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Opening up adult religious education and faith development in Ireland: the AREFD project



  • Anderson, B., G. Byrne, and S. Cullen. 2016. “Religious Pluralism, Education, and Citizenship in Ireland.” In Islam, Religions, and Pluralism in Europe, edited by E. Aslan, R. Ebrahaim, and M. Hermansen, 161–172. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Bengtson, V. L., N. M. Putney, and S. Harris. 2013. Families and Faith: How Religion Is Passed on across Generations. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Boschki, R. 2005. “Re-reading Martin Buber and Janusz Korczak: Fresh Impulses toward a Relational Approach to Religious Education.” Religious Education 100 (2): 114–126. doi:10.1080/00344080590932391.
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  • Byrne, G. 2004. “Embracing Life at Its Fullest: The Spirituality of Religious Educators and School Chaplains.” In At the Heart of Education: School Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care, edited by J. Norman, 184–196. Dublin: Veritas.
  • Byrne, G. 2008. “Lifelong Religious Education in Home, Parish and Other Educational Environments.” In Exploring Religious Education: Catholic Religious Education in an Intercultural Europe, edited by A. Hession and P. Kieran, 35–41. Dublin: Veritas.
  • Byrne, G. 2013. “Pluralism, Dialogue and Religious Education in ‘Share the Good News: National Directory for Catechesis’.” In Toward Mutual Ground: Pluralism, Religious Education and Diversity in Irish Schools, edited by G. Byrne and P. Kieran, 147–155. Dublin: Veritas.
  • Byrne, G. 2018. “The Place of Religious Education in the Changing Landscape that Is Ireland Today.” In Religious Education in Catholic Schools, edited by S. Whittle, 33–50. Oxford: Peter Lang.
  • Byrne, G., and B. Sweetman. 2019. “CPD and RE: What Do RE Teachers in Ireland Say They Need?” In Global Perspectives on Catholic Religious Education in Schools, edited by M. Buchanan and A. Gellel, 231–243. Singapore: Springer.
  • Byrne, G., L. J. Francis, and U. McKenna. 2019. “Exploring the Social Benefit of Religious Education in Post-primary Schools within the Republic of Ireland: An Empirical Enquiry among 13– 15-year-old Students.” In Religion and Education: The Voices of Young People in Ireland, edited by G. Byrne and L. J. Francis, 204–221. Dublin: Veritas.
  • Byrne, G., L. J. Francis, B. Sweetman, and U. McKenna. 2019. “Sustaining Churchgoing Young Catholics in the Republic of Ireland: Assessing the Importance of Parental Example.” In Religion and Education: The Voices of Young People in Ireland, edited by G. Byrne and L. J. Francis, 223–241. Dublin: Veritas.
  • Cairns, E., and J. Darby. 1998. “The Conflict in Northern Ireland: Causes, Consequences and Controls.” American Psychologist 53: 754–760. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.53.7.754.
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  • Campbell, H. 2005. Exploring Religious Community Online: We are One in the Network. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Campbell, H. 2010. When Religion Meets New Media. London: Routledge.
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  • Central Statistics Office. 2017b. “Census 2016 Summary Results: Part 1.” https://www.cso.ie/en/media/csoie/newsevents/documents/census2016summaryresultspart1/Census2016SummaryPart1.pdf
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  • Codd, A. 2017. “Religious Education in an Ecclesiological Perspective.” In Does Religious Education Matter? edited by M. Shanahan, 225–234. Abingdon, New York: Routledge.
  • Coll, N. 2013. “Religious Pluralism and Educational Practice Northern Ireland.” In Toward Mutual Ground: Pluralism, Religious Education and Diversity in Irish Schools, edited by G. Byrne and P. Kieran, 157–173. Dublin: Columba.
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  • English, L. 2000. “Spiritual Dimensions of Informal Learning.” New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education 85: 29–38. doi:10.1002/ace.8503.
  • Francis, L. J., G. Byrne, C. A. Lewis, and B. Sweetman. 2020. “Religious Affect and Personal Happiness: Are There Significant Differences between Catholic Adolescents in the Republic of Ireland and in Northern Ireland?” Journal of Religious Education 68: 13–27. doi:10.1007/s40839-020-00095-6.
  • Fuller, L. 2002. Irish Catholicism since 1950: The Undoing of a Culture. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan.
  • Goldburg, P. 14 February 2020. “Nostalgia and the Future of Religious Education in Catholic Schools”. In Paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Catholic Religious Education in Schools, Melbourne.
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  • Hutchings, T. 2011. “Contemporary Religious Community and the Online Church.” Information, Communication & Society 14 (8): 1118–1135. doi:10.1080/1369118X.2011.591410.
  • Irish Episcopal Conference. 2010. Share the Good News: National Directory for Catechesis in Ireland. Dublin: Veritas.
  • Kieran, P., ed. 2019. Connecting Lives: Interbelief Dialogue in Contemporary Ireland. Dublin: Veritas.
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  • Ó Murchú, D. 1998. Reclaiming Spirituality: A New Spiritual Framework for Today’s World. New York: Crossroad.
  • National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. 2019. “Junior Cycle Religious Education Specification.” https://ncca.ie/media/3785/junior-cycle-religious-education-specification.pdf
  • National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. 2020. “Draft Primary Curriculum Framework.” https://ncca.ie/media/4870/en-primary-curriculum-framework-dec-2020.pdf
  • Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelisation. 2020. Directory for Catechesis. London: Catholic Truth Society.
  • Silverman, M. 2017. A Pedagogy of Humanist Moral Education: The Educational Thought of Janusz Korczak. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Simojoki, H. 2019. “Researching Confirmation Work in Europe. An Example of Research on Non-formal Education.” In Researching Non-formal Religious Education in Europe, edited by F. Schweitzer, W. Ilg, and P. Schreiner, 235–250. Münster: Waxmann.
  • Stuart-Buttle, R. 2011. “Communicating Faith and Online Learning.” In Communicating Faith, edited by J. Sullivan, 328–343. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press.
  • Stuart-Buttle, R. 2014. “Interrupting Adult Learning through Online Pedagogy.” Journal of Education and Christian Belief 18 (1): 61–75. doi:10.1177/205699711401800107.
  • Sweetman, B. 2019. “What Does a Religious or Spiritual Irish Adult Look Like?” RTE Brainstorm, Accessed 30 August 2019. https://www.rte.ie/brainstorm/2019/0830/1071822-what-does-a-religious-or-spiritual-irish-adult-look-like/
  • Tisdell, E. J. 2008. “Spirituality and Adult Learning.” New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education 119: 27–36. doi:10.1002/ace.303.
  • Wickett, R. 2005. “Adult Learning Theories and Theological Education.” Journal of Adult Theological Education 2 (2): 153–161. doi:10.1558/jate.2005.2.2.153.
  • Williams, K. 2005. Faith and the Nation: Religion, Culture and Schooling in Ireland. Dublin: Dominican.
  • Wuthnow, R. 1998. After Heaven: Spirituality in America since the 1950s. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Zeph, C. 2000. “The Spiritual Dimensions of Lay Ministry Programs.” New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education 85: 77–84. doi:10.1002/ace.8508.