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Brexit – the EU membership crisis that wasn’t?



  • Altiparmakis, Argyrios, and Anna Kyriazi (2023). ‘A Leader without Followers: Tory Euroscepticism in a Comparative Perspective’, West European Politics. https://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2023.2170650
  • Armingeon, Klaus, Caroline de la Porte, Elke Heins, and Stefano Sacchi (2022). ‘Voices from the Past: Economic and Political Vulnerabilities in the Making of Next Generation EU’, Comparative European Politics, 20:2, 144–65.
  • Bartolini, Stefano (2005). Restructuring Europe: Centre Formation, System Building and Political Structuring between the Nation-State and the European Union. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Bickerton, Chris (2018). ‘The Brexit Iceberg’, in Benjamin Martill and Uta Staiger (eds.), Brexit and Beyond: Rethinking the Futures of Europe. London: UCL Press, 132–7.
  • Bickerton, Chris J. (2012). European Integration: From Nation-States to Member States. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Brack, Nathalie, and Nicholas Startin (2015). ‘Introduction: Euroscepticism, from the Margins to the Mainstream’, International Political Science Review, 36:3, 239–49.
  • Brubaker, Rogers (2017). ‘Why Populism?’, Theory and Society, 46:5, 357–85.
  • Carl, Noah, James Dennison, and Geoffrey Evans (2019). ‘European but Not European Enough: An Explanation for Brexit’, European Union Politics, 20:2, 282–304.
  • Chopin, Thierry, and Christian Lequesne (2021). ‘Disintegration Reversed: Brexit and the Cohesiveness of the EU27’, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 29:3, 419–31.
  • Cicchi, L. P., Genschel, A. Hemerijck, and M. Nasr (2020). EU Solidarity in Times of Covid-19. Florence: European University Institute.
  • Cini, Michelle, and Amy Verdun (2018). ‘The Implications of Brexit for the Future of Europe: Rethinking the Futures of Europe’, 63–71.
  • Collins, Stephen D. (2017). ‘Europe’s United Future after Brexit: Brexit Has Not Killed the European Union, Rather It Has Eliminated the Largest Obstacle to EU Consolidation’, Global Change, Peace & Security, 29:3, 311–6.
  • Closa, Carlos (2019). ‘The Politics of Guarding the Treaties: Commission Scrutiny of Rule of Law Compliance’, Journal of European Public Policy, 26:5, 696–716.
  • Davis, Richard (2017). ‘Euroscepticism and Opposition to British Entry into the EEC, 1955-75’, Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique, 22, XXII–2.
  • De Vries, Catherine E. (2018). Euroscepticism and the Future of European Integration. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Della Porta, Donatella (2010). ‘Reinventing Europe: Social Movement Activists as Critical Europeanists’, in Simon Teune (ed.), The Transnational Condition: Protest Dynamics in an Entangled Europe, vol. 4. New York: Berghahn Books, 113–28.
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  • ECB (2020). ‘A Review of Economic Analyses on the Potential Impact of Brexit’, ECB Working Papers. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3711524
  • Emmenegger, Patrick (2021). ‘Agency in Historical Institutionalism: Coalitional Work in the Creation, Maintenance, and Change of Institutions’, Theory and Society, 50:4, 607–26.
  • Euractiv (2023). ‘EU Leaders Approve Accession Talks with Ukraine, Moldova, Bypassing Hungary’, https://www.euractiv.com/section/europe-s-east/news/eu-leaders-greenlight-opening-accession-talks-with-ukraine-moldova/.
  • European Council (2017). European Council (Art. 50) Guidelines for Brexit Negotiations. Brussels: European Council. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2017/04/29/euco-brexit-guidelines/.
  • Ferrera, Maurizio, and Carlo Burelli (2019). ‘Cross-National Solidarity and Political Sustainability in the EU after the Crisis’, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 57:1, 94–110.
  • Ferrera, M., J. Miró, and S. Ronchi (2021). ‘Walking the Road Together? EU Polity Maintenance during the COVID-19 Crisis’, West European Politics, 44:5-6, 1329–52.
