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Engaging clinical examiners with structured feedback to enhance assessment practices



  • Boursicot K, Kemp S, Wilkinson T, Findyartini A, Canning C, Cilliers F, Fuller R. 2021. Performance assessment: Consensus statement and recommendations from the 2020 Ottawa Conference. Med Teach. 43(1):58–67.
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  • Hope D, Cameron H. 2015. Examiners are most lenient at the start of a two-day OSCE. Med Teach. 37(1):81–85.
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  • Khan KZ, Ramachandran S, Gaunt K, Pushkar P. 2013. The objective structured clinical examination (OSCE): AMEE guide no. 81. Part I: An historical and theoretical perspective. Med Teach. 35(9):e1437–e1446.
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  • Sturman N, Ostini R, Wong WY, Zhang J, David M. 2017. On the same page? The effect of GP examiner feedback on differences in rating severity in clinical assessments: a pre/post intervention study. BMC Med Educ. 17(1):101–101.
  • Tai J, Ajjawi R, Boud D, Dawson P, Panadero E. 2018. Developing evaluative judgement. High Educ. 76(3):467–481.
  • Warm E, Kelleher M, Kinnear B, Sall D. 2018. Feedback on feedback as a faculty development tool. J Grad Med Educ. 10(3):354–355.
  • Wong WY. 2019. Consistency of examiner judgements on competency-based assessments: a case study in medical education [dissertation on the Internet]. St Lucia (QLD): The University of Queensland.
  • Wong WYA, Roberts C, Thistlethwaite J. 2020. Impact of structured feedback on examiner judgements in objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) using generalisability theory. Health Prof Educ. 6(2):271–281.