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Original Articles

Japan as a Seapower: Strategy, Doctrine, and Capabilities under Three Defence Reviews, 1995–2010


Unpublished Official Documents and Personal Papers

  • Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force (JMSDF), Chakuninni Saishi Kunji (着任に際し訓示 – New Instructions of the Chief of Maritime Staff), Maritime Staff Office, Japan Defence Agency/Japan Ministry of Defence.
  • Admiral Uchida Katsuomi, 1 July 1969.
  • Admiral Yada Tsuguo, 15 Feb. 1980.
  • Admiral Nagata Hiroshi, 1 Aug. 1985.
  • Admiral Sakuma Makoto, 31 Aug. 1989.
  • Admiral Fukuchi Takeo, 15 Dec. 1994.
  • Admiral Natsukawa Katsuya, 25 March 1996.
  • Admiral Yamamoto Yasumasa, 13 Oct. 1997.
  • Admiral Ishikawa Tōru, 27 March 2001.
  • Admiral Furushō Kōichi, 28 Jan. 2003.
  • Admiral Akahoshi Keiji, 24 March 2008.
  • Admiral Sugimoto Masahiko, 26 July 2010.
  • Akimoto, Kazumine, Captain, JMSDF, “Ocean Stabilisation” – A New Security Concept (Tokyo: National Institute for Defence Studies 1997);
  • Ishiba, Shigeru, ‘Regional Perspectives on Asia-Pacific Security: Japan’, IISS Asia Security Conference, Singapore, 30 May 2003;
  • Ishiba, Shigeru, ‘Japan’, IISS Asia Security Conference, Singapore, 5 June 2004.

Interviews (all interviews took place in Tokyo unless otherwise stated)

  • Akimoto, Kazumine (13 Jan. 2005); Takai, Susumu (18 March 2005); Ōta, Fumio (Yokosuka, 28 April 2005); Kaneda, Hideaki (5 Aug. 2005); Anonymous Captain, JMSDF (Kanoya, 25 Aug. 2005); Anonymous Lt Commander, Italian Navy (Venice, 16 Oct. 2006); Kawano, Katsutoshi (26 June 2007); Yamashita, Kazuki (19 Aug. 2007); Kōda, Yōji (5 July 2007, 27 May 2008); Kizu, Tōru, 30 May 2008; Anonymous senior JMoD officials (July and Aug. 2009); Anonymous Captain, JMSDF, (Kanoya, 11 April 2010); Takei, Tomohisa (12 Sept. 2012).

Official Publications

  • Abe, Shinzō, ‘Message from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the Occasion of “Marine Day”’, 13 July 2013.
  • Advisory Group on Defence Issues, The Modality of the Security and Defense Capability of Japan (Tokyo 1994).
  • Government of Japan, National Security Strategy (Tokyo 17 Dec. 2013).
  • Japan Defence Agency, Defense of Japan: Response to a New Era (Tokyo: The Japan Times 1996).
  • Japan Defence Agency, National Defense Program Outline In and After FY 1996 (Tokyo: JDA Dec. 1996).
  • Japan Defence Agency, Defense of Japan (Tokyo: The Japan Times 2005–2006).
  • Japan Defence Agency, National Defense Program Guidelines, FY 2005- (Tokyo 10 Dec. 2010).
  • Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force, Kaijōjieitai Gojū Nenshi (海上自衛隊五十年史 – JMSDF’s Fifty Year History) (Tokyo 2003).
  • Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force, Kaijōjieitai Gojū Nenshi – Shiryōhen(海上自衛隊五十年史、資料編 – JMSDF’s Fifty Year History – Data) (Tokyo 2003).
  • Japan Ministry of Defence (JMoD), Defense of Japan 2010 (Tokyo: JMoD 2010, 2013).
  • Japan Ministry of Defence, National Defense Program Guidelines for FY 2011 and Beyond (Tokyo 17 Dec. 2010).
  • Japan Ministry of Defence, Japan Defense Focus, No. 33 (2012) and No. 40 (2013).
  • Japan Ministry of Defence, National Defense Program Guidelines for FY 2014 and Beyond (Tokyo 17 Dec. 2013).
  • Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Guidelines for Japan US Defense Cooperation (Tokyo Sept. 1997).
  • National Institute for Defence Studies, East Asian Strategic Review (Tokyo: The Japan Times 2004–2007, 2010–2012).
  • Sukegawa, Yasushi, ‘A New Government at a Difficult Time: Japan’s Security Outlook’, The NIDS International Workshop on Asia Pacific Security (Tokyo 17 Jan. 2013).
  • Sususmu, Takai and Kazumine Akimoto, ‘Ocean-Peace Keeping and New Roles for Maritime Force’, NIDS Security Reports 1 (2000), 57–79.
  • The Council on Security and Defense Capabilities, Japan’s Visions for Future Security and Defense Capabilities (Tokyo 2004).
  • The Council on Security and Defense and Capabilities in the New Era, Japan’s Visions for Future Security and Defense and Capabilities in the New Era (Tokyo 2010).

Newspaper and Periodical Articles

  • Holmes, James R., ‘Japan’s Cold War Navy’, The Naval Diplomat, 15 Oct. 2012.
  • ‘Japan Military “Needs Marines and Drones”’, BBC News - Asia, 26 July 2013.
  • ‘SDF Starts Unprecedented Exercise in Kyushu, Okinawa’, Asahi Shimbun – Asia & Japan Watch, 11 Nov. 2011.
  • Simpson, James, ‘Coast Guard to Pick Up Retiring Hatsuyuki-Class Destroyers?’, Japan Security Watch, 2 April 2013.
  • Spitzer, Kirk, ‘A Nice Fit for Japan?’, Battleland – Time US, 17 June 2013.
  • Spitzer, Kirk, ‘Japan Learns Anew How to Fight From the Sea’, Battleland – Time US, 27 June 2013.

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