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  • Gamble, Andrew (2012). ‘Better Off Out? Britain and Europe’, The Political Quarterly, 83:3, 468–77.
  • Ganderson, Joseph (2023). ‘Exiting after Brexit: Public Perceptions of Future European Union Member State Departures’, West European Politics. https://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2022.2164135
  • Ganderson, Joseph, Niccolò Donati, Maurizio Ferrera, Anna Kyriazi, and Zbigniew Truchlewski (2024). ‘A Very European Way out: Polity Maintenance and the Design of Article 50’, Government and Opposition. https://doi.org/10.1017/gov.2023.44
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  • Glencross, Andrew (2018). ‘This Time It’s Different: Legitimacy and the Limits of Differentiation after Brexit’, The Political Quarterly, 89:3, 490–6.
  • Heinisch, Reinhard, Duncan McDonnell, and Annika Werner (2021). ‘Equivocal Euroscepticism: How Populist Radical Right Parties Can Have Their EU Cake and Eat It’, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 59:2, 189–205.
  • Hix, Simon (2018). ‘Brexit: Where is the EU–UK Relationship Heading?’, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 56:S1, 11–27.
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  • Hobolt, Sara B. (2016). ‘The Brexit Vote: A Divided Nation, a Divided Continent’, Journal of European Public Policy, 23:9, 1259–77.
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  • Hobolt, Sara B., and Toni Rodon (2020). ‘Domestic Contestation of the European Union’, Journal of European Public Policy, 27:2, 161–7.
  • Hooghe, Liesbet, and Gary Marks (2009). ‘A Postfunctionalist Theory of European Integration: From Permissive Consensus to Constraining Dissensus’, British Journal of Political Science, 39:1, 1–23.
  • Hooghe, Liesbet, and Gary Marks (2018). ‘Cleavage Theory Meets Europe’s Crises: Lipset, Rokkan, and the Transnational Cleavage’, Journal of European Public Policy, 25:1, 109–35.
  • Hutter, Swen, Edgar Grande, and Hanspeter Kriesi (2016). Politicising Europe: Integration and Mass Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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  • Isiksel, Turkuler (2018). ‘Square Peg, Round Hole’, in Benjamin Martill and Uta Staiger (eds.), Brexit and Beyond: Rethinking the Futures of Europe. London: UCL Press, 239–50.
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  • Jensen, Mads, and Jesper Kelstrup (2019). ‘House United, House Divided: Explaining the EU’s Unity in the Brexit Negotiations’, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 57:S1, 28–39.
  • Kelemen, R. Daniel (2020). ‘The European Union’s Authoritarian Equilibrium’, Journal of European Public Policy, 27:3, 481–99.
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  • Kriesi, Hanspeter, Edgar Grande, Romain Lachat, Martin Dolezal, Simon Bornschier, and Timotheos Frey (2008). West European Politics in the Age of Globalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Kyriazi, Anna, Argyrios Altiparmakis, Joseph Ganderson, and Joan Miró (2023). ‘Quiet Unity: Salience, Politicisation and Togetherness in the EU’s Brexit Negotiating Position’, West European Politics. https://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2023.2264717
  • Laffan, Brigid (2019). ‘How the EU27 Came to Be’, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 57:S1, 13–27.
  • MacLeavy, Julie, and Martin Jones (2021). ‘Brexit as Britain in Decline and Its Crises (Revisited)’, The Political Quarterly, 92:3, 444–52.
  • Malet, Giorgio, and Stefanie Walter (2023). ‘Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too? Switzerland and the Feasibility of Differentiated Integration after Brexit’, West European Politics. https://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2023.2192083
  • Martill, Benjamin, and Uta Staiger (2018). Brexit and Beyond. London: UCL Press.
  • Massetti, Emanuele (2021). ‘The European Union and the Challenge of “Independence in Europe”: Straddling between (Formal) Neutrality and (Actual) Support for Member-States’ Territorial Integrity’, Regional & Federal Studies, 32:3, 307–30.
  • Matthijs, Matthias (2017). ‘Europe after Brexit: A Less Perfect Union’, Foreign Affairs, 96:1, 85–95.
