and Tora Skodvin (2008). ‘Which Way to U.S. Climate Cooperation? Issue Linkage versus a U.S.-Based Agreement’, Review of Policy Research, 25:2, 129–48.
  • Jaraczewski, Jakub (2022). ‘Unexpected Complications: The Impact of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on the Rule of Law Crisis in the EU: An Anti-Rule of Law Alliance’, VerfBlog, 23 December 2022.
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  • Kelemen, R. Daniel (2017). ‘Europe’s Other Democratic Deficit: National Authoritarian­ism in Europe’s Democratic Union’, Government and Opposition, 52:2, 211–38.
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  • Kelemen, R. Daniel (2022). ‘Appeasement, Ad Infinitum’, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 29:2, 177–81.
  • Kelemen, R. Daniel, and Tommaso Pavone (2023). ‘Where Have the Guardians Gone? Law Enforcement and the Politics of Supranational Forbearance in the European Union’, World Politics, 75:4, 779–825.
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  • Kochenov, Dimitry (2019). ‘Elephants in the Room: The European Commission’s 2019 Communication on the Rule of Law’, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 11:2-3, 423–38.
  • Lacy, Dean, and Emerson M. S. Niou (2004). ‘A Theory of Economic Sanctions and Issue Linkage: The Roles of Preferences, Information, and Threats’, The Journal of Politics, 66:1, 25–42.
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  • Papada, Evie, et al. (2023). ‘Democracy Report 2023 Defiance in the Face of Autocratization’, V-DEM.
  • Pavone, Tomasso, and Øyvind Stiansen (2022). ‘The Shadow Effect of Courts: Judicial Review and the Politics of Preemptive Reform’, American Political Science Review, 116:1, 322–36.
  • Pech, Laurent (2019). ‘From “Nuclear Option” to Damp Squib?’, Verfassungsblog, 13 November 2019, available at https://verfassungsblog.de/from-nuclear-option-to-damp-squib/.
  • Pech, Laurent (2020). ‘Article 7 TEU: From “Nuclear Option” to “Sisyphean Procedure”?’, in Uladzislau Belavusau and Aleksandra Gliszczyńska Grabias (eds.), Constitutionalism under Stress: Essays in Honour of Wojciech Sadurski. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 157–74.
  • Pech, Laurent (2022). ‘No More Excuses’, VerfBlog, 16 February 2022.
  • Pech, Laurent, and Kim Lane Scheppele (2017). ‘Illiberalism within: Rule of Law Backsliding in the EU’, Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 19, 3–47.
  • Platon, Sébastien (2021). ‘Bringing a Knife to a Gunfight: The European Parliament, the Rule of Law Conditionality, and the Action for Failure to Act’, VerfBlog, 11 June 2021.
  • Priebus, Sébastien (2022). ‘Watering down the ‘Nuclear Option’? The Council and the Article 7 Dilemma’, Journal of European Integration, 44:7, 995–1010.
  • Röben, Volker (2010). ‘The Enforcement Authority of International Institutions’, in Armin von Bogdandy, Rüdiger Wolfrum, Jochen von Bernstorff, Philipp Dann, and Matthias Goldmann (eds.), The Exercise of Public Authority by International Institutions. Berlin: Springer, 819–42.
  • Scheppele, Kim Lane (2016). ‘Enforcing the Basic Principles of EU Law through Systemic Infringement Actions’, in Carlos Closa and Dimitry Kochenov (eds.), Reinforcing Rule of Law Oversight in the European Union. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 105–32.
  • Scheppele, Kim Lane, Dimitry Kochenov, and Barbara Grabowska-Moroz (2020a). ‘EU Values Are Law, after All: Enforcing EU Values Through Systemic Infringement Actions by the European Commission and the Member States of the European Union’, Yearbook of European Law 38:3–121.
  • Scheppele, Kim Lane, Pech Laurent, and Platon Sébastien (2020b). ‘Compromising the Rule of Law While Compromising on the Rule of Law’, VerfBlog, 13 December 2020.
  • Schimmelfennig, Frank (2018). ‘European Integration (Theory) in Times of Crisis: A Comparison of the Euro and Schengen Crises’, Journal of European Public Policy, 25:7, 969–89.
  • Schlipphak, Bernd, and Oliver Treib (2017). ‘Playing the Blame Game on Brussels: The Domestic Political Effects of EU Interventions against Democratic Backsliding’, Journal of European Public Policy, 24:3, 352–65.
  • Seawright, Jason, and David Collier (2010). ‘Glossary’, in Henry E. Brady and David Collier (eds.), Rethinking Social Inquiry: Diverse Tools, Shared Standards. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Uitz, Renáta (2019). ‘The Perils of Defending the Rule of Law through Dialogue’, European Constitutional Law Review, 15:1, 1–16.
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  • Vaagland, Karin (2021). ‘Crisis-Induced Leadership: Exploring the Role of the EU Commission in the EU–Jordan Compact’, Politics and Governance, 9:3, 52–62.