  • Miró, Joan, Argyrios Altiparmakis, and Chendy Wang (2024). ‘The Short-Lived Hope for Contagion: Brexit in Social Media Communication of the Populist Right’, West European Politics. https://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2024.2325785
  • Moore, Madelaine, and Silke Trommer (2021). ‘Critical Europeans in an Age of Crisis: Irish and Portuguese Protesters’ EU Perceptions’, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 59:2, 316–34.
  • Oliver, Tim (2017). ‘Never Mind the Brexit? Britain, Europe, the World and Brexit’, International Politics, 54:4, 519–32.
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  • Richardson, Jeremy, and Berthold Rittberger (2020). ‘Brexit: Simply an Omnishambles or a Major Policy Fiasco?’, Journal of European Public Policy, 27:5, 649–65.
  • Rokkan, Stein, Peter Flora, Stein Kuhnle, and Derek W. Urwin (1999). State Formation, Nation-Building, and Mass Politics in Europe: The Theory of Stein Rokkan based on His Collected Works. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Rosamond, Ben (2016). ‘Brexit and the Problem of European Disintegration’, Journal of Contemporary European Research, 12:4, 864–71.
  • Sanjaume-Calvet, Marc, Daniel Cetrà, and Núria Franco-Guillén (2023). ‘Leaving Europe, Leaving Spain: Comparing Secessionism from and within the European Union’, West European Politics. https://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2023.2191104
  • Scharpf, Fritz (1999). Governing in Europe: Effective and Democratic? Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Schelkle, Waltraud (2021). ‘Fiscal Integration in an Experimental Union: How Path-Breaking Was the EU’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic?’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 59:Suppl 1, 44–55.
  • Schimmelfennig, Frank (2019). ‘Getting around No: How Governments React to Negative EU Referendums’, Journal of European Public Policy, 26:7, 1056–74.
  • Schimmelfennig, Frank (2022). ‘The Brexit Puzzle: Polity Attack and External Rebordering’, West European Politics. https://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2022.2132448
  • Schmidt, Vivien A. (2019). ‘Politicization in the EU: Between National Politics and EU Political Dynamics’, Journal of European Public Policy, 26:7, 1018–36.
  • Shaw, J. (2018). ‘Citizenship and Free Movement in a Changing EU’, in B. Martill and U. Staiger (eds.), Brexit and Beyond. Rethinking the Futures of Europe. London: UCL Press, 156–64.
  • Startin, Nicholas (2015). ‘Have we Reached a Tipping Point? The Mainstreaming of Euroscepticism in the UK’, International Political Science Review, 36:3, 311–23.
  • Streeck, Wolfgang (2021). Zwischen Globalismus und Demokratie: Politische Ökonomie im ausgehenden Neoliberalismus. Franfurt: Suhrkamp.
  • Szent-Ivanyi, Balazs, and Patryk Kugiel (2020). ‘The Challenge from Within: EU Development Cooperation and the Rise of Illiberalism in Hungary and Poland’, Journal of Contemporary European Research, 16:2, 120–38.
  • Taggart, Paul, and Aleks Szczerbiak (2018). ‘Putting Brexit into Perspective: The Effect of the Eurozone and Migration Crises and Brexit on Euroscepticism in European States’, Journal of European Public Policy, 25:8, 1194–214.
  • Tilley, James, and Sara B. Hobolt (2023). ‘Losers’ Consent and Emotions in the Aftermath of the Brexit Referendum’, West European Politics. https://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2023.2168945
  • Usherwood, Simon (2019). ‘Shooting the Fox? UKIP’s Populism in the Post-Brexit Era’, West European Politics, 42:6, 1209–29.
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  • Wincott, Daniel, Gregory Davies, and Alan Wager (2021). ‘Crisis, What Crisis? Conceptualizing Crisis, UK Pluri-Constitutionalism and Brexit Politics’, Regional Studies, 55:9, 1528–37.
  • Zeitlin, Jonathan, Francesco Nicoli, and Brigid Laffan (2019). ‘Introduction: The European Union beyond the Polycrisis? Integration and Politicization in an Age of Shifting Cleavages’, Journal of European Public Policy, 26:7, 963–76.